Mehow sound bites transcript Ever thought about what a natural conversation should sound and be like? Today’s Today’s guest, Mehow, Mehow, comes on the show to talk about how he has broken down conversations into what he calls “Soundbites” !or him, this is a description o" how good conversation works naturally Since Mehow last came on the show back in Episode #$, he has re"ined his pickup artist system which is now called % Second Se&ual 'ttraction 'ttraction #$ “Soundbites” are the basis "or how his system works (e also tackle a lot o" other sub)ects related to the state o" se&uality, pickup artistry and the player vs committed monogamous li"estyle En)oy the episode* +ont Miss -ew +ating Skills .odcast Episodes /lick here to subscribe and listen to the show on iTunes Speci"ically, Speci"ically, in this episode you’ll learn about0 Mehow1s li"estyle trans"ormation trans"ormation "rom committed to marriage to a more casual dating li"estyle and his philosophy about how that will evolve as he gets older (here the principle o" soundbites originated o riginated "rom 2ow women trained on Mehows 3ahoo pickup training "or women show reacted to the training 'ggressive state based based approaching vs getting getting your verbal attraction attraction working "or "or you The bad pickup vibe in clubs in 4os 'ngeles and elsewhere The power o" observation0 4istening to a girls soundbites to understand where shes coming "rom Mehows top % recommendations "or men to act on to improve their lives with women as "ast as possible 5 learned that women are more into multiple dating and polyamory than they say6Mehow say6Mehow 7ive some love to Mehow on Twitter Twitter to thank him "or the advice in this interview /lick 2ere to let him know you en)oyed the show* 5tems Mentioned in this Episode include0 +S. Episode #$0 Mehow’s "irst appearance on the show talking about getting girl"riends and keeping them % Second Se&ual 'ttraction #$ review0 8ur editorial review o" Mehow’s course teaching his latest system which is based largely on the soundbite approach discussed in this podcast 9+irect link to Mehow’s % Second Se&ual 'ttraction 'ttraction system #$: The 7irls 7ame on 3ahootv0 Mehow’s Mehow’s T; show where he teaches women pickup artist skills so they can pickup guys Ted Talk on .olyamory by /hristopher rad ., ooks, /ourses and Training Training "rom Mehow The -S' System0 The Top Secret 7uide to !inding 'nd eeping Multiple 7irls The -S' System0 The Top Sec @# $$ The 8ne9der: System0 Mans 7uide to 7etting 3our A$$B .er"ect 7irl The 8ne9der: System0 Mans C@
$$ 7et The 7irl* 5n"ield E&posed 7et The 7irl* 5n"ield E&posed C# @% % Second Se&ual 'ttraction 'ttraction #$ 6 %SS' #$ 9renamed "rom % Second Se&ual 'ttraction 'ttraction C$ $$ 7et the 7irl Manual 6 ' .ickDp 'rtists 7uide To
H'ngel +onovanI0 3eah, its great So, last time we had you, we didnt really go much into your background (e )ust kind o" talked about some o" the content and talked about getting girl"riends and stu"" at that time So, 5d like to go into your background this time so the guys get to know a bit more about who you are and what you do and what you "ocus on The "irst thing is0 how did you get into this dating stu""? (hat is your background? (here did you come "rom and how did you get into this? HMehowI0 5 was a hacker "or the government, basically 5 worked on "ederal pro)ects via private consulting "irm 5 was a dot com /hie" Technology 8""icer, too, during that period >asically, 5 sort o" worked in the open source intel 5 worked with open source intelligence community "or a little bit 5 was also a trainer "or Microso"t 5 was very good at the computer thing 5 had past seventy6 "ive certi"ications and 5 was both a system admin and a hacker and a so"tware developer, all in one person Still, that was easy plus6plus, assembly, and all that stu"", cartography So, 5 was doing alright as a computer guy 66 actually, 5 was doing more than alright 5 was making lots o" money and then 5 got married to the hottest girl 5 ever dated but she was basically like the "i"th girl 5 had dated H'ngel +onovanI0 3eah HMehowI0 'nd she was the hottest out o" "ive and 5 liked her1 we liked each other and it worked out "or a bit >ut, really, 5 )ust didnt know what 5 was doing at all with her So, 5 lost her She actually ended up, ironically, she went out with a military guy H'ngel +onovanI0 (ow, that must have sucked HMehowI0 3eah, it sucked So, we got divorced and, basically, the "inal straw was when she wasnt coming home So, 5 went over to a "riends house and the "riend was the military dude and she was )ust hanging out there at #am, saying they were )ust "riends ootcamp "rom Mystery 5t was interesting because this was a >ootcamp where the instructors were 4ove +rop Mystery, -eil Strauss 66 H'ngel +onovanI0 (ow, big names (hat year was that? HMehowI0 That was #$$F H'ngel +onovanI0 8kay, wow, well, right in the middle o" it then 3eah HMehowI0 5t was even be"ore The 7ame came out H'ngel +onovanI0 3eah HMehowI0 So, it was about eight months, 5 think, be"ore The 7ame came out 'nd, 5 remember reading it a"ter 5 took my >ootcamp, like si& months into the community 'nd it was interesting because all those people went on to become legends in their own right 5 mean, obviously, Mystery and then -eil started his own company and split up with Mystery and 4ove +rop went o"" to work with Mystery 5t was )ust 66 anyway, so 5 did the Mystery method and 5 )ust got in"ield a lot and 5 was opening constantly because, basically, 5m a very systematic person so i" 5 have a
system, even i" it didnt Juite work "or me, 5 went and did it 'nd, basically, within si& months, 5 had replaced what Mystery had taught me in attraction with what 5 taught me in attraction, which was a lot o" body temperature game and 66 H'ngel +onovanI0 'nd, so, )ust "or the guys, what would body temperature game be? HMehowI0 So, >T game is when youre stimulating her e motions, right? So, really common community opener that does that, K3ou know whats amaLing? 5 almost wore that e&act same dress tonight*K 'nd then shell laugh and then you can play o"" there but it 66 sorry, man, 5m tired (e )ust got done with two weeks o" bootcamps and 5ve been up til am H'ngel +onovanI0 8uch HMehowI0 (e pulled "our nights in a row, consecutively, every night there were di""erent girls there So, it was really brutal H'ngel +onovanI0 So, were getting a little bit o" an idea o" your li"estyle HMehowI0 3eah H'ngel +onovanI0 So, what is your li"estyle like today? 3ou know, how is your dating li"estyle? So, 5 take it youre not married again 3ou decided to remain single (hat is your current choice o" li"estyle right now and how do you "ind it? HMehowI0 5 still believe in the relationship so 5 date to "ind the one 'lthough, ostensibly, 5ll have a relationship "or si& months and then 5ll want to get back into searching because 5ll get bored and to me its interesting because 5 dont know i" 5m going to be in a long6term relationship again, because its )ust like when you have your choice o" constantly going out with somebody and you realiLe 66 5 mean, 5m almost "orty6two now but a student we had a week ago was "i"ty6"ive and he was crushing, right? 'nd a student we had this week was thirty6"ive and he was crushing H'ngel +onovanI0 5t sounds like youve met some nice girls since and youve had si&6month relationships with them but theyre not kind o" interesting enough to you or the relationship isnt interesting enough or more important enough to you to not go out and see some more variety again 2ow would you put it in your words? HMehowI0 (ell, how 5d put it in my words is that once you have in"inite choice, your dating system basically changes over time and you start Juestioning traditional things you used to believe, which is, traditionally 5 used to believe that, K8kay, 5 want to get married and 5 want to be with one person "oreverK 'nd theres still a big huge part o" me that "eels that way but, at the same time, 5 have to admit that the last time that 5 had a really, long 66 more than a year6long relationship 66 was sort o" in the middle o" my game training, about "our years ago So, in "our years, 5 havent had a long relationship 66 anything past si& months So, the things 5 have to admit is that the data seems to indicate that 5 am very torn about which way to go 'm 5 really torn or am 5 )ust going towards a more natural path? >ecause a lot o" people think that "rom an evolutionary point o" view, men were designed to be with di""erent partners and even women were designed to be with di""erent partners 5 generally dont )udge1 5 )ust love teaching 5 love going out 5 love making things happen "or guys and let them decide 66 because to each his own !or me personally, 5 am still "iguring out which way 5 want to go There is also 66 as you get older, this age pressue because as you get older, sarging gets harder and harder 66 well, sarging young women gets harder and harder 5" you want 66 H'ngel +onovanI0 So, youre talking about twenty, twenty6"ive6year6old women or 66? HMehowI0 3eah, 5 mean theres only one woman 5ve been out with in the last year that was over thirty
H'ngel +onovanI0 8kay HMehowI0 Everyone else was under thirty My li"estyle is pretty cool here (e have a really big house where we coach out o" and we live in 4' and theres plenty o" awesome venues to go out to and generally out social circle is pretty cool and 5ve got some really good wings So, but even with that, 5m the oldest guy in my crew 'ctually, wait, thats not true (e have one guy who is seven years older So, 5m the second6oldest guy in the crew >ut 5ve noticed that as 5 age, 5 have to take better care o" mysel"1 5 have to have better game H'ngel +onovanI0 This is an interesting point +o you see an end to this 66 at "orty6"ive or "i"ty? +o you think youre going to naturally progress or change your ob)ectives and what youre doing? HMehowI0 (ell, whats interesting is that 5 keep having older students >asically, theyre happier at "i"ty6"ive being single and dating and sarging than they were married because they got divorced 'nd theyre generally hot guys who want girl"riend girl"riends They dont generally end up in that They even say that they want that but then a"ter we track them "or si& months, they like dating multiple people H'ngel +onovanI0 +o you think also that thats because they havent done something like that be"ore? >ecause both you and me have done that "or a long time So, 5 did it "or over ten years 5ve gone more the e&clusive route recently because 5 got tired o" that but 5 went through that phase "or a while So, 5 saw it as something that 5 had to do and get out o" my system and 5 know some other guys have gone that way, too >ut 5 know a lot o" guys who have gone your way, too, which is kind o" like, K5 kind o" like being out hereK 66 its like a polyamory type thing, poly slant to it HMehowI0 ut, in general, they are very "ew and "ar between HMehowI0 >ut porn stars are hard to get because they are generally really hot 5ts not like you can )ust show up at the porn star store and be like, K8kay, 5ll take all the hot, bise&ual porn stars*K H'ngel +onovanI0 Every porn star has to date someone, right? HMehowI0 (ell, they do, but 5 mean, again, youre talking about a reduced population 5 guess its an interesting 66 H'ngel +onovanI0 (ell, 5m )ust saying, its like a niche, thats a very niche thing 5ts like $FB or whatever
HMehowI0 5ts an e&tremely niche thing and in a lot o" areas, it doesnt e&ist 5t e&ists in ;egas and 4' in 'merica and thats kind o" it 3ou dont go to other places and theres like loads o" hot strippers and loads o" hot porn stars 5ts ;egas and 4' that that happens in 3oure right because 5 was going to mention the same thing 5 really dont have a lot o" e&perience dating in those scenarios so its very 66 you do get more "le&ibility in those worlds 3ou generally encounter people who are more "le&ible with their 66 women are more "le&ible with what it is that they want1 or, 5 would even say, more honestly what it is they want, because 66 H'ngel +onovanI0
you have to be monogamous 5ts to say that theres no w a range o" palettes available to you and you shouldnt be )udged i" youre not monogamous H'ngel +onovanI0 ecause theres a lot o" guys whove said be"ore in our community that they werent going to get married again and they got married again when some girl came along they decided 66 HMehowI0 3eah, like -eil Strauss got married1 then again, Mystery, not married, has two kids 4ove +rop is married now So, its interesting because it does go all sorts o" di""erent ways .eople tend to be active .D's, though The guys that 5 know that 5 know that are married arent active .D's anymore really 5 mean, -eil basically retired out o" .ick6Dp 2e had a "uneral "or Style at 2ollywood !orever 5t was actually a really cool idea on his part 5t was super creative 2e had this )acket and the gravestone 5t was awesome H'ngel +onovanI0 3eah, 5 saw the photos o" that 5t was very cool H'ngel +onovanI0 So, back to kind o" the Juestion that started all o" this HMehowI0 3eah, so 5 was practicing Mystery Method and 5 got into the buying temperature game, so buying temperature game is stimulating emotions, basically, instead o" you trying to do any sort o" what would be called typically +2; Spiking in the attraction phase, 5m )ust stimulating emotions and then once 5 have her hooked on like, K8h, this guy is "un,K then a"ter that, we start to get into who 5 am and start to create deeper attraction (e call that mid6game and my entire system is %6Second 'ttraction, which used to be called A$6Second 'ttraction To answer the buying temperature Juestion, youre going in and youre using soundbites to stimulate her and get interaction and then, when you do attraction the way we do it, as we use whats called soundbites stacking or pure keynote routines, which use soundbite stacking through keynotes which are basically kinestetic routines and everything 5 say is designed to get a response "rom her and the response and the attraction is so predictable that you can basically create a stack o" them and you can basically do the same thing over and over and over again and it seems to her like its totally natural 8ne really simple pure routine that we use all the time is 5ll use a verbal routine to stimulate her a little bit and then shes laughing or smiling at me and 5ll say, K3ou know whats awesome?K 'nd shell be like, K(hat?K KMeK Shell laugh and 5ll grab her hand and then 5ll put it on my chest and 5ll be like, K+o you "eel the awesomeness right now?K 'nd shell be like, K3eah, yeah, yeah, 5 doK 'nd 5m like K/ool, thats all you getK 'nd then push her hand o"" H'ngel +onovanI0 So, i" you broke that down, coming back to the name o" your system now, which is %6Seconds, all o" the things you )ust said were very, very short HMehowI0 So, originally, we invinted A$6Second 'ttraction appro&imately "ive, si& years ago H'ngel +onovanI0 5 believe it was #$$@ so that would be si& years
HMehowI0 So, si& years ago, we came out with A$6Second 'ttraction and 66 H'ngel +onovanI0 (as that the "irst time you brought out your whole system, your way o" doing things? HMehowI0 3eah, what happened was my attraction system came out in #$$C so thats the 7et The 7irl Manual which basically describes a lot o" the pure keynote stu"" 5 was )ust talking about and that was our attraction system >ut, at the time, we would do attraction and then we would get into mid6game, which was community stu"" 66 basically, Mysterys stu"" and the thing with Mysterys stu"", theres a lot o" storytelling and un less you were absolutely amaLing at storytelling, which almost no one is 66 i" you can )ust weave a yarn and )ust talk and talk and talk and women will )ust listen "orever, which is an e&tremely di""icult skill set to have, particularly in a loud club, particularly in day game 66 you )ust dont have the time So, what happened 66 and 5ll be totally honest with you 66 what happened is, "or me, 5 did pure Mystery Method and got no results so then 5 started doing 'ttraction, where 5 would basically switch up their attraction to high buying temperature in the game and then 5 started getting laid very slowly 5t took me eight months to get my "irst lay and the reason was 5 would get all this attraction, girls would be in to me, and 5 would go into mid6game, and they would get bored So, what 5 would do is 5 became attraction nin)a because every time 5 wanted to get a phone number or a date, 5 would go in a club and 5 would )ust charge twenty sets H'ngel +onovanI0
buy me lunches and 5 would buy her lunchesK K8h, wow, that was, like, loveK K3eah, but 5 didnt know because it was seventh grade Dntil one day K K( hat happened?K K8n the playground, this big bully kid pushed by girlK K8h, my god*K K'nd thats when my nerd soul went completely beserkK K+id you "ight that kid?K K3eah, 5 beat him but then 5 got suspended "or an entire weekK K8h, noK K>ut when 5 came back 5 had mad respect in the hallwayK K2a, ha, ha, ha, ha*K K'nd thats how 5 got my "irst kissK HMehowI0 >ut notice how 5 tell the story0 every time 5 say something, 5 get a reaction So, 5 literally design everything that used to be 66 and theres some classic +2;s in there 66 theres a protector o" loved ones, there is the "irst loves, it sort o" sets up the "rame that 5m a romantically6inclined person, and theres also a lot o" emotional stimulation because 5m constantly open looking So, every single piece o" in"ormation 5 give her gives her a little bit o" a clue as to whats coming ne&t but mostly builds anticipation -ow she wants to know more So, 5ll say stu"" like, K'nd then we got in a "ightK (ell, now you want to know happened K'nd 5 was the biggest nerdK K8h, really? 2ow were you the biggest nerd?K K'nd there was a little girl who would buy me lunches and 5 would buy her lunchesK KSo, how did that end?K See? 5m constantly, wherever 5m at in the story, theres an open lead until 5 get to the very end and the way it ends is0 K'nd then she suddenly moved away and 5 never said good6bye so 5 probably shouldnt be talking to you because 5m still going out with +ebbie "rom middle schoolK H'ngel +onovanI0 So, basically, its interesting that every single soundbite has something interesting about it HMehowI0 ut, at the time, in #$$@, telling everybody to ditch their +2; stories when thats what everybody was doing non6stop 66 5 mean, there was an entire nationally6published -ew 3ork Times bestseller going0 KThis is the method*K 66 H'ngel +onovanI0 5ts true There was about three years there where it was really heavy HMehowI0 3eah, it was0 this is the method So, imagine i" 5 went around and said, K8kay, guys Everybody can only talk "or no more than three secondsK .eople were like, K(hat?* Thats craLy* Thats craLy talk*K So, 5 knew at the time that everything was three second soundbites and i" you read the A$6Second 'ttraction book, you realiLed everything was a three second soundbite 5 actually measured how long 5 talk on average and its basically #% seconds H'ngel +onovanI0 ut, basically, the reason it was called A$6Second 'ttraction was political because back in #$$@, there was no craLy internet marketing, there was only a "ew companies 5t was basically a tight6knit community o" guys and thats who we sold to Thats who was interested in the in"ormation So, it didnt occur to me that 5 should )ust go ahead and call it what it really was 5 sort o" made an intermediate title to accomodate 66 a compromise between peoples e&itsing perceptions and the reality H'ngel +onovanI0 8kay, really the heart o" it, rather than talking about three seconds or ten seconds, is the "act that you broke a long piece o" conversation, which was storytelling or whatever 66 which, 5 guess where youre coming "rom is that there are parts o" that conversation
where there are lulls and its not as interesting 66 and youre kind o" trying to eliminate those HMehowI0 3eah, but the thing thats really key is that you cant have a million soundbited stories because that doesnt work, either 5 have two or three and theyre in my repetroire and the rest o" the time 5m )ust improvising The really clutch thing in the system is that it lets you do this "or hours and hours on end 5 can talk in three second sounbites with girls "or ten hours at a time and 5 dont have to repeat mysel" very o"ten 5" you look at my in"ield "ootage, youll see maybe A$B o" what 5m saying, AFB o" what 5m saying is stu"" that is clearly stu"" 5ve said to other women, or is stu"" thats )ust "rom book The cool thing is that she cant tell the di""erence between the AFB and the other @FB because, to her, it all seems like its the same thing, because it is the same thing She cant tell which part 5m improvising, which part is pre6canned, becase 66 and heres the clutch part o" it 66 the clutch part o" it is that were teaching the improv in a way that gets guys to only use a canned bit when it "its per"ectly So, it basically completely sells, too 'nd it works awesome online and it works day game, night game, online game, social circle 66 its everything, basically H'ngel +onovanI0 5ts a pretty simple principle, when it comes down to it HMehowI0 3eah, well, then there is 66 that part o" it is cool and a lot o" guys are like, K3eah* 'll 5ve got to do is now start talking in three second soundbitesK >ut you also have to stimulate her in di""erent ways So, you have to have attraction1 you have to se&uality1 you have to have some edge, some darkness to you 3ou have to throw in some li"estyle, some com"ort 66 all that stu"" She has to know who you are 3ou basically have a "ormula that allows people to blend what 5 call the nine critical elements into this improvisational model where you almost never talk "or more than three seconds H'ngel +onovanI0 'lright, because when 5 looked at your system, what struck me is that youve gone into a lot o" detail about this part o" conversation, what you call elements 66 you call them conversational elements or soundbites HMehowI0 -ine elements, yeah >asically, the elements are soundbites and 5 list all these di""erent techniJues "or implementing the soundbites H'ngel +onovanI0 So what struck me is youve gone into a lot o" detail to describe0 this is one type o" conversation piece and 66 because you broke it into these soundbites 66 5 "elt that its pretty practical in that way, because 5 dont think theres really an ything else 5ve seen that described a piece o" conversation as well as that >ecause when it comes down to it, 5 think guys "irst getting into this havent really thought about how theyre talking, how theyre conversing, and they really dont understand that there are some bits o" their conversation that are di""erent than others1 but you have given this very detailed e&planation o" this (here did this come "rom? 5s it "rom a lot o" practice over time? 5s some o" it more recent or does it come "rom #$$C6#$$@ era? HMehowI0 The #$ stu"" )ust comes "rom a lot o" in"ield e&perience 5 mean, we added a ninth element which is being nice because people still have a bunch o" niceness to them but when you strictly implemented the original eight elements, theres some o" you who could be too much o" an asshole So, we had to add a ninth element and we had a ton more soundbites )ust to give people a better idea o" how everything works, so we gave them more e&les because more e&les )ust basically gets your brain to intuitively master this stu"" So, when 5m coaching an in"ield live what 5 have guys do is memoriLe three soundbites every night that are new and then 5 make sure that they use those and by the ne&t night, those three are already in their unconscious and then we have three more 'nd then 5 give three other elements to work on their game by pushing it out K8kay, this set youre going to really move the girl 3ou didnt move her properly last time 3ouve got to grab by the wrist and lead (atchK H'ngel +onovanI0 So, e&le 5" you were teaching a guy this, would you get him to talk about something and then break down what hes been saying and start eliminating parts o" it and saying, Keep this This is an conversation element This is an conversational elementK 2ow
would you coach someone? HMehowI0 Theres a simpler way to do it (hat we do is we drill So, "or e&le, 5ll pretend 5m the girl and 5ll give them typical girl responses and then 5 have them put in soundbites but we make sure that everybody puts their own personality in it 5" theyre a highly edgy person, then we emphasiLe that side o" it and we make sure they dont miss an y o" the other magic pieces o" the "ormula 'nd we also go through and take their stories, their like stories, and we pre6can into what we call Kepisodic storytelling,K which is the e&le 5 gave you Episodic storytelling is basically youre telling a story in episodes and each episode is a soundbite and the whole point o" every episode is )ust like on T;, at the end, you want a big cli""hanger 5ts )ust like a microcosm because you want the audience to be hooked so they have to pay attention during the commercial break H'ngel +onovanI0 5ts inetesting that you say that because when you look at the T; now, when 5 look at the T; and 5 look at the intros to any current series today, you see e&actly what theyre doing with the T; because with the videos, theyre really good at it They give you these cli""hangers right be"ore it starts so youve got to hang on in there and watch and its like mini6 cli""hangers all the way through 5s this what youre thinking about when youre doing this in a conversation? HMehowI0 3eah, but you have to have unconscious mastery o" it So, you do it through drills and you do it through a lot o" practice because trying to think about that while youre talking is )ust going to make you all weird 5ts going to make the girl understand that youre trying really hard to "ind the ne&t conversation element and the second she detects that youre thinking a lot about the conversation, it becomes try hard 'nd thats why some pre6canned soundbites make this seem e""ortless because even i" you go "lat "or a little bit but then you have one really interesting thing to say to her, like she says, K5 like you 3oure "unnyK 'nd you say, KShould 5 take my shirt o"" now or later?K Then, now youve got a little spike and thats a canned spike but now youve got more )uice, so to speak, to keep going with her The awesome thing about this is really what happens when people use it 5t only take 66 i" youre doing it right 66 it only takes a week to get really good at the system 5" youre a game who doesnt have any disJuali"iers, i" youre basically a normal6 looking dude with a normal )ob, normal li"e, normal house, normal car, no weird situation, youve got hair, youre in okay shape, every time 5ve taught a normal dude this stu"", within "our days, theyve got twenty numbers in their phone and they )ust cant believe it Theyre like, K(oah, this is )ust amaLingK 5" youre a guy whose disJuali"ied and you need to work on your dress, your style, your body language, then that we also do in "our days and we live train, but its a little more involved H'ngel +onovanI0 So, youre saying that guys have to work on their li"e, as well, because they will disJuali"ied by certain attributes? HMehowI0 So, disJuali"iers in pick6up are things shes not going to like about you, and, typically, guys know what that is 5ts age, baldness, being too thin, being too "at, being totally broke These are things that everybody wants to overcome with game and whats interesting is that most o" the internet marketing right now is KDse these three words and now shell be all into you even though shes not actually attracted*K Theres a lot o" that and the truth is that its )ust not true /ome on* H'ngel +onovanI0 The truth is0 its )ust not true HMehowI0 3ouve got to have attraction Shes got to like you So what happens is a lot o" guys will think its their disJuali"iers that are messing them up, like its their weight or their hair or something, but these things arent helping, but its not whats messing them up The biggest reason "or people "ailing in pick up when theyre not getting coached live, is they dont know why the girl stopped talking to them and they think its because o" what they look like and that the system didnt work "or them1 but every single time 5ve ever had a guy like that, its because hes slightly slouching and he )ust doesnt know
H'ngel +onovanI0 Slightly slouching? >ody language, you say HMehowI0 >ody language 8r hes got a little lisp or hes got a little tweach with his eye H'ngel +onovanI0 So, youre saying its one o" those disJuali"iers you were talking about HMehowI0 (ell, so those disJuali"iers are 66 we would call those Kbody language tweaksK but generally "i&ing that and getting your verbal straight, which is what %6Second 'ttraction does, and we also talk a lot about body language in %6Second 'ttraction, but the problem is guys cannot "i& their own body language unless somebody is watching them or theyre rehearsing in "ront o" a mirror 3ou )ust dont know whats really going on until you get in "ield and youre talking to a girl, which is why we videotape 66 when we coach live, we videotape every single guy with a hidden camera, because that instantly shows them what theyre doing and then theyre like, K8h my god, it wasnt all the stu"" 5 thought it was* 5t wasnt the verbals My verbals are tight 5t was that one little thing 5 was doing that was screwing me upK 'nd then, once they get through that, its teaching them tactics 5ts like, K8kay, i" another girl comes over or i" she starts to lose buying temperature, what do you do? 8r she starts to act bitchy, what do you do? 8r she wants to look "or her "riend in the bar, what do you do?K 8ne e&ercise 5 have guys do when 5 coach live is 5m like, K8kay, so we have them talking to some sevens, you start to have twenty minute stats and the sevens start to walk away because they have to "ind their "riends The ne&t set, what 5 want you to do, is not let go o" the set 3our )ob is to make sureK 66 and 5 teach them all the logistical, tactical things you say to make it smooth so that e""ictively youre together "or an hour and she doesnt "eel weird 'nd, then all o" sudden, the sets solid 5m like, K8kay, you did that with a bunch o" sevens three or "our times -ow, lets move to eights or nines Same thing 66 only way harderK 'nd in day game, that gets even harder because day game is )ust de"initely doing other stu"" so you have to basically 66 you have to know whats about to happen and stay ahead o" it, logistically HMehowI0 'nd then once they get the logistics down, then they start having hour6long sets then its time to pull, then its time to get her out on a date, too, etcetera, etcetera So, its a process and i" 5 had to name the top steps o" the process, its "irst youve got to get your verbals down1 second o" all, youve got to eliminate all the things which are screwing you up and try to ameliorate your disJuali"iers as much as possible 66 the one way we do that all the time is with dress (e get guys dressed right because thats the one thing you can "i& overnight 5t doesnt matter who you are or where you come "rom, "i&ing your "ashion, you can literally do it by one trip to the store, i" you know what to get (e actually do that on every live training we do, too (e )ust take a trip to the store That in itsel" 66 )ust "i&ing body language, having tight verbals and attraction with attraction stacking, and getting "ashion will get a guy that used to never be able to hook somebody whose a stranger to somebody who hooks a stranger @$B o" the time HMehowI0 'nd 5ll give you an e&le (e had a guy who was "i"ty6"ive )ust last week 66 and 5ve done thousands o" these live coaching things but this )ust keep happening, but this is a recent story because 5 was )ust there* 'nd the last two nights 5 was coaching him and he ran only seven sets in eight hours o" sarging because he was in a set "or an hour each time and out o" those seven sets, he had one blow o"" 'nd be"ore that, he couldnt talk to strangers So, 5 love what 5 do 'nd whats really awesome is now were going to do it "or women, too (ell, we did it on the 3ahoo* web show "or women H'ngel +onovanI0
HMehowI0 3eah, absolutely 5n "act, thats launching in about a month H'ngel +onovanI0 8kay, cool +id you "ind you learned "rom that process? (as it kind o" an interesting 66 HMehowI0 5 learned so much So "ar everything 5 suspected is true, is true 5 learned that women are very much more into polyamory and dating multiple guys than they say they are 5 also learned that women can be "iercely tactical and very cool i" they want H'ngel +onovanI0 5 think more and more so There seems to be a trend 5 think you even see this in magaLines now Theres more advice "or women 66 obviously, theres been some books like K2ow to >e a >itch and 7et 7uysK or something Theres been those sorts o" books out "or a while, but it seems like thats growing in the media and you see more o" it in the girls magaLines HMehowI0 (ell, on 3ahoo*, we got "ive million viewers and that was the "irst o""iical pick6up show "or women Theres been advice shows "or women but theyre like, K'h, you shouldnt be such a bitch*K (ere like, KSay this This is why youre saying this 3oure value velocity is dropping o"" here 2ere the guy isnt being ghost6led correctly 3ou need to do this and well see i" he passes this screening test 5" he does, then he might be a keeperK 'nd 5 "ound that, not insulting womens intelligence and going with the pedestrian advice is superlatively unhelp"ul and when you give them the real shit, hal" o" them )ust tune out because theyre like, K8kay, this isnt the "antasy 5 had in my head, which is basically how 5 would do )ust a "ew things and all o" a sudden, the world starts knocking on my doorK The other hal" o" the women weve coached are like, K8h, wow, this is the reality 5 really like having access to reality 5 really like the "act that somebody can e&plain to me how shit really works in the space o" a weekend, basicallyK So, women 66 it takes way less time to coach them with this stu"" 66 typically, two days (hen we were on the show, we would coach the women "or two days to get a complete '6to6N trans"ormation, but the trans"ormation "or about hal" those women was astounding and the other hal" )ust didnt Juite do it right >ut the ones who were astounding were like 66 here 5ll tell you a really amaLing thing about women, which 5 always suspected to be true but 5 "ound that it was true (hen we cast the show, we interviewed like "i"ty girls and we videotaped a lot o" these interviews "or casting purposes and were always asking the same Juestion0 K2ow many guys that you really like have you met in the last si& months?K 'nd this was even stunner tense because we had some girls who were models on the show would say, K5 met one guyK H'ngel +onovanI0 =ust one? HMehowI0 =ust one guy 8r two guys 5m like, K(ow, thats dismal because 66K H'ngel +onovanI0 ecause "or us men, its like once you get pick6up, every weekend 5 can go out and meet women 5 like >ecause "or a man, you dont need a ten 5 like eights are better with personality because a lot o" tens )ust dont even have that great personality Theyre pains in the ass (ithin the reality o" that eight6to6ten physical beauty range, as long as theyre above that certain threshold, 5m "ascinated To me 66 and then 5 can meet like 66 7od, )ust this past weekend, we had two6to6"our di""erent girls here "rom Thursday, !riday, Saturday, and Sunday So, 5 met si&teen girls this weekend and theyre meeting like two guys every si& months So, what the hell, right? (hy is that? H'ngel +onovanI0 5s it because theyre looking "or personality? (hat are they looking theyre not
getting or guys )ust arent approaching? (hats going on? HMehowI0 (hat happens is dudes are )ust "lat Theyll o"ten see a guy thats interesting but the guy will screw up the pick up 'nd the other thing is theyre not meeting guys These are the two things Theyre not meeting guys because you would be shocked how "ew dudes actually approach a really hot chick >ecause when were in venues and youll see guys chatting up girls all the time but hal" the time, those guys are "riends o" theirs 4ike an actual stranger approaching a hot chick, shes got to sit around "or hal" an hour 5n "act, one time we had one episode where we took this stunner dancer girl 66 shes a pro"essional hip6hop dancer, shes in rap videos, shes got the %6#G6% "igure on her, might be even more ridiculous, 5 mean, 5 didnt measure her, 5m )ust her coach 66 but the point was is that shes super hot and we put her in a co""ee shop "or two hours and it, literally, two guys approached her (hen we take girls who are super beauti"ul into a club, a lot o" times dudes are "reakin a"raid 5ts so bad taht even a stunner dude will be )ust staring at her H'ngel +onovanI0 5ts "unny to hear this a"ter, basically, its been "i"teen years now since the pick6 up artist movement started where thats teaching a lot o" cold approach stu"" So, youd think thered be enough guys out there 66 5 know theres probably hundreds o" thousands who have studied this stu"", right? HMehowI0 >ut, no one "riggin approaches* E&cept the dudes "rom ecause i" youre advanced, i" youre 8wen, 5ve gone out on the "ield with 8wen and weve both done it, side6by6side, we both )ust get super aggressive, but the thing is well sink hal" our sets (ell stick hal" the sets 2al" the sets will stick and then girls see us talking in the corner "or hal"6an6hour with some girl and then well go grab another girl 'nd, then because o" the social proo", it works (hen youre a newbie and you go out and )ust start to troll an entire venue and theres "i"teen o" you, dear 7od, bad things happen 5n "act, 5 nearly got in a "ight this weekend because o" that and thats never happened to me be"ore 5t wasnt the set 5 was in 66 it was actually going really, really well and the girls were down and everything was cool 66 its the dudes that they came with that probably saw yet6another guy approach them and they literally )ust bum rushed me They ran at me, picked me up, and carried me out o" the set H'ngel +onovanI0 (ow HMehowI0 'nd the last time that happened was in Miami in #$$ when 5 sarged some celebrity chick and she had a bodyguard with her and it was "unny because she instructed the bodyguard not to touch me1 she was having this conversation with me, but 5 guess he was trying to do his )ob So, he picks me up and 5m still talking to her and hes carrying me away >ut that was actually way less violent and more pro"essional 66 what happened this weekend was not cool at all 5 knew that the pick6up guys in that venue created that "ight, because they created this e&tremely hostile vibe where, basically, unless you absolutely nail an opener and the girl is really into you, you get massive bitch shield 5ve seen reports o" this crop up all over the world, 5ll be honest0 5 think people need to tone that shit down and get b etter at their approaches and more consistent with their approaches 5" you cant hook a girl with verbals consistently without touching
her, youve got no business touching her 'nd thats my rant "rom the weekend !ortunately a student 5 was with 66 we have a student who was GK #GF and he was an e&6pro"essional athlete 66 and he regulated that situation 'nd then the girls were like,* +ont hurt my piece6o"6shit boy"riend* 2e didnt mean anything*K H'ngel +onovanI0 (ell, it sounds like you had a bit o" "un there 5m glad your student was there to help out HMehowI0 5n"ield is "un, man 5 "ucking love it 5 absolutely love it H'ngel +onovanI0 (ell, theres always a story to tell, right? HMehowI0 5 absolutely love it and 5 want everybody to go out and be success"ul, but 5m seeing guys basically screw up a lot o" approaches because o" their lack o" outer game and )ust this sort o" belie" that i" their internal state is awesome, then theyre going to do awesome So, heres my advice to all women when you get approached by a guy, this is a per"ect Juestion, )ust sa y, K're you in state yet?K H'ngel +onovanI0 3ou say that to a guy? HMehowI0 3eah H'ngel +onovanI0 'nd hell be like, K2ow do you know about
H'ngel +onovanI0 5magine i" they did* 5 dont know There might be a "ew o" them that know There are some clubs in San !ransisco, 5 heard, back in the day got really, really out o" hand HMehowI0 5ts possible 5 havent see a K-o .D' SignK at the door yet H'ngel +onovanI0 -o, no, no They did do that in San !rancisco HMehowI0 8h, they did do that* H'ngel +onovanI0 3eah, they did that there and back in those days, there was a lot o" Mystery peacocking and anyone peacocking wouldnt get in and so on like that 5t did happen 2ope"ully, 5 thought that was something in the past 'nyway, man, lets make sure that the guys get a bit o" an idea o" what a conversation element is here So, what is 66 5 know you talk a lot about edge 66 is that your "avorite one? 5s that one you "eel is the most important? HMehowI0 (ell, there isnt a single most important one Everybody is always trying to tell me, K(hat the one thing? 2ow do 5 get girls in three seconds?K Theres no one thing, man* 5t doesnt e&ist 4et it go* 5 cant teach you how to pick up chicks on one little interview H'ngel +onovanI0 +o you have a "avorite conversational element that you use a bit more than others? HMehowI0 5 love having super play"ul attraction 5 b asically always improvise that o"" what the girl )ust said So, this girl "rom Saturday night, she had this very princess vibe, her parents were very wealthy, so 5 did a lot o" sub6princess humor, like princess and king and set the "rame, like we were royalty )ust going through the world together 5n romantic humor, you make a lot o" )okes at everybodys e&pense that no one else can hear because it creates sort o" a conspiracy 5ts like, K8h, thats a plebian thing to do*K 'nd with me and her, that was super hilarious 5 was )ust dialed in to where she was at 5 could tell she was basically an only child and the belie" that she held in her head was that she was slightly superior to everybody else So, 5 )ust played on that by assuming all these ridiculous, not6real "rames, like were a king and Jueen walking through Santa Monica together (e get "irst in line at the Subway and stu"" like that H'ngel +onovanI0 That sounds like a lot o" "un HMehowI0 3eah and so thats sort o" my little area o" e&pertise, which is the improv side o" it H'ngel +onovanI0 're you o"ten able to "igure out where the girl is coming "rom like that, in that kind o" e&le you )ust gave? HMehowI0 3eah, because as youre going through, youre giving these soundbites 66 my personality is in my soundbites and her personality is in her soundbites So, the whole time shes giving me soundbites you "igure out what shes like, because whats coming out o" her is really what is her Shes not using any canned stu"" 'll her stu"" is A$$B improvised 3oure )ust getting genuine in"ormation about her the entire time H'ngel +onovanI0 So, its all by observation then 3ou )ust 66 HMehowI0 3eah, 5m )ust present and 5m like, K8kay, she said this This indicates that maybe shes "reedom6lovingK 'nd then we talk about how its awesome to basically do what you want or hang out with people who are "reedom6oriented who dont have a lot o" things tying them down in reality So, then 5ll take my com"ort elements, my com"ort soundbites, in that direction 5" 5 can tell that 66 every girl is "un, every girl has some sort o" thing about her, a set o" attraction elements, that will get a big response out o" her, and i" you listen, you can hear what those are Theyre really obvious, actually1 you )ust have to be listening ' lot o" guys )ust areny present1 they arent listening 3ou )ust have to "reakin listen 5" you listen, youre going to hear what it is that shes
saying to you thats important to her or thats stimulating to her >ecause people dont say stu"" to themselves thats boring to them and i" they do, youll see them get bored H'ngel +onovanI0 Thats a very good point 5 havent heard that distinction be"ore 5" shes saying it, its obviously important to her and 66 HMehowI0 Sometimes you "orce her into a Juestion, because youve have sets where youre like, K(hats your special secret super power?K 'nd shes like, K5 dont know*K >ut then, i" shes like, K5 can "ly*K or K5 turn invisible*K -ow, you know youve hit on some other per"ect "antasy side o" her brain because every woman has "antasies, and a lot o" them are also pretty dirty, which is why some o" the se&ual side o" it works, why the se&ual elements work, too 3ouve )ust got to be dialed in to where shes at and i" you really pay attention to what shes saying, you can )ust knock it out o" the park "or )ust two6three hours at a time 5ve had girls )ust choke on their "ood when they got taken out to "ood twice this weekend )ust because they were laughing so hard, because 5m )ust dialed in 5ll say one little thing and shell )ust start to "all over, basically, and shell say, K8h my god, youre like 66K 5 had one woman tell me, K5 really love guys who make me laughK 'nd i" theres one single thing that 5 had to say its the net e""ect o" our system is that youre )ust super charming and you make people laugh all the time, while youre doing all this other nin)a stu"" at the same time >ut, then again, 5ll have people ask me, K2ow do 5 be "unny?K 'nd 5m like, K+ude, youve got to read the book 3ouve got to practiceK Theres )ust no one thing There is a one thing at a high level but 5 cant teach you that 5 cant say, K>e "unnyK 5 cant say, K+o this inner game e&ercise and youll do awesomeK 5 cant say, K+o this one hour inner game and youll be awesomeK HMehowI0 5ts a per"ormance Thats where 5 always end up in0 its a per"ormance The reason youre good with women is youre overall per"ormance is spot on and your inner game actually does not matter 3ou can have the shittiest day that youve ever had and you can still per"orm 'nd think about that* 5" youre a pro"essional circus per"ormer or youre a pro"essional guitarist or a pro"essional per"ormer in anything, those people have shitty days all the time 3et they go out on stage and they crush it So, does state really matter? The answer is no, it doesnt, because she cant "ucking see your state 5 cant see the state o" the per"ormer* The per"ormers mom could have died yesterday but i" hes playing well, hes playing well The point is that the thing we really "ocus and people got to get through their heads is its not a ggression o" the opener, its not your inner state The stu"" that matters is the stu"" that obviously matters 5ts the stu"" she can see So, the only thing you need to worry about is your per"ormance* Thats it -ow, thats easier said than done but thats the core principle o" how we teach Everything is about how you come o"" H'ngel +onovanI0 ody language will kill good verbals but non6verbals or lame verbals will basically made her bored and walk away and kill your great body language >ut the one thing we do take away "rom all this is state doesnt matter So, i" youre a chick and youre listening to this interview, the ne&t time somebody walks up to you, ask him i" hes hit state* H'ngel +onovanI0 'nd Mehow will get a kick out o" that
HMehowI0 'lright* H'ngel +onovanI0 So, man, one "inal Juestion "or you here (hat are your top three recommendations to men wanting to have a better li"estyle "rom dating, se&, and relationships, as "ast as possible, i" they wanted to get good with this? So, youre talking about some guys who have gotten results pretty Juickly (hat would be your top three recommendations to get that kind o" result? HMehowI0 My only recommendation is get live training 5ts still the "astest way >ecause 5 see 66 theres guys who will read out stu"" and theyll get good i" theyre not disJuali"ied and they have good body language 5" youre disJuali"ied or you have slightly crappy body language, then somebody needs to "i& that and theres very "ew pro"essionals le"t in this business Theres maybe a hundred worldwide Theres a lot o" people trying to sling a PA$$ bootcamp or whatever but its not what it was in #$$@ where the "inancial resources coming into the industry allowed "or a lot o" Juality to e&ist 7et live training 5ll tell who 5 think the good live trainers are rad . is awesome (ere awesome Mystery and Matador are still really good in "ield 66 debatable on the mid6game H'ngel +onovanI0 So, youre talking about the actual people or the companies? HMehowI0 The live, actual people .eople that 5ve actually seen who are doing it The guys in ;egas, Mike Sartaine 66 e&cellent 66 and his boy, SancheL They have probably the best social circle game 5ve ever seen 5ts positively insane (ho else o"" the top o" my head has got amaLing live game? 5 think thats it Thats my problem with the world right now That 5 can list o"" the guys that are really great live coaches on one hand and there used to be hundreds o" us, back in the day (hen we were doing a bunch o" Mystery Method >ootcamps, we had about twenty coaches and everybody was decent +oesnt e&ist anymore H'ngel +onovanI0 (hat other recommendations? 5s that the only one you want to give or is there a top three? (ould there be anything else they should do? HMehowI0 >esides live coaching, get %6Second 'ttraction Thats going to be the ne&t best thing 7et my system 5m )ust going to sel"6plug right here, because 66 H'ngel +onovanI0 E&plain that a bit (hy get %6Second 'ttraction? HMehowI0 3ou want to get it because then at least your verbals will be awesome and well teach you some stu"" about body language and now youll have a prayer 'nd i" you hook with that, youll be doing really good, because once a sets hook, even i" your body language is sloppy, but she somehow likes you in the "irst three minutes and your body language stays kind o" crappy or )ust okay or )ust marginal but shes interested enough that she stays talking with you in the "irst three minutes, i" you can )ust talk "or a "ew more hours, youll probably get laid H'ngel +onovanI0 So, the work you put in your course you basically stay interesting "or a "ew hours, then 66 HMehowI0 5" you can )ust talk, even i" the other parts o" your game are o"", i" 66 i" 5 cant see you, 5 cant "i& your body language 5 cant "i& how youre dressed 5 cant "i& where youre going 5 cant "i& who youre talking to Theres all these things 5 cant "i& 3oure making all those decisions and youre probably making mistakes like 5 did when 5 started o"", like everybody does 'nd the problem is people )ust cant see the mistakes which is why 5 recommend live coaching The deal is that i", say, you manage to hook one6in6"ive girls despite all that stu"" that 5 cant help you with because 5m not there and you can talk, then youre going to get way better results Thats why
you buy %6Second 'ttraction This is literally the system that politicians, talk show hosts, /helsea 2andler 66 /helsea 2andler is actually a giant three second attraction user Shes )ust all edge all the time 5 would calibrate that girl 5 would be like, K3o, you )ust need to throw in a little bit o" element nine and be nice and youll do way betterK >ut shes "riggin hilarious because she uses assumptive "raming #G6C, like every other thing that she says is an assumptive "rame straight "rom my book 'nd shes unconscious o" it 5 know /helsea 2andler didnt "ucking read my shit* 5 know =immy !allon didnt read my shit* >ut the thing that all these celebrities, and a lot o" these celebrities get "amous "or no reason, have in common is that they can talk like this naturally and they )ust werent conscious o" it So, you really got to have that in your corner 5" you cant talk, you are screwed 3ouve got no prayer at all 5" everything else is a little o"", then therell be some girl that likes you anyway >ut, i" you cant talk, its over HMehowI0 The other ma)or advantage o" %6Second 'ttraction is i" you line online game, until you meet up with her on the date, your body language doesnt "reaking matter because youre )ust chatting with her So, %6Second 'ttraction will get you mad online results 5ts literally retardedly easy 5 got online and 5 was using my system online and 5 wasnt even trying, 5 had two girls a week The easiest way to get laid to day is by practicing attraction, get an online site, and pick a girl thats sort o" in your looks range, and you will have se& this week 5 guarantee it H'ngel +onovanI0 Thats a pretty big guarantee there HMehowI0 That was my sales side but, anyway 66 H'ngel +onovanI0 5 can see you really believe in this stu"", which is good to see 'nd the third one? HMehowI0 The third one* 5ll give you all night on the third one So, we talked about %6Second 'ttraction, whats the third one? 8kay, the third one 5 would say is get good "ashion, because thats an instant trans"ormation -ow, heres the problem 2eres how 5 recommend you do it i" you dont have a live coach who knows what theyre doing0 you need to go and "ind somebody who looks really good, thats got e&cellent "ashion sense 66 and not like a stores salesgirl becase theyll really sell you whatever 66 K5t looks great*K )ust because youre about to buy "rom them 5 never, ever, unless something looks aw"ul, really, reall bad, 5ve never heard one o" those store sales ladies say anything 66 when 5m out shopping with guys, theyre like, K8h, that looks awesome*K 'nd 5m like, K-o, it doesntK 'nd theyre like, K8kay 4et me go grab something elseK 'nd theyre like, KThat looks awesome*K 'nd 5m like, K-o* 5t still doesnt Shush =ust get me more clothes*K So, get a guy thats not inerested who you think looks good and see i" hell help you "or a day 'nd 5ll give you some tips, okay? So, i" youre older 66 weve been doing a lot o" older guys lately 66 and youre in decent shape, then what really looks good on older guys in sort o" a mi& o" youth"ul and older So, we do really nice )eans that are bootcut because you dont want that shrunk look where the bottom o" the )eans are attached to your legs and you look like an @$s rock star, bootcut, that "lare at the bottom 66 bootcut, by the way, )ust means there is a "lare at the bottom o" the )eans 66 so it can accomodate a boot, even i" youre not wearing a boot, it will still sort o" "lare out and )ust looks way cooler So, all my )eans are bootcut 5 put all the students in bootcut )eans H'ngel +onovanI0 'll mine are bootcut, too Totally agree 3eah HMehowI0 So, do bootcut )eans and then what we do is we get a really nice tailored )acket1 5ll have students get one or two 2ugo >oss )ackets Theyre not P#,$$$ )ackets, theyre usually three, "our hundred bucks and then 5 get them tailored 5 make sure everything is tailored so that it "its per"ectly 3our clothes have to "it you per"ectly They dont have to be Lillion dollar clothes They )ust have to "it you per"ectly 3ou go to the 2ugo >oss Store, even in 4', its not ridiculous, and theyll tailor it "or you and then two days later, youve got these per"ectly "itted )ackets and then over top o" that 5 )ust have them wear a t6shirt 's long as theyre not "at 5" theyre "at, then 5 go with a dress shirt >ut i" theyre not "at, then 5 )ust go with a t6shirt and that has this look o" youre
a well put6together dude that is also wearing this really nice )acket and women pick out the nice )acket "rom a hundred "eet away 5" youre the one guy in the club with a tailored )acket that actually "its you really well, they know and they will compliment you on it and the way you know youre wearing the right clothes is that every woman says, K5 love what youre wearingK H'ngel +onovanI0 oss actually does that 66 theyll have )ackets that have Lippers on the sleeves and the rest o" it is )ust this per"ectly done up )acket 5" the Lippers werent there, people would be like, KThats a really cool )acket but theres nothing interesting about itK 3ou always want to make sure youve got one interesting thing about it that doesnt scream, K5m a clownK or K5m a peacockK but it says, K5m a little di""erentK 5ve "ield tested that literally hundreds o" times 5ll )ust do '6> like, K8kay, guys have got the same verbal game 5 get them dressed up The ne&t guy has got the same e&act verbal game, maybe hes got a little better, but now hal" the sets hook, where be"ore it was #$BK 8r even more HMehowI0 8nce their game is dialed in and everything, we see hook rates o" si&ty, seventy, eighty percent, depending on the dude 5" youre like my GK guy, he literally got blown out once '"ter he got verbals down, last "our days o" his training, he got blown out once out o" thirty sets Thats when your coaching in "ield all the time, thats when all this shits in your head because you see it on a weekly basis and when youve been doing it "or years like the coaches here, we see the same patterns over and over again So, whats most important is being dialed in with the truth and the truth is a good per"ormance and how you come o"" is what matters and thats what you need to "ocus on and thats really everything 5 went long, man En)oy* H'ngel +onovanI0 3eah, that was a great way to "inish o"" there, too Mehow, thanks "or being on the show Man, its been great to have you back again