Good for one who doesn,t know the format of field trip reportFull description
mangrove, coral, and seagrass assessment on Nogas Island, Anini-yFull description
Contoh Laporan Kegiatan Field Trip
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field trpFull description
batuanDeskripsi lengkap
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Field report on aravali biodiversity parkFull description
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Trip Geology
this report was prepared after visiting the Fonterra milk processing factory at Biyagama, Sri Lanka.
Field trip report to Cabury Chocolate Factory
Chan Zhi Hui Jacqueline Anne 35 students
The purpose of this field trip is to understand and experience the chocolate making process in Cabury Chocolate actory! Apart from that this trip is also carried out to understand the manufacturing of the chocolate into consumer products! Cabury "te! #td! $as founded in %&'(! )nitially it $as established to supply chocolates to other companies like *it*at and +estle $hich produce chocolate snacks snacks in the market! )t had only ' $orkers $ho $orked in their o$n houses! Then Cabury built its first first factory at ,ri -ading )ndustrial .state at Johor in %&&/ and it has 0 factories by no$1 $ith more than 322 $orkers carrying out the process! After years of research1 Cabury has finally found some special technique to produce a high quality chocolate chocolate in a high quantity! quantity! This includes includes the secret recipe they used to produce chocolate and the machines $ith a higher efficiency!
Field Observation
There are about (22 employees in the factories diided into t$o main departments $hich are production department and marketing department! This factory factory has a unique $ay of making chocolate! chocolate! +e$ chocolate chocolate ideas are sketched sketched and designed in the lab1 before being moulded and packaged in a small laboratory in the factory1 to $hich access $as not allo$ed! 4nce approed1 the chocolate designs are gien the green light to be manufactured in local factories across the country! hile the fundamentals of the chocolate are essentially the same! This factory1 factory1 $hich is opening on $eekdays1 pumps out 3 million blocks of chocolate per day! This This machin machines es had been upgrad upgraded ed fe$ months ago to increa increase se the product production ion and enhance the taste taste of the chocolate! chocolate! Ho$eer Ho$eer the factory is still still lacking of experts that handles the machine! This has delayed the operation operation of some machines in the the factory! Conclusion
This factory plays a ery important role in producing a good quality chocolate! )t is encouraged for the factory to continue the chocolate making research in order to produce a $hole ne$ taste of chocolate for consumers!