A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the Nursing Department San Pedro College, Davao City
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING
by: Erika May Bohol Sheryl Corpuz Kathleene Deboma Carlo Peli
Ceryll Hope Pizaña Kristee Jane Rivera Noeme Anne Umpa
October 2008
SAN PEDRO COLLEGE 12 C. de Guzman Street, Davao City Philippines APPROVAL SHEET
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing this THESIS entitled: THE PERSONALITY TYPES AFFECTING THE PERFORMANCE OF SELECTED BSN-2 STUDENTS SY 2007-2008 2 ND SEMESTER AT THE CLINICAL AREA has been prepared and submitted by Erika May U. Bohol, Sheryl E. Corpuz, Kathleene S. Deboma, Carlo V. Peli, Ceryll Hope E. Pizaña, Kristee Jane C. Rivera, Noeme Anne P. Umpa who are recommended for the corresponding ORAL EXAMINATION. _________________________ MARLEONIE BAUYOT, PhD Adviser APPROVED in partial fulfillment of the requirements foe the degree of
Bachelor of Science in Nursing by the Oral Examination Committee:
___________________________ VICTOR C. BONGAR, PhD Panel
__________________________ CECILE PASINO, PhD Panel
___________________________ JEANNIE BIBEREA, RN, MSN Dean of Nursing
__________________________ MARLEONIE BAUYOT, PhD Research Instructor
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing
_____________________________ MA. MINDA LACUESTA, MACT Dean of College
______________ October 2008 Personality Types iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
The group would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the following that helped us a lot in making this thesis First, is to God Almighty who gives us strength, unconditional blessing, an d guidance throughout our life’s journey; To our dearest Research Instructor Mr. Marleonie Bauyot, PhD who shared to us his knowledge and precious time in educating us in making this thesis; Cecile Clavinda Pasino, PhD and Victor Bongar, PhD, for their guidance and assistance so that this thesis be made possible.; To the Dean of College, Ma. Minda Lacuesta, MACT, for allowing us to accomplish our study within the school premises; To the Dean of Nursing, Nu rsing, Jeannie Bibera, RN, MSN for allowing us to con duct this research study; To the level III Coordinators, Loyalda Lazarraga RN, MAN and Leah Zamora, RN, MAED, MN for giving us permission to allow us to have the 3rd year student nurses be our respondents in accomplishing the said research paper; To Fe R. Solera, MSGC and Sarah Bernadette Baleña, RN, MAN for validating our questionnaires and for making any necessary changes for the improvement of this study;
To the respondents, who gave gav e their time and support in making significance towards this research paper; Personality Types iv To our beloved parents, classmates, and friends who give unconditional support and helped us throughout the making of the study; for inspiring us in pursuing our career pa th and encouraging us to aim high; Finally, to those names not mentioned but in one way or another have helped the group researchers to finish this thesis on time, our heartfelt and sincerest thanks to all.
The Researcher
Personality Types v Abstract This study is designed to determine the level of performance of personality type A and type B of Bachelor of Science in Nursing 2nd year students (SY’ 2007-2008), who have undergone the NCM-RLE 101 in terms of their grade in the Pre-clinical rotation. Moreover, the significant difference on the NCM-RLE 101 grade when grouped according to personality type was determined. This study was con ducted in San Pedro College which is located at 12 1 2 C. de Guzman Street, Davao City. The methods utilized in gathering data were questionnaires which undergone confirmation and validation by the Guidance Counselor of the school. Quota Sampling was used to determine what personality type really affects their performances. The statistical tools that were used in this study were the mean, standard deviation, and t-test for uncorrelated samples to ensure the adequacy of the data to be presented. Based on the findings of the study, it revealed that there was a significant difference in the personality types affecting the performance of selected Bachelor of Science in Nursing 2nd year level students School Year 2007-2008 second semester at the clinical area. The result of the study shows that respondents who have type B personality mostly affect their performance at the clinical area.
Personality Types vi Table of Contents
Page TITLE PAGE ………………………………………………………………..i ………………………………………………………………..i APPROVAL SHEET ………………………… …………………………………………………… …………………………….ii ….ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ………………………… ……………………………………………......iii …………………......iii ABSTRACT ……….………………… ……….…………………………………………… ……………………………………..v …………..v LIST OF TABLES ………………………………………………..………viii ………………………………………………..………viii LIST OF FIGURES ………………………… …………………………………….………………… ………….…………………..ix ..ix CHAPTER I
INTRODUCTION Review of Literature ………………………….…2 Theoretical/Conceptual Framework .....………....5 Statement of the Problem ...……………………..6 .. .……………………..6 Hypothesis……………………………………….7
METHOD Design ………………………… …………………………...……..………..8 ...……..………..8 Setting ………………………… ………………………………….………..8 ……….………..8 Participants ………………………… ………………………………………9 ……………9 Measures …………………………… ………………………………………...9 …………...9 Procedure ………………………… ……………………………………….12 …………….12
RESULTS ………………………… …………………………………..………….13 ………..………….13
DISCUSSION…………………………………… DISCUSSION…………………………………………..17 ……..17
REFERENCES ………………………… ……………………………………………………… …………………………………...20 ……...20 APPENDICES A Letter to the Dean of College …………………………21 …………………………21 B Letter to to the Dean of Nursing ………………..……….22 ………………..……….22 C Letter to the 3rd year Level Chairman ………………..23
D Letter to the Respondents ………………………… ……………………………24 …24 E Instrument .…………………………… .…………………………………………...25 ……………...25 Personality Types vii CURRICULUM VITAE …………………………… …………………………………………..…………27 ……………..…………27
Personality Types viii LIST OF TABLES
Numb Number er of Ques Questi tion onss per per Crit Criter eria ia unde under r Personality Test ………………………… ……………………………………………………… …………………………….........9 .........9
Range Range in determ determini ining ng the the type type of Person Personali ality ty of of the the studen studentt …………… ……………... ...10 10
Range Range of the the NCM NCM-R -RLE LE 101 grad gradee to to det deter ermi mine ne the the level of performance of the students ………………………………………11
Scor Scorin ing g Table Table for for the the Res Resea earc rch h Tool Tool ………… ……………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………1 …11 1
Personality Test: Mean Scores for Each Indicator for type A personality …………………...13
Personality Test: Mean Scores for Each Indicator for type B personality…………… personality…………………….14 ……….14
Level Level of per perfo form rman ance ce of stud studen ents ts wit with h pers person onal alit ity y type type A in terms of their grades in NCM-RLE 101 1 01 …………………………………14
Level Level of per perfo form rman ance ce of stud studen ents ts wit with h pers person onal alit ity y type type B in terms of their grades in NCM-RLE 101 1 01 …………………………………15
Mean Mean and and Sta Stand ndar ard d Dev Deviiatio ation n of of the NCM-RLE 101 Grades of Personality Type A and Type B ……………16
Differ Difference ence in in the leve levell of perfor performan mance ce in terms terms of of NCM-RL NCM-RLE E 101
grade when grouped according to personality type …………………………16
Personality Types ix LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1
Page Conceptual Framework: The level of performance of personality type A and type B in terms of their grade in NCM-RLE 101 ………………………..6
Person Personali ality ty is a dynami dynamicc and organi organized zed set of charac character terist istics ics posses possessed sed by a person that uniquely influences his or her cognitions, motivations, and behaviors in various situations (Passer, 2004). Indeed this is true, all people has their own uniqueness within them. Personality types can be distinguished from personality from personality traits, traits, which come in diff differ erent ent leve levels ls or degre degrees es.O .Our ur pers person onal alit ity y vari varies es from from one one anot anothe herr and thes thesee personalities affect our performances in different ways especially if your profession deals with other people at all times like in the course of Nursing. A nurse is responsible along with other health other health care professionals for the treatment, safety, and recovery of acutely or chronically ill/injured people, health maintenance of the healthy, and treatment of life-threatening emergencies in a wide range of health care settings. Nurses may also be involved in medical and nursing research and perform a wide range of non-clinical functions necessary to the delivery of health care. Nurses are somewhat described as angels for their clean and white attire, also with those innocent looks, you really can’t help but bu t like and trust them so much. But Bu t being a nurse is not just all about the looks. A true nurse is being measured through his/her skill, knowledge, and attitude. Nurses are expected to be versatile because they are well trained
and exposed to different areas wherein it could only be within the clinical field or o r outside areas. However, not all nurses or even student nurses are the same; same; they have different Personality Types 2 qualities which made each one of them unique. These personalities have particular corresponding behavior which it would respond properly. At hospitals and even community settings, nurses vary from the other. One may be knowledgeable and skillful but lacks appropriate attitude on how to d eal with their clients. Since this chosen course entails a patient- n urse relationship, the student must adapt accordingly. Inculcated knowledge or applied skills that they have acquired as not enough for them to have an acceptable performance. But the main issue here is what particular personality that student nurses must show? Are those smart, highly competitive, hostile and aggressive performing better? How about those relaxed, easygoing, and patient? Which side would be most likely to be effective when it comes to caring or nursing others? And so this research seeks to find the exact personality that nurses, most especially the future nurses must render to their patients or clients. This study about the personality types & the effects will be able to supplement the researchers. Also, this research would like to determine if the personality of the student nurse that would affect their level of performance since we used the respondent’s NCM-RLE 101 grade as one of the variable to know if there is really a significant difference in their performance at the clinical area.
Review of Literature
Personality is everything, both physical and psychological; it includes both overt behaviors and covert thoughts, it not no t only is something, but it does something. Personality Types 3 Personality is both substance and change, both bo th product and process, both structure and growth. (J. & G. Feist, 2002) We frequently use the word personality when describing others, an d ourselves and we all believe we know what it means. Perhaps we do, one psychologist suggested that we can get a good idea of its meaning if we examine what we intend when we use the word I. When you say I, you are in effect, summing up everything about yourself- your likes and dislikes, fears and virtues, strengths and weaknesses. The word “I” what defines you as an individual, as a person separate from all others (Chesney et al., 1997). Several theories have explained the process determining formation of human personality. Freudian, Ericksonian, and Sullivinian theories of personality development generally emphasize the importance of nurturance, whereas biogenetic hypotheses and theories emphasize the importance of gene transmission in the formation of personality. Social learning and cognitive-behavioral theorists assert that personality characteristics are acquired through the interaction of various cognitive processes with the environment. (Johnson, 1994)
Type A and Type B Personalities
A behavior pattern or personality style that has received a great deal of attention is the Type A pattern. Over the years physicians had noticed that heart attack victims tend
to be hostile, aggressive, impatient individuals who were over involved in their work. In the 1950’s, two cardiologists defined a set of behavior that seemed to characterize Personality Types 4 patients with coronary heart disease; these were labeled the Type A pattern (Atkinson et al., 2000). People who exhibit exh ibit this behavior pattern are extremely competitive and achievement oriented; they have a sense of time urgency, find it difficult to relax, and become impatient and angry when confronted with delays or with people whom they view as incompetent. Although outwardly self-confident, they are prey to constant feelings of self-doubt; they push themselves to accomplish more & more in less & less time. Type B people don’t exhibit exh ibit the characteristics of Type A. They are able to relax without feeling guilty and to work without becoming agitated; they lack a sense of time urgency, with its accompanying impatience, and are not easily roused to anger (Atkinson et al., 2000) Type A’s seem to chafe at the normal pace of events. They hurry hu rry from one activity to another, racing the clock in self-imposed urgency. As they do, they feel a constant sense of frustration and anger (Miller et al., 1996). Type A behavior, the pattern associated with the potential for heart disease, has been distinguished from Type B behavior by expressions of disgust, glaring, grimacing, and scowling (Chesney et al., 1997). According to Adler, first-borns are concerned with power and authority. One way for first-borns should score high on measures of achievement; an idea has received much research. In many areas, from college attendance to high-level meeting, first-borns have been found to be over-represented relative to their proportion of the population. More
first-borns become eminent, and they tend to attain greater intellectual achievement in academic settings and greater power prestige in their career. Evidence also suggest that Personality Types 5 first-borns and only-born exhibit some of the Type A personality, a pattern associated with heart disease (Passer, 2004).
Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
This researcher identified two different personalities that would qualify either in type A or type B. Furthermore, it was contemplated that both traits make the individual wise and cautious in clinical performances. These theories was supported by Dr. Meyer Friedman developed with colleague R.H. Rosenman that the theory Type A personality, also known as the Type A Behavior Pattern, Pattern, is a set of characteristics that includes being impatient, excessively timeconscious, insecure about one's status, highly competitive, hostile and aggressive, and incapable of relaxation. Type A individuals are often high-achieving workaholics who multi-task, drive themselves with deadlines, and are unhap py about the smallest of delays. On the other hand, Type B personality is more likely than a Type A personality to be patient, relaxed, creative and imaginative, easy-going, also inclined to self-analyze. Type A personalities may be highly intellectual or serious about almost eve rything but it doesn’t mean that people with the type A personality are incapable of showing love, affection or other types of non-pessimistic behavior. There is also a Type AB mixed profile for people who cannot be clearly categorized and have a combination of both
types of personality. In addition, Type A personalities are somewhat very aggressive and are very focused in finishing every job or task, which made them achievers and movers. Personality Types 6 Finally, Jean Schweer mentioned that not only the patient’s well-being but also the evaluation of the student was also measured on knowledge, skill and performance. Additional, nursing students were evaluated based on their knowledge and understanding, technical competence and attitudes during clinical exposure.
Independent Variable
Dependent Variable
Personality types:
The level of performance of students of the BSN 2 students in terms of:
a. the grades in NCM-RLE 101
Figure 1. 1. Conceptual Framework: The level of performance of personality type A and type B of Bachelor of Science in Nursing 2nd year students (SY’ 2007-2008), who have undergone the NCM-RLE 101 in terms of their grade in the Pre-clinical rotation.
The researchers conceptually illustrated the relationship between the variables of the study. study. The level of perfor performan mance ce of personal personalit ity y type type A and type B of Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Nursing 2nd year students (SY’ 2007-2008), who have undergone the NCMRLE 101 in terms of their grade in the Pre-clinical rotation.
Statement of the Problem
This study aimed to determine the personality types affecting the performance of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Nu rsing from level III (former BSN 2 students of School Year Personality Types 7 2007-2008) during their clinical performance. Since BSN 2 students are new to the clinical set up; this research has chosen them as subject. The personality type of each student varies on how they manage their task during their first exposure in the clinical area. Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions: 1. What is the level of performance of students with personality type A in terms of: a. the grades in NCM-RLE 101? 2. What is the level of performance of students with personality type B in terms of: a. the grades in NCM-RLE 101? 3. Is there a significant difference in the level of performance in terms of NCMRLE 101 grade when grouped according to personality type?
Hypothesis H1
There is a significant difference in the level o f performance in terms of NCM-RLE 101 when grouped according to personality
This chapter discusses the methods utilized by the researcher in data gathering. Descriptions on the research setting, the participants, measures, and procedures used are also included
This study aimed to determine the difference between the level of performance of personality type A and type B of Bachelor of Science in Nursing 2nd year students (SY’ 2007-2008), who have undergone the NCM-RLE 101 in terms of their grade in the Preclinical rotation, thus, the Descriptive – Comparative design was utilized since this method is used when 2 or more groups are examined to describe the difference in the variable that occurs naturally in the setting.
This study was conducted in San Pedro College which is located at 12 C. de Guzman Street, Davao City.
Personality Types 9 This college is one of the most recognized schools in Davao City. It is a catholic institution of learning dedicated to Christian education of the people of Davao and its neighboring regions. It is managed by a religious congregation known as the Dominican isters of the Trinity. It has curricular offering of collegiate courses and majority of the school’s population is the Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
The subjects of the study were from the Bachelor of Science in Nursing 3rd yr. students (SY’ 2008-2009), who have undergone the NCM-RLE 101 Pre-Clinical Rotation, as the target population. population. The Quota Sampling was utilized, utilized, to come up with a 50 type A personality and type B personality to represent the total population of the 3rd year students who undergone pre-clinical concept. These 100 students randomly came from the selected sections that have finished the pre-clinical Concept whose grades have been forwarded to the 3rd year level chair.
The researchers utilized the questionnaire as the instrument in gathering data. The questionnaire was a researcher-made which was derived according to the personality test to categorize the respondent as either type A or type B personality.
Personality Types 10 Table 1 Number of Questions per Criteria under Personality Test. Indicators for the Personality Test Time Management Achievement Oriented Emotional Reaction Total
Number of Items 7 7 6 20
The instrument underwent several reviews and validation by the school’s guidance counselor. The researchers had come up with a rating scale in order to to guide the respondents in answering the questionnaire. The ratings were described as follows: 1 = never, 2 = sometimes, 3 = always. The researchers have categorized the respondents’ results according to the range that was researcher-made.
Table 2 Range in determining the type of personality of a student Range Description Type A: Impatient, excessively time-conscious, insecure about one's status, 41 – 60 highly competitive, hostile and aggressive, and incapable of relaxation
Personality Types 11 Type B: Patient, relaxed, and easy-going, more creative and imaginative, 20 – 40 inclined to self-analyze and evasive of stressful situations, and bad at coping
This questionnaire was answered by putting a check on the respondent’s choice according to the question being asked. Prior to the distribution of the said questionnaire, a letter of request was given to provide for ethical consideration. Furthermore, the names of the resspondents were kept confidential. The personality types of the respondents were compared to their NCM-RLE 101 grades g rades to determine if there are any significant difference.
Table 3 Range of the NCM-RLE 101 grade to determine the level of performance of the students Range Description 100 – 90 Excellent 89 – 85 Very Good 84 – 80 Good 79 – 75 Fair 74 – 70 Poor
Personality Types 12 Table 4 Scoring Table for the Research Tool Rating Criteria with 6
Criteria with 7
Criteria with 20
Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent
items 1.00 – 1.20 1.21 – 2.40 2.41 – 3.50 3.51 – 4.80 4.81 – 6.00
items 1.00 – 1.40 1.41 – 2.80 2.81 – 4.20 4.21 – 5.60 5.61 – 7.00
items 1.00 – 4.00 4.10 – 8.00 8.10 – 12.00 12.10 – 16.00 16.10 – 20.00
The introductory was first made wherein information related to our study was obtained. The necessary data were made and gathered to support the study. The researcher submitted a letter of permission to the Dean of Nursing, Dean of College and to the Level 3 Coordinators to allow us to gather data from the respondents responde nts who are the selected BSN-3 students of San Pedro College. The questionnaire was prepared, improved, validated and revised for the classification of our respondents. After the sampling was done and verified, the questionnaires were released to the selected BSN-3 students. After the questionnaire was released to the respondents, it was again gathered for its results. The gathered information was tallied, computed, ana lyzed and interpreted. After attaining the results, conclusions were made.
In this chapter are the results of the data collected on the level of performance of personality type A and type B of Bachelor of Science in Nursing 2nd year students (SY’
2007-2008), who have undergone the NCM-RLE 101 in terms of their grade in the Preclinical rotation.
Table 5 Personality Test: Mean Scores for Each Indicator for type A personality. Indicators Mean Description Time Management 2.23 Fair Achievement Oriented 2.21 Fair Emotional Reaction 2.27 Fair Grand Mean 2.23 Poor
Table 5 shows the result personality test of the type A personality revealed these mean results under each of the following indicators: time management (2.23), achievement oriented (2.21), and emotional reaction (2.27). Having a grand mean of 2.23, all three fair. indicators have a description of fair.
Personality Types 14 Table 6 Personality Test: Mean Scores for Each Indicator for type B personality. Indicators Mean Description Time Management 1.86 Fair Achievement Oriented 1.85 Fair Emotional Reaction 1.78 Fair Grand Mean 1.83 Poor
The students with type B personality revealed in the table 6 has these mean results under of the following indicators: time management (1.86), achievement oriented (1.85),
and emotional reaction (1.78). Having a grand mean of 1.83, all three indicators have a fair. description of fair.
Table 7 Level of performance of students with personality type A in terms of their grades in NCM-RLE 101. Range Frequency Percentage Description 100 – 90 0 0 Excellent 89 – 85 16 32% Very Good 84 – 80 34 68% Good 79 – 75 0 0 Fair 74 – 70 0 0 Poor Total 50 100% Personality Types 15 The level of performance of students with personality type A in terms of their grades in NCM-RLE 101 is presented at a t Table 7. This indicates that from a total of 50 type A respondents, 16 or 32% has a grade ranging from 85 – 89 while the remaining 34 or 68% has a grade ranging from 80 – 84.
Table 7 Level of performance of students with personality type B in terms their grades in NCMRLE 101. Range Frequency Percentage Description 100 – 90 1 2% Excellent 89 – 85 20 40% Very Good 84 – 80 29 58% Good 79 – 75 0 0% Fair 74 – 70 0 0% Poor Total 50 100%
From a total of 50 type B respondents, 1 or 2% has a grade that ranges from 90 – 100, 20 or 40% has a grade that ranges from 85 – 89 and the remaining 29 or 58% has a grade that ranges from 80 – 84 (Table 7).
Personality Types 16 Table 8 Mean and Standard Deviation of the NCM-RLE 101 Grades of Personality Type A and Type B Variable N Mean SDª Description Personality Type A 50 83.02 2.27 Good Type B 50 84.17 2.28 Good Types ªStandard Deviation
Table 8 shows the mean and standard deviation of the NCM-RLE 101 grades of personality type A and type B. Based on the data presented, the type A has a mean score of 83.02 (good) while the type B has a mean score of 84.17 (good) for the level of performance of the respondents in terms of their NCM-RLE 10 1 grade.
Table 9 Difference in the level of performance in terms of NCM-RLE 101 grade when grouped according to personality type Variable p p-value Decision Interpretation Personality Types Type A
Accept Ho
Type B Not Significant
Using t-test, the pthe p-value value of 0.013, was less than the level of significance equal to . 05, therefore the null hypothesis was accepted. There was no significant difference in the level of performance in terms of NCM-RLE 101 grade when grouped according to personality type as shown in Table 9.
In this chapter, the data are presented to answer the questions posed in this study. The data gathered were used to categorize the respondents according to their type of personality. Quota sampling was utilized to come up with the 50 type A and 50 type B respondents. The grades of the respondents were formally requested to the level chair to determine the level of performance of the two personalities. The test results showed that type A personality has a slight higher mean than the type B personality. This is in fact, one of the statement being supported by one of the reference that we have obtained. As Atkinson et al. (2000), type A individuals will perceive and experience more stress than type B individuals. Both personalities differ in their manner on how they handle certain situation. Thus, this explains why type A personalities has a slight elevated mean than the type B. The level of performance of type A personality has a good interpretation in terms of their NCM-RLE 101 grade. As being said, this type of personality competitive and
achievement oriented. As compared with w ith the respondents who are type A, the students give their best in performing well all their duties and responsibilities to attain a higher grade. As to type B personality, they also have a good level of performance on their NCM-RLE 101 grade. Unlike the type A, this personality has a more relax manner in Personality Types 18 performing their duty and responsibilities. As compared to the type A, their level of performance is much higher. They don't push through with their limits and tends to reflect within themselves. Moreover, there is a no significant difference in the level of performance of type A and type B personality. In nursing, a lot of factors are being considered in the level of performance. Knowledge, skills and the most important is attitude in order to perform a better responsibility. This research stressed that personality types of each students are one of the important matters that must be taken into consideration especially in their clinical performance. Since this chosen course entails a patient- nurse relationship, the student must adapt accordingly. Inculcated knowledge or applied skills that they have acquired as not enough for them to have an acceptable performance. Furthermore, this study contended on the quality of the clinical performance of the 3rd year BSN students who were formerly exposed to the pre-clinical rotation. This study is relevant to all those students who are either type A or type B personality. This will become their medium for improvement or changes, thus, this can help them adjust their personality traits as to guarantee that they ca n function well in the
clinical area and achieve self-actualization. Clinical Instructors may come up with better ways of motivating and evaluating students with different personalities to achieve quality and maximum performance, since they were responsible in inculcating knowledge and check on the skills of their students. The Administrators of the Nursing department may
Personality Types 19 help in checking the way the Clinical Instructors handle their students and evaluate the performance of not just the students but as well as the Clinical Instructors.
Personality Types 20 REFERENCES
Schultz, D. & Schultz S. (2001). Theories of Personality. Personality. (7th ed.). USA, Thomson Learning Inc. Coon, D. (2003). Essentials (2003). Essentials with Psychology. (9th ed.). USA, Thomson Learning Inc. Lessons. (3rd ed.). Sevilla, C. (1997). General Psychology with Values, Development, Lessons. Sampaloc, Manila, Manila, Rex Bookstore, Inc. Mohr, W. (2006). Psychiatric-Mental (2006). Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing. (6th ed.). Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Atkinson, R. et al. (2000). Hilgard’s Introduction to Psychology. Psychology. (13th ed.) Philadelphia, Harcourt College Publishers. Sevilla, C. (1992). Research Research Method . Quezon City, Rex Printing Company Inc. Polit, D. & Beck, C. (2004). Nursing (2004). Nursing Research Principles and Methods. (7th ed.) Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Ho, J. (1995)The (1995)The Journal of Management Development . Vol.11 Iss.4. England, Bradford.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Psychology. Vol.52 Iss.5. Washington Evans, G. (1987) Journal
Passer, M. (2004) Psychology (2004) Psychology the Science of Mind and Behavior. (2nded.). New York, McGrow Hill Company.
October 8, 2008 Ma. Minda Lacuesta, MACT Dean Of College San Pedro College Davao City
Dear Ma’am: The BSN 4J students are pleased to inform you that we will be conducting a research study entitled “The Personality types affecting the performance of selected BSN 2 students SY 2007-2008 2nd semester at the clinical area”. For the success of this study, we would like to ask for permission to allow us to accomplish the said study to the selected BSN 3 students in this institution. We are hoping for that this concern will warrant your approval. Respectfully yours,
Noted By:
(Sgd)Erika May Bohol
(Sgd)Marleonie Bauyot, Ph.D Research Instructor
(Sgd)Sheryl Corpuz
Approved By: (Sgd)Kathleene Deboma (Sgd)Carlo Peli
(Sgd)Ma. Minda Lacuesta, MACT Dean of Nursing
(Sgd)Ceryll Hope Pizaña (Sgd)Kristee Jane Rivera (Sgd)Noeme Anne Umpa Personality Types 22 APPENDIX B LETTER OF PERMISSION TO THE DEAN D EAN OF NURSING
October 8, 2008 Jeannie H. Bibera, RN, MSN Dean Of Nursing San Pedro College Davao City
Dear Ma’am: The BSN 4J students are pleased to inform you that we will be conducting a research study entitled “The Personality types affecting the performance of selected BSN 2 students SY 2007-2008 2nd semester at the clinical area”. For the success of this study, we would like to ask for permission to allow us to accomplish the said study to the selected BSN 3 students in this institution. We are hoping for that this concern will warrant your approval. Respectfully yours,
Noted By:
(Sgd)Erika May Bohol
(Sgd)Marleonie Bauyot, Ph.D Research Instructor
(Sgd)Sheryl Corpuz
Approved By: (Sgd)Kathleene Deboma (Sgd)Carlo Peli
(Sgd)Jeannie H. Bibera, RN, MSN Dean of Nursing
(Sgd)Ceryll Hope Pizaña (Sgd)Kristee Jane Rivera (Sgd)Noeme Anne Umpa Personality Types 23 APPENDIX C LETTER OF PERMISSION TO THE LEVEL III COORDINATOR
October 8, 2008 Loyalda Lazarraga, RN, MAN Level III Coordinator San Pedro College Davao City
Dear Ma’am: The BSN 4J students are pleased to inform you that we will be conducting a research study entitled “The Personality types affecting the performance of selected BSN 2 students SY 2007-2008 2nd semester at the clinical area”. For the success of this study, we would like to ask for permission to allow us to accomplish the said study to the selected BSN 3 students in this institution. We are hoping for that this concern will warrant your approval. Respectfully yours,
Noted By:
(Sgd)Erika May Bohol
(Sgd)Marleonie Bauyot, Ph.D Research Instructor
(Sgd)Sheryl Corpuz
Approved By: (Sgd)Kathleene Deboma (Sgd)Carlo Peli
(Sgd)Loyalda Lazarraga, RN, MAN Level III Coordinator
(Sgd)Ceryll Hope Pizaña (Sgd)Kristee Jane Rivera (Sgd)Noeme Anne Umpa Personality Types 24 APPENDIX D
LETTER TO THE RESPONDENTS Dear respondents, Greetings! We the The BSN 4J researchers researchers are planning to conduct a study entitled entitled “The Personality types affecting the performance of selected BSN 2 students SY 2007-2008 2nd semester at the clinical area”. We are hoping that you would cooperate to our study as being one of our respondents. Rest assured that your respond will be highly kept as confidential. We are hoping for your kind consideration and cooperation. Thank you. Respectfully yours,
Noted By:
(Sgd)Erika May Bohol
(Sgd)Marleonie Bauyot, Ph.D Research Instructor
(Sgd)Sheryl Corpuz Approved By: (Sgd)Kathleene Deboma (Sgd)Carlo Peli (Sgd)Ceryll Hope Pizaña (Sgd)Kristee Jane Rivera
(Sgd)Jeannie H. Bibera, RN, MSN Dean of Nursing
(Sgd)Noeme Anne Umpa _______________________________________________________________________ _ Reply slip I will participate in this study. I will not participate in this study. Reason: ________________________________________ _______________________ Signature over printed name Personality Types 25
APPENDIX E Personality Type Questionnaire Name: ____________________________________Age: ______ Sex(M/F):____ Ward: ________________Clinical Instructor: ________________ Grade:______ Instruction: Please mark mark ( ∕ ) the following following spaces provided with which you experience experience the following situations. An honest evaluation of yourself will help you better understand some factors that contribute to self-realization.
Rating Scale:
3 2 1
Interpretation Always Sometimes Never
Description Experience or do all the time Occasionally or every now and then Have not experienced to do such act
A. Time Management 1. I finish my seatwork before any of my classmates does. 2. Every minute is important, important, so I have a fix fix time when taking a bath, eating, brushing my teeth, etc. 3. I could not wait for my boyfriend/girlfriend boyfriend/girlfriend 30 minutes or more. 4. I arrive early for class/meetings/appointments.
5. I keep a daily daily schedule or calendar of plans. 6. I think that hobbies such as basketball or surfing the net are just a waste of time. 7. I finish and pass my tasks/requirements/assignments on time. B. Achievement Oriented 1. I prefer to study rather than resting even though I’m so tired. 2. When playing any game (sports, video games, etc.) it really is important for me to win. 3. I immediately go to the library to research or to do my assignments. Everything to make sure everything is done well. 4. When I’m in a group situation (like completing a group project), I act as a group leader or take charge of 5. I choose to finish all my tasks before spending time with my friends or family. 6. I check over the tasks of my classmate/co-worker/member. 7. I’m a perfectionist. C. Emotional Reaction 1. I’m anxious if I can’t study/review for a test or qu iz ahead of time 2. I’ll be more pleased working alone with case studies or group requirements. 3. I get upset every time I receive a failing remark. 4. I’m bothered if I can’t finish what I have planned for the day. 5. I’m a frank person and I’m not afraid to tell you what I feel. 6. I feel frustrated if someone is better than me in class.
N am e
: Erika May Bohol
Date of Birth
: May 25, 1988
: Female
: Hacienda Hgths, Old Drive Airport Sasa, Davao City
Civil Status
: Single
: Filipino
Birth place
: Davao City
: Roman Catholic
: Ricardo G. Bohol
: Ena U. Bohol
E-mail Address
[email protected]
: Dona Pilar Learning Center
: Stella Maris Academy of Davao
High School
: Assumption College of Davao
: San Pedro College
BSN FratSor member
N am e
: Sheryl E. Corpuz
Date of Birth
: October 25, 1987
: Female
:Block 7, Lot 18, Phase 1, Amethys Ext. Hillside Subdivision, Bajada, Lanang, Davao City
Civil Status Nationality
: Single : Filipino
Birth place
: Davao City
: Crusaders of the Divine Church of Christ
: Placido V. Corpuz, Jr.
: Carmelita E. Corpuz
E-mail Address
[email protected]
: Stella Maris Academy of Davao
: Stella Maris Academy of Davao (upto Grade IV) Prof. Herman Gmeiner School, Holy Cross of Davao
High School
: Holy Cross of Davao
: San Pedro College
N am e
: Kathleene Jane S. Deboma
Date of Birth
: May 12, 1988
: Female
: St. Gabriel Street, Peñafrancia Village, Malagapas, Cotabato City
Civil Status
: Single
: Filipino
Birth place
: Cotabato City
: Roman Catholic
: Pablo M. Deboma, Jr.
: Valentina S. Deboma
E-mail Addr ddress
: girlygirlygosh osh@yaho
: Notre Dame of Cathedral
: Notre Dame University Elementary Training Department
High School
: Notre Dame RVM College of Cotabato
: San Pedro College
BSN FratSor memberDomnet
N am e
: Ceryll Hope E. Pizana
Date of Birth
: November 30, 1988
: Female
: Dona Luisa Ph.1 248 Ruby St., Matina, Davao City
Civil Status
: Single
: Filipino
Birth place
: Tagum City
: Roman Catholic
: Ciriaco P. Pizana
: Concepcion E. Pizana
E-mail Ad Address
: Ly
[email protected]
: Davao Christian Learning Center
: Kapitan Tomas Moteverde Sr. Central Elementary School
High School
: Holy Cross of Davao College
: San Pedro College
BSN FratSor member CES member
N am e
: Kristee Jane C. Rivera
Date of Birth
: October 23, 1988
: Female
: 55-5 Rizal Extension Davao City
Civil Status
: Single
: Filipino
Birth place
: Davao City
: Roman Catholic
: Noel A. Rivera
: Lucila C. Rivera
E-mail Ad Address
: kr
[email protected]
: Brgy. 35-D Project Hope Learning Center
: Kapitan Tomas Monteverde Sr. Cental Elem. School
High School
: Davao City National High School
: San Pedro College
BSN FratSor member
N am e
: Noeme Anne P. Umpa
Date of Birth
: November 14, 1988
: Female
: Umpa Building Bonifacio Street, Tacurong City, Sultan Kudarat
Civil Status
: Single
: Filipino
Birth place
: Tacurong City
: Roman Catholic
: Jimmy U. Umpa
: Teresita P. Umpa
E-mail Address
[email protected]
: St. John Early Learning Center
: Notre Dame of Tacurong College Elementary Department
High School
: Notre Dame of Tacurong for Girls
: San Pedro College
BSN FratSor member