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MAPEH 8 (Music) I. Objectives: a. Explor Exploree the the cultur cultural al conte context xt of of China. China. b. Recognize visually and aurally the different musical instruments instruments from China. c. Differenti Differentiate ate the the uses of vocal vocal and instr instrumental umental music music of China. China. d. Name the different different musical musical instru instruments ments of China Values Integration: Integration: (Respect culture of other country Cooperation and !eam"or#$ !eam"or#$ II. Subject Matter Topic: %usic of China Reference: !he &'st Century %)E* in ction + pp. &,-, Materias: )o"er)oint presentation video presentation )ictures udio file Chal#board. III. Proce!ure A. Preparation )rayer /reetings Chec#ing of ttendance ". Revie# Revie" about the %usic of 0outh East sia. sia. %usic of Cambodia %usic of 1ndonesia %usic of !hailand $. Motivation . 2oo# at the %ap belo" and identify the hidden country in East sia. 3. 4or you to identify the country fill fill in the missing letters of the follo"ing famous philosopher and occasion.
E. enerai*ation s# @uestions to determine students level of understanding. =hat are the musical elements of China> =ill you differentiate the uses of vocal and instrumental music of China> =hat are the types of Chinese vocal music> =hat are the classifications of musical instruments of China> /ive musical instruments of China> +. Appication 0ho" pictures of each instrument and as# the students to name the instrument. I,. Evauation 1n a A sheet of paper discuss the vocal and instrumental music of China. •
1nstrumental music
,. Assi-nent '.$ Read about the music of Bapan (pp.,'-,$