WH WHAT I STHE MODULE ABOUT? Themo dul ecov er st heski l l s,knowl edge,andat t i t udesoncl eani ng and mai nt ai ni ng ki t c hen, f ood pr epar at i on and s t or age ar eas i n comm mmer ci alcookeryorc at er i ngoper at i ons.
WH WHAT WI LLYOU LEARN? Att heendoft hi smo dul e,y oushoul dbeabl et o: a.c .cl ean,sani t i zeandst oreequi pment ; eanandsani t i z epr emi ses;and c.h .handl ewast eandl i nens.
WH WHAT DO YOU ALREADYKNOW? Letusfindouthow muc hy oual r eadyknow onhow t osani t i z eand st oreequi pmentpr oper l y. Di r ec t i on:Read and under s t and t he f ol l owi ng ques t i ons bel ow.Choose t hel e t t e ro ft hec or r e c tans we randwr i t ei ti ny o urno t e bo ok. Pretest
1.Whatmustbedonefir stt of aci l i t at eeasei n washi ngpansuse d i ncooki ngf oodswi t hf at s,syr upandsugar? a.soakt hem i nhotwat er . b.i mme r set hem i ni cecol dwat er . c.scr ubwi t hapi eceofsandpaper . d.s c r a pet hef o odr e s i duewi t hapi e c eofpape r . 2.W .Whatshoul dbet hepr operor deri nwashi ngt hedi shes? a.ut e ns i l s ,c hi na wa war e ,s i l v e r war e ,g l as s wa war e l v er war e,ut ensi l s,gl asswar e,c hi nawar e c .c hi na wa war e ,g l as s wa war e ,ut e ns i l s ,s i l v e r war e 2
d.g l as s war e ,s i l v e r war e ,c hi na war e ,ut e ns i l s 3.I n whi ch of t he f ol l owi ng si t uat i ons i s good house keepi ng pr act i cebestshown? a.empt yi ngt hegarbagecanev er yot herday . b.usi ngi mpor t edsani t i z i nganddi si nf ect i ngmat er i al s c .s pr a yi ngai rf r e s he ne rbe f or eandaf t e rl e a vi ngt her o om. anni ngandi mpl ement i ngapr ogr am ofr egul arcl eani ng offixt ur es,f ur ni t ur eandhomeappl i ances
4.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngequi pmentandut ensi l si snotsani t i zed? a.el ect r i cf an b.f oodcont ai ner s c .g ar b ag ebi n t t l e 5.Whyshoul dweputpi ecesofcharcoali nsi det her ef ri ger at or? a.mai nt ai nt emper at ur e bsav eener gyconsumpt i on cabsor bobj ect i onabl eodor denhancet hekeepi ngqual i t yofst oredf oods 6.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngdoesNOTbel ongt ot hegr oup? a al cohol b.bor i cAci d c .s oap dst eam 7.Mr .Gar ci a gat her ed ki t c hen was t es and combi ned t hem wi t h soi l ,t hen al l owed t o decompose i nt o a humusl i ke pr oduct . Whatwas t emanageme ntanddi sposalpr ocedur ei sused? a.compost i ng b.r euse c.wast eavoi dance d.wast ereduct i on 8.Rommelmadedec or at i v ev asesf r om ol dne wspaper s.Whatway ofmanagementt ec hni quei sdone? a.r e cy cl i ng b.r eusi ng 3
c.wast edi sposal dwast er educt i on 9.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngl i nensi snotusedi nt hedi ni ngar ea? a.c l e ani ngc l o t h b.ser vi ngcl ot h c.t abl erunner s d.t e at o we l s 10.Youryoungersi st eracci dent al l yswal l owed poi son.Whatfir st ai dt r eat mentshoul dyoudo? a.r eadt hel abeloft hepoi sonousmat eri al . b.r emov eanyt hi ngr emai ni ngi nt hemout h c .g i v ehe rag l as sofwat e ro ranyf r ui tj ui c e veheraspoonf ulsugaroranyki ndofsweet s.
WHAT I STHE LESSON ABOUT? Thel esson deal son how t ocl ean and sani t i z eki t c hen equi pment and ut e ns i l sus i ngpr e s c r i be dc he mi c al sf o rs ani t i z i ng .I tal s odi s c us s e s t hepr operuseandst orageofequi pmentaccor di ngt oi nst ruct i ons.
WHAT WI LLYOU LEARN? Att heendoft hel esson,y oushoul dbeabl et o: 1.appl y cl eanl i ness and sani t i z at i on ofki t chen equi pmentand ut e ns i l s 2.i dent i f y chemi cal s used f orsani t i zi ng ki t chen equi pmentand ut e ns i l s 3.per f or m asse mbl i nganddi sass embl i ngcl eani nge qui pment ;and 4
4.appl ypr operst or ageofcl eani ngequi pment .
LETUSSTUDY Wor dst os t udy: sani t at i on–r educt i onofcont ami nat i onwi t hf orei gnmat t er s • i ncl udi ngmi cr oor gani smst oal evelharml esst oheal t h. • st ack–acasecomposeofseve r alr owsofshel ves • e xt e r mi nat e–t ode s t r o yt o t al l y • i nf e s t at i o n –t hes t at eofbe i ngi nf e s t e daswi t hpar a s i t e s orver mi n g r a t e s–f r ame so fi r o n bar sf o rho l di ngf ue lwhi l ei tbur ns • • fil t h–any t hi ngt hati sdi r t y • pedest al–abaseors upport di si nf ect ant–asubst anceusedt odest r oyger msanddi seases • • ki t chen–ar oom especi al l ysetapartandcont ai ni ng t henecessaryut ensi l sf orcooki ngf ood. sani t i zer–achemi calagentusedf orcl eansi ng • ands ani t i z i ng
Cl e anl i ne s spl a y sav i t alr o l ee s pe c i al l yi nt heki t c he n whe r ef o ods ar e pr epar ed and cooke d. I n or der t o av oi d cont ami nat i on,you mus t pr act i cesani t at i onespeci al l yont heequi pmentandut ensi l st obeused.
A.GOOD HOUSEKEEPI NG PRACTI CES 1.Hav e a cl ean ki t c hen.Pl an and i mpl ementa pr ogr am ofr eg ul ar cl eani ngoft her ef ri gerat orand r ange,t hel i ghtfixt ur e,wi ndows, cupboar ds,door s,count er s,wor k spaces ,t he wal l s and floor s. Cl ean t hedr ai ns,si nk,r ange,cooki ngsur f aces,andt heflooron a dai l ybasi s.Removeal lt hef oods,gr ease and di rtf r om t herange each t i me i ti s used. Cl ean r ef ri ger at or at r egul ar i nt erv al as r ecommendedbyt hemanuf act ur er . 2.El i mi nat et he possi bl e br eedi ng pl aces offli es.Scr een t he house anduseeffect i vei nsect i ci desandflyswat t er swhenevernecessary .
3.Ext er mi nat er odent s.Do notl eav ef ood and di r t y di shes on t he t abl e and si nk t o pr ev entt hem f r om mul t i pl yi ng.Keep al lf oods l i ke l yt obee at e nbyr a t si nr ode nt pr oofc ont ai ne r s . 4.Pr eventand cont r oli nsecti nf est at i on.They wi l lcr eat e fil t h and i nf es t at i on.Al ways keep si nk and ar eas ar ound i ncl udi ng floor cl ean.Dryaf t ert heeveni ngmeal s. 5.St o r eg ar bag ei n ac an wi t h at i g htfit t i ngl i d unt i li ti sc ol l e c t e d. Keep a gal l on can orpl ast i c cont ai nerl i ned wi t h pl ast i c bag f or dai l y ki t c hen wast e. Di spose af t er ev eni ng meal t oar eg ul ar garbagecanout si det heki t chen.
1.Range a.Remov e al lbur nts edi ment s and wi pe gr eas ef r om t op of r angeaf t ereachuse. b.Scr apegr easef r om cur bsandopeni ngshi nges. c.Whencool ,washt opofr ange d.Runoi l edcl ot hovert opofr ange e.Cl ean ov en by r emovi ng gr at es ,sc r api ng off f ood deposi t s, washi nganddr yi ng. f . Keep bur ner s cl ean. Gas burner s can be soaked and sc r ubbed wi t h st i ff br ush whi l e el ec t r i c bur ner s shoul d be cl eanedwi t habr ushorwi t hadampcl ot h. g.Bef or er epl aci ng,r ubwi t hoi l dampedcl ot h.
2.Di shwas hi ngmachi ne a.Remov es t r ai nerpans,washands t ockout si demachi neunt i l nextuse . b.Scr ubi nsi def r equent l ywi t hs t i ff br ush. c.Remov eandcl eant hewashandr i nsear msandfit sdai l yt o r e mo v ef o r e i g n par t i c l e s . d.Washt abl esandt opofmac hi ne e.Cl eannoz z l es . f . Doaspeci alper i odi ccl eani ngi nhardwat erarea.
3.Sl i cers . a.Cl ean i mmedi at el y af t er usi ng, especi al l y af t er sl i ci ng v ege t abl esandnut s. b.Remo v eal lpar t st ocl ean c.Dryandcoverkni vesaf t ercl eani ngwi t hoi l dampedcl ot h. d.Washcarr i agesl i dest hor oughl y . e.Wi peout si dewi t hcl ot h. f . Cl eant abl eandpedest alundersl i cer s. g.Repl aceguar daf t erc l eani ng.
C.PROPER DI SHWASHI NG TECHNI QUES 1.Removel ar gesc r apswi t harubberscr aper . 2.Ri nseorsoak pansand ot herut ensi l s as use d.Soak t hosewi t h sugar ,syrup,f at sandcookedoruncookedst arc hesi nhotwat er . 3.St ackt hedi shesi nt hepr operordernamel y:gl asswar e,si l verwar e, chi naware,andut ensi l s.St ackt hem t ot heri ghtoft hesi nksot hat wor kpr ogr essesf r om r i ghtt ol ef t . 4 . sh t Wa hegl asswar e.Soapeac h pi ecei ndi vi dual l yandr i nsei n hot wat er . 5 . sh t Wa hesi l v er war e.Soakt hem i n apanandr emov et hedi r twi t h apl ast i cscour erbef oresoapi ng.Soap each pi ecei ndi vi dual l yand r i ns ei nho twat e r . 6 . sh t Wa hec hi nawar e.Scr apeand r i nseeac h di sh.Soap and r i nse di shesi nhotwat erat66oC ( 150oF)above. 7 . sh t Wa he ut ensi l s.Scour al lpans unt i lcompl e t el y cl ean.Use ammoni at or emov ef at .Soap eachpi ec eand r i nsei n hotwat erat o o 66C ( 150F)orabove.
ManualDi shwas hi ng Pr o c e dur e s 7
1.Scr ape and pr er i nse – The pur pose i st o keep t he was h wat er c l e ane r 2.Was h –usewar m wat erat110°F -120°F and a good det er ge nt . Scrubwel lwi t habrusht oremoveal lt r acesofl ef toverandgrease. 3.Ri nse–usec l ean war m wat ert or i nseoff det er ge nt .Changet he wat erf r equent l yoruser unni ngwat er . 4.Sani t i z e -Pl aceut ensi l si n ar ack and i mmer sei n hotwat erat 170°Ff or30scrubs.( agasorel ect ri cheat i ngel ementi sneededt o hol dwat eratt hi st emper at ur e) . 5.Dr ai n and ai r dr y – Do not t owel dr yt he di shes. Thi s may cont ami nat eut ensi l s.
Mechani calDi shwashi ng 1.Scr apeandpr er i nse 2.Rackdi shessot hatt hedi shwasherspr aywi l lst ri keal lsurf aces. 3.Runmachi nef oraf ul lcyc l e 4.Sett hesani t i z i ngt emper at ur eat180°F f ormachi net hatsani t i ze by heat and 140°F f or mac hi ne t hat sani t i z e by c hemi cal di s i nf e ct ant . 5.Ai r dr yand i nspectdi shes. Donott ouch sur f acest hatcomei n cont actwi t hf ood.
Ki t chenPr emi ses Ref r i g er at or 1.Wi peupspi l l edf oodsi mmedi at el y 2.Wash i nsi de shel v esand t r aysatl eas tt wi cea wee k wi t h baki ng soda. 3.Ri nseanddryt hor oughl y 4.Fl ushdr ai nswee kl y Si nkandDr ai ns 1.Keepout l etscr eenedatal lt i mes 2.Fl ush dai l ywi t h 1 gal .of sol ut i on,madeup of st r ongsol ut i on s oda( 4oz .t o2g al .ofwat e r ) 3.Cl eanandr epl acegr easedt r ayr egul arl y . 4.Usef or cepumpi fdr ai ni ssl ow 5.Repl acewasher si mmedi at el yon l eaki ngf auce t s.
D. CHEMI CALS FOR CLEANI NG AND/OR SANI TI ZI NG KI TCHEN EQUI PMENT AND UTENSI LS 1.ammoni a 2.di shwashi ngl i qui d 3.c hl or i ne 4.c ar bol i cac i d
5.t i msen 6.di si nf ect ant s 7.soap
E.PROPERSTORAGEOFCLEANI NG EQUI PMENT St orageofWashedUt ensi l s 1.Theyshoul d be st or ed i n a cl ean dr y pl ace adequat el y pr ot ec t ed agai nstve r mi nandot hersour cesofcont ami nat i on 2.Cups,bowl s,andgl assesshal lbei nver t edf ors t orage. 3.When not s t or ed i n cl os ed cupboar ds or l oc ker s,ut ensi l s and cont ai ner s shal l be cov er ed or i nve r t ed whenev er pr act i cabl e. Ut ensi l s shal lbe st or ed on t he bot t om shel ve s ofopen cabi net s bel ow t hewor ki ngt opl ev el . 4.Racks,t r ay s and shel v es shal lbe made ofmat er i al st hat ar e i mper i ous, corr osi ver esi st ant , nont oxi c, smoot h, dur abl e and r e s i s t antt oc hi ppi ng . 5.Dr awer sshal lbemadeoft hesamemat er i al sandkeptcl ean.Ful l l i ned dr awer s ar e not acc ept abl e,but t he use ofa cl ean and r e mo v abl et o we l sf o rl i ni ngdr a we r si sac c e pt abl e .
F.EQUI PMENTTO BE SANI TI ZED 1.e at i ngut e ns i l s( pl at e s ,s po ons ,f o r k,g l as s e s ,c upsands auc e r s ) 2.c ooki ngut e ns i l s( po t s ,pans ,ke t t l e ,c as se r ol e ) 3.c ut t i ngt o ol s( c ut l e r y ,kni v es ) epari ngt ool s( choppi ngboar d,cont ai ner s) 5.garbagebi ns 6.exhaustf an 7.r e f r i ge r at or nkanddr ai ns
LETUSREMEMBER! A cl ean ki t c hen and equi pme ntl ead t o a cl ean and heal t hy body . Ther ef or e,i ti si mpor t antt hatweal waysf ol l ow al lt her ul esabout s ani t at i o n andc l e anl i ne s s .
HOW MUCH HAVEYOU LEARNED Answert hef ol l owi ngques t i ons: 1.Whyi si ti mport antt ocl ean,sani t i zeandst oreequi pment pr o pe r l y ? 2.Di ffer ent i at epr ocedur ei nvol vedi nmanualandmec hani cal di shwashi ng? 3.Enumer at egoodhousekee pi ngpr act i cest obeobser ve d t o mai nt ai ncl eanl i nessandsani t at i on.
LET USAPPLY WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED Task1. Pl anf orl abor at or yac t i v i t i e s: a.Demons t r at ecl eani ngandsani t i z i ngofki t chenequi pmentand ut e ns i l s b.Assembl eanddi sassembl ecl eani ngequi pment . St andar dScor eSheetf orSani t at i on Characteristics
GOOD ( 6)
FAI R( 4)
POOR ( 2)
a.Cl eanedand mai nt ai nedt he equi pmentuse d i nt heki t chen. b.Cl eanedand s ani t i z e dt he ki t c he n pr emi se s c.Washed, s ani t i z e dand s t o r e dt he 10
ki t c he nt ool s andut ensi l s.
RESOURCES: 1.Ki t c henequi pmentandut ensi l s 2.Chemi cal susedf orsani t i zi ng
REFERENCES: So ni aY .deLe on,Li bi aL.Cha v e z ,Vi r g i ni aS.Cl audi a,Mat i l deP . Guzman,etal . ,Basi cFoodsf orFi l i pi nos,95100
LESSON 2 CLEANI NG AND SANI TI ZI NG PREMI SES WHAT I STHE LESSON ABOUT The l esson deal s wi t h t he v ar i ous t ypes of c hemi cal s and equi pmentf orcl eani ngand sani t i zi ngpr emi sesand fir stai d pr ocedur e f oracci dent scausedbychemi cal s.
WHAT WI LLYOU LEARN Att heendoft hel esson,y oushoul dbeabl et o: 1.i dent i f yt ypes of c hemi cal s and equi pment f or cl eani ng and s ani t i z i ng 2.appl yfir stai dpr ocedur esf oracci dent scausedbychemi cal s 3.sani t i z eequi pment
LETUSSTUDY Ther e ar ev ar i ous t ypes ofc hemi cal st o be used f or sani t i z i ng equi pment ,sani t i zi ngand di si nf ect i ngpr ocedur eand fir stai d pr ocedur e f oracci dentcausedbychemi cal s. TypesofSani t i z er sandDi si nf ect ant s 11
cal 1.Chemi a.chl or i ne bol i caci d c.ammoni a d.det er gent s e.di shwashi ngl i qui d f .t i msen g.soap cohol i . bori caci d
2.Physi cal a.hotwat er b.s t e am c.dryheat d.UVl i ght( ul t r av i ol e tl i ght ) e.fil t r at i on
Pr o ce dur ef o rdi s i nf e c t i ngpr e mi s e s a.Pr el i mi narycl eani ngi sr equi r ed b.Appl y sol ut i on t o hand,nonpor ous sur f ace t hor oughl y we t t i ng i twi t h cl ot h,mop,and sponge. Tr eat ed sur f ace mustr emai nwetf or10mi nut es .Wi pewi t hdr ycl ot h. c.Spongeonmoporal l ow t oai rdry . d.Useaspr aydevi cef orsprayappl i cat i on Spr ay68i nches f r om t hesur f ace,r ubwi t habrush,spongeorcl ot h.Avoi d i nhal i ngs pr a y s. e.Ri nseal lsur f acest hatcomei n cont actwi t hf ood suchas ext eri orofappl i ances,t abl es and st ove t op wi t h pot abl e wat erbef or er i nse.
Fi r stai d pr ocedur ec ausedbyc hemi calpoi soni ng A.Whatt odo • I ft heper sonhasbee nexposedt opoi sonousf umes , suchascar bon monoxi de,gethi m orheri nt of r esh ai ri mmedi at el y 12
I f t he per son swal l owed t he poi son, r emov e anyt hi ngr emai ni ngi nt hemout h. I ft he suspect ed poi son i s a househol d cl eaneror ot her c hemi cal , r ead t he l abel and f ol l ow i ns t r uc t i o nsf ora cc i de ntpoi s oni ng .I ft hepr oduc ti s t o xi c ,t he l abe lwi l ll i ke l y adv i s ey o ut oc al lt he ho spi t al /doc t o r . Fol l ow t r eat mentdi r ect i onst hataregi venbypoi son c e nt e r s . I ft he poi son i s spi l l ed on t he per son’ s cl ot hi ng, r emovet hecl ot hi ng.
Don’ t admi ni st eri pecacsyr uponanyt hi ng.
An ounceofpr e v ent i on i sbe t t ert han apound ofcur e.When appl i ed we mustt ake necessary precaut i ons t o pr eventacci dent s especi al l ywhen usi ngchemi cal sf orsani t i zi ngourequi pmentaswel l aski t chenpr emi ses.
HOW MUCH HAVEYOU LEARNED 1.Whatar et het ypesofchemi cal susedf orsani t i z i ngequi pment ? 13
2.Enumer at et hedi ffer entki ndsofdi si nf ect ant s? 3.Gi vet hepr ocedur ei ndi si nf ect i ngki t chenpr emi ses?
LET USAPPLY WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED Di vi det hecl assi nt odi ffer entgroups.Leteachgrouppr esentski l l s on cl eani ngand di si nf ect i ngequi pment ,t ool s,and ut ensi l sbyf ol l owi ng t hecorr ectpr ocedur e.
RESOURCES • • • • •
Chemi cal s Di s i nf e c t a nt s Mop/spong e Sprayer Cl o t h
REFERENCE Soni a Y.De Leon,Vi r gi ni a S.Cl audi o,Li bi a L.Chave z and Mat i l de P. Guz man,etal ,Basi cFOODSf orFi l i pi no,495500
Thel essondeal swi t ht hepr operwas t emanageme ntpr ocedur eand t echni ques,andsort i ngofl i nensaccor di ngt oworkpl acepr ocedur e.
WHAT WI LLYOU LEARN? Att heendoft hel essonyoushoul dbeabl et o: 1.appl ywast emanagementpr oce dur eandpr act i ce s;and 2.i dent i f yl i nensaccor di ngt owor kpl acepr ocedur e.
LETUSSTUDY Pr operwast emanagementpl aysaveryi mport antr ol eespeci al l yi n t heki t chenwher ef oodsar ebei ngpr epar edandcooked. A.Was t eManageme ntandDi sposalPr ocedur eandTechni ques 1.Wast e av oi dance – r ef er st o engagi ng i nt o an act i vi t yt hat pr eventgener at i onofwast e. 2.Was t e r educt i on – t he pr oc ess of mi ni mi z i ng was t ef ul consumpt i onofgoods. 3.Reuse–t hepr ocessofr ecov er i ngmat er i al si nt ended f orsome pur pose wi t hout c hangi ng t hei r physi cal and c hemi cal c har ac t e r i s t i c s. 4.Recy cl i ng–t het r eat mentofusedorwast emat er i al st hr ough a pr ocessofmaki ngt hem sui t abl ef orbenefici aluseandf orot her purposes. 5.Compost i ng–t hecont r ol l eddecomposi t i on ofor gani cmat t erby mi cr oor gani sms,mai nl y bact er i a and f ungii nt o humusl i ke pr oduct . 6.Wast e di sposal– r ef er st ot he pr oper di scharg e ofany sol i d was t ei nt oori nanyl and.
B.Wast eDi spos al 15
1.Li qui dwast eshoul dbedi sposedandot hersani t i zi ngagent s. 2.Fl oordr ai n shoul d be f unct i onaland pr oper l y cov er ed wi t ha t r a p . 3.Was t e shoul d be co nt r ol l ed and di spos ed off f r equent l yi n pr o pe r l yc o v e r e dc o nt ai ne r . C.Ki ndsofLi nens 1.Napki ns 2.Tabl ecl ot h 3.Ser vi ngcl ot h 4.Te at owel s 5.Cl ot hi ng 6.Cl eani ngcl ot h 7.Tabl er unner s D.Sort i ngofl i nenaccor di ngt owor kpl ace 1.Ki t c hen Cl e ani ngc l o t h • • Cl ot hi ng 2.Di ni ngAr ea Napki ns • • T eat owel s abl ecl ot h • T • Se r v i ngc l o t h
HOW MUCH HAVEYOU LEARNED? 1.Di ffer ent i at e was t e manage ment and di spos al pr oc edur es and t echni ques.
LET USAPPLY WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED • Show t hepr operwaysofsani t i zi ngl i nens RESOURCES Gar bagebag • Wa s t ebaske t • T abl el i nens •
REFERENCES Envi r onmentManagementBur eau Nat i onalSol i dWas t eManage mentCommi ss i on Li bi aL.Chavez,FoodSaf et yandSani t at i on,pp.912
Post t est Di r ect i ons:
Read t hef ol l owi ngquest i onscar ef ul l yand chooset hel et t eroft he corr ectanswer .Wr i t eyouransweri nyourt estnot ebook.
1.Whatmus tbedonet oeas ewashi ngpansusedi nco oki ngf oods wi t hf at s,syr upandsugar ? a.Soakt hem i nhotwat er . b.I mme r set hem i ni cecol dwat er . c.Scr ubwi t hapi eceofsandpaper . d.Scr apet hef oodr esi duewi t hapi eceofpaper . 2.Whatshoul dbet hepr operor deri nwashi ngt hes edi shes ? aut e ns i l s ,c hi na war e ,s i l v e r war e ,g l as s war e bsi l v er war e,ut ensi l s,gl asswar e,c hi nawar e cc hi na war e ,g l as s war e ,ut e ns i l s ,s i l v e r war e dg l as s war e ,s i l v e r war e ,c hi na war e ,ut e ns i l s 3.I n whi ch of t he f ol l owi ng si t uat i ons i s good house keepi ng pr ac t i c emani f e s t e d? a.empt yi ngt hegar bagecan ev er yot herday b.usi ngi mpor t edsani t i z i nganddi si nf ect i ngmat er i al s c .s pr a y i ngai rf r e s he ne rbe f or eandaf t e rl e av i ngt her o om anni ngandi mpl ement i ngapr ogr am ofr egul arcl eani ng 4.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngequi pmentandut ensi l si snotsani t i zed? a.el ect r i cf an b.f oodcont ai ner s c .g ar b ag ebi n t t l e 5.Whyshoul dweputpi ecesofcharcoali nsi det her ef ri ger at or? a.mai nt ai nt emper at ur e b.sav eener gyconsumpt i on c.absorbobj ect i onabl eodor d.enhancet hekeepi ngqual i t yofst oredf oods 6.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngdoesNOTbel ong? aal cohol bbor i cAci d csoap dst eam 18
7.Mr .Gar ci agat her edki t chenwast esandcombi ned t hem wi t h soi l ,t hen al l owed t o dec ompose i nt o a humusl i ke pr oduct .Whatwas t e manage mentand di sposalpr oc edur ei s used? a.compost i ng b.r euse c.wast eavoi dance d.wast ereduct i on 8.Rommelmadedecor at i v ev ase sf r om ol dne wspaper s.Thewast e managementt ec hni quei s_ __ __ __ _. a.r e cy cl i ng b.r eusi ng c.wast edi sposal d.wast ereduct i on 9.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngl i nensi snotusedi nt hedi ni ngar ea? ac l e ani ngc l o t h bser vi ngcl ot h c.t abl erunner s d.t e at o we l s 10.Youryoungersi st eracci dent al l yswal l owedpoi son.Whatfir st ai dt r eat mentshoul dyoudo? a.r eadt hel abeloft hepoi sonousmat eri al . b.r emov eanyt hi ngr emai ni ngi nt hemout h c .g i v ehe rag l as sofwat e ro ranyf r ui tj ui c e veheraspoonf ulsugaroranyki ndofsweet s.
Keyt oCorr ect i ons–Pr eTestandPostTest
1.a 2.d 3.d 4.a 5.c 6.d 7.a 8.a 9.a 10.b