Lesson 1: Art and you Forms and disciplines of Contemporary Art Why do people create art ? Why Study Art Filipino Art Tendencies
Lesson plan Y5 LAFull description
CLT lesson plan crafted by Andrew HillDeskripsi lengkap
CLT lesson plan crafted by Andrew Hill
this is a 30-minute lesson plan in Language Arts.Full description
This is a 30-minute lesson plan in Language, Rhymes.
TLE=Electrical/ElectronicsFull description
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lesson plan of grade 2 in englishFull description
Creative Performance
World of Knowledge
Content Standard:
Learning Standard:
Animals :Old McDonald McDonald had had a Farm
Pupils will be able to plan plan,, organi organise se and and prod produce uce cre creati ative ve work works s for enjoyment.
4.3.2 Able to produce simple simple creative works with with guidance based on: (c) action songs 4.3.2 Able to perform with guidance guidance based on : (c) action songs songs
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to perform the action songs in their own creative way.
Time :
60 minutes
Teaching Aids: Extra-Curricular Elements:
Masks, scissors, cloth pegs, glue, colour papers
Generating Ideas
Stage/Time/ Activity SET INDUCTION (3 mins) 1. Teacher pastes 10 animal masks on the whiteboard. 2. Teacher reads out simple riddles on animals. 3. Young learners match animal masks to the correct riddles.
Teaching & Learning Strategy Read and match
Riddles and animal masks.
Teaching & Learning Strategy
PRESENTATION STAGE (15 mins) Presentation 5. Teacher sings the action song with appropriate actions, masks and rhythm (sample of three animals).
Power point presentation
6. Young learners mimic the actions while singing the song. PRACTICE STAGE (20 mins) 7. Divide young learners into groups. 8. Young learners are required to retain the established “Old MacDonald’ tune and include other animals in their song. 9. Young learners need to generate ideas and prepare appropriate masks based on their action song.
Practice by recalling
PRODUCTION STAGE (20 mins) 10. Young learners perform their action songs artistically
CLOSURE (2 mins) 11. Teacher discusses the moral values in the song. Young learners respond.