Introduction of Apple. Inc.
Apple Inc.
Is an American multinational corporation, one of the greatest in the world that designs and manufactures consumer electronics and computer software products? The company's best-known hardware products Macintosh computers, iod, ihone, software!s including the Mac "# $ operating system, iTunes and other creati%ity software!s like like i&ork i&ork represent the face of the music, phone, and computing industry. The company operates more than () ( ) retail stores in si*teen countries and an online store where hardware and software products are sold.
+stablished in upertino, alifornia on April , /0 and incorporated 1anuary 2, //, the company was called Apple omputer, Inc. for its 3est 2) years, but dropped the word 4omputer4 on 1anuary , ))/ to re5ect the company's ongoing e*pansion into the consumer electronics market in addition to its traditional focus on personal computers. Apple has about 6,7)) employees worldwide and had worldwide annual sales for the full-year results in )2, the company generated 8/ billion in re%enue and 82/ billion in port. 9or reasons as %arious as its philosophy of comprehensi%e aesthetic design to its distincti%e ad%ertising campaigns, Apple has established a uni:ue reputation in the consumer electronics industry. This includes a customer base that is de%oted to the company and its brand, particularly in the ;nited #tates. 9ortune maga
ut 1obs struggled in his new role, causing the board to oust him in 7(. 9rom that point on, Apple took hits in popularity and lost considerable ground to >ill ates! growing 5uggernaut throughout the )s. #culley wasn't %ery successful.
@ooking back, the Apple products that came out in the 1obs-less era theoretically should ha%e been %ery good for the company, but were either poorly managed or not marketed well enough to gain ground. The ewton, launched in 2, is a good e*ample of a strong Apple product that ne%er found its following. The ewton was to be a re%olutionary ersonal Bigital Be%ice one of the world!s consumer BAs Cersonal Bigital AssistantsD. AssistantsD. It had a touchscreen and a pen stylus like today!s smart phones, and almost no competition in the market. >ut it popped despite its re%olutionary design and @u*ury pricing Ctwo of o f the things Apple enthusiasts tout as reasons for
the ihone!s successD. "ne problem was that Apple allowed Motorola, #harp, and Bigital "cean to manufacture de%ices that ran the ewton "# and ultimately the lack of uniformity may ha%e been a turnoff to adopters. )s, The oming back of #te%e 1obs
&hen #te%e 1obs returned to his company as +" in /, he had learned from his mistakes, as well as from Apple's mistakes o%er the pre%ious decade. "ne of 1obs! best decisions upon his return was to stop cloning Macintosh computers. #ince (, Apple had been allowing the other companies to make Mac-compatible computers. The arrangement was cutting into Apple's bottom line and diminishing the :uality of Mac computers in the marketplace. The same story applies to the ewtonE &ith the "# being rented out to an yone who could create a de%ice
Apple Inc. latest product #an 9rancisco F Apple today introduced ihone / and ihone / plus, the best, most ad%anced ihone e%er, packed with uni:ue inno%ations that impro%e all the ways ihone is used e%ery day. The new ihone features new ad%anced camera systems that take pictures like ne%er before, more power and performance with the best battery life e%er in an ihone, immersi%e stereo speakers, and wide color system from camera to display, two new beautiful finishes, and is the first water and dust resistant ihone. Ihone / and ihone / lus will be a%ailable in more than ( countries beginning 9riday, #eptember 0.
Gihone / and ihone / lus dramatically impro%e e%ery aspect of the ihone e*perience, reaching a new le%el of inno%ation and precision to make this the best ihone we ha%e e%er made,H said hilip #chiller, Apple!s senior %ice president of &orldwide Marketing. GThe completely redesigned cameras shoot incredible photos and %ideos day or night, the A) 9usion chip is the most powerful chip on any smartphone while deli%ering the best battery life e%er in an ihone, and an entirely new stereo speaker system pro%ides twice the sound, all within the first water and dust resistant ihone.H
ew Ad%anced amera #ystems
ihone / and ihone / lus take the world!s most popular camera and make it e%en better with entirely new camera systems. The -megapi*el camera includes optical image stabili
more detail. ihone / lus features the same -megapi*el wide angle camera as ihone / and adds a -megapi*el telephoto camera that together offer optical ehind e%ery organi
+stablishing a cross cultural research program with styles of Kcomple* decision making! would re:uire cultural, theoretical and empirical conclusions for primary discernment. The three factors that need to be discussed about cultural theoretical constructs that affect decision making areE . redictability of the organi
@imited predictability on the other hand re:uires the modification of strategies employed to address and sol%e issues and hence comple* decision making becomes ine%itable. G#low rates of change may allow for knowledge based, analytic, and long term oriented strategies to de%elop whereas an en%ironment in a constant state of flu* re:uires ad hoc and short term strategiesH C#trohschneider, ))D2N.. +*posureE It is the e*tent to which a culture demands and facilitates essential e*periences in %arious areas of problem sol%ing. +*posure is related to credibility of the organi
An organi
>usiness operational plan of Apple Inc. #trategic plan sets up the business plan of a company while business plan in turn establishes the business operation plan. "perational plan is the key to run the entire business of company. "perational business plan co%ers the all areas of company including the finance, manufacturing, internet, operations, 3QB, human resources and marketing. Apple Inc. was known because of its lenient business thinking. Apple Inc. has the design, marketing and manufacturing ser%ices. ompany de%elops designs and markets the musical players with important accessories. The business of Apple Inc. is managed on geographic basis. There are fi%e operating segments of Apple Inc. such as America, +urope, 1apan, retail and others. In ;#, anada, ;L and 1apan Apple owned stores are currently operating. @ike other organi
The people in Apple Inc. are grouped together on the basis of their e*pertise and resources. It enabled the Apple Inc. to learn from its functions. The present structure in Apple Inc. has focused upon those acti%ities which reduce the costs and increase the fle*ibility in its operations. The managers in Apple Inc. ha%e a greater control of the organiM had 0))) to /))) direct salesman. Oowe%er the Apple Inc. has focused to establish more sales staff. Many issues concerning to these sales person were noted regarding the prices of products. Apple Inc. has also marketing problem as it failed to communicate th e Macintosh's business image in market. The fact that marketing strategy was not according to re:uirements and did not make it more famous in marketR it also did not focus upon the technology. roducts are manufactured on the basis of customer's needs. Apple Inc. needed the fundamental importance of getting close to market.
Apple Inc. possessed the organiM its supplier e*perienced the manufacturing problems and delayed the shipment of %arious products. In a market the speedy deli%ery of products is critical. Bue to the Apple's key dependency on other companies put it at the competiti%e disad%antage. Ouman 3esource in Apple Inc. has administrati%e tasks such as meetings, conferences, special pro5ects and seeks the solution for the fast paced store en%ironment. Managerial :ualities and resources necessary for effecti%e business operation planning The issues in :uality of products attracted the attention of business. The management concept is rendered by the wa%e of successful entrepreneurship. Top managers are committed to make decisions before communicating fully with all those who are in%ol%ed in it. &hen subordinates ask for the decision the top managers think about the organi
ensure the deli%ery of the products to companies according to their re:uirements. >usiness customer contacts the business managers and long term relationships are established between them Apple Inc. management has the ability to sell its products ha%ing no supply chain system. It earn the re%enue by the selling the iod de%ices and Mac computers. Its iTunes %irtual stores are generating the re%enue more than 8 billion e%ery year CBa%id, )), pE /D. The managers at Apple Inc. face the incenti%es of using the strategies to control the earnings in many traded companies. The managers are allowed to purchase the stocks. In this way the staff at Apple Inc. is encouraged Cwww.sec.go%D. The management system of Apple Inc. has policies and procedures, responsibilities and roles of its managers. 9or e*ample a best health management system is maintained by the concerned managers to ensure the safety and health of its employees. If any inade:uacy is seen in this system then top managers adopt the correcti%e actions including the %erification through audit processes. Apple procurement managers are responsible to manage the business relationship with suppliers and coordinate the Apple's supplier responsibility auditor.
Apple Inc. has fi%e di%isions to manage the products and marketing departments of the company. These fi%e di%isions are responsible to e%aluation and manufacturing of the de%ices, software and hardware of computer system. The four support di%isions also work to handle the marketing and post-sale products. A new position of hief "peration "fficer was created by #cully to centrali
9rom the abo%e discussion it can be concluded that Apple Inc. is a well-known de%elopment and business company of the world. Its success lies in its business operation plan which indeed depends upon the %arious necessary actions taken from the design of the product to sale of the product.