This series helps students learn to become fit in body and in mind through lessons in Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health. This series likewise aims to develop the mental, physica…Full description
Detailed Lesson Plan in English Grade III I.OBJECTIVES: At the end of 90 minute discussion, the child should be able to: a. distinguish on identity from fantasy; b. tell whether the ev…Full description
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Grade 9- MAPEH. (Prevention and control of substance use and abuse)
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LESSON PLAN MAPEH IVFull description
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This is a detailed lesson plan in Volcanism, it can be a basis in constructing lesson plan for teaching demonstration.
4a's lesson plan in biology digestive system
Basic Clothing - Sewing & Equipment
Respiratory System
Detailed Lesson Plan in Physics (momentum)
Detailed Lesson Plan in MAPEH Dramatization and Storytelling Method I. Objectives At the end o the lesson !""# o the st$dents m$st be at least % level o 'roiciency to( a. identiy the val$es o irst aid) b. list do*n the im'ortance o irst aid) and c. a''reciate the im'ortance o irst aid. II. S$bject Matter +o'ic, -irst Aid eerence, MAPEH I by /ilma 0. Perez Materials, Images) Manila Pa'er) La'to' and Projector. S1ills, 2oo'eration 0al$e, 0al$e, A''reciating the im'ortance o 1no*ledge abo$t irst aid.
Teacher`s Activity A. Pre'aratory Activities !. Prayer 3. 4reeting the 2lass 5. 2hec1ing o Attendance 6. Develo'mental Activities !. evie* 2lass) I have here some 7$mbled Letters *hich are related to o$r 'ast lesson. I need vol$nteers to arrange this letters. A. 2H8E 2H8EI+ I+9: 9: 9I+2 9I+2HE HE8 8 6. D6E D6EMO MOO: O: 6ED 6EDOO OOM M 2. +E-; +E-;AS 8O ODA ODA:: SA-E+; SA-E+; O8 OAD D. E2+E8A E2+E8A 8O ;S+ ;S+AI AI/ /A: E8+A82E O8 S+AI/A; 0ery 4ood< 3. Motivati ation 6eore *e 'roceed to o$r ne* lesson) *e *ill have an activity called =toss ino>.
Students Activity
I have here candies) some o these contains sit$ation *ritten on a 'iece o 'a'er. I?ll toss these candies and yo$ need to catch only one candy 'er st$dents. At the co$nt o three o'en the candies that yo$ got and read the sit$ation *ritten inside. Do I ma1e mysel clear@ O1) let?s start. teacher *ill toss the candiesB /ho among yo$ got the candies *ith sit$ational C$estions inside@ /ill yo$ read the sit$ation and ans*er the C$estion belo*@
0ery 4ood<
Yes Ma`am! sit$ationsB
1. You and your friends went for an outing in a beach resort, while having a swim; you noticed that one of your friends is drowning. You quickly swim towards him and brought him to the shore. he victim is unconscious and she needs to be given rst aid as soon as "ossible. #uestion$ %hat do you think are the rst aid commonly a""lied on that kind of situation& 'student will answer( 3. /hile on the street yo$ noticed a boy bi1ing then s$ddenly his bi1e *as o$t o control and the boy ell on a ro$gh loor. His 1nees bleed. $estion, /hat do yo$ thin1 are the irst aid commonly a''lied on that 1ind o sit$ation@ st$dent *ill ans*erB 5. +ogether *ith yo$r amily) yo$ *ent on a hi1ing) *hile *al1ing) yo$r sister got bitten by a sna1e. $estion, /hat do yo$ thin1 are the irst aid commonly a''lied on that 1ind o sit$ation@
6ase on the activity that *e did *hat do yo$ thin1 o$r lesson or today@ 5. Lesson Pro'er O1) irst aid is eactly *hat the *ord means)
st$dent *ill ans*erB
irst aid or hel' given. It is both immediate and tem'orary and is oten the dierence bet*een lie and death. -irst aid is the immediate care given and generally needed by anyone *ho is inj$red or gets s$ddenly ill. Act$ally) there are t*o main 'oints to remember *hen a''lying irst aid. -irs) attend at once to the most serio$sly inj$red. Second) al*ays remember that s'eed is necessary. It can s'ell o$t lie and death. 0al$es o irst aid !. Sel hel' :as a irst aider) yo$ sho$ld not only be 're'ared to hel' others) in case yo$ enco$nter s$ch emergencies and yo$r condition 1ee's yo$ rom caring or yo$rsel) yo$ can direct others in carrying o$t correct 'roced$res to ollo* on yo$r behal. 3. Hel' or others :as a irst aider yo$r are trained to give instr$ctions to 'romote a reasonable saety attit$de and to assist others *isely i they are s'o1en. +here is al*ays this obligation on a h$manitarian basis to assist the hel'less. +here is no greater satisaction than relieving one?s lie.
5. Pre'aration or disaster :irst aid training is im'ortant in case o catastro'hes *hen medical and hos'ital services are limited or delayed) catastro'hes may ta1e the orm o a h$rricane) lood) tornado) ire) earthC$a1e or e'losion. F. 4eneralization Let?s have some revie*) i yo$ really $nderstand o$r lesson or today. /hat are the val$es o irst aid@ Ma?am Sel hel') Hel' others and Pre'aration
or a disaster. 0ery 4ood< /hat are the t*o main 'oints to remember *hen a''lying irst aid@ 0ery 4ood< Do I ma1e mysel clear@
-irst) attend once to the most serio$sly inj$red. Second) s'eed is necessary it can s'ell o$t lie and death.
Are there any C$estions@ &. A''lication 2lass) I *ill gro$' yo$ into 3 gro$'s. this *ill be gro$' ! and 3. All yo$ have to do is to ma1e a 7azz 2hant abo$t -irst Aid. I0. Eval$ation Direction, /rite the ans*er beore the n$mber. !.