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PA104 TFE FILIPINO WORLD: Ethnography of Local Knowl!g F" Lan!a #ocano Intro!$ct%on In #ocano&' %ntro!$ct%on h 'a%! that th 't$!y of th F%l%p%no Worl!(%w ha' not rc%(! f$ll attnt%on yt" ) 'tr''! th n! to go *yon! th concpt of worl!(%w a' art' an! h$+an%t%' to on that foc$'' on how F%l%p%no' prc%( th%r '$rro$n!%ng worl!, what th%' worl! +an' to th+ an! how thy r'pon! or a!apt to %t" )ow th' concpt' an! +an%ng' of th $n%(r' affct F%l%p%no way of l%f" ) !f%n! worl!(%w -way a popl charactr%'t%cally loo. $pon th $n%(r'"/ Th way F%l%p%no' loo. an! th way thy r'pon! to o$r '$rro$n!%ng worl! pa( th way to h%ghl%ght th local .nowl!g of th $n%(r'" Th%' .nowl!g %ncl$!' th -concpt of nat$r, 'oc%ty an! th 'lf" Togthr, th' concpt', +a. $p an! !f%n th way of l%f w call c$lt$r" ) !%'c$''! an! %ntro!$c! th not%on of th F%l%p%no worl!(%w %n rlat%on to o$r c$lt$r" ) pla%n! that th worl! (%w %' th ''nc of o$r way of l%f" ) ga( (ar%o$' !f%n%t%on of c$lt$r an! fro+ tho' !f%n%t%on' h !r%(! that cntral to th concpt of c$lt$r %' th %!a of a 'har! .nowl!g" Th%' .nowl!g con'%'t%ng of a*'tract concpt' ar +a! +an%f't a' o*ct%( ral%ty *y a''oc%at%ng %t w%th concrt +atr%al o*ct'" ) concl$!! thrfor, a worl!(%w to * $n!r'too! proprly, %t +$'t * 'n, (al$at!, an! apprc%at! %n %t' c$lt$ral contt" ) al'o rlat' worl!(%w %n th contt of lang$ag a' a *arr of c$lt$r an! +an' an! +!%$+ of +an%ng an! pr''%on" Thr %' an %!nt%f%cat%on of +atr%al th%ng' *for on can p$t +an%ng %nto" ) al'o po%nt! o$t that '%ng %' c$lt$ral" ) al'o pla%n! that w co++$n%cat o$r %+ag of th worl! thro$gh rl%g%on, 'pc%ally %n rl%g%o$' r%t$al' an! cr+on%'" ) pla%n! that %n cl*rat%ng or prfor+%ng a '%+pl rl%g%o$' r%t, any o*ct %' tran'for+! fro+ $t%l%tar%an an! 'c$lar to rl%g%o$' an! 'acr! %n 'oc%ty&' *l%f 'y't+" 2$'to+ary pract%c' how(r, ar act$ally r%t' of %ntract%on" Thy con't%t$t anothr 't of o*'r(a*l *ha(%or that +a.' pl%c%t th popl&' (%w" Th 't$!y&' !ata %' +o'tly !r%(! fro+ th%r f%l! r'arch %n r$ral
'ctor' of F%l%p%no 'oc%ty a' foc$' of th%' 't$!y *ca$' +any of th tra!%t%onal *l%f ar 't%ll %ntact" Th !ata gathr! ar fro+ lngthn! r'%!nc an! part%c%pant o*'r(at%on %n !%ffrnt co++$n%t%' a' wll a' %ntr(%w'" Thy rta%n! +any nat%( tr+' to .p th or%g%nal +an%ng an! contt of local contt" Th $' of th Engl%'h lang$ag %' to rach a w%!r a$!%nc" #ocano&' 't$!y of th F%l%p%no worl!(%w %' (ry !yna+%c an! %n h%' %ntro!$ct%on h ga( th %ntrrlat%on of o$r worl!(%w %n !%ffrnt a*'tract concpt'" 2oncpt' that ar (ry clo' to $' '$ch $' lang$ag, rl%g%o$' pract%c' an! c$'to+ary pract%c'" ) al'o ga( '$ff%c%nt planat%on an! a+pl' of th' a*'tract concpt'" I agr to th $' of nat%( lang$ag to pr'r( th +an%ng an! contt of th local concpt'" )ow(r, I th%n. *y $'%ng th Engl%'h lang$ag, %t +ay chang th %ntrprtat%on of th local concpt *%ng pla%n!"