Rate Analysis for Hume Pipes "o2ering3 la4ing and ointing true to line and le,el RCC ume pipes 7P8# class) 2ith specials including collars and perfect lining of oints 2ith ac to correct position including cost of pipes * collars3 ointing materials i.e. C: 1:+ proportion and tar dipped hemp3 including filling the e-ca,ated trench 2ith appro,ed ;ualit4 saturated sand on sides3 bottom and top surface of pipe 2ith all leads and lifts3 including gi,ing h4draulic test to the re;uired pressure e;ual to #.10 times the 2oring pressure Contractor 2ill mae his o2n arrangements for procuring 2ater for testing). Sl. No.
I te m
Pro,iding * la4ing NP! Class "00mm "00mm ume pipes for + length). a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes
Rmt Each Rmt
900.00 65.00 0.00
Rmt Rmt
9!.50 #6.6! 1169.1! 1#0.6+ 15.#0 96.50 101.9 #10.## 1611.!1 5+!.# 540.00
d) "abour charges for la4ing * ointing pipes including cost of ointing material. e) "a "abour charges for sand filling Sub $otal f) %&$ ' 1#.5( on a) * b) g) Ser,ice $a- ' 1#.#( on d) * e) h) $ransportation ' 10( on a) * b) Sub $otal i) &dd 15( for /,erheads * Profit rand $otal for +.00 Cost for 1.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. 540.00 / Rmt #
Pro,iding * la4ing NP! Class 450mm 450mm ume pipes for + length). a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes d) "abour charges for la4ing * ointing pipes including cost of ointing material. e) "a "abour charges for sand filling Sub $otal f) %&$ ' 1#.5( on a) * b) g) Ser,ice $a- ' 1#.#( on d) * e) h) $r $ransportation ' 10( on a) * b) Sub $otal i) &dd 15( for /,erheads * Profit rand $otal for +.00 Cost for 1.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. 90.00 / Rmt
Pro,iding * la4ing NP! Class 00mm 00mm ume pipes for + length). a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes d) "abour charges for la4ing * ointing pipes including cost of ointing material. e) "a "abour charges for sand filling Sub $otal
Page 1
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Rmt Each Rmt
16#0.00 1#0.00 1#9.00
Rmt Rmt
1!!.00 +.00 #09.00 #1!.50 #6.9+ 1!.00 #50!.+ +!6.11 #+.5 961.1 90.00
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Rmt Each Rmt
+000.00 10.00 15.00
Rmt Rmt
##9.50 61.6! +656.1!
Rate Analysis for Hume Pipes "o2ering3 la4ing and ointing true to line and le,el RCC ume pipes 7P8# class) 2ith specials including collars and perfect lining of oints 2ith ac to correct position including cost of pipes * collars3 ointing materials i.e. C: 1:+ proportion and tar dipped hemp3 including filling the e-ca,ated trench 2ith appro,ed ;ualit4 saturated sand on sides3 bottom and top surface of pipe 2ith all leads and lifts3 including gi,ing h4draulic test to the re;uired pressure e;ual to #.10 times the 2oring pressure Contractor 2ill mae his o2n arrangements for procuring 2ater for testing). Sl. No.
Item f) %&$ ' 1#.5( on a) * b) g) Ser,ice $a- ' 1#.#( on d) * e) h) $ransportation ' 10( on a) * b) Sub $otal i) &dd 15( for /,erheads * Profit rand $otal for +.00 Cost for 1.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. 1#90.00 / Rmt Pro,iding * la4ing NP! Class 900mm ume pipes for + length). a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes d) "abour charges for la4ing * ointing pipes including cost of ointing material. e) "abour charges for sand filling Sub $otal f) %&$ ' 1#.5( on a) * b) g) Ser,ice $a- ' 1#.#( on d) * e) h) $ransportation ' 10( on a) * b) Sub $otal i) &dd 15( for /,erheads * Profit rand $otal for +.00 Cost for 1.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. !#4$5.00 / Rmt
Pro,iding * la4ing NP! Class 1!00mm ume pipes for + length). a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes d) "abour charges for la4ing * ointing pipes including cost of ointing material. e) "abour charges for sand filling Sub $otal f) %&$ ' 1#.5( on a) * b) g) Ser,ice $a- ' 1#.#( on d) * e) h) $ransportation ' 10( on a) * b) Sub $otal i) &dd 15( for /,erheads * Profit rand $otal for +.00 Cost for 1.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. "#%45.00 / Rmt
Page #
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Rate +9!.50 +5.6 +1.00 0!.+1 661.10 506.0 169.! 190.00
Rmt Each Rmt
+0.00 10.00 +#5.00
Rmt Rmt
+!5.00 10.++ 5+6.++ 5!0.00 59.16 56.00 65+.9 96.0# !#1.5# #!+. !4$5.00
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Rmt Each Rmt Rmt Rmt
6!#0.00 10.00 !50.00
!.50 #50.00 +!.50 6#.50 90.#! 690.00 100+0.#! 150.5 Rs. 115+.1 Rs. +.9 Rs. "%45.00
Rate Analysis for Hume Pipes "o2ering3 la4ing and ointing true to line and le,el RCC ume pipes 7P8# class) 2ith specials including collars and perfect lining of oints 2ith ac to correct position including cost of pipes * collars3 ointing materials i.e. C: 1:+ proportion and tar dipped hemp3 including filling the e-ca,ated trench 2ith appro,ed ;ualit4 saturated sand on sides3 bottom and top surface of pipe 2ith all leads and lifts3 including gi,ing h4draulic test to the re;uired pressure e;ual to #.10 times the 2oring pressure Contractor 2ill mae his o2n arrangements for procuring 2ater for testing). Sl. No.
"o2ering3 la4ing and ointing true to line and le,el RCC ume pipes 7P8+ class) 2ith specials including collars and perfect lining of oints 2ith ac to correct position including cost of pipes * collars3 ointing materials i.e. C: 1:+ proportion and tar dipped hemp3 including filling the e-ca,ated trench 2ith appro,ed ;ualit4 saturated sand on sides3 bottom and top surface of pipe 2ith all leads and lifts3 including gi,ing h4draulic test to the re;uired pressure e;ual to #.10 times the 2oring pressure Contractor 2ill mae his o2n arrangements for procuring 2ater for testing). Sl. No.
Pro,iding * la4ing NP" Class "00mm ume pipes for + length). a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes
Rmt Each Rmt
1+#0.00 65.00 0.00
Rmt Rmt
10.00 #6.6! 16!1.6! 1!+.1+ #5.+0 1+.50 #00.59 +01.#9 #+09. !69.96 $$0.00
d) "abour charges for la4ing * ointing pipes including cost of ointing material. e) "abour charges for sand filling Sub $otal f) %&$ ' 1#.5( on a) * b) g) Ser,ice $a- ' 1#.#( on d) * e) h) $ransportation ' 10( on a) * b) Sub $otal i) &dd 15( for /,erheads * Profit rand $otal for +.00 Cost for 1.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. $$0.00 / Rmt #
Pro,iding * la4ing NP" Class 450mm ume pipes for + length). a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes d) "abour charges for la4ing * ointing pipes including cost of ointing material. e) "abour charges for sand filling Sub $otal f) %&$ ' 1#.5( on a) * b) g) Ser,ice $a- ' 1#.#( on d) * e) h) $ransportation ' 10( on a) * b) Sub $otal i) &dd 15( for /,erheads * Profit rand $otal for +.00 Cost for 1.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. 1#00.00 / Rmt
Page +
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Rmt Each Rmt
#90.00 1#0.00 1#9.00
Rmt Rmt
##5.00 +.00 +5!.00 +#.50 +#.0 +06.00 1!.+0 6#6.!5 05.05 1601.6 100.00
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Rate Analysis for Hume Pipes "o2ering3 la4ing and ointing true to line and le,el RCC ume pipes 7P8# class) 2ith specials including collars and perfect lining of oints 2ith ac to correct position including cost of pipes * collars3 ointing materials i.e. C: 1:+ proportion and tar dipped hemp3 including filling the e-ca,ated trench 2ith appro,ed ;ualit4 saturated sand on sides3 bottom and top surface of pipe 2ith all leads and lifts3 including gi,ing h4draulic test to the re;uired pressure e;ual to #.10 times the 2oring pressure Contractor 2ill mae his o2n arrangements for procuring 2ater for testing). Sl. No.
Pro,iding * la4ing NP" Class 00mm ume pipes for + length). a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes
Rmt Each Rmt
+!#0.00 10.00 15.00
Rmt Rmt
#9#.50 61.6! +9.1! !.50 +.+5 +90.00 5+60.0# 0.00 616.0# #05.6! !055.00
d) "abour charges for la4ing * ointing pipes including cost of ointing material. e) "abour charges for sand filling Sub $otal f) %&$ ' 1#.5( on a) * b) g) Ser,ice $a- ' 1#.#( on d) * e) h) $ransportation ' 10( on a) * b) Sub $otal i) &dd 15( for /,erheads * Profit rand $otal for +.00 Cost for 1.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. !#055.00 / Rmt
Pro,iding * la4ing NP" Class 900mm ume pipes for + length). a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes d) "abour charges for la4ing * ointing pipes including cost of ointing material. e) "abour charges for sand filling Sub $otal f) %&$ ' 1#.5( on a) * b) g) Ser,ice $a- ' 1#.#( on d) * e) h) $ransportation ' 10( on a) * b) Sub $otal i) &dd 15( for /,erheads * Profit rand $otal for +.00 Cost for 1.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. "#50.00 / Rmt
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Rmt Each Rmt
6600.00 10.00 +#5.00
Rmt Rmt
!#.50 10.++ !65.+ !.50 !1.09 6!.00 9##.+ 1+9#.+6 Rs. 106!.!9 Rs. +55.#6 Rs. "50.00
Pro,iding * la4ing NP" Class 1!00mm ume pipes for + length). a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes
Rmt Each Rmt
1000.00 10.00 !50.00
d) "abour charges for la4ing * ointing pipes including cost of ointing material. e) "abour charges for sand filling
Rmt Rmt
65.00 #50.00
Rate Analysis for Hume Pipes "o2ering3 la4ing and ointing true to line and le,el RCC ume pipes 7P8# class) 2ith specials including collars and perfect lining of oints 2ith ac to correct position including cost of pipes * collars3 ointing materials i.e. C: 1:+ proportion and tar dipped hemp3 including filling the e-ca,ated trench 2ith appro,ed ;ualit4 saturated sand on sides3 bottom and top surface of pipe 2ith all leads and lifts3 including gi,ing h4draulic test to the re;uired pressure e;ual to #.10 times the 2oring pressure Contractor 2ill mae his o2n arrangements for procuring 2ater for testing). Sl. No.
Unit Sub $otal
f) %&$ ' 1#.5( on a) * b) g) Ser,ice $a- ' 1#.#( on d) * e) h) $ransportation ' 10( on a) * b) Sub $otal i) &dd 15( for /,erheads * Profit rand $otal for +.00 Cost for 1.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. 5#%"0.00 / Rmt
7ote : "abour cost for la4ing * ointing adopted from <=>S?@ 19998#000 as basis.
Page 5
Rate 1#6#5.00 1+!#.50 109.55 109.00 15#05.05 ##0.!6 Rs. 1!5.1 Rs. 5#.60 Rs. 5%"0.00
Rate Analysis for Hume Pipes "o2ering3 la4ing and ointing true to line and le,el RCC ume pipes 7P8# class) 2ith specials including collars and perfect lining of oints 2ith ac to correct position including cost of pipes * collars3 ointing materials i.e. C: 1:+ proportion and tar dipped hemp3 including filling the e-ca,ated trench 2ith appro,ed ;ualit4 saturated sand on sides3 bottom and top surface of pipe 2ith all leads and lifts3 including gi,ing h4draulic test to the re;uired pressure e;ual to #.10 times the 2oring pressure Contractor 2ill mae his o2n arrangements for procuring 2ater for testing). Sl. No.
Pro,iding * la4ing NP! Class "00mm ume pipes for + length). a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes
Rmt Each Rmt
900.00 65.00 0.00
Rmt Rmt
9!.50 5+.++ 1195.+ 96.50 1#9#.++ 51.69 1+.0+ #01.60 155.6+ 515.#1 515.00
d) "abour charges for la4ing * ointing pipes including cost of ointing material. e) "abour charges for sand filling Sub $otal g) $ransportation ' 10( on a) * b) Sub $otal f) >C$ ' ( on sub total Sub $otal h) &dd 15( for /,erheads * Profit rand $otal for +.00 Cost for 1.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. 515.00 / Rmt #
Pro,iding * la4ing NP! Class 450mm ume pipes for + length). a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes d) "abour charges for la4ing * ointing pipes including cost of ointing material. e) "abour charges for sand filling Sub $otal g) $ransportation ' 10( on a) * b) Sub $otal f) >C$ ' ( on sub total Sub $otal h) &dd 15( for /,erheads * Profit rand $otal for +.00 Cost for 1.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. 9!0.00 / Rmt
Pro,iding * la4ing NP! Class 00mm ume pipes for + length). a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Rmt Each Rmt
16#0.00 1#0.00 1#9.00
Rmt Rmt
1!!.00 6.00 #1+#.00 1!.00 #+06.00 9#.# #+9.# +59.! #!5!.9 919.++ 9!0.00
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Rmt Each Rmt
+000.00 10.00 15.00
d) "abour charges for la4ing * ointing pipes including cost of ointing material. e) "abour charges for sand filling Sub $otal g) $ransportation ' 10( on a) * b) Sub $otal f) >C$ ' ( on sub total Sub $otal h) &dd 15( for /,erheads * Profit rand $otal for +.00 Cost for 1.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. 1#10.00 / Rmt
Pro,iding * la4ing NP! Class 900mm ume pipes for + length). a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes d) "abour charges for la4ing * ointing pipes including cost of ointing material. e) "abour charges for sand filling Sub $otal g) $ransportation ' 10( on a) * b) Sub $otal f) >C$ ' ( on sub total Sub $otal h) &dd 15( for /,erheads * Profit rand $otal for +.00 Cost for 1.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. !#"5.00 / Rmt
Pro,iding * la4ing NP! Class 1!00mm ume pipes for + length). a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes d) "abour charges for la4ing * ointing pipes including cost of ointing material. e) "abour charges for sand filling Sub $otal g) $ransportation ' 10( on a) * b) Sub $otal f) >C$ ' ( on sub total Sub $otal h) &dd 15( for /,erheads * Profit rand $otal for +.00 Cost for 1.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. "#$!0.00 / Rmt
Rmt Rmt
Rs. Rs. Rs.
##9.50 1#+.++ +!1!.+ +1.00 0+5.+ 161.+ 19!.#! 6#9.59 #6.6 160.95 110.00
Rmt Each Rmt
+0.00 10.00 +#5.00
Rmt Rmt
+!5.00 #16.6! 5!6.6! 56.00 59+#.6! #+!.+1 6169.9! 9#5.50 !095.! #+65.16 !"5.00
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Rmt Each Rmt
6!#0.00 10.00 !50.00
Rmt Rmt
!.50 500.00 6+!.50 690.00 9+#!.50 +!+.10 9!00.60 155.09 11155.69 +!1.56 "$!0.00
Rs. Rs. Rs.
"o2ering3 la4ing and ointing true to line and le,el RCC ume pipes 7P8+ class) 2ith specials including collars and perfect lining of oints 2ith ac to correct position including cost of pipes * collars3 ointing materials i.e. C: 1:+ proportion and tar dipped hemp3 including filling the e-ca,ated trench 2ith appro,ed ;ualit4 saturated sand on sides3 bottom and top surface of pipe 2ith all leads and lifts3 including gi,ing h4draulic test to the re;uired pressure e;ual to #.10 times the 2oring pressure Contractor 2ill mae his o2n arrangements for procuring 2ater for testing). Sl. No.
Pro,iding * la4ing NP" Class "00mm ume pipes for + length). a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes
Rmt Each Rmt
1+#0.00 65.00 0.00
Rmt Rmt
10.00 5+.++ 169.++ 1+.50 1+6.+ !+.! 1910.+1 #6.55 #196.5 !+#.# $"5.00
d) "abour charges for la4ing * ointing pipes including cost of ointing material. e) "abour charges for sand filling Sub $otal g) $ransportation ' 10( on a) * b) Sub $otal f) >C$ ' ( on sub total Sub $otal h) &dd 15( for /,erheads * Profit rand $otal for +.00 Cost for 1.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. $"5.00 / Rmt #
Pro,iding * la4ing NP" Class 450mm ume pipes for + length). a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes d) "abour charges for la4ing * ointing pipes including cost of ointing material. e) "abour charges for sand filling Sub $otal g) $ransportation ' 10( on a) * b) Sub $otal f) >C$ ' ( on sub total Sub $otal h) &dd 15( for /,erheads * Profit rand $otal for +.00 Cost for 1.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. 1#5!0.00 / Rmt
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Rmt Each Rmt
#90.00 1#0.00 1#9.00
Rmt Rmt
##5.00 6.00 +500.00 +06.00 +06.00 15#.# +95.# 59+.! 551.9 151!.++ 15!0.00
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Pro,iding * la4ing NP" Class 00mm ume pipes for + length). a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes
Rmt Each Rmt
+!#0.00 10.00 15.00
d) "abour charges for la4ing * ointing pipes including cost of ointing material.
e) "abour charges for sand filling Sub $otal g) $ransportation ' 10( on a) * b) Sub $otal f) >C$ ' ( on sub total Sub $otal h) &dd 15( for /,erheads * Profit rand $otal for +.00 Cost for 1.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. 1#950.00 / Rmt
Pro,iding * la4ing NP" Class 900mm ume pipes for + length). a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes d) "abour charges for la4ing * ointing pipes including cost of ointing material. e) "abour charges for sand filling Sub $otal g) $ransportation ' 10( on a) * b) Sub $otal f) >C$ ' ( on sub total Sub $otal h) &dd 15( for /,erheads * Profit rand $otal for +.00 Cost for 1.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. "#"%0.00 / Rmt
Pro,iding * la4ing NP" Class 1!00mm ume pipes for + length). a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes d) "abour charges for la4ing * ointing pipes including cost of ointing material. e) "abour charges for sand filling Sub $otal g) $ransportation ' 10( on a) * b) Sub $otal f) >C$ ' ( on sub total Sub $otal h) &dd 15( for /,erheads * Profit rand $otal for +.00 Cost for 1.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. 5#5$0.00 / Rmt
7ote : 1) "abour cost for la4ing * ointing adopted from <=>S?@ 19998#000 as basis. #) Collar oints considered one in e,er4 + .
Rs. Rs. Rs.
1#+.++ 500.+ +90.00 90.+ 195.6+ 506.! !6#.9! 59. 199.1 1950.00
Rmt Each Rmt
6600.00 10.00 +#5.00
Rmt Rmt
!#.50 #16.6! !!9.1! 6!.00 !#.1! ++.9 11.05 1+#1.66 101+#.!1 ++!!.5! ""%0.00
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Rmt Each Rmt
1000.00 10.00 !50.00
Rmt Rmt
65.00 500.00 1#!5.00 109.00 1+9!+.00 55.9# 15+1.9# #1!9.!9 16!11.!1 55!0.5! 55$0.00
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Rate Analysis for Hume Pipes "o2ering3 la4ing and ointing true to line and le,el RCC ume pipes 7P8# class) 2ith specials including collars and perfect lining of oints 2ith ac to correct position including cost of pipes * collars3 ointing materials i.e. C: 1:+ proportion and tar dipped hemp3 including filling the e-ca,ated trench 2ith appro,ed ;ualit4 saturated sand on sides3 bottom and top surface of pipe 2ith all leads and lifts3 including gi,ing h4draulic test for 2ater tightness Contractor 2ill mae his o2n arrangements for procuring 2ater for testing). Sl. No.
Pro,iding * la4ing NP! Class "00mm ume pipes for + length). a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes
Rmt Each Rmt
900.00 65.00 0.00
Rmt Rmt
9!.50 5+.++ 1195.+ 1#0.6+ 1.6 96.50 1+1.# #1.!1 166.1+ 5.!1 550.00
d) "abour charges for la4ing * ointing pipes including cost of ointing material. e) "abour charges for sand filling Sub $otal f) %&$ ' 1#.5( on a) * b) g) Ser,ice $a- ' 1#.#( on d) * e) h) $ransportation ' 10( on a) * b) Sub $otal i) &dd 15( for /,erheads * Profit rand $otal for +.00 Cost for 1.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. 550.00 / Rmt #
Pro,iding * la4ing NP! Class 450mm ume pipes for + length). a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes d) "abour charges for la4ing * ointing pipes including cost of ointing material. e) "abour charges for sand filling Sub $otal f) %&$ ' 1#.5( on a) * b) g) Ser,ice $a- ' 1#.#( on d) * e) h) $ransportation ' 10( on a) * b) Sub $otal i) &dd 15( for /,erheads * Profit rand $otal for +.00 Cost for 1.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. 9%0.00 / Rmt
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Rmt Each Rmt
16#0.00 1#0.00 1#9.00
Rmt Rmt
1!!.00 6.00 #1+#.00 #1!.50 +#.19 1!.00 #555.69 ++.+5 #9+9.0 9!9.6 9%0.00
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Pro,iding * la4ing NP! Class 00mm ume pipes for + length). a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes
Rmt Each Rmt
+000.00 10.00 15.00
d) "abour charges for la4ing * ointing pipes including cost of ointing material.
e) "abour charges for sand filling
Rmt Sub $otal
f) %&$ ' 1#.5( on a) * b) g) Ser,ice $a- ' 1#.#( on d) * e) h) $ransportation ' 10( on a) * b) Sub $otal i) &dd 15( for /,erheads * Profit rand $otal for +.00 Cost for 1.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. 1#$!0.00 / Rmt
Pro,iding * la4ing NP! Class 900mm ume pipes for + length). a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes d) "abour charges for la4ing * ointing pipes including cost of ointing material. e) "abour charges for sand filling Sub $otal f) %&$ ' 1#.5( on a) * b) g) Ser,ice $a- ' 1#.#( on d) * e) h) $ransportation ' 10( on a) * b) Sub $otal i) &dd 15( for /,erheads * Profit rand $otal for +.00 Cost for 1.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. !#5!0.00 / Rmt
Pro,iding * la4ing NP! Class 1!00mm ume pipes for + length). a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes d) "abour charges for la4ing * ointing pipes including cost of ointing material. e) "abour charges for sand filling Sub $otal f) %&$ ' 1#.5( on a) * b) g) Ser,ice $a- ' 1#.#( on d) * e) h) $ransportation ' 10( on a) * b) Sub $otal i) &dd 15( for /,erheads * Profit rand $otal for +.00 Cost for 1.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. "#955.00 / Rmt
Rs. Rs. Rs.
1#+.++ +!1!.+ +9!.50 +.19 +1.00 !6.5# 6!1. 51.00 1!16.00 1$!0.00
Rmt Each Rmt
+0.00 10.00 +#5.00
Rmt Rmt
+!5.00 #16.6! 5!6.6! 5!0.00 !#.# 56.00 65!5.09 96.#6 !561.+5 #5#0.5 !5!0.00
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Rmt Each Rmt Rmt Rmt
6!#0.00 10.00 !50.00
!.50 500.00 6+!.50 6#.50 1#0.! 690.00 10+10.! 156.6+ Rs. 115!.50 Rs. +95#.50 Rs. "955.00
"o2ering3 la4ing and ointing true to line and le,el RCC ume pipes 7P8+ class) 2ith specials including collars and perfect lining of oints 2ith ac to correct position including cost of pipes * collars3 ointing materials i.e. C: 1:+ proportion and tar dipped hemp3 including filling the e-ca,ated trench 2ith appro,ed ;ualit4 saturated sand on sides3 bottom and top surface of pipe 2ith all leads and lifts3 including gi,ing h4draulic test for 2ater tightness Contractor 2ill mae his o2n arrangements for procuring 2ater for testing). Sl. No.
Pro,iding * la4ing NP" Class "00mm ume pipes for + length). a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes
Rmt Each Rmt
1+#0.00 65.00 0.00
Rmt Rmt
10.00 5+.++ 169.++ 1!+.1+ #.56 1+.50 #0+.5# +05.! #+.+0 !1.+ $%5.00
d) "abour charges for la4ing * ointing pipes including cost of ointing material. e) "abour charges for sand filling Sub $otal f) %&$ ' 1#.5( on a) * b) g) Ser,ice $a- ' 1#.#( on d) * e) h) $ransportation ' 10( on a) * b) Sub $otal i) &dd 15( for /,erheads * Profit rand $otal for +.00 Cost for 1.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. $%5.00 / Rmt #
Pro,iding * la4ing NP" Class 450mm ume pipes for + length). a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes d) "abour charges for la4ing * ointing pipes including cost of ointing material. e) "abour charges for sand filling Sub $otal f) %&$ ' 1#.5( on a) * b) g) Ser,ice $a- ' 1#.#( on d) * e) h) $ransportation ' 10( on a) * b) Sub $otal i) &dd 15( for /,erheads * Profit rand $otal for +.00 Cost for 1.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. 1#!0.00 / Rmt
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Rmt Each Rmt
#90.00 1#0.00 1#9.00
Rmt Rmt
##5.00 6.00 +500.00 +#.50 +.0! +06.00 ##6.5! 6++.9 60.55 16#0.1 1!0.00
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Pro,iding * la4ing NP" Class 00mm ume pipes for + length). a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes
Rmt Each Rmt
+!#0.00 10.00 15.00
d) "abour charges for la4ing * ointing pipes including cost of ointing material. e) "abour charges for sand filling
Rmt Rmt
#9#.50 1#+.++
Sub $otal f) %&$ ' 1#.5( on a) * b) g) Ser,ice $a- ' 1#.#( on d) * e) h) $ransportation ' 10( on a) * b) Sub $otal i) &dd 15( for /,erheads * Profit rand $otal for +.00 Cost for 1.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. !#0%5.00 / Rmt
Pro,iding * la4ing NP" Class 900mm ume pipes for + length). a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes d) "abour charges for la4ing * ointing pipes including cost of ointing material. e) "abour charges for sand filling Sub $otal f) %&$ ' 1#.5( on a) * b) g) Ser,ice $a- ' 1#.#( on d) * e) h) $ransportation ' 10( on a) * b) Sub $otal i) &dd 15( for /,erheads * Profit rand $otal for +.00 Cost for 1.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. "#05.00 / Rmt
Pro,iding * la4ing NP" Class 1!00mm ume pipes for + length). a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes d) "abour charges for la4ing * ointing pipes including cost of ointing material. e) "abour charges for sand filling Sub $otal f) %&$ ' 1#.5( on a) * b) g) Ser,ice $a- ' 1#.#( on d) * e) h) $ransportation ' 10( on a) * b) Sub $otal i) &dd 15( for /,erheads * Profit rand $otal for +.00 Cost for 1.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. 5#940.00 / Rmt
7ote : "abour cost for la4ing * ointing adopted from <=>S?@ 19998#000 as basis.
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Rmt Each Rmt
500.+ !.50 50.90 +90.00 5#9.#+ 1.+ 6#+.6# #01.#1 !0%5.00
6600.00 10.00 +#5.00
Rmt Rmt
!#.50 #16.6! !!9.1! !.50 .+5 6!.00 90.0# 110.60 Rs. 101.6# Rs. +60.! Rs. "05.00
Rmt Each Rmt Rmt Rmt
1000.00 10.00 !50.00
65.00 500.00 1#!5.00 1+!#.50 10.15 109.00 155.65 #+##.5 Rs. 1!0.50 Rs. 59+6.1! Rs. 5940.00