Student Gender Equality Questionnaire This questionnaire is open to all students at the University of Stirling. Please note: All responses will be treated as confidential. Introduction The Gender Equality Duty (GED) comes into force in April 2007 and requires all pulic authorities to acti acti!e !ely ly prom promot ote e equa equali lity ty of oppo opport rtun unit ity y et" et"ee een n "ome "omen n and and men# men# and and to elim elimin inat ate e se$ se$ discrimination% Althou&h the Se$ Discrimination Discrimination Act ('7) has introduced some ma*or chan&es in the "ay men and "omen are treated in the "or+place# "or+place# there is still discrimination% discrimination% The GED aims to rin& aout real chan&e in the culture of the or&anisations y encoura&in& them to promote equality# rather than relyin& on indi!iduals to hi&hli&ht discrimination% ,n order to ma+e sure "e acti!ely promote &ender equality at the -ni!ersity of Stirlin "e need as much in!ol!ement as possile from our students to hi&hli&ht those areas "here further "or+ is needed needed%% .e "ould "ould e e$tremel e$tremely y &ratef &rateful ul if you could could ta+e ta+e minut minutes es to comple complete te this short questionnaire% .hen pro!idin& comments# please please attach additional sheets if needed% needed% Gender is everyone’s duty – get involved and make a difference!
Q'% Q'%
/o" /o" "ould ould you you des descr cri ie e you yourr &end &ender er 1emale ale Trans&ender
3ased 3ased on on your your e$peri e$perienc ence# e# do you you feel feel men 4 "ome "omen n at Stir Stirlin lin& & -ni!er -ni!ersit sity y are trea treated ted equally in the follo"in& follo"in& areas 5lease tic+ as appropriate% en 4 .omen treated equally
en treated less fa!ouraly
.omen treated less fa!ouraly
Don6t no"
8ecruitment 4 Selection Assessment 5ro&ression Academic Ad!ice Ad!ice 4 Support 9on Academic Ad!ice 4 Support 1amily:1riendly 1amily:1riendly 5olicies Attendance 8equirements 8equirements ;ampus 1acilities (e%&% sports and caterin& facilities) Accommodation
,f you ha!e indicated any areas "here men and=or "omen are treated less fa!ouraly# please comment elo">
Do you feel Stirlin& -ni!ersity has a &ender inclusi!e culture @es
Don6t no"
Q(a)% ;an you thin+ of an occasion "here you feel you "ere treated less fa!ouraly or discriminated a&ainst due to your &ender @es
(,f yes# please &o to Q)
(,f no# please &o to Q)
/o" did you resol!e the issue 5lease tic+ as appropriate% , dealt "ith the issue myself y approachin& the person=&roup in!ol!ed , reported the issue to the Academic 8e&istrar6s Bffice , reported the issue to the /ead of Department , reported the issue to S-SA , reported the issue to Ad!isers of Studies , reported the issue to Student Support Ser!ices Bther (please comment)> ,f no action "as ta+en# please e$plain "hy elo">
.ere you satisfied "ith the "ay your issue "as handled and resol!ed @es
9o 2
;an you thin+ of an occasion "here you feel you "ere harassed or ullied due to your &ender @es
(,f yes# please &o to Q)
(,f no# please &o to QC)
/o" did you resol!e the issue 5lease tic+ as appropriate% , dealt "ith the issue myself y approachin& the person=&roup in!ol!ed , reported the issue to the Academic 8e&istrar6s Bffice , reported the issue to the /ead of Department , reported the issue to S-SA , reported the issue to Ad!isers of Studies , reported the issue to Student Support Ser!ices
Bther (please comment)>
,f no action "as ta+en# please e$plain "hy elo">
.ere you satisfied "ith the "ay your issue "as handled and resol!ed @es
,f you "ere e!er unfairly treated# discriminated a&ainst or ullied due to your &ender# "here "ould you &o for help and ad!ice 5lease tic+ as appropriate> The Academic 8e&istrar6s Bffice /ead of Department S-SA Ad!isers of Studies Student Support Ser!ices
Bther (please comment)> , "ould not feel comfortale approachin& anyone at the -ni!ersity 5lease e$plain "hy elo">
.hat do you feel the -ni!ersity of Stirlin& should e doin& to promote &ender equality amon&st students
/as this questionnaire missed any important &ender issues or topics ,f so# "hat are they 5lease comment elo">
Aout @ou>
.hat cate&ory of student are you 5lease tic+ o$es as appropriate% -nder&raduate 1ull:Time ;ampus>
Tau&ht 5ost&raduate 5art:Time Stirlin&
8esearch 5ost&raduate
.estern ,sles
/o" lon& ha!e you een a student at the -ni!ersity of Stirlin&
Thank-you for your articiation – your contriution "ill hel to develo the Gender #$uality Scheme and %ction Plan for Stirling &niversity' Please return your comleted $uestionnaire to (onna )addington* +uality Officer* %cademic ,egistrar’s Office %cademic %ffairs.* /ottrell 0123 #mail: donna'"addington4stir'ac'uk
_______________________________________________________________________________ If you would be prepared to be contacted on any future consultation eercise! please provide your contact details below. Please be assured that your questionnaire responses will be treated as confidential and will be "ept separately fro# your contact details.
9ame> Email address> ;ontact telephone numer>