laporan kunjungan pabrik kuliah kerja lapangan upn veteran yogyakarta jurusan teknik industri angkatan 2013 ke PT Campina di Surabaya,Full description
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pembuatan ice cream
Vanilla Ie cream from she loves me the musical, piano sheet music. in original key this song is great for those sopranos who want to show off their vocal range whilst performing a comedic a…Full description
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laporan kunjungan pabrik kuliah kerja lapangan upn veteran yogyakarta jurusan teknik industri angkatan 2013 ke PT Campina di Surabaya,Deskripsi lengkap
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Vanilla Ie cream from she loves me the musical, piano sheet music. in original key this song is great for those sopranos who want to show off their vocal range whilst performing a comedic a…Descrição completa
Vanilla Ie cream from she loves me the musical, piano sheet music. in original key this song is great for those sopranos who want to show off their vocal range whilst performing a comedic a…Full description
Angel Chuta Period 1 3/15/11
Ice Cream Lab Report During this experiment we made milk change state to form ice cream without a freezer. We got into a group of four people and one person in the group had brought a bottle of Nesquik milk. First Mr.Dankaro poured ice into a Ziploc bag. then with a thermometer we measured the temperature of ice which was 0°C and the room temperature was 26°C. Then we poured the Nesquik into another Ziploc bag and put the bag into the bigger bag filled with ice but we made sure to close it tight. After, Mr.Dankaro poured ice cream salt into the ice and we closed up the bag. Next we gently rocked the bag from side to side on the table until the Nesquik milk had solidified. We all took turns and Mr.Dankaro also put a little vanilla into our bag to add more flavor. When we were done we measured the temperature of the ice again and it was -10°C. In the end all that was left from the ice was brine, a mixture of salt and water. My observations during this experiment were that first the ice was melting because of the salt. The water was condensating on the surface of the bag and was also frosting. I noticed that salt lowers the temperature of ice to below 0°C. Finally, we ate our ice cream and recorded the information onto a sheet. At first the liquid particles of the Nesquik were arranged in a random way and were close together but moving around each other but then the ice turned the liquid into a solid because it reached its freezing point so the particles changed, they were still close but vibrating in a fixed position and were arranged in a regular pattern.