SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT (SWMS) – Incorporating Job Safet Ana!"i"
De"cription of Acti#it to be carrie$ o%t&
Abo#e Abo#e 'ro%n$ 'ro%n$ Etern Eterna! a! S%rfac S%rface e protec protectio tion n ainting of iping* E+%ip,ent - Str%ct%re.
Wor/ 0ocation&
J'1 appro#e t3e %"e of t3i" MSJSA &
b M12
Ri"/ A""e"",ent 0og Section&
1ritica! Step" in t3i" Acti#it&
0oa$ing of Erection Materia! on Trai!er (%"ing Trai!er* Trai!er* 1rane* For/!ift etc.)
Corridors of Ras Laffan, Tank form area, B110, B120, B130, B140, B150, B160, B310, C110, C110, C120, C130, C140, C160, C300, D100, D200
o"ition& JGC HSE Manager
Date &
Acti#it '%i$e!ine" %"e$&
otentia! Ha4ar$"&
Improper loading of material. Falling material Personnel Injury
HSE 1ontro!" to be I,p!e,ente$&
S3ifting of ,ateria! to Site 8 Off !oa$ing b Trai!er* 1rane* etc
,oad Traffic #ccidents -aterial fall during transportation #ccident due to improper loading Improper Offloading
Loading of material will be under proper supervision. Only Third party certified and color coded lifting gears will be used Only Bansman with !igh visibility "est will give signals to crane operator. Barricade the loading area. #pproved operator will will operate the crane. Tag line to be used. #ccess to be provided in case of re$uirement %ecure all material &nsure that overloading is prevented For the lifting of load wind speed should be less than '( nots confirmed by )*+ #ll drivers / operators will will be oriented for safe access to site. Only approved trailer to be used 0o standing at the bac of Trailor. ,oad traffic signs to be followed.
SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT (SWMS) – Incorporating Job Safet Ana!"i"
1ritica! Step" in t3i" Acti#it&
S3ifting of Too!" an$ !ant 9 E+%ip,ent at "ite.
otentia! Ha4ar$"&
1efective / unserviceable machines %ource of Ignition / Fire &arth / +ables etc.
HSE 1ontro!" to be I,p!e,ente$&
'rit b!a"ting b %"ing 'arnet
Occupational !ealth problem due to *rit Blasting dust. Irritation on %in Personnel Injury due to Improper containment of area Inade$uate / 1efective PP&s 4nfiller / Improper #ir %uction and $uality Inade$uate coupling / !ose connection Poor +ommunication Poor !ouse 5eeping %lips / Trips
&nsure all compressor checed prior to shifting to site #ll blasting accessories lie blasting parts no22les blasting hoods filters and tools are approved / certified / inspected prior to use. +ompressors with Fire e3tinguisher Trained personnel will be involved in shifting of tools and plant / e$uipment
Tool Bo3 tal will be conducted regarding ha2ards of *arnet being used for blasting material6 -%1% attached. The *rit Blast Operator will wear an air supplied hood approved for *rit Blasting. #de$uate periphery protection will be done. Other worers in or around the area will wear dust mass approved for Blasting #rea. *rit Blast no22le will be with dead man control that will shut off the flow if no22le is dropped6 +ontrol %witch will be in reach of the blaster. !ose no22le6 coupling6 fittings will be checed visually to be well in place. !ose joint will be provided with safety chain / pin *rit blast operator will wear %hot resis tant apron6 %afety boots6 *auntlet gloves6 heavy shirt and trouser.
SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT (SWMS) – Incorporating Job Safet Ana!"i"
1ritica! Step" in t3i" Acti#it&
S3ifting of Too!" an$ !ant 9 E+%ip,ent at "ite.
otentia! Ha4ar$"&
1efective / unserviceable machines %ource of Ignition / Fire &arth / +ables etc.
HSE 1ontro!" to be I,p!e,ente$&
'rit b!a"ting b %"ing 'arnet
Occupational !ealth problem due to *rit Blasting dust. Irritation on %in Personnel Injury due to Improper containment of area Inade$uate / 1efective PP&s 4nfiller / Improper #ir %uction and $uality Inade$uate coupling / !ose connection Poor +ommunication Poor !ouse 5eeping %lips / Trips
&nsure all compressor checed prior to shifting to site #ll blasting accessories lie blasting parts no22les blasting hoods filters and tools are approved / certified / inspected prior to use. +ompressors with Fire e3tinguisher Trained personnel will be involved in shifting of tools and plant / e$uipment
Tool Bo3 tal will be conducted regarding ha2ards of *arnet being used for blasting material6 -%1% attached. The *rit Blast Operator will wear an air supplied hood approved for *rit Blasting. #de$uate periphery protection will be done. Other worers in or around the area will wear dust mass approved for Blasting #rea. *rit Blast no22le will be with dead man control that will shut off the flow if no22le is dropped6 +ontrol %witch will be in reach of the blaster. !ose no22le6 coupling6 fittings will be checed visually to be well in place. !ose joint will be provided with safety chain / pin *rit blast operator will wear %hot resis tant apron6 %afety boots6 *auntlet gloves6 heavy shirt and trouser.
SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT (SWMS) – Incorporating Job Safet Ana!"i"
1ritica! Step" in t3i" Acti#it&
otentia! Ha4ar$"&
HSE 1ontro!" to be I,p!e,ente$&
0o one will be allowed within range of *rit jet while wor is in progress. 7orers attending e$uipment will not leave the e$uipment unattended and wear all PP&s 8having proper with blaster. %upply rate of #ir to Blasting hood will be 9 cfm per hood without vorte3 tube and '( cfm with vorte3 tube. #pproved Blasting material will be used. 7or area will be barricaded and sign posted as :0O &0T,; < *,IT BL#%TI0* I0 P,O*,&%%: %ite %upervisor will be responsible for observing distance of rebound and for moving ropes and barricades and signs clear of rebound. # proper bonded or electrically conductor hose will be used to prevent accumulation of static electricity in the operator=s body. -aintain woring area clean and tidy. Only e3perienced personnel to do this activity. 7aste from blasting yard will be disposed off as per )*+ / 1olphin waste management system.
SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT (SWMS) – Incorporating Job Safet Ana!"i"
1ritica! Step" in t3i" Acti#it&
otentia! Ha4ar$"&
HSE 1ontro!" to be I,p!e,ente$&
0o one will be allowed within range of *rit jet while wor is in progress. 7orers attending e$uipment will not leave the e$uipment unattended and wear all PP&s 8having proper with blaster. %upply rate of #ir to Blasting hood will be 9 cfm per hood without vorte3 tube and '( cfm with vorte3 tube. #pproved Blasting material will be used. 7or area will be barricaded and sign posted as :0O &0T,; < *,IT BL#%TI0* I0 P,O*,&%%: %ite %upervisor will be responsible for observing distance of rebound and for moving ropes and barricades and signs clear of rebound. # proper bonded or electrically conductor hose will be used to prevent accumulation of static electricity in the operator=s body. -aintain woring area clean and tidy. Only e3perienced personnel to do this activity. 7aste from blasting yard will be disposed off as per )*+ / 1olphin waste management system.
SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT (SWMS) – Incorporating Job Safet Ana!"i"
1ritica! Step" in t3i" Acti#it&
otentia! Ha4ar$"&
HSE 1ontro!" to be I,p!e,ente$&
<"e of Air co,pre""or
Occupational !ealth problem due to noisy atmosphere
+ompressed air leaage due to improper hose connection or damaged hose
%in injury due compressed air.
%lip / Trip !a2ard
Improper grounding
0o / improper guard on moving parts
4se of defective e$uipment
of -
#ll air compressor6 #ir receivers and other e$uipment will be )*+ Inspected6 color coded. Perform regular inspection on daily basis to identify defects Periodic maintenance to be done Immediately report any defect/damage/malfunction or missing part to supervisor &nsure all safety gadgets and gauges woring properly 7ear hearing protection in noisy environment. &nsure drip tray to avoid any spill due to leaage Provision of fire e3tinguisher with the air compressor. #ir >uality to be checed regularly and moisture drained. This will be done by checing the air using personal gas monitor periodically as described in #ir >uality Procedure. +ompressed air not to be used for cleaning purpose Inspection of air hose assembly and hose connections before each use. 7ire checs will be used on hose joints !oses to be routed properly to prevent slip / trip ha2ard Proper earthing of the air compressor to be done
SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT (SWMS) – Incorporating Job Safet Ana!"i"
1ritica! Step" in t3i" Acti#it&
otentia! Ha4ar$"&
HSE 1ontro!" to be I,p!e,ente$&
<"e of Air co,pre""or
Occupational !ealth problem due to noisy atmosphere
+ompressed air leaage due to improper hose connection or damaged hose
%in injury due compressed air.
%lip / Trip !a2ard
Improper grounding
0o / improper guard on moving parts
4se of defective e$uipment
of -
#ll air compressor6 #ir receivers and other e$uipment will be )*+ Inspected6 color coded. Perform regular inspection on daily basis to identify defects Periodic maintenance to be done Immediately report any defect/damage/malfunction or missing part to supervisor &nsure all safety gadgets and gauges woring properly 7ear hearing protection in noisy environment. &nsure drip tray to avoid any spill due to leaage Provision of fire e3tinguisher with the air compressor. #ir >uality to be checed regularly and moisture drained. This will be done by checing the air using personal gas monitor periodically as described in #ir >uality Procedure. +ompressed air not to be used for cleaning purpose Inspection of air hose assembly and hose connections before each use. 7ire checs will be used on hose joints !oses to be routed properly to prevent slip / trip ha2ard Proper earthing of the air compressor to be done
SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT (SWMS) – Incorporating Job Safet Ana!"i"
1ritica! Step" in t3i" Acti#it&
otentia! Ha4ar$"&
HSE 1ontro!" to be I,p!e,ente$&
Storage of c3e,ica!"
Occupational !ealth ha2ard due to e3posure to to3ic chemicals
&nvironmental !a2ard due to spillage
Fire ha2ard due to flammable chemicals
Improper handling and disposal of waste
Improper houseeeping
Ignition source / hot wor near flammable material
The design and specification of chemical storage areas will be in compliance with )*+ Procedure. 7aste storage areas will comply with the re$uirements stated within the )*+ 7aste -anagement Procedure ,LO ????FP,(?@'9. -anagement of spills of chemicals will comply with the measures stated in the %pill +ontingency6 Procedure ,LO???? FP,(?@'A. 1isposal procedures and control measures for chemical waste will comply with the procedure and measures stated in the 7aste -anagement Procedure ,LO????FP,(?@'9. &nsure the availability of -%1% of chemicals being used. 4se of drip trays to avoid spillage &nsure availability of Fire e3tinguisher at chemical storage area. +ontrol measures and emergency contacts are provided in case of any spill or fire. *ood houseeeping to be maintained at all the times at chemical storage area. Labeling of all chemical containers &nsure that all containers are tightly paced List of emergency contact numbers is provided. 0o smoing in or around chemical storage area. 0o hot wor/ignition source nearby to chemical storage area
SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT (SWMS) – Incorporating Job Safet Ana!"i"
1ritica! Step" in t3i" Acti#it&
otentia! Ha4ar$"&
HSE 1ontro!" to be I,p!e,ente$&
Storage of c3e,ica!"
Occupational !ealth ha2ard due to e3posure to to3ic chemicals
&nvironmental !a2ard due to spillage
Fire ha2ard due to flammable chemicals
Improper handling and disposal of waste
Improper houseeeping
Ignition source / hot wor near flammable material
The design and specification of chemical storage areas will be in compliance with )*+ Procedure. 7aste storage areas will comply with the re$uirements stated within the )*+ 7aste -anagement Procedure ,LO ????FP,(?@'9. -anagement of spills of chemicals will comply with the measures stated in the %pill +ontingency6 Procedure ,LO???? FP,(?@'A. 1isposal procedures and control measures for chemical waste will comply with the procedure and measures stated in the 7aste -anagement Procedure ,LO????FP,(?@'9. &nsure the availability of -%1% of chemicals being used. 4se of drip trays to avoid spillage &nsure availability of Fire e3tinguisher at chemical storage area. +ontrol measures and emergency contacts are provided in case of any spill or fire. *ood houseeeping to be maintained at all the times at chemical storage area. Labeling of all chemical containers &nsure that all containers are tightly paced List of emergency contact numbers is provided. 0o smoing in or around chemical storage area. 0o hot wor/ignition source nearby to chemical storage area
SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT (SWMS) – Incorporating Job Safet Ana!"i"
1ritica! Step" in t3i" Acti#it&
otentia! Ha4ar$"&
HSE 1ontro!" to be I,p!e,ente$&
0o accumulation of chemicals in wor area / walways where it poses a health ha2ard/fire ha2ard. #ll spills to be cleaned immediately. Flammable li$uids to be dispensed over drip trays in a safe area away from an ignition source Flammable li$uids not to be used for cleaning machinery or its parts %uitable signs to be posted
SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT (SWMS) – Incorporating Job Safet Ana!"i"
1ritica! Step" in t3i" Acti#it&
otentia! Ha4ar$"&
HSE 1ontro!" to be I,p!e,ente$&
0o accumulation of chemicals in wor area / walways where it poses a health ha2ard/fire ha2ard. #ll spills to be cleaned immediately. Flammable li$uids to be dispensed over drip trays in a safe area away from an ignition source Flammable li$uids not to be used for cleaning machinery or its parts %uitable signs to be posted
SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT (SWMS) – Incorporating Job Safet Ana!"i"
1ritica! Step" in t3i" Acti#it&
otentia! Ha4ar$"&
ainting Wor/"
Occupational !ealth problem due to inhalation of paint fumes. Trips / %lips / Falls Inade$uate storage / disposal of paint and empty container 0onavailability of eye wash it %ign boards Over spray in adjacent areas 4se of defective paint spray e$uipment &ye Injury Fire !a2ard &nvironmental ha2ard due to spillage of paint
HSE 1ontro!" to be I,p!e,ente$&
TBT to be conducted on the ha2ards and ris to health by paint materials -%1% attached. Proper planning before starting activity to minimi2e the ris to human health6 safety and environment PP&% to be used as an e3tra protection or where other control measures are not practicable &nsure that all containers are tightly paced when not in use. List of emergency contact numbers is provided. 4se of paint will be performed on open areas as for possible. The >uantity of paint brought into the wor area will be controlled and restricted to the anticipated or intended amount to be used. Only trained personnel will be allowed to use and handle paint. +onsumption of food and smoing will be prohibited when woring with paint. %upervisor to ensure that worforce is aware of all precautions given in the -%1% of paint and follow these fully.
SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT (SWMS) – Incorporating Job Safet Ana!"i"
1ritica! Step" in t3i" Acti#it&
otentia! Ha4ar$"&
ainting Wor/"
Occupational !ealth problem due to inhalation of paint fumes. Trips / %lips / Falls Inade$uate storage / disposal of paint and empty container 0onavailability of eye wash it %ign boards Over spray in adjacent areas 4se of defective paint spray e$uipment &ye Injury Fire !a2ard &nvironmental ha2ard due to spillage of paint
HSE 1ontro!" to be I,p!e,ente$&
TBT to be conducted on the ha2ards and ris to health by paint materials -%1% attached. Proper planning before starting activity to minimi2e the ris to human health6 safety and environment PP&% to be used as an e3tra protection or where other control measures are not practicable &nsure that all containers are tightly paced when not in use. List of emergency contact numbers is provided. 4se of paint will be performed on open areas as for possible. The >uantity of paint brought into the wor area will be controlled and restricted to the anticipated or intended amount to be used. Only trained personnel will be allowed to use and handle paint. +onsumption of food and smoing will be prohibited when woring with paint. %upervisor to ensure that worforce is aware of all precautions given in the -%1% of paint and follow these fully.
SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT (SWMS) – Incorporating Job Safet Ana!"i"
1ritica! Step" in t3i" Acti#it&
otentia! Ha4ar$"&
HSE 1ontro!" to be I,p!e,ente$&
,espiratory protection will be used as per -%1%. Paint will be stored in a safe manner6 material will be segregated in accordance with good practice eeping o3idi2ing and reducing apart. Paint will be stored in well ventilated and cool place. 0o !ot wor6 in and around the painting area. 4se proper access wor plat 4se ade$uate rope to lift / lower the paint containers / brush while woring at height. -aintain area clean and tidy at all times. In case of any paint spillage6 it will be cleaned immediately. Left out paint will be ept in separate container and disposed as per )*+ / 1olphin waste management system. Fire e3tinguisher will be ept as re$uired in the area. :0O 0#5&1 FL#-&: or :!OT 7O,5: sign boards will be placed. #ll area nearby will be mased prior to spray. #ll tools / e$uipment will be inspected6 approved and color coded. &mergency eye wash it will be placed in the painting area. %afety glasses will be worn at all time6 especially during the paint spray and mi3ing.
SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT (SWMS) – Incorporating Job Safet Ana!"i"
1ritica! Step" in t3i" Acti#it&
otentia! Ha4ar$"&
HSE 1ontro!" to be I,p!e,ente$&
,espiratory protection will be used as per -%1%. Paint will be stored in a safe manner6 material will be segregated in accordance with good practice eeping o3idi2ing and reducing apart. Paint will be stored in well ventilated and cool place. 0o !ot wor6 in and around the painting area. 4se proper access wor plat 4se ade$uate rope to lift / lower the paint containers / brush while woring at height. -aintain area clean and tidy at all times. In case of any paint spillage6 it will be cleaned immediately. Left out paint will be ept in separate container and disposed as per )*+ / 1olphin waste management system. Fire e3tinguisher will be ept as re$uired in the area. :0O 0#5&1 FL#-&: or :!OT 7O,5: sign boards will be placed. #ll area nearby will be mased prior to spray. #ll tools / e$uipment will be inspected6 approved and color coded. &mergency eye wash it will be placed in the painting area. %afety glasses will be worn at all time6 especially during the paint spray and mi3ing.
SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT (SWMS) – Incorporating Job Safet Ana!"i"
1ritica! Step" in t3i" Acti#it&
Ref%e!ing of E+%ip,ent" e.g. Air 1o,pre""or etc
otentia! Ha4ar$"&
&nvironmental ha2ard due to %pillage of oil during refueling. Fire !a2ards during refueling. Personal injury due to slip / trip Inade$uate hose connection %truc against / %truc by Over fueling
HSE 1ontro!" to be I,p!e,ente$&
%tay near your e$uipments fueling point when refueling. &nsure a safe access to the e$uipment to be refueled 7earing of appropriate PP&% at all time during refueling %witch off e$uipment before starting refueling 0ever overstretch refueling hose 0ever overfill or top the fuel tan ,efueling to be done at slow rate to reduce the potential for spillage and static ignition buildup Let the fuel dispenser shut off automatically and leave the no22le in the tan for si3 to eight seconds so the fuel can settle down and any fuel in the no22le can drip down into fuel tan &nsure drip tray under the e$uipment to be refueled. !ose and refueling assembly should be in good condition ,efueling to be done only by refueling vehicle and trained person. If fuel is needed to be taen on site in cane6 use the recommended jerry cane &nsure the availability of fire e3tinguisher near refueling point 0o ignition source /smoing near refueling point %witch off mobile phone before starting refueling
SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT (SWMS) – Incorporating Job Safet Ana!"i"
1ritica! Step" in t3i" Acti#it&
Ref%e!ing of E+%ip,ent" e.g. Air 1o,pre""or etc
otentia! Ha4ar$"&
&nvironmental ha2ard due to %pillage of oil during refueling. Fire !a2ards during refueling. Personal injury due to slip / trip Inade$uate hose connection %truc against / %truc by Over fueling
HSE 1ontro!" to be I,p!e,ente$&
%tay near your e$uipments fueling point when refueling. &nsure a safe access to the e$uipment to be refueled 7earing of appropriate PP&% at all time during refueling %witch off e$uipment before starting refueling 0ever overstretch refueling hose 0ever overfill or top the fuel tan ,efueling to be done at slow rate to reduce the potential for spillage and static ignition buildup Let the fuel dispenser shut off automatically and leave the no22le in the tan for si3 to eight seconds so the fuel can settle down and any fuel in the no22le can drip down into fuel tan &nsure drip tray under the e$uipment to be refueled. !ose and refueling assembly should be in good condition ,efueling to be done only by refueling vehicle and trained person. If fuel is needed to be taen on site in cane6 use the recommended jerry cane &nsure the availability of fire e3tinguisher near refueling point 0o ignition source /smoing near refueling point %witch off mobile phone before starting refueling
SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT (SWMS) – Incorporating Job Safet Ana!"i"
1ritica! Step" in t3i" Acti#it&
Man$ator - 9 or Reco,,en$e$ er"ona! rotecti#e E+%ip,ent (Tic/ Appropriate E) 8888888 !ard !at %afety *lasses6 *oggles6 Face %hield %afety %hoes +overall < Long %leeve 0ome3 #ir %upplied Blasting !ood !earing Protection !and *loves 8+otton6 Leather6 ,ubber
Full Body !arness D Lifeline ,espiratory Protective &$uipment !'% *as #lert clip %+B# on standby Others
otentia! Ha4ar$"&
This )%#6 including all relevant checlists6 will be used in conducting Tool Bo3 Tals 8TBTC with all concerned worers. '. Only diesel e$uipment / tools inspected and approved by )*+ are allowed in the wor area. E. !eat %tress prevention will always be emphasi2ed in TBT. . Provided that all the necessary PP& are used6 relevant PT7 re$uirements are followed and all the control measures stated above are adhered to6 the activity can proceed. 0oteG #ny worer has the right to refuse to wor due to safety and environmental concern. %uch concern will at once be reported to his supervisor / foreman or to the operation and &!% personnel at site.
HSE 1ontro!" to be I,p!e,ente$&
Prepared By GHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 8Painting %ubcontractorC
,eviewed By GHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 8%ubcontractor %afetyC
#pproved By GHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 8)*+ 1iscipline D %afetyC 1ate GHHHHHHHHHHHH
SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT (SWMS) – Incorporating Job Safet Ana!"i"
1ritica! Step" in t3i" Acti#it&
Man$ator - 9 or Reco,,en$e$ er"ona! rotecti#e E+%ip,ent (Tic/ Appropriate E) 8888888 !ard !at %afety *lasses6 *oggles6 Face %hield %afety %hoes +overall < Long %leeve 0ome3 #ir %upplied Blasting !ood !earing Protection !and *loves 8+otton6 Leather6 ,ubber
Full Body !arness D Lifeline ,espiratory Protective &$uipment
otentia! Ha4ar$"&
This )%#6 including all relevant checlists6 will be used in conducting Tool Bo3 Tals 8TBTC with all concerned worers. '. Only diesel e$uipment / tools inspected and approved by )*+ are allowed in the wor area. E. !eat %tress prevention will always be emphasi2ed in TBT. . Provided that all the necessary PP& are used6 relevant PT7 re$uirements are followed and all the control measures stated above are adhered to6 the activity can proceed. 0oteG #ny worer has the right to refuse to wor due to safety and environmental concern. %uch concern will at once be reported to his supervisor / foreman or to the operation and &!% personnel at site.
HSE 1ontro!" to be I,p!e,ente$&
Prepared By GHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 8Painting %ubcontractorC
,eviewed By GHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 8%ubcontractor %afetyC
#pproved By GHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 8)*+ 1iscipline D %afetyC 1ate GHHHHHHHHHHHH
!'% *as #lert clip %+B# on standby Others
SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT (SWMS) – Incorporating Job Safet Ana!"i"
HSE Infor,ation 9 Re+%ire,ent" Resources and Competency 1oes the 7or Team have the necessary capacity6 capability6 e3perience D authority to avoid6 minimi2e6 monitor and control the riss 8Training / Awareness / Equipment, etc.C 1etail minimum e3pected re$uirementsG
Peoples have been trained by Descon HSES Training Manager. Tool box Talk has been delivered to the crew by their Supervisor, Euip!ent has been inspected and certi"ed by #
%$Communications / Workforce Consultation !ave all members of the 7or Party attended the Toolbo3 Tal6 and have they been made fully aware of the riss that they are taing 8Residual risksC
TBT ,ecord 0o.
External Risk !as an assessment been conducted to identify all e3ternal 8to the activityC ha2ards and potential riss 8rd parties suc! as "t!er w"rk#"rce teams "r "t!er ad$acent partiesC 7hat is the result ,is #ssess. 0o.
Job Safet Ana!"i" 3a" been carrie$ o%t /eeping in #ie a!! eterna! Ri"/" 9 Ha4ar$". No "i,%!taneo%" acti#itie" are carrie$ o%t b Ot3er artie" in t3e #icinit of Bob area. Area i!! be barrica$e$ an$ "ignboar$" i!! be po"te$.
H&S Training &mployees should be trained in the proper interaction with e$uipment6 and the proper response to incidents involving this e$uipment. List the training your employee8sC has received.
A!! e,p!oee" atten$e$ J'1 in$%ction training.
Specialist Training 7ill the worforce re$uire any specialist training CES 9 NO 8%& 'ES, list t!e specialist training required #"r t!e $"(CG
'o, because e!ployees are already trained (or painting )ob.
SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT (SWMS) – Incorporating Job Safet Ana!"i"
HSE Infor,ation 9 Re+%ire,ent" Resources and Competency 1oes the 7or Team have the necessary capacity6 capability6 e3perience D authority to avoid6 minimi2e6 monitor and control the riss 8Training / Awareness / Equipment, etc.C 1etail minimum e3pected re$uirementsG
Peoples have been trained by Descon HSES Training Manager. Tool box Talk has been delivered to the crew by their Supervisor, Euip!ent has been inspected and certi"ed by #
%$Communications / Workforce Consultation !ave all members of the 7or Party attended the Toolbo3 Tal6 and have they been made fully aware of the riss that they are taing 8Residual risksC
TBT ,ecord 0o.
External Risk !as an assessment been conducted to identify all e3ternal 8to the activityC ha2ards and potential riss 8rd parties suc! as "t!er w"rk#"rce teams "r "t!er ad$acent partiesC 7hat is the result ,is #ssess. 0o.
Job Safet Ana!"i" 3a" been carrie$ o%t /eeping in #ie a!! eterna! Ri"/" 9 Ha4ar$". No "i,%!taneo%" acti#itie" are carrie$ o%t b Ot3er artie" in t3e #icinit of Bob area. Area i!! be barrica$e$ an$ "ignboar$" i!! be po"te$.
H&S Training &mployees should be trained in the proper interaction with e$uipment6 and the proper response to incidents involving this e$uipment. List the training your employee8sC has received.
A!! e,p!oee" atten$e$ J'1 in$%ction training.
Specialist Training 7ill the worforce re$uire any specialist training CES 9 NO 8%& 'ES, list t!e specialist training required #"r t!e $"(CG
'o, because e!ployees are already trained (or painting )ob.
SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT (SWMS) – Incorporating Job Safet Ana!"i"
High Potential Risks 1oes the tas re$uire special access / egress / heavy lifting / entry into confined spaces or wor at height / in e3cavations 8%& 'ES, a separate Risk Assessment needs t" (e c"mpleted).
,is #ssess. 0o.
No W3ere practicab!e 8 Attac3 "%pporting Ri"/ A""e"",ent
ther !mpacts #re there any other ways in which the wor will be affecting and/or protecting the !ealth and %afety of the team members CES 9 NO 8%# s", please descri(e (el"w CG
PTW / !solations" ther Certificates / Permits 7hat other precautions 8e.g. electrical isolation6 permits to worC are re$uired and who will authori2e them
PT7 / +ert. 0os.
Contingency / Emergency Response %hould special emergency procedures be instituted6 e.g. &mergency 1rill6 providing Fire 7ardens6 e3tra First #id cover6 etc.
CES 9 NO 8%# s", please descri(e (el"w CG
#ir Emissions 7ill the wor you perform produce or cause the release of any air emissions
8If 'ES, list air emissi"ns and met!"d #"r pre*enting impact t" t!e en*ir"nment )+
SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT (SWMS) – Incorporating Job Safet Ana!"i"
High Potential Risks 1oes the tas re$uire special access / egress / heavy lifting / entry into confined spaces or wor at height / in e3cavations 8%& 'ES, a separate Risk Assessment needs t" (e c"mpleted).
,is #ssess. 0o.
No W3ere practicab!e 8 Attac3 "%pporting Ri"/ A""e"",ent
ther !mpacts #re there any other ways in which the wor will be affecting and/or protecting the !ealth and %afety of the team members CES 9 NO 8%# s", please descri(e (el"w CG
PTW / !solations" ther Certificates / Permits 7hat other precautions 8e.g. electrical isolation6 permits to worC are re$uired and who will authori2e them
PT7 / +ert. 0os.
Contingency / Emergency Response %hould special emergency procedures be instituted6 e.g. &mergency 1rill6 providing Fire 7ardens6 e3tra First #id cover6 etc.
CES 9 NO 8%# s", please descri(e (el"w CG
#ir Emissions 7ill the wor you perform produce or cause the release of any air emissions
8If 'ES, list air emissi"ns and met!"d #"r pre*enting impact t" t!e en*ir"nment )+
SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT (SWMS) – Incorporating Job Safet Ana!"i"
Water $ischarges 7ill the wor you perform produce or cause the release of any wastewater
CES 9 NO 8%& 'ES, !"w will t!e wastewater (e !andledCG
%aterials 7hat materials 8chemicals6 oils6 etc.C and/or e$uipment will you be handling or bringing onsite to perform the contracted wor
Paint and related Material will be handled
Enironmental Training !ave employees been trained in the proper handling of materials and e$uipment6 and the proper response to incidents involving these materials List the training your tas employees have received.
En#iron,enta! a"pect" are a!rea$ co#ere$ in Job Safet Ana!"i" training
Waste 'eneration 7ill the wor you perform result in any wastes CES 9 NO 8%& 'ES, list t!e disp"sal l"cati"n, as well as am"unts and t-pes "# wastes epected and t!e pr"p"sed disp"sal met!"d CG
*aste generated will be disposed o+ as per J'1 Wa"te Manage,ent roce$%re R0O866668FR8;657=.
Energy 7ill the wor you perform consume energy 8electricity6 compressed air6 natural gas6 steam6 etc.C CES 9 NO 8%& 'ES, eplain w!at t-pe "# energ- will (e c"nsumed, and !"w -"u will minimie c"nsumpti"nCG
Ce"* Die"e! f%e! i!! be %"e$ in crane"* generator"* air co,pre""or" etc. E+%ip,ent i!! be "toppe$ if it i" not nee$e$ to re$%ce f%e! con"%,ption
ther !mpacts #re there any other ways in which the wor will be affecting and/or protecting the environment
CES 9 NO 8%# 'ES, please descri(e (el"w CG
SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT (SWMS) – Incorporating Job Safet Ana!"i"
Water $ischarges 7ill the wor you perform produce or cause the release of any wastewater
CES 9 NO 8%& 'ES, !"w will t!e wastewater (e !andledCG
%aterials 7hat materials 8chemicals6 oils6 etc.C and/or e$uipment will you be handling or bringing onsite to perform the contracted wor
Paint and related Material will be handled
Enironmental Training !ave employees been trained in the proper handling of materials and e$uipment6 and the proper response to incidents involving these materials List the training your tas employees have received.
En#iron,enta! a"pect" are a!rea$ co#ere$ in Job Safet Ana!"i" training
Waste 'eneration 7ill the wor you perform result in any wastes CES 9 NO 8%& 'ES, list t!e disp"sal l"cati"n, as well as am"unts and t-pes "# wastes epected and t!e pr"p"sed disp"sal met!"d CG
*aste generated will be disposed o+ as per J'1 Wa"te Manage,ent roce$%re R0O866668FR8;657=.
Energy 7ill the wor you perform consume energy 8electricity6 compressed air6 natural gas6 steam6 etc.C CES 9 NO 8%& 'ES, eplain w!at t-pe "# energ- will (e c"nsumed, and !"w -"u will minimie c"nsumpti"nCG
Ce"* Die"e! f%e! i!! be %"e$ in crane"* generator"* air co,pre""or" etc. E+%ip,ent i!! be "toppe$ if it i" not nee$e$ to re$%ce f%e! con"%,ption
ther !mpacts #re there any other ways in which the wor will be affecting and/or protecting the environment
CES 9 NO 8%# 'ES, please descri(e (el"w CG
SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT (SWMS) – Incorporating Job Safet Ana!"i"
Enironmental %onitoring 1escribe any environmental monitoring to be performed6 including sampling methods6 fre$uency6 analytical re$uirements and laboratory to be usedG
'ot pplicable (egal re)uirements Identify environmental legal re$uirements applicable to the wor that has not already been addressed by the Project.
'ot pplicable
SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT (SWMS) – Incorporating Job Safet Ana!"i"
Enironmental %onitoring 1escribe any environmental monitoring to be performed6 including sampling methods6 fre$uency6 analytical re$uirements and laboratory to be usedG
'ot pplicable (egal re)uirements Identify environmental legal re$uirements applicable to the wor that has not already been addressed by the Project.
'ot pplicable
SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT (SWMS) – Incorporating Job Safet Ana!"i"
Training ,o$%!e" re+%ire$ to co,p!ete Acti#it&
0i"t 1o$e" of ractice* 0egi"!ation* Stan$ar$" 3ic3 app! to t3i" Acti#it&
JSA i!! be %"e$ a" a training ,o$%!e
Stan$ar$ 1o$e"
ASTM85;@@ ASME 25.2 ASME 5=.;
0i"t !ant 9 E+%ip,ent 9 E re+%ire$ for t3i" Acti#it&
0i"t E+%ip,ent 9 Maintenance 13ec/" re+%ire$ for t3i" Acti#it&
Engineering 1ertificate" 9 er,it" 9 Appro#a!" re+%ire$ for t3i" Acti#it
1rane* poer generator* e!$ing ,ac3ine"* re Bob e+%ip,ent c3ec/ co,pre""or. i!! be $one before "tarting t3e Bob
0e.g. R1C 2ermit R"ad cl"sure, 3tilit- is"lati"n, Special 4aste license, etc.)
Safet He!,et
No Reference9Doc%,ent"
Safet S3oe" Safet 'ogg!e" Safet '!o#e" D%"t Ma"/"
er"on(") Re"pon"ib!e for S%per#i"ing 9 In"pecting Wor/& er"on(") re"pon"ib!e for "%per#i"ing t3e or/* in"pecting an$ appro#ing or/ area"* or/ ,et3o$"* protecti#e ,ea"%re"* p!ant e+%ip,ent an$ poer 9 ot3er too!"&
N& List of $ualifications/e3perience is held in local )*+ files < see )*+ !%& *roup for details.
Na,e& .
Na,e& .
S%per#i"or ('R)
S%per#i"or (DES1ON)
Signat%re& .................................................................
Signat%re& .................................................................
For a !i"t of na,e" an$ "ignat%re" of "taff in"tr%cte$ in t3i" Safe Wor/ Met3o$ State,ent an$ JSA* "ee J'1 training recor$". 1op 5 8 To be posted at the 7orsite / %upervisor at the 7orsite 1op 7 To be retained by )*+ !%& *roup 8' monthsC 1op 2 8 To be held by the subcontractor 8' monthsC
SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT (SWMS) – Incorporating Job Safet Ana!"i"
Training ,o$%!e" re+%ire$ to co,p!ete Acti#it&
0i"t 1o$e" of ractice* 0egi"!ation* Stan$ar$" 3ic3 app! to t3i" Acti#it&
JSA i!! be %"e$ a" a training ,o$%!e
ASME 25.2 ASME 5=.;
0i"t !ant 9 E+%ip,ent 9 E re+%ire$ for t3i" Acti#it&
0i"t E+%ip,ent 9 Maintenance 13ec/" re+%ire$ for t3i" Acti#it&
Engineering 1ertificate" 9 er,it" 9 Appro#a!" re+%ire$ for t3i" Acti#it
1rane* poer generator* e!$ing ,ac3ine"* re Bob e+%ip,ent c3ec/ co,pre""or. i!! be $one before "tarting t3e Bob
0e.g. R1C 2ermit R"ad cl"sure, 3tilit- is"lati"n, Special 4aste license, etc.)
Safet He!,et
No Reference9Doc%,ent"
Safet S3oe" Safet 'ogg!e" Safet '!o#e" D%"t Ma"/"
er"on(") Re"pon"ib!e for S%per#i"ing 9 In"pecting Wor/& er"on(") re"pon"ib!e for "%per#i"ing t3e or/* in"pecting an$ appro#ing or/ area"* or/ ,et3o$"* protecti#e ,ea"%re"* p!ant e+%ip,ent an$ poer 9 ot3er too!"&
N& List of $ualifications/e3perience is held in local )*+ files < see )*+ !%& *roup for details.
Na,e& .
Na,e& .
S%per#i"or ('R)
S%per#i"or (DES1ON)
Signat%re& .................................................................
Signat%re& .................................................................
For a !i"t of na,e" an$ "ignat%re" of "taff in"tr%cte$ in t3i" Safe Wor/ Met3o$ State,ent an$ JSA* "ee J'1 training recor$". 1op 5 8 To be posted at the 7orsite / %upervisor at the 7orsite 1op 7 To be retained by )*+ !%& *roup 8' monthsC 1op 2 8 To be held by the subcontractor 8' monthsC
Fore,an ( print name)&
Ta"/ De"cription&
(tic/ bo) CES NO N9A
Ke Ta"/ Re!ate$ Ha4ar$"
Eca#ation" Acce"" On! !ant - E+%ip,ent E!ectrica!
Ke re#entati#e 1ontro! Mea"%re"
1onfine$ Space" I"o!ation" 0oc/ O%t 9 Tag O%t Hot or/ In"tr%,entation re 9 1o,,i""ioning 9 START8< E1AGATION
HOTWORK (Non TW contro!!e$)
Fore,an ( print name)&
Ta"/ De"cription&
Ke Ta"/ Re!ate$ Ha4ar$"
(tic/ bo) CES NO N9A
Eca#ation" Acce"" On! !ant - E+%ip,ent E!ectrica!
Ke re#entati#e 1ontro! Mea"%re"
1onfine$ Space" I"o!ation" 0oc/ O%t 9 Tag O%t Hot or/ In"tr%,entation re 9 1o,,i""ioning 9 START8< E1AGATION
HOTWORK (Non TW contro!!e$)
%!O,&1 / %LOP&1 / B&0+!&1
FI,& &JTI0*4I%!&,
L#11&,% P,O"I1&1
FI,& BL#05&T
B4,I&1 %&,"I+&% I1&0TIFI&1
+;LI01&,% 4P,I*!T D %&+4,&1
"&!I+L& %TOP B#,,I&,% / BO#,1%
+O-B4%TIBL&% ,&-O"&1
&J+#"#TIO0 I0%P&+T&1
FI,& 7#T+! 8%afety Passport checC
&-&,*&0+; +O--40I+#TIO0%
7O,5 B&LO7 ,&%T,I+T&1
P&,-IT to 7O,5
B#,,I&,% / %I*0% PO%T&1
*#% T&%T +O-PL&T&1
FL#-& #,,&%TO,% FITT&1
T#LL; BO#,1 or similar
7&L1I0* +#BL&% I0 *OO1 +O01ITIO0
&-&,*&0+; #++&%%
-%1% ,&"I&7&1 / #"#IL#BL&
%#F&T; !#,0&%%&%
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%4IT#BL& 8&3.C LI*!TI0*
%!O7&, or &;&7#%! #"#IL#BL&
%P&+I#L PP& #"#IL#BL& #% P&, -%1%
%+#FFOL1 I0%P&+T&1
+O0T#I0&,% L#B&LL&1 P,OP&,L;
I0%P&+TIO0 %+#FT#* PO%ITIO0&1 D I0 1#T&
%I*0% PO%T&1
%#F& #++&%% / &*,&%% P,O"I1&1
,I%5 #%%&%%-&0T +O014+T&1
TO&BO#,1%6 5I+5PL#T&% I0 O,1&,
!#K#,1% +O--40I+#T&1
!#01,#IL% %&+4,&1
!#,0&%% D L#0;#,1% I0%P&+T&1
+O0T#I0-&0T ,&>4I,&1 / P,O"I1&1
#B%O,B&0T #"#IL#BL& %5 S%T3 .
0ANT - E
PL#0T D &>4IP-&0T I0%P&+T&1
TOOL%6 #PPLI#0+&% I0%P&+T&1
LIFTI0* *,6 ,I**I0* I0%P&+T&1 D +&,T%.
1&F&+T% ,&PO,T&1
B#05%-#0 / +O-P&T&0T P&,%O0 I1&0TIFI&1
PO,T#BL& #PPLI#0+&% I0%P&+T&1
LIFTI0* PL#0 / +#L+% D -/% +!&+5&1
&JT&0%IO0 +#BL& +!&+5&1 D T#**&1
OP&,#TO, +&,TIFI&1
OP&,#TO,% +&,TIFI&1
+#BL&%6 !O%&% I0%P&+T&1
PP& ,&>4I,&-&0T% I1&0TIFI&1
FL#*-&0 T,#I0&1 / PO%ITIO0&1
*4#,1% PO%ITIO0&1
%P&+I#L PP& 8"I%O,%6 *LO"&%6 etcC
%T#01B; -#0
!#,1 !#T
!T %T,&%%
!;*I&0& 8FOO1 / 7#T&,C +O0T#I0&,%
+O"&,#LL% / !I*!"I%IBILIT; "&%T%
F#+& -#%5%
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PT7 ,&"I&7&1 8+O-P&T&0T P&,%O0C
7&L1&,%6 FI,& ,&T#,1#0T *LO"&%
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&L&+T,I+#L ,4BB&, *LO"&%
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, 1&F&01&,% / PL4*%
)%# / -&T!O1 %T#T&-&0T I0 PL#+&
!#,0&%%&% / L#0;#,1%
%;%T&- 1I%+O00&+T&1
7&L1&,% %+,&&0
%;%T&- T&%T&1
F#+& -#%5 814%T F4-&%C
%&LF +O0T#I0&1 B,T!I0* #PP#,#T4%
FI,& ,&T#,1&0T +LOT!I0*
%!#,P OB)&+T%6 PI0+! POI0T%
&0". %T41; ,&PO,T +O-PL&T&1
8T,OLL&;%6 FO,5LIFT%6 etcC available
&0". !#K#,1% I1&0TIFI&1 I0 -%
%O401 *,O401 / 401&,FOOT +O01ITIO0%
7 O,5 #, +!&+5&1 8,D& %P&+I&%C
7#%T& +O0T#I0&,% / #, I1&0TIFI&1
FL;I0* P#,TI+L&%
%PILL +O0T#I0-&0T
+#BL&% %&+4,&1 #BO"& ! !&I*!T
&0". -O0ITO, I0FO,-&1 / #"#IL#BL&
"OI1% / !OL&% +O"&,&1 D %&+4,&1
B#,,I&,% D T#P& P,O"I1&1
%#F& 1I%T#0+& "&!I+L&% D P&1&%T,I#0%
#LL !#K#,1% +O--40I+#T&1
7O,5&,8%C T,#I0&1 8%afety Passport checC
%I*0% &,&+T&1 #01 "I%IBL&
OT!&, 7O,5&,% %#F&T; +O0%I1&,&1
0OI%& / &J!#4%T !#K#,1% I1&0TIFI&1
Fore,an 9 S%per#i"or& I 3a#e $i"c%""e$ t3e abo#e potentia! 3a4ar$" in#o!#e$ in t3e ta"/* re#iee$ t3e SA 1ar$ it3 t3e e,p!oee" %n$er , contro!* an$ i,p!e,ente$ "%itab!e an$ "%fficient contro!" to ,ini,i4e t3e ri"/" in#o!#e$. Na,e (print)