UCK441E FLIGHT STABILITY AND CONTROL CLASS PROJECT Due 10 January 2016 at 18:00 Now that based on your student number’s last digit, you are assigned an aircraft from Nelson Appendix B at a particular flight condition, here is the Design Challenge Class Project: 1. PART A : Understanding Your Aircraft's Behavior (5pts) Using the stability coefficients given for your aircraft, program the longitudinal and lateral equations of motion. For both of these dynamics (i.e. longitudinal and lateral) a) Find the natural frequencies using both the general set of equations and approximations (i.e. such as short-period or dutch-roll mode approximation). Compare both of the solutions and provide insight to why the solutions are different or close to each other. b) Identify and categorize the class and flight phase of your aircraft. Based on the flying handling qualities, rate your aircraft's level. At this level, we assume that there is no active any stability and flight augmentation control system design. If you are excited, you can try to give a pseudo pilot Cooper-Harper scale rating also.
2. PART B : Stability Augmentation System Design (5pts+ 3pts Bonus) Taking the flying handling qualities and your gut judgment as the norm, improve or enhance flying characteristics of your aircraft: a) Design a longitudinal stability augmentation system for the short-period mode. You can do this in a straightforward fashion using the rate and gain feedback techniques and examples shown in class. b) Design a lateral stability augmentation system for the dutch-roll mode. You can do this in a straightforward fashion using the rate and gain feedback techniques and examples shown in class. c) BONUS (3pt.): To get the bonus, include the dynamics of the actuators (i.e. the servo dynamics) on your controller synthesis and while evaluating the response of your aircraft. For all the systems expect thrust assume that the dynamics look like this : for example; for the elevator it can
it looks something like
𝛿𝑒_𝑖𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡 𝛿𝑡_𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡 𝛿𝑡_𝑖𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡
= 𝑠+8 and for the throttle (i.e. the engine dynamics) assume that 1
= 𝑠+1.
PART C : Autopilot Mode System Design (8 pts)
To have these extra points directly affecting your grade, review Chapter 8 of Nelson one more time and design these autopilot modes including the servo dynamics: a) Either a pitch displacement autopilot or roll attitude autopilot. (2 Pts) b) Either an altitude hold control system or velocity hold control system. (2 Pts) c) Design a coordinated turn control system (See Fig. 1) for the aircraft by using root-locus method. Plot the response of the closed-loop system and rudder control signal for 𝛿𝑎 = +2° pilot step input. (2 Pts)
Figure 1: Block diagram of system using sideslip to obtain coordination.
d) After you designed the linear control systems, evaluate the amplitude of the control signals which are fed to the aircraft control surface actuators. Add saturations to the control systems as mentioned below. Plot the control signal of the closed-loop systems. If necessary, re-design the control systems. (1 Pts) -
Elevator deflection limit, 𝛿𝑒 = ±30° Aileron deflection limit, 𝛿𝑎 = ±30° Rudder deflection limit, 𝛿𝑟 = ±30° Select and apply an appropriate control signal limit for the velocity hold autopilot of your aircraft.
e) Obtain the closed-loop responses and control signals of the systems that you chose in 3a and 3b for initial conditions given below: (1 Pts) - For pitch displacement control system, Δ𝜃0 = 5° - For roll attitude control system, Δ𝜙0 = 5° - For altitude hold control system, Δℎ0 = −5 𝑚 - For velocity hold control system, Δ𝑉0 = −20 𝑚/𝑠
Allocation of HW AIRCRAFT Your student number last digit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
Aircraft Name Navion F-104 F-104 A-4D A-4D JetStar JetStar Convair880 Convair880 Boeing 747
Flight Condition M=0.158 M=0.257 M=1.8 M=0.4 M=0.8 M=0.2 M=0.8 M=0.25 M=0.8 M=0.9
Important Note Please note that we provide the below parameters for your associated aircraft. These parameters will be sufficient for you to do many of the designs. Given your design approach, there can be needs for finding or approximating stability or control derivatives. In these cases, we expect you to do literature search to find these parameters, or approximate these parameters through additional computation or just by making engineering and logical approximations. In this case, do not forget to reference and note the details of your approximation and thinking. Include plots, figures, equations and your code to support your results!!! If you do not provide it you will not get any marks!!!! Cheating at any part (including replicating code,etc…) means automatic zero!!! If you cannot find some of the aerodynamic coefficients of the assigned aircraft, you can use additional reference book which is given below. Napolitano M. R., “Aircraft Dynamics: From Modeling to Simulation”, John Wiley & Sons, 2012
2) F-104-A FIGHTER
5) CONVAIR 880
6) BOEING 747