Thesis on final year project on Vehicle Tracking System through GPS device
Thesis on final year project on Vehicle Tracking System through GPS device
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Thesis for M.A. Educational Technology (defended in Sept. 2006)Full description
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Thesis Disaster Risk Reduction
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Philippine Normal University – Center for Teaching and Learning
There were many useful plants abundantly growing here in the Philippines. Most of them were herbal plants that could cure severe diseases such as cancer and other related sicknesses. Others are considered as useful plants by farmers because o f their varied uses in the farm. One of them was Madre de Cacao or locally known as kakawate but scientifically known as Gliricidia sepium. sepium. This plant was a nitrogen–fixing tree. n some areas! it was referred to as a "uick–stick due to its characteristic of growing almost right away #ust by cutting it and directly planting it in the ground. t was also rumored to be a potential insect$ repellant and the researcher wanted to examine this assertion.
Pest control had always been a ma#or problem in most of the corner of every house! farm! backyard! and even out in the open areas. %isease$carrying insects were the ones most especially needed to be eliminated. This phenomenon led to the production of such
Philippine Normal University – Center for Teaching and Learning
pesticides and insecticides to protect the people! animals! and plants from harmful effects that pests and insects can cause.
nsecticides were any toxic substances that were used to kill insects' but in some cases! they were also poisonous to people and caused several kinds of diseases including cancer and allergy. (uch substances were used primarily to control pests that infested cultivated plants or to eliminate disease$carrying insects in specific areas. Most insecticides were sprayed or dusted onto plants and other surfaces traversed or fed upon by insects. The early production of pesticides was made with the aid of ha)ardous chemicals that could also harm the health of each and every on of us. t was not advisable advisable to use because of its harmful effects to humans. *ence! there have been several studies to establish a substitute to these these ha)ard ha)ardous ous insect insect–re –repell pellant ants. s. The resear researche cherr repli replicat cated ed the same same pest pest control control activity activity using the extracts extracts from the kakawate kakawate leaves! or scientifica scientifically lly known as Gliricidia sepium.
1.1 Background Background of of the Study Study
The Philippines is endowed with a rich supply of flora from both land and sea. There are more than +!,,, species of plants and several of these have pesticidal properties. The study of the utili)ation of the toxic substances produced by plants in our environment to control pests has gained recognition in the previous years and this is a positive approach in meeting the current worldwide economic crisis problem. The natural product of plants
Philippine Normal University – Center for Teaching and Learning
pesticides and insecticides to protect the people! animals! and plants from harmful effects that pests and insects can cause.
nsecticides were any toxic substances that were used to kill insects' but in some cases! they were also poisonous to people and caused several kinds of diseases including cancer and allergy. (uch substances were used primarily to control pests that infested cultivated plants or to eliminate disease$carrying insects in specific areas. Most insecticides were sprayed or dusted onto plants and other surfaces traversed or fed upon by insects. The early production of pesticides was made with the aid of ha)ardous chemicals that could also harm the health of each and every on of us. t was not advisable advisable to use because of its harmful effects to humans. *ence! there have been several studies to establish a substitute to these these ha)ard ha)ardous ous insect insect–re –repell pellant ants. s. The resear researche cherr repli replicat cated ed the same same pest pest control control activity activity using the extracts extracts from the kakawate kakawate leaves! or scientifica scientifically lly known as Gliricidia sepium.
1.1 Background Background of of the Study Study
The Philippines is endowed with a rich supply of flora from both land and sea. There are more than +!,,, species of plants and several of these have pesticidal properties. The study of the utili)ation of the toxic substances produced by plants in our environment to control pests has gained recognition in the previous years and this is a positive approach in meeting the current worldwide economic crisis problem. The natural product of plants
Philippine Normal University – Center for Teaching and Learning
has been tapped to provide a vast source of toxic substances that may be utili)ed in the control of pests. /mbros! l00&1
Gliricidia sepium! sepium! locally known as madre de cacao or kakawate! is identified as one of the potential sources of organic fertili)er since it is a leguminous and fast growing nitrogen$fixing tree. t is adaptive to to a wide range of agroclimatic conditions and produces many branches branches that give enough foliage for green manuring manuring and feed purposes. 2uanita 2uanita Cora)a! March -,,,1
3or a hundred of years! botanists all over the world discovered that plants could be used as a healing healing herb! pesticide! pesticide! insecticide insecticide and an insect$repe insect$repellant llant.. 4xamples 4xamples of these plants are5
repellant1! and others. Crisologo 6amasasa! 6amasasa! /rticle /rticle base1
7orms! 7orms! bugs and other rice pests are an enigma to many farmers as these are threats to rice production. production. /nd to most farmers! farmers! commercial commercial insecticide insecticidess and pesticides pesticides are the most effective and readily available pest controls. 7hat they do not reali)e is that these cost them added expenses not to mention the bad effects of these chemicals to health and environment. /griculture 8usiness 7e 7eek! ek! -,&,1
The early production of pesticides is made with the aid of ha)ardous materials that can also harm the health of each and every one of us. t is not advisable to use because of its harmful effects too. There have been several studies to establish a substitute to these