Printed Media versus Electronic Media ? Printed Media and Electronic Media in the Present Production technologies for Printed Media enable high quality and economic production. Moreover, Printed media are particularly particularly easy to use in many locations locations and almost almost every environmen environment, t, without without recourse recourse to any special equipment. equipment. Nevertheless, Nevertheless, the informatio information n content content of print media is static/fix static/fixed ed and cannot cannot be quickly quickly changed changed interactively. n comparison, !lectronic Media, which include the latest developments in the internet and "orld "ide "eb, allow the integration of audio and video, which is speech, music and animations, into the information document along with text, graphics, and image information. #his gives the user many ways of i nteracting with the information$ it is possible to make selections and add components % the content is dynamic. &pecial equipment, however, is required for using electronic information. #he transfer of information via electronic media creates a varied array of interesting and useful applications. #herefore, with the following example, electronic media provide innovative alternatives to print media.
Printed Media and Electronic Media in the Future 'ecause of innovation and changes in technology, business and society, the demand for information via printed media and electronic media is clearly increasing world(wide. 'ut, the ratio between the market shares of print media and electronic media is becoming more balanced. #here is now a strong move towards electronic media, and long term predictions point to a )*$)* ratio between print media and electronic media.
conclusion +Kipphan **-
owever, it is appropriate to conclude with a few statements made in the past, which spoke against the spread of print$ •
0round -1*$ 2adio will replace print
0round -1)*$ #3 will replace print print
0round -14*$ #he computer will will replace print
0round -11*$ #he nternet will replace print print 0s we know today, these predictions soon turned out to be glaringly incorrect. !ach of these statements was based on a fascination with new technologies, which eventually led to speculative, one(sided predictions that new media would replace the old.
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Print Media v/s Electronic Media v/s Digital Media in Indian Context Communication is conveying of message from person to person or in a collectivemanner. For proper transferring of messages men folk used to depend on various various methodscollectively called as media. Earlier as a means of communication we used to scribble uponwooden plates and rocks to convey messages to public. Later by the invention of printingpress, pamphlets and newspaper gained prominence. The invention of radio and televisionsets in the middle of twentieth century made a boost in mass communication industry. Withthe Withthe course of time, t ime, computer and digital media brought a new face to the communication.asically there are three ma!or categories of mass media such as print media,electronic media and digital media or new media."rint is the pioneer form of mass media. #t is a newspaper, maga$ine, pamphlets ortabloids whatever we can hold in our hands hands and pursue. From the beginning beginning of mass mediaindustry, newspapers hold a key role. #t has undergone various pressures and threats andsurvived by its few specialties. asically print media is much affordable when compared toother media. "rint media allows us to read anytime and can be carried anywhere. Theinformation content on the print media is static and cannot be %uickly changed interactively.For an individual, especially in rural are, print media is %uiet an easy sort of proof for anyinformation. #t is much local to the city or region than than the other media. &nd &nd print media isrelatively easier form of accessibility for public campaigning. When you read newspaper youcan calmly finish reading the news articles, features and editorials and then you can enter astate of introspection. ut the electronic media won't let you think.Electronic media is electronic devices used to convey information like television setsor radio. #t is second phase and more advanced form of mass media. #t introduced morerevenues and !ob opportunities to the industry. #t is featured with more innovative methodslike motion pictures and animation. & variety of options available and people can surfthrough channels to channels without any additional payment. #t is much fast and veryappropriate for instant polls and reviews. (isual media works better with people havinghearing and seeing disabilities. #t can be reached to public as faster and live, thus we caninstantly convey matters of immediate attention such as earth%uake and ha$ardous news orany announcements. Electronic media provides facility of live transmission could also beused to connect and communicate communicate between locations where telegraph and telephone wires areimpractical.The last decade of twentieth century witnessed an emergence of digital media,includes internet, tablets and smart phones etc. collectively known as new media. The latestdevelopments in internet and World Wide Wide Web We b allow integration of audios, videos along withte)ts and graphics. This gave us many ways of interaction with the information. The contentis dynamic and special device is used to interpret the digital information from anywhere inthe cosmos. & person can read news about his native land with !ust having access to
computer or laptop with internet connection. &rchival of digital information is cheap andeasier. &lmost all newspapers are available in digital form even in mobile phones* almost allpeople can afford it.#nvention of e+books like &ma$on indle brought a substitute to print media. #t lookssimilar to printed paper. Thus reduced the problem of glary vision and we can carrythousands of books wherever we want. ut it is costly to common folk. The main advantageof new media is highly interactive. -edia &nalysis in #ndian Conte)t #ndia has thousands of newspapers in various languages, both regional and /indi. #t isone of
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this 457 is entertainment audience and only 27 are news followers. #ndiahas 83 chore mobile phone connections and 09.: chore internet users.;erious analysis of these spectrums put forward numerous reasons that will ensure theprint media's survival in #ndia for a long time. First there is a favorable environmentfacilitated with increasing literacy, growing income and good newspapers. provide enough information to thereader. &s &s an industry print invested enough to create a newspaper habit among people.#ndian print media is e)tremely competitive industry and !ournalists are e)tremely innovative.&rticles in better maga$ine and newspapers and maga$ines are usually written byprofessionals and are reviewed by e)perts whose !ob is to establish professional accuracy.&ccording to the social mentality of the nation, people have huge faith in newspapers andthey believe that it portrays more truth rather than electronic and digital media. "rint hasmore credibility whereas digital media remains as a faceless entity in #ndia. #n a country like#ndia, subscribing newspaper is cheaper than taking an internet connection.Fre%uent power failures for long hours are not uncommon in rural #ndia. ;o there isno viable replacement for newspaper. &ccording to #ndian psychology of middle class andlower class men folk, they believe that only tangible product can be priced. ;o there isreluctance towards digital information. #n electronic media, there is no guarantee aboutviewership, whereas, a family subscribes to a newspaper would definitely go through it ondaily basis. #f we already watched a news story, we will read newspaper ne)t day to gathermore information in depth. Even though we like an article in digital form, we would take aprintout and keep it to read later.&s we mentioned above, digital media is a faceless entity. &nyone can anonymouslypost inn digital portals and manipulate the information. "lagiarism at its peak these days.There are no means to determine which of the two website have authentic information. #n theinternet hence the legitimacy of the information becomes %uestionable. &nd threat of looping and surveillance also force us to turn back to print modes of communication as =ussiareestablishes its thousands of typewriters back. There is only 0>7 of total population isaccessible to internet and ma!ority of them lives in urban area.The print media organi$ations in West West earned well and also survived during thetelevision boom. ut they failed because they heavily invested in news rooms and did notmanage the operation and were not able to regionali$e.Changes in technology demand an increase and development of both print andelectronic media. #t is true that there is now a strong move against electronic media, and longterm predictions point >1>1 ratios between print and electronic media. /owever, it isappropriate to conclude with a few statements made in the past spoke against the spread ofprint. &bout 0491 we said radio will replace print. Later in 04>1s we assumed that televisionis going to kill newspaper. #n 0431, computer believed to wipe out print. &t last we said,digital media is perfect substitute for print. &nd time proved as they were glaringly incorrect.
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Compa r eandc ont r a stpr i ntme di aande l e c t r oni cme me di ai nt e r msof t e chnol ogy , c ont e nt s , ma r k e ta ndowne r s hi p!Al s os he dl i ghton c ompe t i t i ona nds y mbi mb os i sbe t we e ndi ff er e ntf or msofma s sme di a ! POSTED BY @NNE ⋅ 04/11/201 04/11/2010 0 ⋅ 1 COMMENT FILED UNDER ASSIGNMENT
"e are living in a very fast developing and globali5ing world. !very development is due to modernisation, improvement of old administration methods and the use of new technology. "ith the improvement of electronic media and daily reports on achievements electronic media dominates over print media that are the oldest form of Mass Media.
Nevertheless Print Media are still forming an important part of Media ndustry. 'asically said, words printed with ink on pap paper er tha thatt is att attach ached ed in dif differ ferent ent way ways, s, pro provid vides es dif differ ferent ent kin kinds ds of inf inform ormati ation, on, edu educat cation ion and entertainment. #hey consists of cover, chapters or themes, pictures, advertising and so on and mostly big emphasis is made on make(up. #here are three types of Print Media$ 'ooks are seen as the cultural heritage providing provi ding literature, literature, scie scientific ntific reports, reports, histo history ry etc. Newspapers Newspapers unite news, artic articles les and adver advertisem tisement ent in a frequent and regular manner. Maga5ines focus on deeper research on topics and usually offer feature stories, interpretation, analysis or research. Print Media is searching a large audience but it mainly refers to educated readers and those who are not used to handle electronic media. Newspapers, as well as maga5ines are financed throug thr ough h adv advert ertisi ising ng and cir circul culati ation on whi which ch ma makes kes ad mor more e eff effect ective ive.. t6 t6s s not so eas easy y to pub publis lish h a boo book k successfully. #herefore promotion campaigns are usual. #he increasing competition from #3, the nternet and 2adio makes it difficult for Print Media to survive on the market. More and more e(books are bought, free news and information are distributed through the internet and the society becomes more and more attracted to #3 programmes that are not as psychological exhausting as books e.g.
7ou 7o u can find national and multinational publisher, as well as general or speciali5ed ones. 0ccording 0ccording to papers and maga5ines there will always be group work. #he team consists of publisher, editor, editorial staff, reporter, designer, circulation staff and management/advertising staff. owever, group ownership and conglomeration leads to dependence and prevents diversity and plurality.
!very type of Print Media, books, newspapers and maga5ines, competes within their industry as well as with every other type of Mass Media. "e speak of intra( and inter(industry competition. 'ut they also complete and cooperate with each other.
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n contrast to Print Media, !lectronic Media is highly commerciali5ed. #here is a mass market for advertisers through #3 and every other electronic media industry is very dependent on revenue from ads. #here can also be independent and non(commercial owners of electronic media, but commonly you find commercial enterprises, private or public owners and companies. 8or film industry it is more usual that ownership is divided into producer, distri dis tribut butor or and exh exhibi ibitor tor.. n tha thatt cas case e the dir direc( ec(aud audien ience( ce(rev revenu enue e is mor more e imp import ortant ant tha than n the rev revenu enue e of advertising. 8or the nternet it is rarely clear wheather a private person or a company owns the content of websites, merchandise pro9ects and so on.
"hile Print Media has its roots in the invention of book printing by :utenberg in -;)* the technology of electronic media med ia is muc much h you younger nger.. 2ad 2adio io has bee been n the first pos possib sibili ility ty to allo allow w mil million lions s of peo people ple thr throug oughou houtt vas vastt geographical area to listen simultaneously to the same messages. Now broadcasting content is carried through the air airway way on a spe specia ciall fre freque quency ncy.. #he #hese se wa waves ves are cap captur tured ed and lat later er dec decode oded d by rec receiv eiving ing set sets. s. #he digitali5ation of these signals has been a big achievement for electronic media. 7ou can watch #3, listen to the 2adio and be always on the latest news through the nternet. #he "eb transports files through hypertext transfer protocols and reaches every part of the world.
0 big advantage of electronic media it can be live and the concept of conquering time and space is optimally implied.
!lectronic Media is able to provide every branch of human knowledge. &urveillance, interpretation, transmission of values, entertainment and linkage mixed up with a huge amount of advertising characteri5e its content. nformation can be transmitted by audible +2adio or audio(visuel +#3, film, online means. #hey provide speech, music, sound, silence and pictures that combined are forming films. &o we can say that this kind of media industry has much more ways to reach the audience than print media industry. 0s they can offer all sort of information in various ways the audience is becoming larger and larger. 8urthermore, the nternet replaces every other media type according to the content. #here are online service, online merchandise, online #3, 2adio, encyclopedia, e(books, games, etc.
0s mentioned above, the competition between Print Media and !lectronic Media is very intensive and also within each industry it is not easy to handle. #herefore, earlier Mass Media try to negotiate and coordinate with modern Mass Media like #3 and the nternet.
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'ecause of symbiosis of Mass Media the optimal result +to provide best quality to the largest audience, quick development and new achievements are possible.
Media have alway !layed a "a#$% %$le i& $'% live( I& $lde& day) !e$!le *a%ved +$%ie $& +$&e a&d +e"!le( T$day we have ,&$w& a l$+ a-$'+ +h$e +h$e day day -y eei&. eei&. +he *'l!+ *'l!+'% '%e e *a%ved *a%ved $& '*h '*h +$&e +$&e(( i+h i+h +he i&ve i&ve&+ &+i$ i$& & $ !a!e !a!e%) %) i+ "ade "ade i+ eai eaie% e% $% $% !e$! !e$!le le +$ ,&$w ,&$w a-$' a-$'++ +he +he ha!!e&i&. a%$'&d +he w$%ld +h%$'.h &ew!a!e%) " -a&&e%) !$+e%) leae+) !a"!hle+ e+*( B'+ &$w wi+h +he adve&+ $ ele*+%$&i* "edia li,e 3adi$) +elevii$&) I&+e%&e+) whi*h have "$vi&. i"a.e) a*ili+a+e eay '&de%+a&di&. i i+ %eally +he e&d $ !%i&+ "edia5
Wh yEl ec t r oni cMe Medi a? O& a& ele*+%$&i* "edia) *%ee& .la%e) $&+ ie a&d we-i+e lay$'+ *a& e%i$'ly a6e*+ %eada-ili+y( hi*h $ +hee i eaie%5 3eadi&. a 700 !a.e &$vel $& y$'% la!+$! $% h$ldi&. +he &$vel i& ha&d a&d %eadi&. i+ while lyi&. $& y$'% -ed5 I a !e%$& d$e &$+ "i&d helli&. $'+ $"e "$&ey) he/he w$'ld *h$$e +he e*$&d $!+i$& i&*e 8CD h'%+ $'% eye( B'+ +hee day wi+h +he i&ve&+i$& $ e9-$$, %eade%) eve& +hi !%$-le" d$e &$+ e:i+ e:i+(( E9-$$, E9-$$, %eade %eade% % li,e li,e ;i&dle ;i&dle 'e !a!e% !a!e%9li 9li,e ,e i&, di di!la !lay y whi*h whi*h "a,e i+ eaie% +$ %ead -$$, a&d *a%%y +h$'a&d $ -$$, eve%ywhe%e y$' .$( Y$' *a& d$w&l$ad a &ew!a!e% wi+hi& e*$&d %$" +he %e"$+e+ *$%&e% $ +he w$%ld( I y$' d$ &$+ wa&+ +$ !e&d "$&ey $& +hee *$+ly
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hi &a+ive *$'&+%y #'+ -y havi&. a& a**e +$ a *$"!'+e% $% la!+$!( Thee day) !e$!le *a& li+e& +$ %adi$ $& eve& +hei% "$-ile !h$&e) +h' "a,i&. i+ eay +$ li+e& +$ +he" eve& while +%avelli&.(
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Ele*+%$&i* "edia +hee day i&*l'de +hee
S$*ial Ne+w$%,i Ne+w$%,i&. &. i+e i+e whe%e whe%e $&e *a& "ee+ "illi$& "illi$& $ !e$!le !e$!le ?
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-e++e% +ha& vi'alii&. i+ wi+h a ew !h$+$ i& &ew!a!e%( B'+ I al$ %ead a-$'+ i+ i& de+ail i& +he &e:+ day= &ew!a!e%( The &ew!a!e% had +he i&$%"a+i$& i& .%ea+e% de+ail) de!+h a&d al$ had i"a.e whi*h we%e &$+ h$w& $& T>(
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