Chapter 1 Introduction to Chemistry (Tungsten is not illuminating until given voltage; you are not beautiful until skilled)
Chemistry Def. & MCQs 1 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
Defi De fini niti tion onss
1. Chemistry: - It is the branch of science !hich
deals !ith the properties composition composition and the structure of matter. It also deals !ith the chan"es in matter and the principles !hich "o#ern these chan"es. $% The scientific study of matter is called chemistry' 2. Matter: - Anythin" ha#in" mass and #olume is
called matter. 3. Mass: - The (uantity of matter contained matter contained in a
body is called mass. mass. 4. Volume: - )olume is the (uantity of three
dimensional dimensional space occupied by the matter. $%
Chemistry Def. & MCQs * Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
)olume +also called capacity, capacity, is (uantification (uantification of ho! much space an object occupies. 5. Space: - The free area bet!een t!o material
objects is called space. 6. ypothesis: - It is the intelli"ent "uess of the
scientist about any phenomenon. !. "henomenon: - Any obser#able e#ent is called
phenomenon. phenomenon. #. $heory: -The scientifically acceptable idea or
principle to eplain eplain a phenomenon phenomenon is called theory. %. &r'ani anic com comp pounds:- Those compounds compounds !hich contains carbon and hydro"en hydro"en co#alently bounded !ith each each other are called called or"anic compounds 1(. "hysical "hysical Chemistr Chemistry: y: - The scientific study of
the la!s and the principles "o#ernin" the combination combination of atoms and molecules in chemical reactions is called /hysical Chemistry. 11. &r'anic &r'anic Chemistr Chemistry: y: - The scientific study of
or"anic compounds compounds is called or"anic chemistry. chemistry. 12. Inor'ani Inor'anicc Chemistr Chemistry: y: - The scientific study of
inor"anic compounds compounds is called inor"anic chemistry.
Chemistry Def. & MCQs 0 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
13. )nalytic )nalytical al Chemi Chemistry: stry: - The scientific study of
ind (uantity and (uality of #arious components components in a "i#en substance is called analytical chemistry. 14. 14. *ioch *iochemi emistr stry: y: - The scientific study of the
compounds compounds and their reactions !ithin the li#in" or"anisms or"anisms is called biochemistry. biochemistry. 15. Industri Industrial al Chemist Chemistry: ry: - The scientific study of
the chemical industries and the synthetic products lie "lass "lass cement soap etc o#er there there is called industrial chemistry. chemistry. 16. +uclear +uclear Chemistr Chemistry: y: - The scientific study of
the chan"es occurrin" in the nuclei of atoms accompanied accompanied by the emission of in#isible radiations is called nuclear chemistry. chemistry. 1!. ,niron ,nironmen mental tal Chemistry: Chemistry: - The scientific
study of interaction of chemical materials and their effect on the en#ironment is called en#ironmental en#ironmental chemistry 1#. "olymeri "olymericc Chemistr Chemistry: y: - The scientific study of
polymeri2ation polymeri2ation and the products products obtained throu"h the process of polymeri2ation such as plastics synthetic fibers fibers papers etc is called polymeric polymeric chemistry.
Chemistry Def. & MCQs 3 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
Multiple Mult iple Choi Choice ce Quest Q uestion ionss
1. Chem Chemis istr tryy is is the the stud studyy of4 of4 a, matter b, ener"y c, both a & b d, life e, 5.$.T *. The The Mus Musli lim m peri period od ran" ran"es es from from44 a, 036 7 3*8 9.C b, :;; 7 1:;; A.D c, :;; 7 1;;; A.D d, 1:;; to today 0. ayan b, Al %a2i c, Ibne Sina d, Al 9eruni 3. ayan b, %obert 9oyle c, Mendeleef d, Ca#endish Chemistry Def. & MCQs ? Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
?. @irs @irstt use usedd opi opium um as anae anaest sthe hesi sia. a. a, =abir 9in >ayan b, Al %a2i c, Ibne Sina d, Al 9eruni :. a and nd dis disco# co#ere eredd oy"en oy"en chlorin chlorinee and hydro"en respecti#ely. a, =. 9lac =./riesly Scheele b, Scheele Scheele =. /riesly Ca#endish c, Ca#endish Ba#oiser Scheele d, =./riesly Scheele Ca#endish 6. Intr Introd oduc uced ed fir first st the the ide ideaa of sy symbol mbols4 s4 a, ay Bussac b, Mendeleef c, @araday d, =.=. 9er2ilius 8. Chole Cholera ra Typho Typhoid id and and Desent Desentry ry are the dan"erous disease transmitted throu"h the impure !ater drinin". a, true b, false . Al %a2i %a2i di#i di#ide dedd chem chemica icall subs substan tances ces on the basis of li#in" and non-li#in" ori"in. ori"in. a, true b, false 1;. 9iochemistry 9iochemistry is the the basis of medical medical sciences. sciences. a, true b, false 11. /)C stands stands for poly poly #inyl #inyl carbon carbon a, true b, false 1*. @luorine @luorine is the best best disinfecta disinfectant4 nt4 a, true b, false
Chemistry Def. & MCQs : Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
10. /eriodic /eriodic arran"em arran"ement ent is the result result of MendeleefEs MendeleefEs !or4 a, true b, false
Questions 13 7 1 Select from the terms belo!4 a, $r" $r"an anic ic Che Chem mistr istryy b, Ino Inor" r"an anic ic che chemi mist stry ry c, 9iochemistry d, Analytical Chemistry e, 5.$.T
13. Food Food is is studied studied in4 1?. 9lood 9lood urine urine proteins proteins are studied studied in4 1:. 1:. Iron Iron is studie studiedd in4 16. >ydrocarbons >ydrocarbons and their deri#ati#es deri#ati#es are studied in4 18. It is the study study of polym polymeri2at eri2ation ion 1. It deals !ith the determination determination of ind ind (uality and (uantity of #arious components in a "i#en substance. *;. A !ise "uess of scientists is called hypothesis hypothesis a, true b, false
Answer Key 1 3 6
* ? 8
0 :
Chemistry Def. & MCQs 6 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
1; 10 1: 1
11 13 16 *;
1* 1? 18
Chapter 2
Chemical Combinations (You can neither stop nor save the time but can make every moment historical if you
Chemistry Def. & MCQs 8 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
know the value of time
Defi De fini niti tion onss 1. )tomic mass: - Atomic mass is defined as the
mass of one atom of the element compared !ith the mass of one atom of C1* +the stable li"ht isotope of carbon,. 2. Molecular ma mass: - It is defined as the sum of
atomic masses of the atoms of all the elements present in a molecule molecule sho!n by its molecular molecular formula. 3. ,mpiri ,mpirical cal ormul ormula a mass/ mass/ ormul ormula a mass: mass: - It is
the sum of atomic masses as "i#en in the simplest +empirical, formula of ionic compound compound Chemistry Def. & MCQs Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
4. Molec olecu ular lar or ormu mula la:: - The epression sho!in"
types and actual number of number of atoms present in a compound usin" symbols for component elements and numerals for number of atoms of each element per molecule lie C:>: for ben2ene. 5. ,mpi mpirica ricall or ormu mula la:: - A chemical formula that
indicates the relati#e proportions of the elements in a compound rather than the actual number of the atoms of the elements. 6. Mole: - $ne mole is "ram atomic mass "ram
molecular mass or "ram formula mass of any substance +atoms ions molecules, !hich contains :.;*G1;*0 elementary entities. !. Molar mass: - The mass of one mole is called
molar mass. #. )a )a'ad 'adro0s o0s nu nume mer: - The number of basic
(uantities as present in 1* "rams of C 1* i.e :.;*G1;*0
Multiple Mult iple Choi Choice ce Quest Q uestion ionss 1. Mass Mass can can not not be create createdd but but can can be be dest destroy royed. ed. a, true b, false Chemistry Def. & MCQs 1; Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
*. Bando Bandolt lt epe eperim riment ent is perf perform ormed ed to to #eri #erify fy44 a, la! of conser#ation of mass b, la! of definite definite proportions c, la! of multiple proportions d, la! of reciprocal proportions proportions 0. The The empi empiri rica call form formul ulaa of "lu "luco cose se is4 is4 a, C> b, C>*$ c, C0>:$: d, C:>1*$: 3. The The emp empiri irical cal formu formula la mass mass of of ben2 ben2ene ene is4 a, 1* a.m.u b, 10 a.m.u c, 68 a.m.u d, 5.$.T ?. Mole Molecu cula larr mas masss of sodi sodium um is4 is4 a, 11 a.m.u b, 1* a.m.u c, *0 a.m.u d, 5.$.T :. m moles oles are are ther theree In ?; " of of CaC CaC$ $0. a, ;.? b, 1 c, 1.? d, 1.? 6. 0 mol moles es of of Car Carbo bonn are are e(u e(ual al to4 to4 a, 3" b, 0:" c, 10*" d, 18.;:G1;*0 8. Hn >Cl J HnCl* >*. The reaction is an eample of4 a, decomposition reaction b, addition reaction reaction c, sin"le displacement displacement reaction d, double displacement reaction e, combustion reaction
Chemistry Def. & MCQs 11 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
. Chem Chemica icall e(uat e(uation ion is a short short hand hand meth method od for for describin" a compound. a, true b, false 1;. Combusti Combustion on reaction reaction consumes consumes heat4 heat4 a, true b, false The boo MCQs 11. mass is neither neither created created nor destroyed destroyed durin" durin" a chemical reaction is the statement of4 a, la! of conser#ation of mass b, la! of definite proportions proportions c, la! of multiple proportions d, la! of reciprocal proportions 1*. a "i#en compound compound al!ays al!ays contains eactly eactly the the same proportion of elements by mass is the statement of4 a, la! of conser#ation of mass b, la! of definite proportions proportions c, la! of multiple proportions proportions d, la! of reciprocal proportions proportions 10. the a#era"e a#era"e mass of natural miture miture of isotopes !hich is compared to the mass of one atom of C-1* a.m.u is called4 a, atomic number b, atomic mass c, mass number d, molecular mass 13. a formula formula that "i#es "i#es only the relati#e relati#e number number of each type of atoms in a molecule is called4 Chemistry Def. & MCQs 1* Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
a, empirica ical formula c, molecular mass
b, molec lecular lar formula d, formula mass
1?. a formula formula that indicates indicates actual actual number number and type type of atoms in a molecule is called4 a, empirica ical formula b, molec lecular lar formula c, molecular mass d, formula mass 1:. the sum of of atomic atomic masses masses of all atoms atoms in a molecule is called4 a, empirica ical formula b, molec lecular lar formula c, molecular mass d, formula mass 16. the sum of of atomic atomic masses masses of all atoms atoms in a formula unit4 a, empirica ical formula b, molec lecular lar formula c, molecular mass d, formula mass 18. the mass mass of one mole of a substance epressed in "rams is called4 a, empirica ical formula b, molec lecular lar formula c, molecular mass d, molar mass 1. 33 a.m.u a.m.u of C$* is is e(ual e(ual to4 a, formula mass b, atomic mass c, molecular mass d, molar mass *;. ? moles moles of >*$ >*$ are e(ual e(ual to4 to4 a, 8;" b, ;" c, 1;;" d, ;a.m.u
Answer Key
Chemistry Def. & MCQs 10 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
1 3 6 1; 10 1: 1
* ? 8 11 13 16 *;
0 : 1* 1? 18
Chapter 3
Atomic !tructure ("either take rest nor be the time waste# Because life is the test an$ only heaven is the rest Chemistry Def. & MCQs 13 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
Defi De fini niti tion onss
1. )tom: -The buildin" bloc of the matter that
taes part in the reaction. $% The smallest component component of an element ha#in" the chemical properties of the element consistin" of a nucleus and surroundin" shells. 2. +ucleus: -the central part of the atom
comprisin" the mass of the atom conferred by protons and neutrons neutrons initially disco#ered disco#ered by %KT>L%@$%D.
Chemistry Def. & MCQs 1? Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
3. Sh Shel elll or or en ener er' 'y le leel el:: -accordin" to 9ohr these
are the circular orbits at certain distance from the nucleus !here electrons eist. 4. )to )tomic mic nu num meer : -The number of protons in
nucleus is called the atomic number of the element. 5. )tomic mass: - The total number of protons
and neutrons in nucleus constitute its atomic mass. 6. ,lement: -The simplest matter !hose all atoms ha#e same atomic number and can not be further simplified is called element. !. Croo Croo0 0ss disc discha har' r'ee tue tue eep per erim imen ent: t: -
indicates the eistence of protons and electrons in the atom #. Cathode ra rays: -the rays !hich consist of
electrons and are produced !hen the current is passed throu"h "ases at lo! pressure are called cathode rays. %. "rope "roperti rties es o catho cathode de rays rays elect electro rons ns4
Disco#ered by =.= T>$SMS$5 Carry a ne"ati#e char"e e(ual to 1.:G1;1 C3.8;0G1; -1; Their eNm ratio is 1.6:G1;8 CN" Their mass is .11G1;-01 " ;.;;;??a.m.u They can be deflected by electroma"netic electroma"netic field.
Chemistry Def. & MCQs 1: Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
These donEt depend upon the material of !hich the electrode is made nor of the "as !hich is enclosed inside the tube.
1(. $he p properties roperties o o canal rays protons: protons:
$BDSTIL5 disco#ered them. These rays carry positi#e char"e They tra#el in strai"ht line The #alue of eNm depends upon the "as enclosed The mass is 1.:6G1;-*6"1.;;60amu They are composed of hea#y particles than electrons.
11. $he prope propertie rtiess o neutrons: neutrons:
Disco#ered by C>AD)IC<. They are neutral carryin" no char"e. The mass is same as that of proton but sli"htly hea#ier. i.e. 1.;;86 a.m.u. It is hi"hly ener"etic particle.
12. 12. 7adioa 7adioacti ctiit ity: y: - the spontaneous emission of
radiations by certain elements is called radioacti#it 13. 13. Isoto Isotope pes: s: - Atoms of the same s ame elements ha#in"
the same atomic number but the different atomic masses are called isotopes. 14. 14. Sp Spect ectru rum: m: -the band of colors formed throu"h
the dispersion of li"ht is called spectrum.
Chemistry Def. & MCQs 16 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
15. ,lectron ,lectronic ic coni'u coni'urati ration: on: - the arran"ement or
distribution of electrons in the a#ailable orbitals is called electronic distribution. 16. 16. )tomic )tomic rad radius ius4 -the half of the bond len"th
taen bet!een t!o homonuclear homonuclear diatomic molecules. $% the distance from nucleus to the #alence electron is called atomic radius. 1!. 1!. Ionic Ionic radiu radiuss4 -the radius of an ion. 1#. ion4 -the char"ed atom is called ion
1%. 1%. Cati Cation on:: -the positi#ely char"ed ion is called
cation. 2(. 2(. )nio )nion: n: -the ne"ati#e char"ed ion is called
anion. 21. Ioni8at Ioni8ation ion potent potential: ial: -the ener"y re(uired to
mae an atom ion is called ioni2ation potential. 22. ,lectron ,lectron ainity ainity4 -the amount of ener"y
released !hen an electron is added to a neutral "aseous atom to form a ne"ati#e ion is called electron affinity. 23. ,lectron ,lectrone'at e'atiity iity4 - the force !ith !itch an
atom attracts the shared pair to!ards itself is called electrone"ati#ity. electrone"ati#ity.
Chemistry Def. & MCQs 18 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
Multiple Mult iple Choi Choice ce Quest Q uestion ionss
1. The The firs firstt atom atomic ic theo theory ry !as propo proposed sed by4 by4 a, Democritus b, ree /hilosophers c, both a & b d, =ohn Dalton *. Accord Accordin in"" to moder modernn theor theory y all all elem elemen ents ts are are made up of small indi#isible indestructible indestructible particles called atoms atoms a, true b, false
Chemistry Def. & MCQs 1 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
0. /roto /rotons ns and neutr neutrons ons !ere !ere disc disco#e o#ered red by respecti#ely4 a, =.= Thomson Chad!ic b, Chad!ic Chad!ic =.= Thomson c, oldstein Chad!ic d, Chad!ic oldstein 3. Llect Llectron ronss are are the the const constitu ituent ent of all matte matter. r. a, true b, false ?. The The inco incorre rrect ct stat statem ement ent re"a re"ardi rdin" n" the the cath cathod odee rays is4 a, material particles b, eNm ratio is different different c, possess <.L d, 5.$.T :. Llect Llectron ronss do not depend depend upon upon the the the the natur naturee of the cathode and the "as inside the tube. a, true b, false 6. eNm eNm rati ratioo of elec electr tron on is4 is4 a, 1.6:G1;8 CN CN" b,1.6:G1;11CN" c, 1.:;*G1;-1 CN CN" d, 1.:6*G1;-*6CN" 8. The The Cha Char" r"ee on on ele elect ctro ronn is4 is4 a, 1.6:G1;8 C b,1.6:G1;11C c, 1.:;*G1;-1 C d, 1.:6*G1;-*6C . The The cha char" r"ee on prot proton on is4 is4 a, 1.6:G1;8 b,1.6:G1;11C c, 1.:;*G1;-1 C d, 1.:6*G1;-*6C Chemistry Def. & MCQs *; Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
1;. 1;. 1 a.m a.m.u .u O O a, 1.6:G1;8 " c, 1.:;*G1;-1 "
b,1.6:G1;11" d, 1.:6*G1;-*6"
11. Atom !as !as pro#ed pro#ed di#isible di#isible particle particle by4 by4 a, cathode rays b, radioacti#ity c, dischar"e tube ep. d, A.$.T 1*. Llectron is 180: times hea#ier hea#ier than proton. a, true b, false 10. %adioac %adioacti#ity ti#ity !as !as disco#ered disco#ered by4 by4 a, >enry 9e(ueral b, %utherford c, 9ohor d, =.= Thomson 13. %utherford %utherford used particles in in his eperiment. eperiment. a, P 7 particles b, 7 particles c, R 7 particles d, A.$.T 1?. The P-particles P-particles deflected deflected bac bac by striin" the the atom because of the presence of4 a, shells b, nucleus c, protons d, electrons 1:. Lner"y is is !hen an electron jumps from hi"her ener"y le#el to lo!er ener"y le#el. a, absorbed b, released c, neither absorbed nor released d, both a & b
Chemistry Def. & MCQs *1 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
16. This of the follo!in" follo!in" particles particles taes part in the reaction. a, electron b, proton c, neutron d, A.$.T 18. The corre correct ct e(uatio e(uationn is4 a, L* - L1 h b, L* L1 h c, L* G L1 h d, L* N L1 h 1. 1. 5a has4 has4 a, 11 electrons c, 1* neutrons
b, 11 protons d, A.$.T
*;. *;. Mass Mass numb number er a, protons electrons b, protons neutrons neutrons c, electrons neutrons d, no. of protons.
*1. *1. Atomi Atomicc number number a, protons electrons b, protons neutrons neutrons c, electrons neutrons d, no. of protons. **. The positi#ely positi#ely char"ed char"ed particles particles in radioacti#ity are protons. a, true b, false *0. Isotopes Isotopes ha#e ha#e different different number number of4 Chemistry Def. & MCQs ** Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
a, electrons c, neutrons
b, protons d, A.$.T
*3. /roteum has one proton and no neutron. a, true b, false *?. Isotopes are used in the treatment of diseases. diseases. a, true b, false *:. The formul formulaa to find out ma numbe numberr of electrons is4 a, n* b, *n c, *n* d, 5.$.T *6. Fhen n0 n0 the ma ma electrons in a shell shell should be. a, 0 b, : c, d, 18 *8. The ma. ma. number number of electro electrons ns in 3th shell is4 a, 3 b, 8 c, 1: d, 0* *. @ind the mis mis match match a, electrons 4 =.= Thomson b, protons 4 nucleus nucleus c, neutrons 4 atomic mass d, protons 4 atomic number 0;. The corre correct ct stateme statement nt is4 a, A HA b, AH-5 c, A5-H d, HA-5 01. Fhich Fhich isotope isotope of oy"en oy"en forms forms o2one Chemistry Def. & MCQs *0 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
a, $1: c, $18
b, $16 d, $1
Answer Key 1 3 6 1; 10 1: 1 ** *? *8 01
* ? 8 11 13 16 *; *0 *: *
0 : 1* 1? 18 *1 *3 *6 0;
Chemistry Def. & MCQs *3 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
Chapter 4
%erio$icity of Elements (%eople are ba$ enou&h to tease you but ' am sure you are &oo$ enou&h to for&ive them
Chemistry Def. & MCQs *? Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
Defi De fini niti tion onss 1. "eriodicit city: - The repetition of properties of
elements after some inter#al is called periodicity. periodicity. 2. "eriods: - The hori2ontal ro!s in the periodic
table are called periods. 3. 9roups: - The #ertical columns in the periodic
table are called "roups. 4. Metals: -Those Those elements !hich conduct heat
and electricity and become positi#ely char"ed by loosin" electrons electrons are called metals. metals. 5. +on metals: -Those Those !hich do not conduct heat
and electricity and become ne"ati#ely char"ed by acceptin" acceptin" electrons are called non metals 6. Metalloids: - These ha#e the mied properties
of metalloids. !. )tomic radius4 -the half of the bond len"th
taen bet!een t!o homonuclear homonuclear diatomic molecules. $% the distance from nucleus to the #alence electron is called atomic radius. #. Ionic radius4 -the radius of an ion. %. ion4 -the char"ed atom is called ion
Chemistry Def. & MCQs *: Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
1(. 1(. Cati Cation on:: -the positi#ely char"ed ion is called
cation. 11. 11. )nio )nion: n: -the ne"ati#e char"ed ion is called
anion. 12. Ioni8at Ioni8ation ion potent potential: ial: -the ener"y re(uired to
mae an atom ion is called ioni2ation potential. 13. ,lectron ,lectron ainity ainity4 -the amount of ener"y
released !hen an electron is added to a neutral "aseous atom to form a ne"ati#e ion is called electron affinity. 14. ,lectron ,lectrone'at e'atiity iity4 - the force !ith !itch an
atom attracts the shared pair to!ards itself is called electrone"ati#ity. electrone"ati#ity.
Chemistry Def. & MCQs *6 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
Multiple Mult iple Choi Choice ce Quest Q uestion ionss 1. Ba! Ba! of tria triads ds !as !as pro propo pose sedd by4 by4 a, Doberinier b, Bother Mayer c, 5e!land d, Mendeleef *. Modern Modern classi classific ficati ation on is based based on atomi atomicc number. a, true b, false 0. la! la! of of oct octa# a#es es !as !as pro propo pose sedd by by4 a, Doberinier b, Bother Mayer c, 5e!land d, Mendeleef 3. M" bei bein" n" ei" ei"ht hthh elem elemen entt from from 9e 9e has has the the similar properties !ith it. The statement comes from4 a, la! of octa#es b, la! of triads c, Bother MayerEs classification d, Mendeele#Es periodic table ?. atomic #olume O a, "ram atomic Fei"ht G density b, "ram atomic atomic Fei"ht N density c, "ram atomic !ei"ht density d, "ram atomic !ei"ht 7 density :. Mendel Mendelee# ee# arran" arran"ed ed the the elem element entss in order order of of increasin"4 a, atomic #olume b, atomic mass c, atomic number d, periodicity
Chemistry Def. & MCQs *8 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
6. Mendel Mendelee# ee#Es Es peri period odic ic tabl tablee !as !as rema remara rable ble in ha#in"4 a, columns b, ro!s c, both d, "aps for unno!n elements 8. Mendel Mendelee# ee#Es Es peri period odic ic tabl tablee faile failedd to "i#e "i#e the the idea of atomic structure. a, true b, false . re"ard re"ardin" in" the the perio periodic dic table table the the incorr incorrect ect statement is4 a, ro!s ha#e similar properties b, it does not contain contain isotopes c, sho!s the periodicity of elements d, 5.$.T 1;. La boran boran !as !as later terme termedd as4 a, boron b, scandium c, "allium d, "ermanium 11. atomic mass not as the fundamental fundamental property of elements4 elements4 a, radioacti#ity b, isotopes c, electronic confi"urationd, confi"urationd, periodicity 1*. atomic atomic number number !as disco#ere disco#eredd by4 a, doberinier b, ne!land c, ba(uerel d, mosely 10. the lon"est lon"est period period is4 is4 a, first c, sith
b, second d, se#enth
Chemistry Def. & MCQs * Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
13. the sith sith perio periodd contain contains4 s4 a, : b, 8 c, 1: d, 0* 1?. the elements elements of sub "roup A are called called transition elements. a, true b, false 1:. "roup "roup 1A and *A contain contain alali alali metals4 metals4 a, true b, false 16. the most most stable of the follo!in follo!in"" elements elements is4 a, 5a b, 5* c, 5i d, 5e 18. the most reacti#e reacti#e is4 a, 5a c, 5a
b, M" d, @
1. The #alency #alency of of se#enth se#enth A "roup "roup is 4 a, 1 b,-1 c, * d,-* *;. boron boron is is metall metalloid4 oid4 a, true
b, false.
*1. it eists eists in tetamer tetameric ic form4 form4 a, < b, / c, 5 d, Sb **. inert or noble "ases are placed placed in the "roup4 a, 0A b, 3A c, 6A d, 8A Chemistry Def. & MCQs 0; Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
*0. electron electrone"ati e"ati#ity #ity of fluorine fluorine is4 a, 1 b, * c, 0 d, 3 *3. the minimum minimum ener"y re(uired to to remo#e remo#e an electron from an atom in "aseous state is called4 a, electrone"ati#ity b, electron affinity c, ion ioni2 i2aatio tion po poten tential tial d, /.L /.L *?. 1U O a,1;-8 c,1;-6
b, 1;- d, 1;-1;
*:. atomic number number depends depends upon the the number number of shells but does not depend upon the nuclear char"e. a, true b, false *6. the ener"y ener"y chan"e chan"e that occurs occurs !hen an electron electron is "ained by an atom in "aseous state is called4 a, electron affinity b, ioni2ation potential c, enthalpy d, electrone"ati#ity *8. the relati#e relati#e tendency of an atom in a molecule molecule to attract shared pair of electrons to!ards itself is called4 a, electron affinity b, ioni2ation potential c, enthalpy d, electrone"ati#ity *. electrone"ati#ity electrone"ati#ity decreases decreases do!n do!n the the "roup. "roup. a, true b, false
Chemistry Def. & MCQs 01 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
0;. the incom incomplet pletee period period is4 a, first b, fourth c, sith d, se#enth 01. !hich !hich period period contains contains only only "ases "ases a, first b, fourth c, sith d, se#enth 0*. it is the radioacti radioacti#e #e element element of 1A "roup. "roup. a, Bi b, %b c, Cs d, @r 00. the #alency #alency of alalin alalinee earth metals metals is4 a, 1 b, * c, -1 d, -* 03. 5 and / are non metal metals. s. a, true b, false 0?. !hich pair pair of elements is chemically similar4 a, < Cr b, Cu Ca c, @ Cl d, 5 $
Chemistry Def. & MCQs 0* Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
Answer Key 1 3 6 1; 10 1: 1 ** *? *8 01 03
* ? 8 11 13 16 *; *0 *: * 0* 0?
0 : 1* 1? 18 *1 *3 *6 0; 00
Chemistry Def. & MCQs 00 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
Chapter 5
Chemical Bon$in& (he future will take reven&e if you spoil the present
Chemistry Def. & MCQs 03 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
Defi De fini niti tion onss 1. Chemic mical o ond: - The attracti#e force that
holds atoms to"ether in a compound is called chemical bond. 2. Ioni Ionicc or or ele elect ctro roa ale lent nt ond ond:: - It is defined as
the electrostatic force of attraction bet!een positi#e and ne"ati#e ne"ati#e ions. 3. Coalent o ond: - Achemical bond that in#ol#es
the sharin" of electrons is called co#alent bond. 4. Sin' Sin'le le coa coale lent nt ond ond : : - such a bond is
formed !hen one electron is contributed from each atom main" one shared pair. L.". Cl* 5. ;ou ;oule le coa coale lent nt ond: ond: -in such a co#alent
bond each of the the t!o atoms contribute contribute t!o electrons as in $* 6. $r $rip iple le coa coale lent nt ond ond:: -in triple co#alent bond
each atom contributes three electrons as in 5* !. Co-ord Co-ordina inate te or dati datiee coa coalen lentt ond ond:: - a
co#alent bond in !itch one of the bonded atoms furnishes both of the shared electrons. #. ydro'en ond: - it is an electrostatic force of
attraction bet!een a partially positi#e hydro"en atom of one molecule and the electrone"ati#e electrone"ati#e atom of the other molecule Chemistry Def. & MCQs 0? Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
%. Met eta ao olic lic *ond: - It is defined as the force of
attraction bet!een electrons and the positi#e nuclei of atoms. 1(. ;ispersion ;ispersion
the !ea attracti#e forces bet!een temporarily polari2ed atoms atoms +or molecules, caused by the #aryin" positions of the electrons durin" their motion about the nuclei 11. 11. ;ipole ;ipole momen moment: t: - the measure of the de"ree of
the polarity of a polar compound is called dipole moment. 12. ,lectron ,lectrone'at e'atiity iity:: - It is the po!er of an atom
to attract shared pair of electrons to!ards itself. 13. *ond *ond pairs pairs electro electrons: ns: - also called acti#e set of
electrons they tae part in bond formation formation and are incorporated as shared pair. 14. =one =one pair pair o electr electrons: ons: - also called non
bondin" pairs pairs are paired electrons electrons but donEt tae part in bondin".
Chemistry Def. & MCQs 0: Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
Multiple Mult iple Choi Choice ce Quest Question ions) s) 1. The The forc forcee !hic !hichh hold holdss atom atomss to"e to"ethe therr in in a molecule or crystal is called a, chemical bond b, co#alent bond c, ionic bond d, co-ordinate co#alent *. the ener"y ener"y in a molec molecule ule is less less than than the the atom atoms. s. a, true b, false 0. the electr electrons ons in the the inne innerm rmost ost shel shelll are are calle calledd #alence electrons. a, true b, false 3. the bond bond form formed ed by sharin sharin"" of of elec electro trons ns is is called4 a, chemical bond b, co#alent bond c, ionic bond d, co-ordinate co#alent ?. the bond bond form formed ed by by the the com comple plete te tran transfe sferr of of electrons4 a, chemical bond b, co#alent bond c, ionic bond d, co-ordinate co#alent :. the "ases "ases lie lie oy" oy"en en nitr nitro" o"en en are are the the resul resultt of4 of4 a, chemical bond b, co#alent bond c, ionic bond d, co-ordinate co#alent 6. M"$ is an an eam ample ple of4 of4 a, chemical bond b, co#alent bond c, ionic bond d, co-ordinate co#alent
Chemistry Def. & MCQs 06 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
8. the idea idea of chemi chemical cal bond bond !as !as intro introdu duced ced in a, 18;8 b, 11; c, 181: d, 11: . ionic ionic compo compound undss donE donEtt poss possess ess molec molecula ularr formula. a, true b, false 1;. the atom that that donates donates electrons electrons becomes becomes ne"ati#ely char"ed4 a, true b, false 11. !hich !hich one is the the stable4 stable4 a, 5a b, 5a c, 5a d, 5a1*. ionic compound compoundss are "ood "ood conductors conductors of electricity4 a, true b, false 10. co#alent co#alent compoun compounds ds are soluble soluble in !ater4 a, true b, false 13. ionic compounds compounds form form the molecules molecules of hi"h molecular !ei"ht. a, true b, false 1?. all are correct correct about about ionic ionic bond ecept4 ecept4 a, they conduct electricity in all the states b, they are soluble soluble in polar sol#ents c, ionic compounds do not form molecules d, 5.$.T
Chemistry Def. & MCQs 08 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
Questions 1: 7 18 Select from the terms belo!4 A, sin"le co#alent bond 9, double co#alent bond C, triple co#alent bond D, ionic bond L, 5.$.T
1:. the bond in hydro"e hydro"enn molecu molecule le is4 is4 16. the bond bond in nitro"en nitro"en molecu molecule le is4 18. 18. the bond bond in in CaCl CaCl* is4 1. >Cl is an eample eample of4 of4 a, ionic bond b, co#alent bond c, pola polarr co# co#al alen entt bon bondd d, nonnon-po pola lar r *;. Cl- contains electrons in it4 a, 1 b, * c, 6 d, 8 Questions *1 7 00 Select from the terms belo!
A, co#alent bond 9, polar co#alent bond C, non polar co#alent bond D, ionic bond L, co-ordinate co#alent bond @, 5.$.T
Chemistry Def. & MCQs 0 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
*1. The bond bond in oy"en oy"en molecul moleculee is **. both the electrons are are shared by one electrons4 *0. also called called electr electro#ale o#alent nt bond4 *3. the bond bond in in the table table salt salt *?. *?. the bond bond in in 5>3Cl *:. *:. e.n e.n V 1.6 1.6 *6. *6. the the e.n e.n ; *8. in#ol#es in#ol#es the sharin" sharin" of electro electrons4 ns4 *. formed formed by sharin" of electro electrons ns bet!een bet!een dissimilar atoms 0;. formed by sharin" sharin" of electrons bet!een similar similar atoms. 01. lone pair pair of electron electronss is the indicat indication ion of the bond 0*. the attraction attraction bet!een bet!een electrons electrons and nuclei. 00. the "reatest electrone"ati#ity electrone"ati#ity difference difference is present in4 03. metals metals are solids solids ecept ecept bromine bromine a, true b, false Chemistry Def. & MCQs 3; Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
0?. metals conduct conduct heat heat and electricity because because of the presence of4 a, fied electrons b, free electrons c, fied protons d, free protons 0:. inter molecular molecular forces forces hold atoms atoms to"ether to"ether in a molecule4 a, true b, false 06. all of the follo!in" follo!in" are !ander !ander !allEs !allEs forces ecept4 a, dispersion forces b, co#alent bond c, dip dipol olee-di dipo pole le forc forces es d, >-b >-bon ondi din" n" 08. inter molecular molecular forces forces are much !eaer than than intra molecular forces. a, true b, false
Chemistry Def. & MCQs 31 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
Answer Key 1 3 6 1; 10 1: 1 ** *? *8 01 03 06
* ? 8 11 13 16 *; *0 *: * 0* 0? 08
A C D B B C D D D B * B B
0 : 1* 1? 18 *1 *3 *6 0; 00 0: 0
Chemistry Def. & MCQs 3* Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
Chapter 6
!tates of matter (Every action has reaction# yes e+actly if you
can not please your books how you will be
Chemistry Def. & MCQs 30 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
Defi De fini niti tion onss 24. 24. Matt Matter er:: - Any thin" ha#in" mass and #olume is
called matter. 25. 25. Soli Solid: d: - The state of matter ha#in" specific
shape and #olume 26. 26. =i>u =i>uid: id: - The state of matter ha#in" specific
#olume but not the shape. 2!. 9as: - It is the state of matter ha#in" neither
specific #olume nor the shape 2#. 2#. ;iu ;iusio sion: n: - the distribution or spreadin" of the
"as molecules throu"hout the #essel is no!n as Chemistry Def. & MCQs 33 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
diffusion. $% the miin" and mer"in" of the molecules !ith each other is called diffusion 2%. 2%. "res "ressu sure re:: -force per unit area. 3(. 3(. $e $empe mpera ratu ture: re: - the de"ree of hotness or
coldness of a body is called temperature. 31. 31. e eat at:: - it is the form of ener"y that produces
sense of !armth and flo!s from hot body to cold body. 32. 32. ;ens ;ensit ity: y: - the mass unit #olume is called density. density. +dMN), 33. Vapour Vapour pressure: pressure: - it is the pressure eerted by
the #apors on the surface of li(uid !hen rate of condensation condensation eceeds the rate of e#aporation. e#aporation. 34. 34. *oil *oilin in': ': - !hen #apour pressure of li(uid e(uals
the atmospheric pressure the bubbles of #apour form easily and rise to the surface. The li(uid is said to boil. 35. 35. *oili *oilin' n' poin point: t: -it is the temperature at !hich
boilin" starts. 36. 36. Melt Meltin in': ': - con#ersion of a solid into li(uid. 3!. 3!. Melti Meltin' n' point point:: - it is the temperature at !hich
meltin" be"ins to tae place.
Chemistry Def. & MCQs 3? Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
3#. 3#. Su Suli limat mation ion:: -the process of con#ersion of
solids directly into "ases form !ithout passin" throu"h the li(uid state is called sublimation. 3%. 3%. "hen "henome omeno non: n: -an obser#able e#ent. 4(. $he laten latentt heat o o usion: usion: - heat re(uired
durin" con#ersion of the state. $% the heat ener"y re(uired con#ertin" con#ertin" 1" of a solid into li(uid at its meltin" point. 41. *ro?nia *ro?nian n motion: motion: - A continuous continuous 2i"2a"
motion of suspended particles throu"h the medium is called 9ro!nian motion.
Multiple Mult iple Choi Choice ce Ques Questio tionn 1. Any thin" thin" ha#i ha#in" n" mass mass and and #olu #olume me is not not call called ed called a, po!er b, ener"y c, both a & b d, matter *. The The (uan (uantit tityy of of matt matter er in in a body body is is call called ed a, mass b, ener"y c, matter d, #olume 0. Acco Accord rdin in"" to <.M <.M.T .T all all are are tru truee ece ecept pt44 a, molecules are al!ays in motion4 b, they possess <.L c, they possess /.L d, molecules are #ery tiny particles e, 5.$.T Chemistry Def. & MCQs 3: Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
3. The The spac spacee occu occupie piedd by an objec objectt is called called a, mass b, ener"y c, #olume d, matter ?. %e"a %e"ard rdin in"" "ase "asess all all are are true true ec ecep ept4 t4 a, <.L #ery lo! b, intermolecular intermolecular space #ery hi"h c, neither shape nor #olume d, molecules mo#e in all directions. :. The The li(u li(uids ids ha#e ha#e const constan antt shape shape but not #olum #olume. e. a, true b, false 6. The The sprea spreadin din"" of a subst substanc ancee throu throu"h "h a mediu medium m is called4 a, diffusion b, 9ro!nian motion c, effusion d, fusion 8. A cont contin inuo uous us rapi rapid d 2i" 2i"2a 2a"" moti motion on of of suspended particles throu"h the medium is called 9ro!nian motion. a, true b, false . Fater Fater can can eist eist in all all the the thre threee states states of of matt matter. er. a, true b, false The 9oo MCQs 1;. The number number of common common states states of matter matter is4 a, 0 b, 3 c, ? d, 5.$.T
Chemistry Def. & MCQs 36 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
11. 5either definite definite shape shape nor #olume is the property of4 a, solids b, li(uids c, "ases d, 5.$.T 1*. The temperature temperature at !hich the #apour pressure of a li(uid becomes e(ual to its eternal pressure is called4 a, meltin" point b, boilin" point c, triple point d, free2in" point 10. The state state of matter matter in !hich molecule moleculess are ti"htly paced and possess only #ibratory motion is4 a, solid state b, li(uid state c, "aseous state d, 5.$.T 13. The process process in !hich !hich molecules molecules escape from from the surface of li(uid is called4 a, sublimation b, e#aporation c, boilin" d, meltin" 1?. the process process in !hich !hich solid directly directly chan"es chan"es to "as is called a, sublimation b, e#aporation c, boilin" d, meltin"
)ns?er @ey
1 3
* ?
0 :
Chemistry Def. & MCQs 38 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
6 1; 10
8 11 13
1* 1?
Chapter 7
!olution an$ !uspension (!olvin& the problems is the solution of problems than increasin& the problems by
Chemistry Def. & MCQs 3 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
worryin& on the problems,-
Defi fini niti tion onss De 1. Solution: -the homo"eneous miture of t!o or
more thin"s. 2. Solute: - It is the component of solution present
in smaller amount and is dissol#ed by the sol#ent. 3. Solent: - It is the component of solution
present in "reater "reater amount and dissol#es dissol#es the solute. 4. Ansa Ansatu tura rate ted d sol solut utio ion: n: - It is that one solution
!hich contains less solute than it has the capacity to dissol#e. Chemistry Def. & MCQs ?; Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
5. Satu turrate ted d so soluti lution on:: - It is that one solution
!hich contains maimum amount of solute and can not dissol#e more solute at a "i#en temperature 6. Su Supe perr sat satur urat ated ed sol solut utio ion: n: - It is that one
solution !hich contains more solute than the normal capacity and this is done usually by increasin" temperature. temperature. !. Crysta stalli8ation: - The process in !hich
dissol#ed solute comes out of solution and forms crystals is called crystalli2ation. crystalli2ation. #. Molarity: - The number of moles of solute
dissol#ed in 1 liter +1dm0, of a solution is called molarity. molarity. It is denoted by +M,. %. Molality : - The number of moles of solute
dissol#ed in 1 ilo"ram of solution is called molality. molality. It is denoted by +m,. 1(. 1(. Mole Mole racti raction: on: - Mole fraction of any
component in a solution is the number of moles of the component di#ided by total number of moles main" up solution. It is denoted by W. 11. 11. Su Suspe spensi nsion on:: - It is defined as a hetero"enous
miture consists of #isible particles !hich remain suspended in the li(uid.
Chemistry Def. & MCQs ?1 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
Multiple Mult iple Choi Choice ce Quest Q uestion ionss 1. A hete hetero ro"e "ene neou ouss mit mitur uree of t!o t!o or or more more substances is called solution4 a, true b, false *. ther theree are are type typess of solu soluti tion onss a, * b, 0 c, ? d, 0. The The com compo posi siti tion on of air air is is as as a, 68X 5* *1X $* 1X Ar. b, 68X 5* 1?X $* ?X C$* C$* 1 other "ases c, 68X 5* *1X $* 1X other "ases d, all are possible 3. allo alloyys are are the the mi mitu ture re of4 of4 a, solid-solid b, solid-li(uid c, li(uid-"as d, solid-"as Chemistry Def. & MCQs ?* Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
?. !hich !hich of the follo! follo!in" in" does does not affect affect the the solubility4 a, temperature b, si2e of particles c, pressure d, nature of solute e, nature of sol#ent :. the solubi solubilit lityy of of "ase "asess incre increase asess !ith !ith the increase in temperature. temperature. a, true b, false 6. $nly $nly the the solub solubili ility ty of of is affect affected ed by pressu pressure. re. a, solids b, li(uid c, "ases d, plasma 8. ioni ionicc comp compou ound ndss are are not not disso dissol# l#ed ed in4 in4 a, polar sol#ent b, non-polar c, !ater d, A.$.T . A solu solutio tionn !hic !hichh has has the the capaci capacity ty to to diss dissol# ol#ee more solute is called4 a, satu aturate ratedd solut olutio ionn b, unsat nsatur uraated ted sol solutio utionn c, super saturated d, 5.$.T 1;. the process process in !hich !hich the dissol#ed dissol#ed solute comes out of the solution is called4 a, titration b, solubility c, crystalli2ation d, 5.$.T 11. !hat is the the molarity molarity of a solutio solutionn !hen 1; " 5a$> are dissol#ed in 1 liter solution4 a, ;.*?M b, ;.?M c, 1M d, *M
Chemistry Def. & MCQs ?0 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
The 9oo MCQs 1*. the suspended suspended particles particles in the suspensions suspensions are "enerally of the si2e4 a, 1;nm b, 1;;nm c, 1;;;nm d, 1*;;nm 10. the sum of mole mole fraction of solute and sol#ent sol#ent is e(ual to4 a, 1 b, * c, 0 d, 3 13. solubility is defined as the amount amount of solute solute in "ram at a "i#en temperature dissol#ed in of the sol#ent. a, 1;" b, *;" c, 1;;" d,1;;;" 1?. the process process in !hich !hich solid directly directly chan"es chan"es to #apours is called. a, sublimation b, e#aporation c, diffusion d, boilin" 1:. the solubili solubility ty of "as .!ith .!ith the rise rise in temperature. a, increase b, decrease
Answer Key 1 3
* ?
0 :
Chemistry Def. & MCQs ?3 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
6 1; 10 1:
8 11 13
1* 1?
Chapter 8
hermochemistry (o shine your face make nima. (salah base because life is race an$ in this case c ase to fasten the pace $on/t create mess
Chemistry Def. & MCQs ?? Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
Defi De fini niti tion onss 12. ,lectroc ,lectrochemis hemistry: try: - It is the branch of
chemistry !hich deals !ith the relationship of electrical and chemical ener"ies and their intercon#ersion. 13. 13. ,lect ,lectro rolyt lyte: e: -The substance capable of bein"
dissociated into ions on the passa"e of electricity in the molten state. 14. +on-ecle +on-eclectro ctrolytes lytes:: - The chemical compounds
!hich do not conduct electricity in molten or a(ueous solutions are called non electrolytes.
Chemistry Def. & MCQs ?: Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
15. 15. ,lect ,lectro rolysi lysis: s: -The breaa"e of a solution on the
passa"e of electric electric current. 16. 16. )nod )node: e: -the positi#ely char"ed electrode !here
oidation occurs. 1!. 1!. Cath Cathod ode: e: -the ne"ati#ely char"ed electrode
!here reduction taes place is called cathode. 1#. 1#. )mpe )mpere re:: - It is the S.I unit of current !hich is
defined as the current !hen passed throu"h a circuit for one second. 1%. 1%. Colu Colum m:: - It is the S.I unit of electric char"e
and is defined as the (uantity of char"e !hen one ampere of current is passed for one second. 2(. ,lectrop ,lectroplati latin': n': - It is the process of electrolysis
!hich is used to coat one metal onto the other. 21. ,lectroc ,lectrochemic hemical al cell: cell: - The cell !hich is used
to con#ert electrical ener"y into chemical ener"y and #ice #ersa is called electrochemical electrochemical cell.
Multiple Mult iple Choi Choice ce Quest Q uestion ionss 1. Chem Chemica icall and and electr electrica icall ener" ener"ies ies are inter inter con#ertible4 a, true b, false *. all acids acids bases bases and and salts salts are are elec electro troly lytes tes in in a(ueous solutions or fused state. Chemistry Def. & MCQs ?6 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
a, true
b, false
0. all all the the cond conduc ucto tors rs are are ele elect ctro roly lyte tes. s. a, true b, false 3. !hich !hich of the follo! follo!in" in" does does not condu conduct ct electricity. a, salt b, !ater c, su"ar d, 5.$.T ?. all all are are true true abou aboutt cat catho hode de ece ecept pt44 a, is ne" ne"ati#e ti#ely ly ch char"ed r"ed b, positi#e ions mo#e mo#e to!ards it c, oid oidat atio ionn ta taes es plac placee o#e o#err itit d, 5a ions become 5a e, 5.$.T :. all all are are true true abou aboutt ano anode de ece ecept pt44 a, is positi#ely char"ed b, oidation oidation taes place c, Cl becomes Cld, ne"ati#e ions mo#es to!ards it e, 5.$.T 6. Columb O a, current G time c, current time
b, current N time d, current 7 time
8. 1@ O a, ?;;C c, :?;;C
b, :?;;C d, 1;;; C
Chemistry Def. & MCQs ?8 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
. Fhat Fhat is is the the char" char"ee !hen !hen * A curren currentt passe passess for for * seconds4 a, 1 b, * c, 0 d, 3 1;. electrolysis electrolysis is used for the etraction etraction of certain certain metals from their ores. a, true b, false 11. coatin" of of metal by by non metal is called platin" platin" a, true b, false 1*. a cell !hich con#erts con#erts electrical electrical ener"y ener"y into chemical ener"y is called #oltaic cell a, true b, false 10. lead stora"e stora"e battery battery is a re#ersibl re#ersiblee cell. a, true b, false Answer Key 1 3 6 1; 10
* ? 8 11
0 : 1*
Chemistry Def. & MCQs ? Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
Chapter 9
Aci$s# Bases an$ !alts (' $o not own any business but the entire worl$ is my own where Almi&hty Allah is to Chemistry Def. & MCQs :; Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
be felt an$ Muhamma$ (s0a0w to be followe$
Defi De fini niti tion onss 22. 22. )cid )cid:: -A compound ha#in" usually sour taste
and capable of neutrali2in" alalis and reddenin" blue litmus paper containin" hydro"en hydro"en that can be replaced by a metal or any other electropositi#e atom to form salt or containin" an atom that can accept electrons from a base. 23. 23. *ase *ase:: - A base is a substance that can accept
hydro"en hydro"en ions or more "enerally donates electrons pairs.
Chemistry Def. & MCQs :1 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
24. 24. Salt Salt:: -the ionic substance that result from the
neutrali2ation neutrali2ation of an acid !ith a base. 25. "h: - A measure of the acidity or alalinity of a
solution numerically e(ual to 6 for neutral solutions increasin" !ith increasin" alalinity and decreasin" !ith increasin" acidity. acidity. 26. )rrheniu )rrheniuss $heory $heory4 It states that an acid can be defined as a substance s ubstance that yields hydro"en ions !hen dissol#ed in !ater. A base can be defined as a substance s ubstance !hich yields hydroide ions !hen dissol#ed in !ater. 2!. *ronsted *ronsted =o?er =o?ery y $heory: $heory: It states that an acid
is a substance ha#in" a tendency to donate one or more protons and a base is a substance ha#in" a tendency to accept protons. 2#. 2#. =e =e?is ?is $heo $heory: ry: It states that an acid is any
species +molecule or ion, !hich can accept a pair of electrons electrons and a base is any species +molecule or ion, !hich can donate a pair of electrons. 2%. 2%. $itra $itratio tion: n: -titration is the (uantitati#e
measurement measurement of an analyte in solution by completely reaction !ith rea"ent solution. s olution. Indicators: Indicators: -color sho!in" or"anic compounds. compounds.
$% for acid-base titrations or"anic compounds that ehibit different colors in solution s olution of different aciditiesY used to determine the point at
Chemistry Def. & MCQs :* Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
!hich the reaction bet!een t!o solutes is complete. 3(. 3(. *u *u er er:: -any substance that pre#ents chan"es in
p> is no!n as buffer. buffer. 31. +eutrali +eutrali8ati 8ation: on: -!hen the t!o substances +acid
and base, ha#in" opposed properties are allo!ed to react salt and !ater are produced. The reaction is no!n as neutrali2ation.
Multiple Mult iple Choi Choice ce Quest Question ions) s) 1. Asco Ascorb rbic ic acid acid is the the oth other er name name of4 of4 a, )itamin A b, )itamin 9 c, )itamin C d, )itamin D *. all all are are the the prop proper erti ties es of of acid acidss ece ecept pt44 a, sour in taste b, smooth in touch c, proton donor d, electrons acceptor 0. the the com commo monn acid acid in in stom stomac achh is4 is4 a, >Cl b, >*S$3 c, >5$0 d, >0/$3 Chemistry Def. & MCQs :0 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
3. The The consu consump mptio tionn of is an an inde inde to the the state state of ci#ili2ation and prosperity of a country4 a, >Cl b, >*S$3 c, >5$0 d, >0/$3 ?. the impor importan tantt acid acid for for mai main" n" eplos eplosi#e i#e materials and fertili2ers is4 a, >Cl b, >*S$3 c, >5$0 d, >0/$3 :. the the sour sourin in"" of of mil mil prod produc uces es.. a, citric acid b, lactic acid c, acetic acid d, fumaric acid 6. lem lemon on oran" oran"es es "rap "rapee fruit fruitss cont contai ain4 n4 a, citric acid b, lactic acid c, acetic acid d, fumaric acid 8. all all are are the the prop proper erti ties es of of base basess ece ecept pt44 a, bitter in taste b, a(ueous solution solution conducts electricity electricity c, under"o neutrali2ation !ith acids d, turn litmus paper to red. Q 7 13 Select from the terms belo!4 a, Arrhenius Theory b, 9ronsted 7lo!ery c, Be!is concept d, 5.$.T . 9ase 9asess are are prot proton on acce accept ptor ors. s. 1;. acids acids are sour sour in taste taste Chemistry Def. & MCQs :3 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
11. 11. acid acidss are are > ions donor 1*. bases bases turn litmu litmuss paper to to blue 10. 10. ammo ammonia nia is is base base 13. bases bases are electr electron on donors donors 1?. all are are !ea acids acids ecept4 ecept4 a, sulphuric acid b , acetic acid c, formic acid d, phosphoric acid 1:. !hich !hich one is the the normal normal salt4 salt4 a, 5aCl b, 5a>S$3 c, <>C$0 d, M"+$>, Cl 16. !hich !hich one is not not double double salt4 salt4 a, potash alum b, chrome alum c, MohorEs salt d, table salt Q18 -** Select from the terms belo!4 a, Sodium carbonate b, bacin" soda c, copper sulphate d, Lpsom salt e, potash alum f, 5.$.T 18. it is a comm common on double double salt salt 1. used as antiaci antiacidd and fire etin"ui etin"uishers shers *;. used as "ermicide insecticide insecticide and in paint and #arnish industry
Chemistry Def. & MCQs :? Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
*1. it is used in softenin" softenin" of !ater !ater "lass "lass industry industry and as cleanin" a"ent **. used as antice anticeptic ptic and mouth mouth !ash !ash *0. *0. !ater !ater is not4 not4 a, uni#ersal sol#ent c, present in urine e, 5.$.T
b, li(uid d, amphoteric molecule
*3. The number number of moles moles of solute dissol#ed per per liter of solution is4 a, molarity b, molality c, titration d, p> *?. ne"ati#e ne"ati#e lo"arith lo"arithm m of hydro"en hydro"en ion concentration concentration is4 a, molarity b, molality c, titration d, p> *:. it is important important for an analy analytical tical chemist chemist a, molarity b, molality c, titration d, p> Q *6 7 0* Select from the terms belo! a, ; b, ?-6 c, 6 d, 6.3 e, 13 *6. *6. it is the the neutr neutral al p> p>
Chemistry Def. & MCQs :: Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
*8. *8. the p> of of !ater !ater is is 4 *. it is the the hi"hly hi"hly acidic acidic /h /h 0;. 0;. the p> p> of urine urine is4 is4 01. 01. the p> p> of blood blood is is 0*. 0*. p> p $> O 00. Methyl oran"e oran"e produce. produce. Color in acidic acidic solution a, red b, "reen c, yello! d, pin 03. a solution solution !hose molarity molarity or stren"th is no!n is called standard solution4 a, true b, false 0?. lo! p > of blood causes causes diabete diabetes s diarrhea diarrhea #omitin". a, true b, false 0:. !ater !ater and C$* are are produced produced as a result result of neutrali2ation4 a, true b, false
Answer Key 1 3 6
* ? 8
0 :
Chemistry Def. & MCQs :6 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
1; 10 1: 1 ** *? *8 01 03
11 13 16 *; *0 *: * 0* 0?
1* 1? 18 *1 *3 *6 0; 00 0:
Chapter !
Chemical Ener&etics Chemistry Def. & MCQs :8 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
(he failure is the result of $isobe$ience of first parents then teachers an$ finally of the Almi&hty Allah
Defi De fini niti tion onss 1. $hermo rmodyna ynamics mics:: -The study of con#ersion
and conser#ation of heat and other forms of ener"y is called thermodynamics. thermodynamics. 2. $hermo rmochemi emistr stry: - it deals !ith the
measurement measurement or calculation of heat absorbed or abandoned in chemical reactions. 3. $h $her ermo mo ch chem emic ical al re reac acti tion ons: s: - the chemical
reactions !hich are accompanied by ener"y
Chemistry Def. & MCQs : Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
chan"es alon" !ith the material chan"es are "enerally no!n as thermochemical thermochemical reactions. 4. ,ot ,othe herm rmic ic re reac acti tion ons: s: -the chemical reactions
!hich are accompanied by the liberations or emission of ener"y are called eothermic eothermic reactions. 5. ,n ,ndo doth ther ermi micc rea react ctio ions ns:: -the chemical
reactions !hich are accompanied by the absorption of ener"y are called endothermic reactions. 6. system: -the collection of matter ha#in" certain
boundaries boundaries is called system !. Surroundin's:s:- the en#ironment of a system or
the thin" that affect on a system are included in surroundin"s. #. eat o o o ormat mation ion: - the chan"e of enthalpy
!hen one "ram mole of a substance is formed from its elements %. St Stan anda dard rd he heat at o orm ormat atio ion: n: - the chan"e of
enthalpy !hen one "ram mole of a substance is formed from its elements at *?oC and 1 atm is called standard heat of formation. 1(. 1(. ,n ,nth thalp alpy: y: - the total heat content of a system is
called enthalpy.. enthalpy..
Chemistry Def. & MCQs 6; Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
11. eat eat o neutral neutrali8a i8ation tion:: - The amount of heat
released durin" the neutrali2ation process !hen one mole of !ater is produced by the reaction of acid and base.
Multiple Mult iple Choi Choice ce Quest Q uestion ionss 1. Ther Thermo moch chem emic ical al reac reacti tion onss in#ol in#ol#e #e44 a, material chan"es b, ener"y chan"es c, both a & b d, heat chan"es *. LW$ means4 a, out of or to e#ol#e c, outside
b, into or to absorb d, heat
0. Z> ne" ne"at ati# i#ee repre represe sent ntss !hich !hich rea react ctio ion4 n4 a, thermochemical b, eothermic Chemistry Def. & MCQs 61 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
c, endothermic
d, chemical
3. @orm @ormati ation on of of !ater !ater from from hydro hydro"e "enn and and oy" oy"en en produces ener"y4 ener"y4 a, -*8: <.=Nmole b, *8: <.=Nmole c, -00 <.=Nmole d, 00 <.=Nmole ?. Z> positi positi#e #e repre represen sents ts neutra neutrali2 li2ati ation4 on4 a, true b, false :. Acid Acid 9ase 9ase reacti reaction on is is calle calledd neutr neutrali ali2at 2ation ion reaction4 a, true b, false Questions 6 7 1* • Select from the terms belo!4 A, endothermic reaction 9,eothermic 9,eothermic reaction
6. photosyn synthesis 8. respiration . deco decom mposi positi tion on reac reacti tion on 1;. 1;. bond bond format formation ion 11. 11. comb combust ustion ion 1*. 1*. melti meltin" n" of of ice ice The 9oo MCQs 10. in an eothe eothermic rmic reacti reaction4 on4 a, heat ener"y is lost b, heat ener"y is "ained Chemistry Def. & MCQs 6* Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
c, both a & b
d, 5.$.T
13. In an eothe eothermic rmic react reaction4 ion4 a, container becomes hot b, container container becomes cold c, the temperature of container remains same d, 5.$.T 1?. Durin" Durin" an endothermi endothermicc reaction4 reaction4 a, container becomes cold b, container container becomes hot c, the temperature of container remains same d, 5.$.T )ns?er @ey
1 3 6 1; 10
* ? 8 11 13
0 : 1* 1?
By the same Author)
Chemistry Def. & MCQs 60 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur
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Chemistry Def. & MCQs 6: Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur