Computer Teaching Strategies Teaching Strategies and Methodologies
Computer Technology and Learning
Computers are used to communicate information to students and nurses in a time- saving way, to teach critical thinking and problem solving, to provide stimulations of reality, and to educate from a distance.
Computer Teaching Strategies
Computer – Assisted Instruction
Virtual Reality
Computer – Assisted Instruction
can be used to teach nurses, students and patients
can be very effective in the hands of an astute nurse educator.
Computer – Assisted Instruction Drill and Practice •
the simplest level of CAI. students have already learned information, either through computer programs or other teaching methods, and are now presented with repetition and application of the information.
Computer – Assisted Instruction Tutorials •
the second mode in which CAI may be written teaches the students a body of knowledge by presenting information and asking questions, giving hints if the student gets stuck.
Computer – Assisted Instruction Games •
just as board games, card games and trivia games can be used to teach nursing, so can computer games.
Computer – Assisted Instruction Simulations •
One of the most exciting and available forms of CAI. Provide students with all details about a particular patient situation and ask them to assess the patient, arrive at diagnoses, plan interventions and evaluate care.
Computer Simulation format: •
Description of a patient situation. Student selects which data should be collected. Computer provides feedback about choices. Student uses the correct data to arrive at nursing diagnoses. Computer provides feedback on diagnoses.
Student selects appropriate nursing goals. Computer responds to each selection as to why it is or is not correct. Student selects appropriate actions. Computer responds with positive and negative effects of each actions. Student selects evaluation criteria that indicate success of nursing actions. Computer provides feedback on evaluation criteria.
Computer – Assisted Instruction Multimedia Presentation •
sometimes called hypermedia programs may incorporate text, sound tracks, graphics, still photos, animations, video clips, and material from the World Wide Web (www).
Computer – Assisted Instruction Evaluating Software •
Manual – (user’s guide) generally not made available to learners but should be available to the nurse educator. Evaluate the program in terms of the objectives you want to achieve.
Criteria for evaluating CAI software: •
Accuracy Ease of use Design Appearance Feedback Cost Effectiveness
Computer – Assisted Instruction CAI for Patient Education •
Three forces of urgency to the delivery of patient education: -
expectation of accreditation organizations the increase in lawsuits against health care facilities and providers. the rise in consumerism in our society.
Computer – Assisted Instruction CAI for Nursing students and Nursing Staffs •
programs are available that teach psychomotor skills, dosage computation, care planning, problem solving, critical thinking and content in many medical conditions.
Computer – Assisted Instruction Research on Effectiveness of CAI •
CAI is at least as effective if not more effective than traditional pedagogy for the content areas studied. The vast number of studies that have been conducted give weight to the conclusion that CAI is an effective way to achieve student learning.
The Internet
Internet is a mammoth complex of computer connections across continents, connecting many millions of computers.
The Internet E–mail •
Electronic mail can be used to provide greater collaboration between teachers and students and between students and students.
The Internet
New Groups •
are similar to listservs in that they are discussion groups of people with similar interests.
The Internet
World Wide Web •
a collection of millions of documents found on Web Pages that interface to the Internet.
The Internet World Wide Web Searches “surfing the web” is an appropriate appropriat e some people take, but it is like aimlessly walking up and down unmarked and unfamiliar supermarket aisles, hopping you are soon find the item you are seeking. •
The Internet
Evaluating World Wide Web Sites •
let the reader beware and let the reader have some criteria in mind for sorting out the good from the garbage.
Criteria for evaluating Quality of WWW Sites: •
Purpose Currency Credibility Content Accuracy Design
Virtual Reality
a computer- based, simulated three- dimensional environment in which the participant interacts with a virtual world.
only in virtual reality can the learner enter a virtual world and feel an object, move it, and measure its movement.
END… Prepared by:
Eloise M. Pateño Jo Anne Pangilinan NR - 22