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CASE TITLE: Landbank v. Listana GR NO.: G.R. No. 152611 DATE: August 5 2!!" #ETITIONER: #ETITIONER: Landbank o$ t%& #%i'i((in&s RES#ONDENT: S&v&)ino Listana *ACTS: R&s(ond&nt Listana o+&)&d to s&'' %is 'and,2-6.!561 %a. in So)sogon to t%& gov&)n/&nt t%)oug% t%& DAR und&) t%& CARL. DAR va'u&d t%& ()o(&)t0 at #5163.!" but Listana )&$us&d to s&'' at t%at ()i4&. An ad/inist)ativ& ad/inist)ativ& ()o4&&ding und&) t%& D&(a)t/&nt o$ Ag)a)ian R&$o)/ Adudi4ation oa)d ,DARA d&t&)/in&d t%& ust 4o/(&nsation o$ t%& 'and at #1!35636" and o)d&)&d #&tition&) #&tition&) LANDAN7 to (a0 t%& sa/& to Listana. A 8)it o$ &9&4ution 8as issu&d b0 #ARAD,#)ov. Ag)a)ian R&$o)/ Aduti4ato) to 8%i4% LANDAN7 did not 4o/('0. A otion $o) Cont&/(t 8as ;'&d b0 Listana 8it% t%& #ARAD against (&tition&) LANDAN7. #ARAD g)ant&d t%& otion $o) Cont&/(t 4iting $o) indi)&4t 4ont&/(t and o)d&)ing t%& a))&st o$ ALE< A. LORA=ES t%& anag&) o$ L#. L# obtain&d a ()&'i/ina)0 inun4tion $)o/ t%& R&giona' T)ia' Cou)t o$ So)sogon to )&st)ain DARA $)o/ issuing t%& o)d&) o$ a))&st. Listana ;'&d a s(&4ia' 4ivi' a4tion $o) 4&)tio)a)i 8it% t%& Cou)t o$ A((&a's. CA nu''i;&d t%& o)d&) o$ t%& RTC. #&tition&) L# t%&n ;'&d a (&tition $o) )&vi&8 8it% t%& Su()&/& Cou)t. ISS>E: ?%&t%&) o) not t%& #ARAD@s o)d&) o$ 4ont&/(t 8as inva'id. ELD: =&s. =&s. It 8as inva'id inva'id $o) t%& $o''o8ing $o''o8ing )&asons: )&asons: a. t%& Ru'&s o$ Cou)t 4'&a)'0 )&Bui)& t%& ;'ing o$ a v&)i;&d (&tition 8it% t%& R&giona' T)ia' T)ia' Cou)t 8%i4% 8%i4% 8as not 4o/('i&d 8it% in t%is 4as&. 4as&. T%& 4%a)g& 4%a)g& 8as not initiat&d initiat&d b0 t%& #ARAD motu proprio; )at%&) proprio; )at%&) it 8as b0 a /otion ;'&d b0 )&s(ond&nt. )&s(ond&nt. b. n&it%&) t%& #ARAD no) t%& DARA %av& u)isdi4tion to d&4id& t%& 4ont&/(t 4%a)g& ;'&d b0 t%& )&s(ond&nt. T%& issuan4& o$ a 8a))ant o$ a))&st 8as b&0ond t%& (o8&) o$ t%& #ARAD and t%& DARA.
Quasi-judicial agencies that have the power to cite persons for indirect contemp t (u)suant to Ru'& 1 o$ t%& Ru'&s o$ Cou)t can only do so by initiating them in the proper Regional Trial Court. It is not 8it%in t%&i) u)isdi4tion and 4o/(&t&n4& to d&4id& t%& indi)&4t indi)&4t 4ont&/(t 4as&s. T%&s& /att&)s a)& sti'' 8it%in t%& ()ovin4& o$ t%& R&giona' T)ia' Cou)ts. In t%& ()&s&nt 4as& t%& indi)&4t 4ont&/(t 4%a)g& 8as ;'&d not 8it% t%& R&giona' T)ia' Cou)t but 8it% t%& #ARAD and it 8as t%& #ARAD t%at 4it&d ). Lo)a0&s 8it% indi)&4t 4ont&/(t. T%us t%& o)d&) o)d&) 8as REERSED REERSED and SET SET ASIDE. #&tition #&tition g)ant&d.