Jack Up drill rig movement operationFull description
frsaDeskripsi lengkap
R/S0 ASS1SS2134 56R2 7 88889 ,:! ;<<=> ?@88:B Date : 11-03-2015 6789 : Project Name Name : Roads and Infrastructure in A K!eesa K!eesa Nort! and "ast
Ref No:
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Assessment ocation : #ite ocations for $i$eine %or&s Descri$tion of %or& : '(dro $ressure testin)
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CaDard / Eonditions that could develop haDard
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R2 7 88889 ,:! ;<<=> ?@88:B Date: 11-03-2015 6789 : Ref No: Project Name : Roads and Infrastructure in *ani 'ajer Nort! + P!ase 1 • 2 RA/AK/34 Assessment ocation : #ite ocations for $otae %ater %or&s Descri$tion of %or& : Potae %ater %or&s [ 'agard honditions t!at coud !o i)!t e , s Acti.it( 9 e 9 ! 9 & ) 8 H 8 s n de.eo$ !agard 'armed j i J s e d #R _ J i c i 5 G e o 9 n n & M t #afet( $recautions needed to contro t!e Ris& to AQARP ` ? o < R a i m l < < k o e E R Q 6Bb89
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