Lesson Plan Teache acherr Cand Candid idat atee Target Group Class Size Age Age o o the the Stud Studen ents ts Lang. Pro. Le!el Su"#ect $atter Ti%e Allocated Attain Attain%e %ent nt Target rgetss
: Merve YAZICI YAZICI : Prep-C : 28 : 13-14 : Beginner Talking about hobbie! hobb ie! like an" "ilike# verb $love%like%hate& : Talking : 4' (inute : B) the en" o* the +la! the tu"ent ,ill be able to#
learn the (eaning o* the verb ue the( in +orre+t *or( $love%like%hate .erb .erb /-ing0& +ontru +ontru+t +t enten enten+e +e at their their o,n languag languagee pro*i+ pro*i+ien ien+) +) level level uing the verb learn to talk about thing that the) like%love%hate
&hat and 'o() $aterials *escription o Acti!ities 1. &ar% up,Perspecti!e,-pening T greet the an" ak about thei theirr (oo" (oo" A*ter *ter Preparing the tu"ent *or the (ain about that! T talk about her lat bo") o* the +la a*ter greeting "a) "a) an" an" link link her her "ail "ail) ) the( a+ti a+tivi viti tie e ,ith ,ith the the (ain (ain ube+t or e5a(ple! T6 I like rea"ing book but I hate hate ,at+ ,at+hi hing ng T. T. 7o )ou like rea"ing book Then an,er the 9uetion an" get the (ean (eanin ing g o* the theee thre threee verb
irt! irt! T ak ak tu"en tu"ent< t< to Pi+ture o* > a+tivitie! ;aving tarte" the ube+t! tu"ent look at the pi+ture ,hi+h are about about "ail) "ail) a+tivi a+tivitie tie (artboar" are getting *a(iliar ,ith the verb an" "e*ine ea+h o* the( about the leon# /love%like%hate0 A*ter ea+h o* the(! T ak 9uetion about the( T6 =hat "o )ou think about ,i((ing 6 I like ,i((ing 2. +ntroduction,Sti%ulation
$ultiple +ntelligence .erbal
.iual! .erbal
: (in
1' (in
T6 =ell "one? T give a ,ritten a+tivit) (artboar"! to In the a+tivit)! there =ritten learn ho, to ue the verb in a are *our people ,ho are a+tivit) +onte5t b) an" T +he+k *or talking about their hobbie paper an" there are alo pi+ture tu"ent< un"ertan"ing b) giving a o* hobbie are ake" to ,ritten a+tivit) (at+h the pi+ture ,ith people
.iual! .erbal
: (in
Car" o* verb
.erbal! .iual! Interperonal
13 (in
5. Closure,!aluation T give an a+tivit) T +he+k ,hat have learnt b) na(e" @in" Ben< rea" giving a ,ritten a+tivit) ga(e the enten+e ,hi+h are about "og< hobbie an" a++or"ing to thee enten+e! na(e the "og an" *in" the lat "og an" it hobb)
=ritten a+tivit) paper
.erbal! =ritten
: (in
. ollo(3up T tell the ho(e,ork an" are aigne" a ho(e,ork to ,rite it on the boar" en+ourage el*-tu") an" realie an) "e*i+ien+ie
.erbal! =ritten
2 (in
. +nstruction,Participation
/. Practice,urther Acti!ities
T get to ue their pro"u+tive kill *or *urther pra+ti+e an" are able to e5pre their *eeling
T give three +ar" to an" +ar" in+lu"e *a+e ,hi+h ho, love! like an" hate =hen T a) an a+tivit)! the) raie a +ar" an" then one tu"ent *irt tell hi%her i"ea an" e+on"l) one o* hi%her *rien" i"ea