Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region III Division of Nueva Ecija District of Jaen Lesson Plan in Science 6 ebruar! "#$ "%&' (rade )I
+bjective, Identifes and illustrates common constellations in the sky. Value Focus: Appreciate the beauty o God’s creation.
Learning -as.s, /* Subjec Subjectt 0att 0atter, er, Constellations 1* Re Refe fere renc nces es,, Science and ealth !"# pa$es %%& Into the Future '# p.(&) * (&' Science and ealth '# p. (+, 2* Scien Science ce 2once 2oncept, pt, Constellations are $roup o stars that orm patterns. D* 0ate 0ateri rial als, s, Illustration sho-in$ the constellations in the sky# "o-er"oint "resentation# "roector# Sky /odel
Procedure, /* Dail Dail! ! Routi Routine ne Good /ornin$ class0 "lease remain standin$ and let us be$in our lesson -ith a prayer. 1ho -ants to lead2
Good /ornin$ /a’am0
8h my God I o9er to you
3eore you take you seat# please pick up all the pieces o paper and plastic under your chair. 4elaine is there there any absent absent or today2
1* Revi Revie3 e3 1ho can still remember our pre5ious lesson2 A$ain# -hy do stars seem to t-inkle2
;o /a’am.
It’s all about the t-inklin$ o the stars. Stars seem to t-inkle because -e see them throu$h the layers o the atmosphere surroundin$ the earth.
Very Good. Stars do not really t-inkle up in the space. It only appears to t-inkle in our eyes because -e see them throu$h the layers o the atmosphere surroundin$ the earth. ;one /a’am. 6o you ha5e any 7uestion re$ardin$ the t-inklin$ o the stars2
>es /a’am0
2* 0otivation Class# a5e you tried lookin$ up in the sky at ni$ht2
It is really beautiul /a’am0
1hat can you say -ith the 5ie- o the ni$ht sky2 6o you a$ree -ith your classmate class2 It is really nice to kno- that all o us did appreciate the beauty o God’s creation.
>es /a’am0
Isn’t it2 ;o /a’am. I ha5e here a model o the ni$ht sky -here you can see numerous number o stars that orms a distincti5e pattern.
>es /a’am0
Are you amiliar -ith the constellation2 a5e you tried starin$ at the stars or a lon$ period o time2
Some o the stars orm a shape.
!et us assume that it is a real ni$ht sky. 1hat did you noticed -ith the stars2
Very Good. Can you name some o the patterns or shape that you can see in this picture2
Goin$ back -ith our sky model# -hat are the patterns that you can see2 Very Good Class0
/* Lesson Proper 1. Pre Activity Discussion
/aa’m constellations are the patterns that -e sa- in the ni$ht sky.
deri5ed rom Greek /ytholo$y.
It consist o stars. It looks like a scoop or a pitcher.
It consist o stars. It also looks like a pitcher.
It consist o & stars. It seems to orm letter 1. 3ecause it looks like a 7ueen sittin$ on her throne.
!ittle 6ipper is also a part o the constellation Ursa Minor or the Small bear .
It consists o many stars.
=actly. It is named ater Eueen Cassiopeia in Greek /ytholo$y. Accordin$ to the myth# Eueen Cassiopeia -as condemned by the sea God "oseidon and placed her in the sky as her punishment.
It seems to orm a man holdin$ a shield.
/aybe because it shapes resembles a hunter.
o- many stars does the 8rion has made o2 Actually class# 8rion has maor stars. ( stars on its shoulder# ( stars on its knee# and + stars on its belt. 1hat is the pattern that you can see in this constellation2 1hy do you think it is called 8rion the $reat hunter2 Its name also came rom Greek /ytholo$y. Accordin$ to the myth# 8rion# the mortal son o the sea God "oseidon -as killed by a $iant scorpion. eus took pity on him and placed him in the sky. Are you amiliar -ith the + stars located -ith 8rion’s belt2 Correct. 8rion’s belt is the amous Hou must cut and paste certain number o stars and connects it to orm a particular constellation that -as assi$ned to your $roup. For $roup 6ippper. For $roup For $roup For $roup
%# you may illustrate the 3i$ (# the !ittle 6ipper. +# the Cassiopeia# the Eueen )# the 8rian# the $reat hunter
ach $roup must select % representati5e that -ill e=plain here in ront. I -ill $i5e you ten minutes to fnish your acti5ity. >ou may start no-. ?Ater the acti5ity#
3. Generalization 1hat are the our common constellation2
Evaluation, 6ra- the our common constellations and -rite a short descriptions on it.
It looks like the popularly kno-n H
/ssignment, Gi5e & e=amples o ocially reco$niBed constellations. 6ra- it on your notebook.
Prepared by: /s. AnaliBa 4. Ison "ractice
Checked by: /s. /arianne "ascual Critic