Kenneth Rohde Christiansen, Intern at
Institut für Informationssysteme Informationssysteme und Softwaretechnik Softwaretechnik Universität Passau, D-9400 Passau
Internship (Bedrijfsstage), Masters Software and Systems Engineering at
This document contains the following: following: • • • •
An internship report as specified by the University of Groningen. A week-based list of work accomplished during the internship. An evaluation of the internship (In Dutch. A signed evaluation schema! filled out by the person in charge of the intern.
To be send to: Rijksuniversiteit Rijksuniversiteit Groningen Att.: R. Moddemeijer Post!s "## $%&'## A *roningen $eder+and-ie $ieder+ande
Kenneth Rohde Christiansen, Intern at
Institut für Informationssysteme und Softwaretechnik Universität Passau, D-9400 Passau
Internship Report The company About the company / Company history #ith the motto $%cience to &usiness' the company II% is presenting itself as a company giving consultation and producing solutions within the fie ld of information management. II% stands for “Institut für Informationssysteme und Softwaretechnik” and is a small company consisting of ) full-time employees and ") part-time student colleges working on different pro*ects. II% also has a pro*ect manager! a technician! a secretary as well as a +,. he company is /uite young and was established in 0ay 1222 as an institute at the University of 3assau though a financing of the 4 (4igh ech ffensive 5reistaat6 &ayern. he company thus functions as a bridge function between science and business and is run by 3rof. Dr. &urkhard reitag (+, and 4ead of the institute and Dr. Ulrich 7ukowski (3ro*ect 0anager 8 Gesch9ftsf:hrer
89 8atho+is5h&9heo+ogis5he 1a2!+t0t
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Ethi2 6A6 Instit!t f4r Angewandte Ethi2
3EP 3entr!m f4r E!ropare5ht
6i6i 6irts5haftswissen& s5haft+i5he 1a2!+t0t
Phi+ Phi+osophis5he 1a2!+t0t
1MI 1a2!+t0t f4r Mathemati2 !nd Informati2
17R6ISS Passa!
I1IS Instit!t f4r Informationssysteme !nd Softwarete5hni2
Instit!t f4r Informationssystem !nd Softwarete5hni2 II% derives from the $ Lehrstuhl für Informationsmanagement” and is integrated in the interdisciplined network of e;pertise e;isting at the University of 3assau. his makes it possible for a great knowledge e;change and therefore an optimal cooperation between theory! the newest science research and their use in practice. II% has partnerships with many private companies! and is developing software for companies such as Deutsche Bahn. In year 1221 II% were selling for )<=.222 ,U>. 1
Kenneth Rohde Christiansen, Intern at
Institut für Informationssysteme und Softwaretechnik Universität Passau, D-9400 Passau
4ow the company e;actly fits into the university can be seen on the above illustration.
The fields the company is reaching for and their special properties
II% bridges science with business and has its e;pertise in the field of information systems and software techni/ue? •
echnology consultation o %tudies! Appraisal! +oncepts echnology transfer o >esearch and development pro*ects 5#here I fit in6 +ertification and further training in Information echnology +ollo/uia! In-house %chooling! e-@earning o
he domain and markets that the company is reaching for are within the field of information management! in particular II% has products within the field of nowledge 0anagement! e@earning and #orkflow 0anagement. hese fields are particular as they work within the domains of %emantic #eb and most developed applications are thus web applications developed with B0@ and middleware such as ,C&! .,! and +>&A.
Assignment The Assessment.Suite he assignment is developing an e;tension to the II% Assessment.%uite product?
The IFIS Assessment.Suite enables easy development of interactive learning environments, exercises, and online/offline examinations. The Assessment.Suite supports the entire life cycle: creation and maintenance of learning tass !online training !automatic compilation of tests "customi#ed examinations offline and online even on mobile devices !evaluation and analysis of the results. The experience of the IFIS developers in tandem $ith ne$est technologies such as %&', Semantic (eb and Intelligent Tutoring yield excellent acceptance, productivity, and sustainable success.
Kenneth Rohde Christiansen, Intern at
Institut für Informationssysteme und Softwaretechnik Universität Passau, D-9400 Passau
he Assessment.%uite is used by some big clients as for instance Deutsche Bahn who have fully redesigned their train driver education and based it on the Assessment.%uite. he suite is also used by the University of 3assau itself! in particular by the Sprachenzentrum who use it for their Russisch nline system. he assignment involves implementing a feature re/uest from this client.
Context of the assignment It is my task to implement support for graphical maps that can be used to select e;ercises 8 e;aminations. hese graphical maps will be dynamically generated per user depending on which e;ercises that are made accessible for the user and not already complete nor out of date. his also includes developing a maintenance system for the maps so that new maps can easily be added and e;ercises can be added to a given map by using the mouse device. he user interface is a web interface which limits the possibilities somewhat. he assignment is not set in stone and it is also my assignment to specify e;actly what is possible and what we are going to implement.
The problems that the assignment tries solving he assignment tries solving a customer re/uest. he Assessment.%uite is in use by teaching institution Sprachenzentrum! who wants to be able to associate their online e;ercises with particular places in >ussia. Sprachenzentrum more precisely wanted to be able to add e;ercises to a graphical map of the country >ussia. Instead of *ust implementing the re/uest! II% wanted me to implement a more generic system that covers similar use-cases. his includes support for multiple maps! map administrations! support for later e;tending the system with new marker types and easy editing of the maps.
y contributions to the assignment he assignment has largely been implemented by me alone! with guidance and review of my design by my supervisor #olfgang Flkl. his involves? •
echnology studyH o Getting to know the Assessment.%uite! its code base and the architectural design patterns used. o @earning new tools as ,clipse! &orland ogether! 4ibernate client o @earning new frameworks and tools like %truts! C%3! omcat! and 4ibernate. o 3rototype implementation
Kenneth Rohde Christiansen, Intern at
Institut für Informationssysteme und Softwaretechnik Universität Passau, D-9400 Passau
Design of the system Use cases o o U0@ design o Design discussions J most written down as well o !flichtenheft User-interface prototypes o Actual implementation and testing
!uture "or#s he system is functional and basically complete. +urrently only one type of markers are supported! namely the point markers. In order to make the system work with other kinds of maps as for instance mind maps and not only country maps! other marker types need to be implemented. Doing this should be straight forward as the system has been designed this way and only evolves making a new subclass of the 0arker class as well as make the appropriate changes to the editor C%3-page and associated form and action beans.
Organization The organi$ation of the company he company consists of a +,! a pro*ect manager! a secretary! a technician! ) full-time employees and some student helpers. 3rof. Dr. &urkhard reitag? 7ukowski! Ulrich? alencKyk! Ursula? @enk! Guido?
+hief ,;ecutive fficer 8 4ead of the institute 3ro*ect 0anager 8 'Gesch9ftsf:hrer' %ecretary %ystem administrator 8 echnician
ull-time employees?
DKiarstek! +lausH Guppenberger! 0ichaelH @ehmann! 0arkusH itsche! homasH Flkl! #olfgangH
Kenneth Rohde Christiansen, Intern at
Institut für Informationssysteme und Softwaretechnik Universität Passau, D-9400 Passau
The formal %or# process used in the company he methodology of product development at II% is characterised by the interaction of careful planning and creative realiKation of innovative concepts. his way II% develops optimal! modern solutions! which meet all re/uirements and are reliable and maintainable at the same time. he pro*ect phases are roughly divided into the following phases! whose realiKation in each case is adapted to the re/uirements of the individual pro*ects? During the pro*ect development! the satisfaction of the customer and the /uality of the results is of most importance. &ecause of this reason the customer plays a central role in the re/uirement analysis in the course of the pro*ect. he involved persons are included by the use of co-worker /uestionings and workshops incorporated into the pro*ect planning. In pro*ect meetings the concrete need will be determined and the e;act aims of the pro*ect will be specified. 3roduct re/uirement specifications resulting from the meeting will be compiled and documented in a so-called !flichtenheft and form the basis for the further pro*ect completion. &ased on the results of the analysis! custom-made! innovative I concepts are developed as well as derived recommendations for the employment of software products. or re/uirements! which go beyond the capacity of commercial products! II% in coordination with its customers offers the development of individual components! which are efficiently realiKed under employment of ade/uate technologies. &asis for this is the use of ob*ect-oriented analysis and design methods of software engineering and a model-based proceeding with the development and in particular also the /uality assurance. After a solution is developed! an intensive /uality assurance is performedH II% is also guiding the deployment of the system on all levels in the enterprise. n a technical level! the provided components are installed and an evaluation is performed. n the non-technical level! coworkers have been included in the entire development of the new system which helps the acceptance of the system. his is additionally promoted by intensive training and support and also ensures that the new system can be used from the beginning without difficulties.
The informal %or# process used in the company he informal work process is more la; that the formal one! though the formal one is aimed for. he reason for this is that most pro*ects have only one or two employees working on them. 3ro*ects are planned by making a time plan and by using 0icrosoft 3ro*ect. he formal process says that the customer plays a central role in the re/uirement analysis. his has been a bit different in my case as my advisor #olfgang Flkl has acted as intermediate link between the customers and me! and due to the fact that II% wanted not only
Kenneth Rohde Christiansen, Intern at
Institut für Informationssysteme und Softwaretechnik Universität Passau, D-9400 Passau
to implement the customer re/uest but to implement a much more general solution that can be used by other companies as well. his means that the II% wanted to e;tent the feature set of their Assessment.%uite and at the same time fulfil a customer re/uest. Due to this fact! II% has been the customer in my case and the co-worker #olfgang Flkl has acted as the representative for II% and has played a central role in my re/uirement analysis. 3ro*ects meeting have then also been between me and #olfgang Flkl and the e;act aims of the pro*ect have been compiled in a !flichtenheft ! which formed the basis of the further pro*ect completion. During the development! ob*ect-oriented analysis and design methods of software engineering have been used. %ome of the architectural design patterns have been guided be the frameworks and tools in use at II%! such as the U0@-designer &orland ogether and the web-application framework named %truts. his has resulted in a good /uality assurance. he developed solution has been tested by making a testing plan and realiKing it. urther more! the structure of the code base has been looked over by a member of the Assessment.%uite team! before it was integrated in the +F% 4,AD branch of the Assessment.%uite. I have not been part of the deployment or the education of the users of the system.
&o% does the organi$ation structure function' In order to e;plain how the organiKational structure at II% function in practise! we show the typical course of a pro*ect and who are responsible. ". +ustomer advertisement8first contact? Professor Freitag (Sometimes with Ulrich Zukowski)
1. %econd phase Investigation of the customerMs re/uests to find out what the customer e;actly wants! what the technical re/uirements are! and how to deploy the software? umerous discussions with the customer(s. Demonstration of e;isting systems8solutions. The manager Ulrich Zukowski and a developer
E. 3ro*ect n behalf of the identified customer re/uests! a solution is presented? A rough product re/uirement specification ( !flichtenheft <
Kenneth Rohde Christiansen, Intern at
Institut für Informationssysteme und Softwaretechnik Universität Passau, D-9400 Passau
(0aybe a prototype! which is easier to understand for the customer +ost estimate 8 ffer Developer ( Ulrich Zukowski in the customer discussion)
. 3roduct re/uirement specifications ( !flichtenheft After placing an order! detailed product re/uirement specifications are compiled. ogether with first prototypes! these serve for the fine tuning with the customer. Developer
). Draft - detailed specification - implementation J testing Developer
L. Delivery for the customers II% fre/uently takes over the hosting of the web applications (at least in a sample operating phase. his means that the delivery fre/uently only consist of handing over some passwords. Developer
<. esting phase rom the result of the testing! the customers can deliver their last suggestions for improvement! which will then be considered. Developer
=. Acceptance by the customer !ustomer
"hat could be better As I havenNt worked in many companies it is not so easy to pin point what could be better. he company seem to work /uite well and people seem to like their *ob. his has also to do with the fact that the company leaves much fle;ibility and responsibility in the hands of the employee. An e;ample of this and a fact that I really like! is that the company is very fle;ible on time. here is no fi;ed meeting time though it is normal to meet between O?22-O?E2 and leave again around "22. his means that if you need to do something one day then you can go a bit earlier and *ust stay a little longer another. his is of course given that you donNt have =
Kenneth Rohde Christiansen, Intern at
Institut für Informationssysteme und Softwaretechnik Universität Passau, D-9400 Passau
appointments in your utlook calendar such as the weekly company meeting that you need to attend on time! and where punctuality is e;pected. he organiKation structure and work processes also seem to work /uite well. 3ro*ects are finished in a timely manner! and the /uality of the result is high as well as the satisfaction of the costumers.
&o% I fit into the company
I work here as was I a full-time employee. I work on my own part of the system (my pro*ect and thus have my own area of responsibility. %ince I am doing an internship it is! of course! a bit differently as was I hired by the company. In particular! people understand that the things are new to me and that I thus work slower and ask basic /uestion from time to time. ,ven thought this is the case! I have felt that I was an employee of the company the time that I have spent here and have thus gotten a good idea how it would be working here for real.
Conclusion "hat I have learned %ome of these things that I have learned have been technically and others are more related to working in a company. It has been very nice for me to feel how it is to put my many years of study into practise. #orking turned out to be appro;imately how I e;pected it to be! and I have confirmed that I can easily fit in a software company. n the technical front I have learned much. &efore my internship at II%! I have mostly worked with developing standalone programs (mostly for the G0, desktop environment and have seldom touched web development! as it did not caught my interest. #orking at II% I have learned how to develop large scalable! easy maintainable enterprise web applications and I have since become very interested in web development and the associated techni/ues. 0ost of the web solutions that I have developed before *oining II% have been using 343 with embedded database assess. his has worked satisfactory for my small pro*ects! but now I have the knowledge to develop large enterprise web applications with the business logic! etc nicely separated from the user interface using the 0odel-Fiew-+ontroller-II design pattern. During my work here I have had to use two tools that I have never touched before. he first is the open source ID, called ,clipse. hough! I have heard about ,clipse before and even developed a small Cava pro*ect with it! I was unaware of the power and fle;ibility of this O
Kenneth Rohde Christiansen, Intern at
Institut für Informationssysteme und Softwaretechnik Universität Passau, D-9400 Passau
integrated development environment. he other tool was &orland ogether which is a U0@ modeller which can work on the Cava code directly. he web products at II% are realiKed by using a collection of Cava compatible technologies! many of which are open source. he 0odel-Fiew-+ontroller-II design is realiKed by using Cava! C%3 and the Apache %truts framework. Additionally! a persistence framework is used for database access which is called 4ibernate. 0any other smaller technologies are also used as Display ag @ib! Cava #eb%tart! @ogging libraries etc. It has been a *oy to learn these technologies and how they fit together! and I have also had some time to look into alternative techni/ues and evaluate them a little bit. or my assignment I had the design option to use Cava%cript or a Cava applet for my user interface and ended up going for a Cava%cript solution! though that I have never worked with Cava%cript before. I have learned that Cava%cript is a bit $dirty'. #ith this I mean! that it is hard to write good Cava%cript code and it is very hard to debug it. Cava%cript is supposed to work in all ma*or web browsers but it turns out that the implementation for each browser is a bit different and you have to special-case most of your code. Another problem is that Cava%cript doesnNt integrate very well with other technologies used as for instance %truts. Generally! I have learned that developing web applications for different web browsers can be a pain. %ince things that you e;pect to work the same way *ust does not and you have to find alternative solutions which do not improve the usability. Developing interactive #eb Interfaces is hard and it makes you idolise the good people at Google for developing such comple; A*a; 5"6 applications as for instance G0ail (http? and Google 0aps (http? Another thing that I have learned during my internship is how easily I can fit into a different culture. 0y internship has been completed in &avaria in Germany and language and culture differences have not proven a problem in my work! though all oral communication has been in German.
Things that I have over( and under(estimated I do not think that there are particular things that I have over- or under-estimated. If there is something that I have underestimated then it is how comple; the code of such an enterprise web application can be at first sight. he amount of code in the pro*ect that I worked on was of a reasonable siKe and it was impossible for me simple to look a bit around! do some code reading and then understand the structure. Instead! I went the road of implementing a prototype with a design that I thought would fit into the system. #hen I ran into problems I consulted my superiors and they e;plained me the particular part of their system and showed me where to look. his gave me the option to incorporate my new findings into my design and continue developing my prototype. o give some numbers the Assessment.%uite consists of? "2
Kenneth Rohde Christiansen, Intern at
Institut für Informationssysteme und Softwaretechnik Universität Passau, D-9400 Passau
0ore than E12 classes 0ore than "".222 lines of pure code (comments! braces! brackets and the like are not counted 0ore than ) database tables
"hat I could have done differently and %hy I do not think that there is much that I could have done differently. ne thing I could have done though was doing a bit of check-up on the technologies used by the company before I started my internship. his would have made the first couple of weeks a bit easier! but on the other hand that would have given me too little to make. #ithout this check-up! the period of internship and the pro*ect fitted well together! as when the personal at II% were not at the disposal to answer my /uestions! I could spend my time reading up on the technologies on the internet.
"hat I %ould li#e to %or# on in the future 0y main interest in +omputer %cience has always been human-machine interaction and programming languages and tools. I am a perfectionist and would like to make the computer e;perience better. I am of the belief that a computer should be as easy to use as a televisionH a computer should be immediately accessible when it is turned on and it should be almost impossible to mess your system up so that it does not work properly any more. I feel the same way about programming languages! frameworks etc. #eb design has not caught my eye before this internship! due to the fact that it was almost impossible to make well-designed user-friendly applications. During this internship I have learned that web development have undergone a huge development since I have touched it last! and web applications as Google 0aps and G0ail show me that it is now possible to develop applications that live up to my /uality criteria. A*a; 5"6! together with new #eb rameworks shows a promising future that I can see myself being part of. 0y main interests are still human-machine interaction and programming languages etc! so let me touch these separately? 4uman-machine interaction #ith human-machine interaction I mostly mean making the computer e;perience better than it is today. or many years I have worked on the G0, pro*ect! which is a pro*ect to develop a user-interface for UIB-like operation systems. I have found this very interesting due to a few facts. irst of all! I have worked on a product for a broad user-scale. #orking on a product with a periodic release schedule is very nice! as you get something shipped which you later can be
Kenneth Rohde Christiansen, Intern at
Institut für Informationssysteme und Softwaretechnik Universität Passau, D-9400 Passau
proud of. It also results in lots of feedback (directly from users! reviews! articles etc that you can consider in your ne;t version. he other reason is that I am working with new technology and have the option to invent J to go beyond what others do todayP #hether my work should be developing a new desktop-wide search tool or working on the user-interface of a particular program! I do not mind! but developing software for a broad audience and inventing is what I really like. Due to these facts I would like to work on G0, professionally by for instance working for >ed 4at! ovell or okia. I would also very much like working for a company as Apple! working on an operation system that is much more close to what I want? the 0ac% B. 3rogramming languages 0y other interest is programming languages and related technologies. Due to the fact that I have been programming for many years now I have grown to hate and love different programming languages! tools! and class libraries. his has made me very interested in new trends on this front such as Aspect riented 3rogramming! .,! Architectural rameworks etc. #orking on the G0, pro*ect I have also been following the design of much of the infrastructure and have learned from the mistakes made by the G0, pro*ect. A pro*ect spawning from the fact that the G0, infrastructure was to hard to use! is the 0ono pro*ect. A pro*ect with the goal of implementing the 0icrosoft ., framework for UIB-like systems as well as integrating it well with the G0, pro*ect. I could see myself working on this pro*ect by for instance working for ovell! 0ainsoft or one of the other contributors.
5"6 http?88www.adaptivepath.com8publications8essays8archives8222E=).php
Kenneth Rohde Christiansen, Intern at
Institut für Informationssysteme und Softwaretechnik Universität Passau, D-9400 Passau
Accomplished work (Verslag van werkzaamheden) The first %ee# he first day was spent by getting ac/uainted with the company and my fellow co-workers! as well as getting a computer and a place to work. An account was created for me! and I spent the rest of the day configuring the computer! installing the re/uired software packages! as well as checking out the many modules that I needed from their local +F%. he ne;t day I spent my time setting up ,clipse! omcat! 3ostgre%Q@! so that I could build the Assessment.%uite product that I worked on and run it locally. he rest of the week was used to get to know the product in detail! as well as being introduced to my assignment and doing preliminary analysis. n hursday! I went to the weekly company meeting as I have been doing every week that I have been at II%.
The second %ee# In the second week I did further brainstorming and planning. 0y preliminary analysis was written down on a day to day basic and was given to my product advisor #olfgang Flkl. #e then had short meetings and I got feedback on my work so far. his also involved learning the design of the product and learning new tools as &orland ogether and I&0 ,clipse. I developed new user-interface prototypes in order to see what was possible to do. his also involved searching for already developed software to ease the implementation! as well as evaluating the software and making sure it was using a compatible license. &y the end of the week I had a good idea of where I was heading and had some static interface prototypes.
The third and fourth %ee# In the third week I continued working on the prototypes and on the analysis. I wrote a !flichtenheft (in German to the customers e;plaining the product and where we were heading. I also made a presentation where I introduced my self and e;plained my pro*ect. his presentation was given hursday at the weekly company meeting. At the end of the week and the following week I took a little break from the analysis in order to do technology research! which basically means getting ac/uainted with the code base of the product as well as the many libraries! tools and methods used. his involved reading about
Kenneth Rohde Christiansen, Intern at
Institut für Informationssysteme und Softwaretechnik Universität Passau, D-9400 Passau
and playing with new tools and technologies as? omcat! 4ibernate! 3ostgre%Q@! Cava %erver 3ages! BDoc@et! Ant! %truts etc. he only way to really get to know the product was trying to implement my prototype with my preliminary design and then ask when I ran into problems and then adapt my design. his way I got to know how the system worked and got better ideas on how to design my e;tension so that it would work with the e;isting system. Doing this wasnNt as easy task as I had not worked with many of the technologies before! the code base is reasonable large! and because some of the technologies used were abstracted in the actual implementation. &y the end of forth week I had the user interface working on the web server generating dynamically pages and maps (images based on static data.
The fifth %ee# #eek ) I started working on the backend and the business logic to actually generate my pages based on data from the database. I got /uite far doing this! but realiKed that I had not fully understood some of the design patterns and had to change my way of thinking. I updated my design and discussed some design issues with my colleges and we settled on a final design. Unfortunately! discussing some minor issues some days later revealed that there were some serious problems with the design that we had not dealt with so far. he problems were due to parts of the system that I am not working on directly and we postponed dealing with these until my superior had time to e;plain me the other parts of the system and the problems that we were facing.
The sixth and seventh %ee# In week L I wrote my tussenrapportage and sent it to my school. urthermore! I talked with my superior about the remaining design problems and came up with some solutions. After all remaining design issues had been settledH I started working on the actual implementation of the design by using various parts from my prototype implementation. his work continues into week < where it was finished. Unfortunately! I had some computer problems during the week as the computer kept crashing. At some point it crashed during a refactoring in ,clipse! with the result that some important files were overwritten with garbage. 0y code was not in +F% at the time! as my superior did not want it integrated with the main product and because he hadnNt figured out where e;actly to put it. After the crash! /uite some time was spent saving my work and rewriting what was missing. After the setback was solved we found a way to store my code in a different +F% branch.
Kenneth Rohde Christiansen, Intern at
Institut für Informationssysteme und Softwaretechnik Universität Passau, D-9400 Passau
The eighth %ee# In week = a few remaining issues with the implementation was worked out and I started making a testing plan as well as compiled a new document consisting of all our design decisions. A careful Quality Assurance test was fulfilled and it revealed some new problems. After discussion with my superior it was clear that many of the problems were known problems in web application development and that most was handled by the %truts framework used! or by the actual Assessment.%uite framework. he last of the week was spent solving these remaining issues.
The ninth %ee# In week O I demonstrated the system to the pro*ect manager at II% and he seemed to be positively surprised. #e decided that it was time to integrate my code with the main branch in +F% and a day was spent doing this in order to make sure it was done the right way. A few issues arouse in the ne;t days and were immediately fi;ed. he rest of the week was spent writing my internship report as well as arranging when I had to make a presentation during week "2.
The last %ee# In the last week I worked on updating all the documents that I have been writing to refle; the latest changes. I also had to prepare a presentation of my product for the whole company and before doing so! my supervisor gave me a list of changes that he would like to see changed before the presentation. All changes were made and the presentation was given on hursday. As I had a bit time over! II% asked me to evaluate the new ,clipse E." in order to see if they could make an easy transition. Unfortunately! I came to the conclusion that that was not possible! as not all their plug-ins work with the new release. I found alternative plug-ins that II% could use! but these will first be released for ,clipse E." in "-1 months time.
Kenneth Rohde Christiansen, Intern at
Institut für Informationssysteme und Softwaretechnik Universität Passau, D-9400 Passau
Evaluatie Sotware!Engineering!stage enneth >ohde +hristiansen! Culy the "st! 122)-2L-1 "egenda: a # c d n$v$t$
R helemaal mee eens R mee eens R mee oneens R helemaal mee oneens R niet van toepassing
". 1. E.
Ik vond het fi*n de vri*heid te hebben mi*n eigen stage te kunnen regelen. De begeleiding bi* de stage vanuit de opleiding was goed. De begeleiding bi* de stage vanuit de installing8het bedri*f waar ik stage liep! was voldoende. . #anneer ik problemen had! kon ik die goed bespreken met mi*n stagebegeleider. ). #anneer ik problemen had! kon ik die goed bespreken met mi*n dageli*ks begeleider. L. 0i*n begeleider besteedde voldoende ti*d aan mi*n begeleiding. <. 0i*n dageli*ks begeleider was voldoende kritisch. =. ,igenli*k werd ik niet begeleid O. Ik werd ti*dens mi*n stage teveel aan mi*n lot overgeladen "2 ,r waren duideli*ke afspraken tussen mi*n stagebegeleider en mi*n dageli*ks . begeleider. "" i*dens mi*n stage kreek ik goed inKicht op mi*n tekorten in vaardigheden. . "1 0i*n inhoudeli*ke kennis was voldoende om goed te kunnen functioneren op . mi*n stageplaats. "E i*dens de stage Kou er meer contact moeten Ki*n met de opleiding. . " 4et schri*ven van het stageverslag kostte mi* meer ti*d dan ik had verwacht . ") De eisen die aan het stageverslag gesteld werden waren mi* vooraf duideli*k . "L i*dens het schri*ven van het stageverslag had ik graag meer begeleiding gehad. "< Door de stage heb ik een beter beeld gekregen van de beroepsprakti*k . "= Ik heb ti*dens mi*n stage veel geleerd. . "O 4et was mi* duideli*k hoe de stage beoordeeld werd. .
% & % % % & & D ! n$v$t$ & & ! & & & % % &
'elke vakken die e gevolgd he#t *in nuttig geweest voor de stage+
Kenneth Rohde Christiansen, Intern at
Institut für Informationssysteme und Softwaretechnik Universität Passau, D-9400 Passau
%oftware Architecture! %tudent +olli/uium S veel &achelorvakken die ik in Denemarken gevolgd heb. 'elke vakken welke e nog niet he#t gevolgd denk e dat nuttig *ullen *in+
rganiKation and 0anagement of %oftware 3ro*ect eams 'elke vaardigheden,kennis he# e gemist maar he# e toch nodig gehad in de stage+
0eer kennis van #eb-Application rameworks! van Integrated Development ,nvironments (ID,s net als ,clipse en een beet*e meer kennis van vaak gebruikte Design 3atterns. 'as het werk dat e doen kreeg uitdagend genoeg+
Ca! en ook Keer interessantP Zou e het werk wat e tidens e stage he#t gedaan ook na e afstuderen willen doen+
Ca! maar er Ki*n een paar dingen die ik liefer wil doen. -ventuele overige opmerkingen:
Kenneth Rohde Christiansen, Intern at
Institut für Informationssysteme und Softwaretechnik Universität Passau, D-9400 Passau
STA"#A#$!%EOO$&E'#"SO$*+'#E$ # TE V+''E &OO$ &E STA"E!VE$'EE$ aam stagiair?
enneth >ohde +hristiansen
aam stage-verlener?
Ulrich 7ukowski
.egevens #edrif
aam? Institut f:r Informationssysteme und %oftwaretechnik (II% Adres? Universit9t 3assau! Institutsgeb9ude Gottfried-%ch9ffer-%traTe 12! D-O2E1 3assau
&etreft %tage-periode van 1)..122) tot ".<.122) Aantal werkdagen afweKig? &-//0D-"12.:
3raktische vaardigheden InKicht in de werksituatie 7elfstandigheid Initiatieviteit &elangstelling +ontactuele eigenschappen 3robleem oplossend vermogen
onvoldoende voldoende V goed onvoldoende voldoende V goed onvoldoende V voldoende goed onvoldoende voldoende V goed onvoldoende voldoende V goed onvoldoende voldoende V goed onvoldoende voldoende V goed
%lgemene indruk: onvoldoende voldoende V goed (eventueel kort omschri*ven
-indoordeel stage (cifer tussen 3 $$ 34): Toelichting #i een negatief oordeel:
5 (eun
&eoordeling stageverslag (cifer tussen 3 $$ 34) ?
34 (7ehn
Datum? ". Culi
"r wordt #anuit gegaan dat dit $eoordelingsformulier met de stagiair is $esproken% Gelieve dit formulier getekend mee te geven aan de stagair.