Teacher Candidate:
Ms. Fliszar
Cooperating Teacher: Mr. Rankin Group Size:
Date: 10/15/14 Coop. Initials th
Large Group Allotted Time 2 class periods Grade Level 4 Grade
Subject or Topic:
Earth’s Interior
Section 010
STANDARD: 3.3.4.A1 Identify the layers of the Earth.
I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes): th
The 4 grade students will be able to identify the layers of the Earth by constructing a model of the Earth.
II. Instructional Materials Pencil Highlighter Paper Poster board Passage worksheet Markers Crossword puzzle Hard-boiled egg Egg journal entry Layers of the Earth rap song lyrics Vocabulary list 8 colors of play dough
III. Subject Matter/Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea, o utline of additional content) A. Prerequisite skills 1. Read, write, and comprehend 2. Work in groups
B. Key Vocabulary 1. Inner core- Dense metallic center of the Earth (liquid) 2. Outer core- Dense metallic center of the Earth (solid) 3. Crust- brittle, rocky outer layer of the Earth 4. Mantle- the thick middle layer in the solid part of the Earth 5. Nickel- a specific type of metal 6. Lithosphere- the rigid layer of Earth that includes the crust and the uppermost mantle 7. Observation- an act of noting a fact or occurrences 8. Magnetosphere- the outer part of the Earth’s magnetic field 9. Asthenosphere- a plastic, or flowing, layer within Earth’s mantle 10. Globe- a visual 3D representation of the Earth C. Big Idea 1. What are the 4 layers of the earth? D. Additional content
IV. Implementation A. Introduction 1. First, ask students what a globe represents. Explain to them that a globe is a model of the Earth. Scientists use models to represent objects. 2. Present a model of the Earth's interior (Handout). Tell students there are ways that scientists study the interior of the Earth: drilling holes or studying material brought up to the surface by volcanic eruptions. 3. Explain that the Earth is made of three main layers: crust, mantle, and core. Draw them on the board using colored chalk. Explain that the core is divided into two layers: solid inner core an d liquid outer core.
B. Development 1. Children will take out their Earth’s Interior handout. 2. The teacher will have a hardboiled egg. 3. The egg represents the three main layers of the earth (core, crust, and mantle). 4. The students will answer the following questions: a) Which part of the egg represents the core? b) Which part of the egg represents the crust? c) Which part of the egg represents the mantle? 5. The students will fill out egg worksheet and put in science notebook. 6. The teacher will handout a passage on the earth’s interior. 7. The students will independently read the passage and highlight important parts. 8. The teacher will then divide the class into 4 groups.
a) Each group will be assigned one layer of the earth (inner core, outer core, crust, and mantle). b) The group will get a large piece of poster board and markers and draw a diagram of the earth. c) The group will write facts about their layer and color their layer. d) After all the groups are done, the students will present to the class. 9. The students will then make a vocabulary list of terms needed to know for this topic provided by the teacher, and put them in their science notebook. (These words are the key terms.) 10. The students will be given a crossword puzz le to complete for homework on the vocabulary words. 11. Students will be given the lyrics to a rap song Mr. Lee Layers of the Earth. 12. The children will listen and discuss with the teacher each line in the song and how it teaches the layers of the earth.
C. Closure 1. The teacher will display multiple colors of play d ough in front of the classroom. 2. The students will be given the opportunity to pick out 4 different colors and make a model of the earth. 3. The student will then make a key labeling the layer corresponding to the color.
D. Accommodations/Differentiation 1. For S.W, with a learning disability, during group work place him with children who are leaders and helpful. 2. For S.W, with a learning disability, highlight or bo ld important parts in the passage for him.
E. Assessment/Evaluation Plan Formative1. The teacher will float during group activities to formatively assess the comprehension and progress of the students. (Th e teacher will use a data sheet to record the data). 2. The teacher will assess the children’s ability to present to the class. 3. The teacher will collect the model of the Earth with the key. 4. The teacher will collect the word search and examine the child’s comprehension of vocabulary.
Summative1. Science notebooks will be collected at the end of the unit to demonstrate understanding of each lesson.
V. Reflective Response A. Report of Student Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives (Reflection on student performance written after lesson is taught, includes remediation for students who fail to meet acceptable level of achievement) Remediation Plan B. Personal Reflection (Questions written before lesson is taught. Reflective answers to question recorded after lesson is taught) 1. How can this lesson be improved?
2. Is there more material I should add?
3. Are the students making meaningful connections?
4. Are the students comprehending the layers of the Earth.
VI. Resources (in APA format) The Layers of the Earth. (2006, January 1). Retrieved October 6, 2014, from http://www.instructorweb.com/docs/pdf/earthlayerles.pdf