Understanding Overtime Schemas and Rules in Payroll and Time Evaluation
F o r R / 3 R e l e a s e 3 . 0 0 F
SAP Labs, Inc. R/3 Simplification Group
Understanding Overtime Schemas and Rules in Payroll and Time Evaluation Copyright
Copyright ©
1998 1998 includ ing screensh ots by SAP Labs, Inc. Inc. All rights r eserved .
Neither this documentation nor any p art of it it may be copied copied or rep rodu ced in any form or by any means or translated into an other langu age, without the p rior consent of SAP SAP Labs, Inc. Inc. SAP Labs, Inc. makes no warranties or representations with respect to the content hereof and specifically disclaims disclaims any implied w arranties of merchantability merchantability or fitness fitness for for an y p articular articular p urp ose. SAP Labs, Inc. Inc. assumes no respon sibil sibility ity for for any errors that may ap pear in this documen t. The information information contained contained in this docu men t is subject to chan chan ge withou t notice. SAP Labs, Inc. reserv es the right to make an y such chang es withou t obligation obligation to notify any person o f such rev ision ision or chan ges. SAP Labs, Inc. ma kes no commitment to keep the information contained contained h erein up to d ate. SAP is is a registered trad ema rk of SAP SAP Labs, Inc. Inc. All other prod ucts mentioned in this docum entation are registered registered or u nregistered tradem arks of their their respective respective companies.
Understanding Overtime Schemas and Rules in Payroll and Time Evaluation
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Understanding Overtime Schemas and Rules in Payroll and Time Evaluation Copyright
Copyright ©
1998 1998 includ ing screensh ots by SAP Labs, Inc. Inc. All rights r eserved .
Neither this documentation nor any p art of it it may be copied copied or rep rodu ced in any form or by any means or translated into an other langu age, without the p rior consent of SAP SAP Labs, Inc. Inc. SAP Labs, Inc. makes no warranties or representations with respect to the content hereof and specifically disclaims disclaims any implied w arranties of merchantability merchantability or fitness fitness for for an y p articular articular p urp ose. SAP Labs, Inc. Inc. assumes no respon sibil sibility ity for for any errors that may ap pear in this documen t. The information information contained contained in this docu men t is subject to chan chan ge withou t notice. SAP Labs, Inc. reserv es the right to make an y such chang es withou t obligation obligation to notify any person o f such rev ision ision or chan ges. SAP Labs, Inc. ma kes no commitment to keep the information contained contained h erein up to d ate. SAP is is a registered trad ema rk of SAP SAP Labs, Inc. Inc. All other prod ucts mentioned in this docum entation are registered registered or u nregistered tradem arks of their their respective respective companies.
Understanding Overtime Schemas and Rules in Payroll and Time Evaluation
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
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UnderstandingOvertime Schemas andRules inPayroll andTime Evaluation
Contents Introduction to Overtime ........................................................... .......................................................................................... ............................................................................. ............................................................................. ................................................v .................v Overview ............................................................ ............................................................................................ ........................................................... .......................................................... .............................................................. .....................................................v ......................v Release 3.0F, U.S. Country-Specific................................ Country-Specific................................................................ ............................................................ ........................................................... .............................................................. ...................................... .......vv Who Should Use This Guide .............................................................. ............................................................................................. .......................................................... .......................................................... .....................................................v ......................v Some Commonly Asked Questions................................ Questions................................................................ ............................................................... ............................................................. ............................................................. ..................................... ...... vi On What is an R/3 Overtime Payment Based? ........................................................... ........................................................................................ ............................................................. ................................................ ................ vi How is the Hourly Rate Calculated?....................................................................................... Calculated?............................................................................................................... ....................................................... .......................................... ........... vi How is the Hours Threshold Determined?................................................................. Determined?................................................................................................ ............................................................... ................................................ ................ vi How Can I Configure Overtime According to the FLSA Regulations?................................................. Regulations?................................................................................ ..................................................... ...................... vi What If Overtime Is Compensated by Additional Leave or a Combination of Leave and Extra Payments? ........................................... ........................................... vii What If There Are Different Workweek Definitions? Definiti ons?........................... .......................................................... ........................................................... ............................................................ .......................................... .......... vii How Can I Set Up Different Overtime Rules for the Fifty Unions in My Company? ........................................................... ................................................................................ ..................... vii Chapter 1: Generating Overtime in the System ................................................ .................................................................................... .................................................................. ...................................................... ........................ 1–1 Overview ............................................................ ............................................................................................ ........................................................... .......................................................... .............................................................. ................................................. .................. 1–1 Automatic Overtime Generation............................... Generation .............................................................. ............................................................... ............................................................... .............................................................. .......................................1–1 ........1–1 Manual Data Entry................................................................ Entry................................................................................................ ............................................................. ............................................................. ............................................................1–1 ............................1–1 Chapter 2: Schemas and Rules—The Basics.................................................... Basics.................................................................................... ....................................................................... ..........................................................2–1 ...................2–1 Overview ............................................................ ............................................................................................ ........................................................... .......................................................... .............................................................. ................................................. .................. 2–1 The Payroll Calculation Program................................ Program............................................................... ............................................................... ............................................................. ............................................................ .......................................2–1 ........2–1 Schemas .......................................................... ......................................................................................... .............................................................. ............................................................. ............................................................. .................................................2–2 ..................2–2 Subschema UT00......................................... UT00........................................................................ ............................................................... .............................................................. ............................................................. ............................................2–3 .............2–3 Accessing Schemas and Rules..................................................... Rules.................................................................................... ......................................................... .......................................................... .......................................................2–5 .......................2–5 Accessing Help When Looking at the Source Text ........................................................... ....................................................................................... ............................................................ ........................................2–5 ........2–5 Schemas and Rules Documentation (RPDSYS00) .......................................................... .......................................................................................... ................................................................ .............................................2–5 .............2–5 Schema Functions................................ Functions............................................................... ............................................................... .............................................................. .............................................................. ............................................................2–6 ............................2–6 Accessing Rules Using Functions PIT and PORT............................................................................... PORT......................................................................................................... ..................................................2–7 ........................2–7 Accessing Rules and Relating Employee Subgroups to Certain Table Settings using Function MOD .................................................2–8 .................................................2–8 Accessing Different Rule Variants............................... Variants .............................................................. ............................................................... .............................................................. .........................................................2–11 ...........................2–11 Grouping Employees with Different Payment Structures Using Rule Variants and Operation OUTWP .....................................................2–12 .....................................................2–12 Grouping Using Rule Variants.............................. Variants ............................................................. .............................................................. ........................................................... ........................................................... .....................................2–12 ......2–12 Grouping Using Operation OUTWP ............................................................ ........................................................................................... ............................................................. .........................................................2–13 ...........................2–13 Copying and Amending Delivered Schemas and Rules....................................... Rules...................................................................... ............................................................ ........................................................2–15 ...........................2–15 Naming Conventions ............................................................ ........................................................................................... .......................................................... ........................................................... .....................................................2–15 .....................2–15 Tracking Customer Schemas and Rules..................................................... Rules.................................................................................... ................................................................ ................................................................ ................................2–16 .2–16 Documenting New or Amended Schemas and Rules ............................................................ ............................................................................................ ............................................................... .....................................2–18 ......2–18 Changing the Schema or Rule Description and Documentation .............................................................. ............................................................................................. ...........................................2–18 ............2–18 Chapter 3: Wage Type Valuation........................................................ Valuation....................................................................................... ........................................................................ ......................................................................... .................................... 3–1 Overview ............................................................ ............................................................................................ ........................................................... .......................................................... .............................................................. ................................................. .................. 3–2 Number x Rate = Amount.......................................... Amount......................................................................... ............................................................... .............................................................. ............................................................. .......................................3–2 ........3–2 Valuation Using Rules .......................................................... .......................................................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ............................................................... .................................3–2 ..3–2 Wage Type Valuation Flow: A High-Level Summary ........................................................................... ............................................................................................................ .........................................................3–3 ........................3–3 Wage Type Valuation Flow ............................................................. ............................................................................................. ............................................................. ............................................................ .................................................3–4 ..................3–4 Filling the Payroll Input Table with an Hourly Rate Using Usi ng Rules X010 and X013......................................................................... X013..................................................................................3–4 .........3–4 Rule X010......................................... X010........................................................................ ............................................................... ........................................................... .......................................................... ...........................................................3–5 ............................3–5 Rule X013......................................... X013........................................................................ ............................................................... ........................................................... .......................................................... ...........................................................3–6 ............................3–6 Rule X015......................................... X015........................................................................ ............................................................... ........................................................... .......................................................... ...........................................................3–7 ............................3–7
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Understanding Overtime Schemas and Rules in Payroll and Time Evaluation Error! No text of specified style in document.
Rule X016.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 3–9 Rule X017............................................................................................................................................................................................3–10 Rule X018............................................................................................................................................................................................3–10 Configuring Wage Type Valuation in the IMG .............................................................................................................................................3–12 Create Constant Valuation Bases .......................................................................................................................................................3–12 Create Person-Related Valuation Bases (linked to Basic pay) ...........................................................................................................3–19 Assign Valuation Bases.......................................................................................................................................................................3–26 Valuating Time Wage Types with Average Amounts over a Given Period .................................................................................................3–29 Primary Wage Types to be Included in Evaluation Bases...................................................................................................................3–30 Primary (Time) Wage Types to be Evaluated by Averages Processing ..............................................................................................3–31 Chapter 4: Calculating Daily and Weekly Overtime.................................................................................................................................... 4–1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4–1 The Time Evaluation Program.......................................................................................................................................................................4–2 Schema TM04 (Negative Time Processing)..................................................................................................................................................4–2 The USA Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) ..................................................................................................................................................4–2 Federal Law verses State Law ..............................................................................................................................................................4–3 Exempt and Nonexempt Employees .....................................................................................................................................................4–3 Regular Rate of Pay ..............................................................................................................................................................................4–3 Daily Balance Table TES and Monthly Balance Table SALDO.....................................................................................................................4–4 Calculating Weekly Overtime (TW30 or TW20) ............................................................................................................................................4–5 Subschema TW30—Weekly Overtime for Different Workweeks ..........................................................................................................4–6 Employees with Workweeks that Have Start Times..............................................................................................................................4–6 Employees with Workweeks that Do Not Have Start Times................................................................................................................4–11 Subschema TW20: Weekly Overtime for One Workweek...................................................................................................................4–12 Calculating Daily Overtime (Subschema TW15) .........................................................................................................................................4–14 Rule TO01...........................................................................................................................................................................................4–15 Rule TO02...........................................................................................................................................................................................4–16 Calculating Overtime Based on Consecutive Attendance Days (TW10).....................................................................................................4–17 Rule TW00 ..........................................................................................................................................................................................4–17 Rule TO00...........................................................................................................................................................................................4–18 Chapter 5: Compensating Overtime with Remuneration or Vacation ...................................................................................................... 5–1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5–1 Choosing a Compensation Type...................................................................................................................................................................5–2 Configuring Processing Class 17 for Overtime Wage Types ........................................................................................................................5–2 Data Flow: Rules TC20, TC21, TC22....................................................................................................................................................5–3 Data Flow: TC10, TC11, TC12..............................................................................................................................................................5–3 Configuring Overtime Compensation in Rules TC20, TC21, and TC22........................................................................................................5–3 Rule TC20 .............................................................................................................................................................................................5–4 Rule TC21 .............................................................................................................................................................................................5–5 Rule TC22 .............................................................................................................................................................................................5–6 Configuring Overtime Compensation in Rules TC10, TC11, TC12...............................................................................................................5–7 Rule TC10 .............................................................................................................................................................................................5–7 Rule TC11 .............................................................................................................................................................................................5–8 Rule TC12 .............................................................................................................................................................................................5–9 Chapter 6: Overtime in Schema TM00 (Positive Time Processing) .......................................................................................................... 6–1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6–1 Schema TM00—Positive Time Recording ....................................................................................................................................................6–1 Subschema TO00 .................................................................................................................................................................................6–2 Subschema TC20 ..................................................................................................................................................................................6–2
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
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Chapter 7: Main Steps in Overtime Processing, Steps 1–8 .......................................................................................................................7–1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7–1 Steps 1–8: The Time Evaluation Program ....................................................................................................................................................7–1 Schema TM04 .......................................................................................................................................................................................7–2 Step 1: Function MOD sets Table Modifiers..........................................................................................................................................7–4 Step 2: Hours Collection........................................................................................................................................................................7–5 Step 3: Assign Hours to Time Pairs in T555Y .......................................................................................................................................7–5 Step 4: Calculate Overtime Hours and Flag Overtime Pairs .................................................................................................................7–9 Step 5: Generate Time Wage Types from Time Pairs.........................................................................................................................7–10 Step 6: Further Processing of Overtime Wage Types .........................................................................................................................7–15 Step 7: Check Overtime Compensation Account ................................................................................................................................7–16 Step 8: Export Results to Payroll Input File PCL2...............................................................................................................................7–17 Chapter 8: Main Steps in Overtime Processing, Steps 9–16 .....................................................................................................................8–1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8–1 Steps 9–16: The Payroll Calculation Program ..............................................................................................................................................8–1 Step 9: Schema U000—Subschema UODP Imports Data From PCL2 Cluster B2...............................................................................8–2 Step 10: Rules X010 and X013 Commence Wage Type Valuation ......................................................................................................8–4 Step 11: Function MOD Sets Table Modifiers .......................................................................................................................................8–4 Step 12: Import Cluster B2 Data for PDC Employees and Process TC00 ............................................................................................8–5 Step 13: Weekly Overtime Analysis ......................................................................................................................................................8–7 Step 14: Process Infotype 2010 Data in X930.......................................................................................................................................8–9 Step 15: U.S. FLSA Regular Rate of Pay Valuation............................................................................................................................8–10 Step 16: The Final Step in Wage Type Valuation, Rule X015.............................................................................................................8–14
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Introduction to Overtime Overview
Introduction to Overtime Contents Overview ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................v Release 3.0F, U.S. Country-Specific......................................................................................................................................................................v Who Should Use This Guide ..................................................................................................................................................................................v Some Commonly Asked Questions .....................................................................................................................................................................vi What is an R/3 Overtime Payment Based On? ................................................................................................................................................ vi How is the Hourly Rate Calculated?................................................................................................................................................................. vi How is the Hours Threshold Determined? ....................................................................................................................................................... vi How Can I Configure Overtime According to the FLSA Regulations? ............................................................................................................. vi What If Overtime Is Compensated by Additional Leave or a Combination of Leave and Extra Payments? ................................................... vii What If There Are Different Workweek Definitions?........................................................................................................................................ vii How Can I Set Up Different Overtime Rules for the Fifty Unions in My Company? ........................................................................................ vii
Overview This docum entation is intend ed as an introd uction to R/ 3 overtime configuration. We have app roached this subject from a bu siness persp ective, with specific topics that a dd ress the m ost importan t issues faced by customers. Technical detail is provided wh ere necessary. How ever, it shou ld be noted that the information sup plements, and does not rep lace, formal SAP HR and Payroll training courses that p rovide the correct app roach to learning HR and Payroll configura tion. This docum entation also does not attemp t to explain the d etailed w orkings of the Payroll Calculation or Time Evaluation progr ams or how they relate to each other and the ma ster data. SAP ma ster data, Payroll, and Time Evaluation courses are the prerequ isites to using this documentation.
Release 3.0F, U.S. Country-Specific This docum entation is based on U.S. release 3.0F and explains U.S. overtime bu siness requirem ents an d legislation. In oth er countries, business requirements an d legislation m ay d iffer from those d iscussed h ere. Different releases, or d ifferent coun try versions of the system m ight use th e wa ge types, schema s, and rules in this d ocument in d ifferent way s. Later releases may also contain d ifferent configuration solutions to the business requirements d iscussed in this d ocum ent. This docum entation is a guid e to the general workings of the system, not an exact m app ing of the ar ea’s configur ations.
Who Should Use This Guide This docum entation is for consultants and customers wh o are familiar with HR master data an d w ho w ant to configure Payroll and Time Man agement. The majority of customers wh o implement Payr oll will require some overtime configura tion, so this documen tation u ses this common custom er requ irement to explain th e basic w orkings of the Payroll and Time Man agement p rogram s.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Introduction to Overtime Some Commonly Asked Questions
Anyone r elatively new to Payr oll and Time Mana gement configur ation will find that one of the har dest concepts to master is how w age types, schemas, and rules work an d r elate to each other. This docum entation attemp ts to: •
Introdu ce this relationship and its imp act on overtime configur ation
Explain the op erations in th e relevant rules
With this information, w e hop e that beginners w ill quickly become familiar with the m ost comm only used schemas, rules, functions, and op erations and will acquire the know ledge to intuitively expand their skills into other Payroll and Time Managem ent areas. Finally, for experienced consultants wh o need a reliable reference, this documentation shou ld be seen a s a checklist to see how schemas an d rules are u sed for p articular asp ects of overtime configura tion. We hope this documentation w ill bridge the gap between H R master data configuration and the more complex Payroll and Time Managem ent configuration.
Some Commonly Asked Questions Overtime configuration dep ends u pon a n um ber of factors that relate to actual customer requ irements. The following business requirements are d iscussed in this docum entation:
On What is an R/3 Overtime Payment Based? Is an R/ 3 Overtime p ayment based on a p ercentage of basic pay a straight amou nt, regardless of how man y hour s are worked (such as a bonu s), or is it calculated from the av erage earnings over a period of time? See chap ter 3, W age Ty pe V aluation for the various alternatives to see how these p ayments can be configured.
How is the Hourly Rate Calculated? Most overtime calculations involve the use of an h ourly ra te, which comes from either a percentage of basic pay elements or from an average of basic pay over d ifferent periods. R/ 3 calculates this using wage typ e valu ation. See chapt er 3, W age Ty pe V aluation for how different hou rly rates can be configur ed.
How is the Hours Threshold Determined? With R/ 3 you can app ly an hour s threshold so that the calculated overtime is based on excess hours p er da y, per w eek, and so on. See chap ter 4, Calculating O v ertim e on a Daily or W eekly Basis for furth er details.
How Can I Configure Overtime According to the FLSA Regulations? Chap ter 4 contains a sum mary of the FLSA regu lations and details how the system can be configur ed to calculate overtime an d comp loy with these regu lations.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Introduction to Overtime Some Commonly Asked Questions
What If Overtime Is Compensated by Additional Leave or a Combination of Leave and Extra Payments? Each of these options can be configur ed into an overtime wag e type, so that the w age type a utom atically behaves in a certain w ay wh en ad ditional hours are w orked. See chap ter 6, Com p ensating Overtime wit h Rem un eration or V acation for details.
What If There Are Different Workweek Definitions? Your compan y m ay have a requ irement, for examp le, to calculate overtime for some w orkers using a Mond ay-to-Sun day w orkweek, wh ile other wor kers have their overtime calculated u sing a Sund ay-toSaturd ay w orkw eek. Chapter 5 contains details on configuring the system to calculate overtime for emp loyees who have d ifferent wor kweeks.
How Can I Set Up Different Overtime Rules for the Fifty Unions in My Company? Cha pter 3, the section Groupin g Em ployees with Different Paym ent Structures Using Rule V ariants and Operation OUTW P describes how you can configure d ifferent calculation r ules for different grou ps of employees.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Generating Overtime in the System Overview
Chapter 1: Generating Overtime in the System Contents Overview .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1–1 Automatic Overtime Generation ........................................................................................................................................................................1–1 Manual Data Entry...............................................................................................................................................................................................1–1
Overview The system genera tes overtime d etails either au tomatically or manu ally. Whether you u se autom atic generation or manu al data entry d epend s up on the customer’s needs and the system’s configuration.
Automatic Overtime Generation When u sing positive time to record clock-in an d clock-out tim es, you can configu re the system to autom atically generate overtime remu neration compensation.
Manual Data Entry To manu ally record overtime, the overtime hou rs, or start-and -end times, enter the information in the following infotypes: •
Infotype 2010 (EE Remuneration ) The user chooses a wage typ e, it determines the compensation type an d r ate. Infotype 2010 also allow s the user to choose a premium , w hich can have d ifferent p re-configured amou nts or percentages depend ent on different personnel subarea grou pings. This premium is not a wage typ e, but w ould valuate a relevant wage type for an emp loyee.
Infotype 2005 (Overtime) The user does not hav e to choose a wage typ e. The w age type or time bonu s that is generated will dep end on the following type of information:
The employee group ing The pu blic holida y class The du ration of overtime
Infotype 2007 (Attendance Quotas ) This infotype enables the user to ad d a n um ber of hours to quota typ e 01 (App roved Ov ertime).
For infotypes 2005 an d 2007 , the user can choose whether ad ditional hou rs are reward ed by add itional remu neration, comp ensation, or both. How ever, the only wage typ es that can be valu ated by th is choice are tho se with pr ocessing class 17; values 6, 7, 8, and 9; or D, E, and F. This configura tion is explained in chapter 5, Comp ensating Ov ertim e with R emu neration or Vacation .
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Generating Overtime in the System Manual Data Entry
Infotype 2002 (Attendances) Attendan ce types can be configured to correspond to time p airs that have pr ocessing type M for overtime in T555Y. The u ser can choose the relevant attendan ce type, and enter the n um ber of hour s attended for overtime.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Schemas and Rules—The Basics Overview
Chapter 2: Schemas and Rules—The Basics Contents Overview .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2–1 The Payroll Calculation Program.......................................................................................................................................................................2–1 Schemas ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................2–2 Subschema UT00.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 2–3 Accessing Schemas and Rules ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2–5 Accessing Help When Looking at the Source Text ....................................................................................................................................... 2–5 Schemas................................................................................................................................................................................................2–5 Rules .....................................................................................................................................................................................................2–5 Schemas and Rules Documentation (RPDSYS00)........................................................................................................................................... 2–5 Schema Functions ..............................................................................................................................................................................................2–6 Accessing Rules Using Functions PIT and PORT ........................................................................................................................................ 2–7 SCHEMA xxxx .......................................................................................................................................................................................2–7 Accessing Rules and Relating Employee Subgroups to Certain Table Settings using Function MO D.........................................................2–8 Accessing Different Rule Variants...............................................................................................................................................................2–11 Grouping Employees with Different Payment Structures Using Rule Variants and Operation OUTWP .................................................. 2–12 Grouping Using Rule Variants..................................................................................................................................................................... 2–12 Grouping Using Operation OUTWP ............................................................................................................................................................2–13 Copying and Amending Delivered Schemas and Rules................................................................................................................................ 2–15 Naming Conventions................................................................................................................................................................................... 2–15 Schemas..............................................................................................................................................................................................2–16 Rules ...................................................................................................................................................................................................2–16 Tracking Customer Schemas and Rules ........................................................................................................................................................ 2–16 Documenting New or Amended Schemas and Rules....................................................................................................................................2–18 Changing the Schema or Rule Description and Documentation................................................................................................................. 2–18
Overview The chapters that follow discuss the different Payroll Calculation ru les that affect wage type valu ation and overtim e calculations. These ru les are p art of the larger Payr oll Calculation and Time Evaluation programs. The principals involved in these p rogram s are the sam e because they each u se schema s and rules to call or process da ta.
The Payroll Calculation Program The Payroll Calculation p rogram evaluates basic emp loyee time data as pa rt of payroll processing an d generates time w age types so that paym ents can be mad e. To un derstand how schemas and rules work together in R/ 3, we m ust first examine the Payroll Calculation p rogram . The d elivered international pa yroll progr am is RPCALCX0.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Schemas and Rules—The Basics Schemas
Each coun try h as its own specific version of this p rogram , for examp le: •
RPCALCU0 is the Pay roll Calculation p rogra m for th e U.S.
RPCALCK0 is the Payroll Calculation progra m for Canad a
When run ning RPCALCU0, the following selection screen app ears:
In the General program control box, notice th e field called Schema. The first step of the Payroll program is to choose a schem a. This top-level schem a contains ma ny su bschem as, each of wh ich is respon sible for carrying out a function-dep enden t task, such as reading th e time data an d p erform ing tax calculations.
Schemas The screenshot below show s schem a U000 for U.S. pa yroll. The Func. colum n lists all of the fun ctions in this schema and the Text colum n sum mar izes the tasks that function is und ertaking.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Schemas and Rules—The Basics Schemas
One of the m ost comm only used functions is Copy, w hich calls subschem as. Line 000090 on this screenshot show s that schem a U000 is calling subschema UT00. If you d ou ble-click on UT00, th e system open s and displays this subschema in d etail.
Subschema UT00 The screenshot below show s subschema UT00, w hich pr ocesses gener al time da ta for the U.S. and calls rules X010, X013, an d X015, wh ich are used in wage typ e valuation.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Schemas and Rules—The Basics Schemas
The function PIT on lines 000100, 000110, and 000370 call rules X010, X013, an d X015. If you d oub le-click on any of these entries, the system opens the ru le and show s the d ecisions an d calculations that the r ule m akes. These rules are described in chapter 3, Wage Type Valuation, using screenshots and detailed explanations.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Schemas and Rules—The Basics Accessing Schemas and Rules
Accessing Schemas and Rules Now that you kn ow how schem as and ru les work, we encourage you to enter the system, look at some examples online, and get comfortable with m oving aroun d or d rilling d own. There are two d ifferent w ays of accessing schem as and rules: •
From the ap prop riate IMG line (the structured w ay to app roaching your overall configuration)
Entering Transactions PE01 for a schem a or PE02 for a rule
Transactions PE01 an d PE02 will take you to the initial schem a or rules screen. Enter the n ame of the schema or ru le you wan t to see and click: •
Source Text an d Display to see the actual schem a or ru le
Attributes an d Display to see the progr am class and the coun try group ing
Documentation an d Display to see an overall explanation of what th e schem a or ru le does
Accessing Help When Looking at the Source Text Schemas When displaying or chan ging a schema, click on a fun ction (such as PIT), an d then click function’s description and how it uses the schema p aram eters.
to see the
Rules When d isplaying or chan ging a ru le, click on the nam e of the operation (such as MODIF), and click see the operation’s description an d w hat typ es of values can be attached to it.
Schemas and Rules Documentation (RPDSYS00) For releases 2, 3, and 4, schemas an d r ules d ocum enta tion can be found in pr ogram RPDSYS00. A rep lacement for RPDSYS00 is planned in release 4.5A. The d ocum entation d iscussed on the p reviou s page is taken d irectly from RPDSYS00, wh ich contain s descript ions of all of the m ajor schem as, ru les, functions, and operations in the delivered system.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Schemas and Rules—The Basics Schema Functions
To look at RPD SYS00 in its entir ety: 1. Choose System Reporting.
2. Enter RPDSYS00 in Program . 3. Click Execute. 4. Click Execute again on the n ext screen to see the screen on the right. Dou ble-clicking on a line takes you t o the docum entation for Personnel Calculation Schem as, Personn el Calculation Ru les, etc. On th is list, notice th at RPDSYS00 also conta ins th e docum entation for Wage Types, Features, etc.
Schema Functions Schema functions can be divided into the following categories: •
Read data For examp le, fun ction P2003 reads d ata from infotype 2003 (Substitutions). Function WPBP (Work Place Basic Pay) reads data from infotypes 0000, 0001, 0027, 0007, an d 0008.
Process d ata, includ ing those tha t call rules For examp le, fun ction PIT, w hich calls ru les, or fun ction IMPRT, wh ich imp orts data to be used in the program.
Display data For examp le, fun ction PRINT.
Set valid en tries in tables For examp le, fun ction MOD.
Each function uses the schema p aram eters in d ifferent ways. How ever, there are three functions that you should be awar e of, because they p lay a major role in d eciding wh ich p articular w age types a ru le shou ld process or how particular emp loyee grou ps ar e affected by certain r ules or table settings. These functions are: •
These functions are d iscussed in deta il in the next sections.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Schemas and Rules—The Basics Schema Functions
Accessing Rules Using Functions PIT and PORT The screenshot of subschema UT00 showed the calling of rules X010, X013, an d X015, using the Process Input Table (PIT) function. A similar fun ction, the Process Old Results Table (PO RT), calls ru les to pr ocess old results. These functions use a selection p rocedure to d ecide wh ich w age types or em ployee subgroup s should be pr ocessed by th e ru le (see the illustration below):
GEN to p rocess all wage types. Process Input Table PIT OR OR
Process Old Results Table
Nam e of rule to be processed.
Pnn to only pr ocess the wage types with a relevant value in pr ocessing class nn.
Enn to only pr ocess the wage types with a relevant value in evaluation class nn.
Left blank wh ere the rule is accessed b y a specific wage type. (This would be stated on the first screen of the rule).
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
NOAB will pro cess without looking for the emp loyee subgroup ing for PCR (from T503)
OR 1, 2, 3, etc., will process accord ing to the emp loyee subgroup ing for PCR entered here.
Schemas and Rules—The Basics Schema Functions
Accessing Rules and Relating Employee Subgroups to Certain Table Settings using Function MOD In the screenshot of schema UT00, notice that on line 000120, the fun ction MOD calls ru le UMOD. Par2 (param eter 2) is marked GEN and behaves in the method set up in the PIT and PORT charts. It calls all wa ge typ es for fur ther processing, regardless of their processing or evaluation class. If you d oub le-click on UMOD in schem a UT00, the system d isplays rule UMOD. The rule determ ines different table mod ifiers, dep ending on the Employee Subgroup Grouping for Personnel Calculation Rules (ESG for PCR), wh ich is configured in th e master d ata. Rules can be configured to have different variants, dep end ing on the ESG for PCR or the wage and time typ e. Maintaining rule v ariants for sp ecific wa ge types or time types is quite labor intensive, so this step is something you will not do very often. How ever, maintaining rule variants according to the ESG for PCR is a m ajor compon ent for how the system fits together. To illustrate how this process works, see the three sam ple screenshots from r ule $MOD that follow. Each of these screenshots show a d ifferent va riant of rule $MOD. This rule (copied from delivered ru le UMOD) only contains one line with three operations, each of which activates a different setting for operation MODIF .
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Schemas and Rules—The Basics Schema Functions
1. Line 000010 on $MOD Employee Subgroup Grouping 1 states that for all emp loyees with ESG for PCR value 1: MO DIF A = 01 M OD IF 2 = 01
M OD IF B = 01
2. Line 000010 on $MOD Employee Subgroup Grouping 2 states that for all emp loyees with ESG for PCR value 2: MO DIF A = 02 M ODIF 2 = 02
M OD IF B = 02
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Schemas and Rules—The Basics Schema Functions
3. Line 000010 $MOD Employee Subgroup Grouping 3 states that for all emp loyees with ESG for PCR value 3: MO DIF A = 03 M OD IF 2 = 03
M OD IF B = 03
When th ese screenshots are examined, a certain pattern is appar ent. The key to this pattern can be foun d by clicking MODIF and click Help, wh ich states that: •
MODIF A= nn The value entered for MODIF A relates to the absen ce valuation group valu e in T554C. An absence valuation grou p can ha ve one or m ore valuation rules attached to it, wh ich d etermine, for examp le, how different types of absence should be p aid.
MODIF 2= nn The value entered for MODIF 2 relates to the payroll modifier in T510J. A p ayroll m od ifier can be related to one or m ore wa ge types for constant wage typ e valuation, where a constant value can be set for special pa ym ents (for exam ple, $50 for w orking Satur da ys).
MODIF B= nn The value entered for MODIF B relates to the payroll modifier in table T51D1, which sets limits for n et payr oll ded uctions for different grou ps of emp loyees.
In exam ples 1, 2, and 3, the op eration MODIF in rule $MOD shows that: •
Emp loyees that belong to ESG for PCR 1 are linked to: Absence valuation grou p 01 in T554C -
Payroll modifier 01 in T510J Payroll modifier 01 in T51D1
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Schemas and Rules—The Basics Schema Functions •
Emp loyees that belong to ESG for PCR 2 are linked t o: - Absence valuation grou p 02 in T554C Payroll modifier 02 in T510J -
Payroll modifier 02 in T51D1
Emp loyees that belong to ESG for PCR 3 are linked t o: Absence valuation grou p 03 in T554C -
Payroll modifier 03 in T510J Payroll modifier 03 in T51D1 The above examp le only describes opera tions MOD IF A , MO DIF 2, and MO DIF B. There a re actually eleven d ifferent w ays to u se MODIF . For additional information, see Help on MODIF . Function MOD is used by various schemas through out Payroll an d Time Evaluation to call the different ru les that use op eration MODIF . For examp le, MODIF app ears in ru les MODT an d TMON in Time Evaluation.
Accessing Different Rule Variants When you first access $MOD, for exam ple, you w ill see the follow ing screen for ESG for PCR and w age type or time type. To select a va riant: 1. Click Overview . 2. A pop-up window displays all variants. 3. Dou ble-click to select the n ext variant. 3
You can use this meth od to select a variant in th e Display or Change modes.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Schemas and Rules—The Basics Grouping Employees with Different Payment Structures Using Rule Variants and Operation OUTWP
4. Once you are in a variant, click
to scroll between variants.
Grouping Employees with Different Payment Structures Using Rule Variants and Operation OUTWP In the p revious section, we saw h ow d ifferent variants of the ru le $MOD could be related to different emp loyees based on their EE subgrou ping for PCR. These relations allow us to have u p to nine d ifferent var iants of the same ru le (the only ESG allow ed for PCR values are 1–9), and this meth od of configu ring variants can be used with any ru le. In general, rule variants only exist in the delivered system for the r ules that n eed to behave d ifferently for hou rly and salaried staff (and for some time type variants that are beyond the scope of this docum entation). Therefore, you w ill find th at man y rules do n ot have variants d elivered for them. What if you w ant your r ule to have more than n ine variants? What if you h ave 50 unions in you r compan y and each one has a d ifferent agr eement and a different w ay of calculating overtime? To hand le such situations, first group using ru le variants then grou p u sing operation OUTWP.
Grouping Using Rule Variants For examp le, in our 50-union scenario, we recommen d an alyzing an d configuring your rules in the following mann er: 1. Analyze which group s of emp loyees are paid hou rly and w hich are salaried, and the d ifferent pay frequencies for each. This portion of your an alysis is essential because your hou rly paid staff should always be given ESG for PCR value 1 in master d ata configura tion. The reason for this step is that some r ules in the d elivered system contain a variant for ESG for PCR value 1 that is configured to pr ocess an h ourly ra te, rather than an am oun t. (These rules are explained in m ore d etail in chapter 3, Wage Ty pe V aluation). For ESG for PCR valu es 2–9, the rule var iants are configured to pr ocess an am oun t. These valu es should be assigned to salaried employees. You can change the r ule variants for values 2–9 so they relate to hou rly rates, but for the p urp oses of this illustration, we will discuss the rules as they ar e d elivered. 2. At the end of Grou ping U sing Rule V ariants, ensure that y our analysis looks like the following:
H ou rly staff, w eekly p aid
ESG for PCR valu e 1
Salaried staff, w eekly paid
ESG for PCR valu e 2
Salaried staff, semi-mon thly pa id
ESG for PC R value 3
The analysis so far has only split your emp loyees into three group s. But w hat d o you d o if, for examp le, your hour ly staff is subd ivided into 46 different grou ps, each belonging to a d ifferent un ion, and each un ion with a d ifferent agreement abou t how overtime is calculated? What if your staff, wh o are p aid semimon thly, are subdivided into three d ifferent group s, based on the un ions to which they belong?
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Schemas and Rules—The Basics Grouping Employees with Different Payment Structures Using Rule Variants and Operation OUTWP
To configur e the scenarios in step 2: 3. Configure your em ployee subgrou ps in the master data. In a simple scenario, your em ployee subgrou ps could be the same as in step 2 above. 4. Assign the ap pr opr iate ESG for PCR value to each EE subgrou p. These assignments au tomatically relate each EE subgrou p to the correct variant in the d elivered rules that you copy, amend, and renam e. 5. For each new r ule created , ensu re tha t, wher e necessary, there are var iants for ESG for PCR values 1, 2, and 3. If som e of your custom er ru les behave similarly for all em ployees, regar dless of their ESG for PCR valu e, do not create varian ts for those rules, and th e rule w ill be valid for all (ESG for PCR value and W / time type). Now that you h ave finished grou ping w ith rule variants, the next stage is to group using opera tion OUTWP.
Grouping Using Operation OUTWP To subdivide y our hour ly paid staff into 46 different types of calculations based on their u nion, for examp le, see the screenshot below th at show s the varian t for ESG for PCR value 1 for rule $MOD:
Initially, this varian t of $MOD had the same settings for all hourly em ployees, with th e following definitions: •
MO DIF A = 01
All hourly em ployees have absence valuation grou p in T554C
M OD IF 2 = 01
All hourly em ployees ha ve pa yroll mod ifier 01 in T510J
M OD IF B = 01
All hou rly emp loyees have pa yroll mod ifier 01 in T51D1
What if you w ant each u nion to hav e a d ifferent absence valuation grou p in T554C, a different p ayroll m od ifier in T510J, and a d ifferent p ayroll mod ifier in T51D1? The next screenshot sh ow s the var iant for ESG for PCR va lue 1 for ru le $MOD, but it has now been amend ed u sing opera tion OUTWP.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Schemas and Rules—The Basics Grouping Employees with Different Payment Structures Using Rule Variants and Operation OUTWP
Opera tion OUTWP is an extremely u seful w ay of getting a r ule to m ake a d ecision according to the different fields in employee infotype 0001 (Organizational Assignment ) , infotyp e 0007 (Plann ed W ork Time), and infotype 0008 ( Basic Pay). To see a full explanation of OUTWP, examine the d ocumen tation in Schemas an d Rules D ocum ent ation (RPDYSYS00) of this chapter . That section tells you how to get to RPDSYS00. Once th ere, d ou ble-click on th e Payroll Operations line, and scroll dow n th e list of operations until you see OUTWP. Then d oub le-click on OUTWP for an explanation of how it w orks. In the screenshot of $MOD above, in colum n T (rule type column), a decision D has been m ade on operation OUTWPEMPLR. This operation comp rises: • •
OUTWP, the nam e of the op eration EMPLR, the nam e of the field on w hich OUTWP is making a d ecision.
EMPLR is the Contract field in infotype 0001. To configure t he Contract field, in the IMG, choose Personnel A dm inistration and Payroll A ccounting → Personnel A dm inistration → Organizational A ssign m ent → Define International Terms of Employment. $MOD is making a d ecision using the Contract field in infotype 0001 in the following fashion: Line
V arKey
Operation D escri ptions
If the emp loyee does not hav e an entry in the Contract field, pass on w ithout further processing.
If the emp loyee has 01 in the Contract field, apply the settings MODIF A = 01, M OD IF 2 = 01, and M OD IF B = 01.
If the emp loyee has 02 in the Contract field, apply the settings MODIF A = 02, M OD IF 2 = 02, an d M OD IF B = 02.
If the emp loyee has 03 in the Contract field, apply the settings MODIF A = 03, M OD IF 2 = 03, an d M OD IF B = 03.
If the emp loyee has 04 in the Contract field, apply the settings MODIF A = 04, M ODIF 2 = 04, an d M OD IF B = 04.
Lines 000070 an d 000080 continue w ith the same p attern.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Schemas and Rules—The Basics Copying and Amending Delivered Schemas and Rules
Once you configu re the v ariant for ESG for PCR value 1 for ru le $MOD (for hou rly emp loyees), go to the var iant for ESG for PCR value 2 (for weekly p aid sa laried staff), and var iant ESG for PCR value 3 (for semimon thly paid staff) and add the d ecision configura tion described above. Therefore, one w ay to configure the ru les to behave d ifferently based on the various u nions that em ployees belong to it is to configure th e Contract field in infotyp e 0001 to represent a u nion and then configur e rules to make a d ecision on the Contract field , as described a bove. The Contract field is alphan um eric, wh ich gives you up to 99 different nu meric variables, and all of the alpha , alphanu meric variables. You w ill see from th e RPDSYS00 docu men tation tha t some of the oth er fields on w hich OUTWP can make decisions include: •
Person subgroup (now renamed employ ee subgrou p)
Payroll subun it (now renam ed payr oll area)
Plant section (now renam ed personn el subarea)
Company code
Cost center
Shift ind icator
Pay scale type, area, group , or level
You, therefore, have m any w ays to configure your m aster data d ecisions and your em ployee infotype fields.
Copying and Amending Delivered Schemas and Rules Whenever y ou configure schemas and rules, first try to find the schema or rule that closely fits your requirem ents, then copy and renam e it. Your n ew configur ation should be written to your new renam ed schema or rule. Never configure your customer requ irements into a delivered schema or rule withou t first copying and renam ing it as described a bove! We stress this cautionary statement for the following reasons: •
If you d o not copy an d rena me the schema or ru le, you w ill be un able to comp are your customer configuration against the d elivered configuration if you get errors.
When u pgra ding you r system, all delivered schemas an d r ules will be overwritten by their nam esakes in the new version. However, your renam ed customer schemas and r ules will not be affected .
Naming Conventions To make your n ew schemas and rules identifiable and to protect them from being overwritten by future system up grad es always ma ke the first character in you r renam ed schema or rule a sp ecial character (for example, do not u se num bers or letters). We recomm end th e following n am ing conventions:
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Schemas and Rules—The Basics Tracking Customer Schemas and Rules
Schemas •
When copying an d renam ing an SAP-delivered schema, replace the first character of the nam e with a “/ . ” For example, TM04 should be copied and renamed /M 04.
New customer schemas should also begin w ith “/ .”
Rules •
When copying and renaming an SAP-delivered rule, replace the first character of the n ame with $. For example, X010 should be copied and renamed $010.
When creating a new customer ru le, the nam e should begin with an &.
Tracking Customer Schemas and Rules If the nam ing conventions above are followed, to quickly access customer-configured schema s and rules: 1. Enter Transaction PE01 for schemas or PE02 for ru les.
2. In the in itial screen, if a schem a or rule app ears, delete the nam e. 3. Click possible entries.
2 3
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Schemas and Rules—The Basics Tracking Customer Schemas and Rules
4. Enter, for example, $* for a list of all rules that have been copied an d renamed, or &* to see all rules created from scratch.
5 4 6
5. Click Execute.
6. In Program class, to further restrict the op tions for Payroll or Time Managem ent rules, enter C for Payr oll or T for Tim e Management. 7. Click possible entries.
8. In the pop-up w indow, doubleclick o n 3. 9.
Click Enter .
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Schemas and Rules—The Basics Documenting New or Amended Schemas and Rules
Documenting New or Amended Schemas and Rules In add ition to renaming you r customer-configured schem as and ru les, you should also document th eir new or changed functionality. To d o this, change both the d escription and docum entation for the schema or rule.
Changing the Schema or Rule Description and Documentation Every schem a and rule has a description attached to its nam e on the initial screen. For example, rule UMOD is described as Modifi ers for Payroll A ccou ntin g. If you copy and change UMOD to $MOD, also change its d escription to M odifiers for Payroll A ccoun ting: Copy of UM OD. This wa y, anyone tracking your custom er configuration can instantly see from w hich rule your customer ru le was copied. You shou ld also docum ent the new or changed fun ctionality for your new schem a or ru le, so that your customer configura tion is transp arent to som eone wh o will be changing the original custom er requirements. To change you r schema or ru le description: 1. Enter Transaction PE01 for schemas and PE02 for ru les.
2. Enter the name of your customer schema or ru le (such as $MOD). 3. Select Documentation.
4. Click Change. 5. If you have copied an existing schema or ru le, you w ill then see its docum entation.
6. Select the head ing in the docum entation (for exam ple, M odifiers for Payroll Accountin g, if you copied and ren am ed UMOD).
7. Click Edit . You w ould then see the screen similar to the on e on the right.
8. Double-click on <== output . 9. Click Enter to see the following screen. The line ma rked H is the heading. 8
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Schemas and Rules—The Basics Documenting New or Amended Schemas and Rules
10. In this examp le, on 000010, enter copy of UMOD.
11. Click Save. 12. To see the resu lts of you r chan ge, return to the initial screen, wher e your am end ed d escription will be displayed.
To change your d ocumentation: 1. Follow step s 1–5 above, except in step 5, select a line in th e docu men tation, not th e head ing. 2. Then follow step s 6–9 above, and you w ill see this screen. 3. Click on the line w here you w ant to add text (for examp le 000080) and click Insert Line
4 3
. (Each
click ad ds a new line.) Then a dd your new documentation. 4. When you h ave finished, click Save. To view your new docum entation, return to the initial screen an d click Documentation an d Display .
When you save your new docum entation, the system w ill concatenate your lines. To prevent the first three characters of your d ocumentation from d isappearing, insert three spaces at the beginning of each line. To insert spaces between you r lines, to repr esent new para grap hs, for example, add a “/ ” at th e beginn ing of the line. This is basic SAPscript coding.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Wage Type Valuation Overview
Chapter 3: Wage Type Valuation Contents Overview .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3–2 Number x Rate = Amount ...................................................................................................................................................................................3–2 Valuation Using Rules ........................................................................................................................................................................................3–2 Wage Type Valuation Flow: A High-Level Summary .......................................................................................................................................3–3 Wage Type Valuation Flow.................................................................................................................................................................................3–4 Filling the Payroll Input Table with an Hourly Rate Using Rules X010 and X013 ......................................................................................... 3–4 Rule X010......................................................................................................................................................................................................3–5 Rule X013......................................................................................................................................................................................................3–6 Variant for ESG for PCR 1.....................................................................................................................................................................3–6 Variant for ESG for PCR 2.....................................................................................................................................................................3–6 Rule X015......................................................................................................................................................................................................3–7 Variant for ESG for PCR 1.....................................................................................................................................................................3–7 Variant for ESG for PCR 2-9 .................................................................................................................................................................3–9 Rule X016......................................................................................................................................................................................................3–9 Rule X017....................................................................................................................................................................................................3–10 Rule X018....................................................................................................................................................................................................3–10 Configuring Wage Type Valuation in the IMG ................................................................................................................................................ 3–12 Create Constant Valuation Bases ............................................................................................................................................................... 3–12 Constants Dependant on Wage Types................................................................................................................................................3–13 Constants Dependant on the Pay Scale..............................................................................................................................................3–18 Create Person-Related Valuation Bases (l inked to Basic pay) ...................................................................................................................3–19 Maintain Basic Pay for Valuation Basis ...............................................................................................................................................3–20 Form Valuation Bases (Addition).........................................................................................................................................................3–21 Form Valuation Bases (Division) .........................................................................................................................................................3–23 General Processing of Time Data USA ...............................................................................................................................................3–24 Assign Valuation Bases...............................................................................................................................................................................3–26 Current Wage Type .............................................................................................................................................................................3–28 1st Derived Wage Type.......................................................................................................................................................................3–29 2nd-Derived Wage Type......................................................................................................................................................................3–29 Valuating Time Wage Types with Average Amounts over a Given Period .................................................................................................. 3–29 Primary Wage Types to be Included in Evaluation Bases........................................................................................................................... 3–30 Primary (Time) Wage Types to be Evaluated by Averages Processing......................................................................................................3–31 T511A: Averages Calculation Rules....................................................................................................................................................3–36 T511B: Cumulation Types...................................................................................................................................................................3–38 T511C: Adjustment Rules for Averages Bases ...................................................................................................................................3–38 T510C: Adjust Average Bases according to Pay Scale.......................................................................................................................3–39
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Wage Type Valuation Overview
Overview W age ty pe v aluation is used to calculate d ifferent p aymen t am ounts for either basic working h ours or changes in an emp loyee’s work patterns. For example, if extra hours are w orked, or, if an emp loyee goes on long- or short-term disability leave, their rate of pay may change.
Wage type valua ton is used to calculate different paym ent amou nts for either basic work ing hours or changes in an em ployee’s work pattern . A time wage ty pe is generated for the num ber of hours for a pa rticular typ e of time (e.g., overtime, holidays, absences, and so on).
Number x Rate = Amount In the overtime examp le, wage typ e valuation takes the N u mber of hours generated for an overtime wage type in Time Management and then looks at the valuation basis configur ed for that wage typ e. This valuation basis is how the system calculates the R ate for overtime p ay. The following is a list of valuation bases that can be configured for time w age typ es: •
An hourly Rate based on basic pay The time wage typ e is configur ed w ith a valuation basis of nn that correspond s to a technical wa ge type. The accum ulating basic pay amou nts are then d ivided by the total hour s worked in ru le X013 to get an hour ly Rate. For d etailed information on rule X013, please see the following page.
A constant am ount stored in a table The time wage typ e is configur ed w ith a valuation basis of K , where the Rate for the time wage typ e is a set amou nt stored in table T510J .
A constant amou nt based on a pay scale group an d level The time wage typ e is configur ed w ith a valuation basis of TS , where the Rate for the time wage typ e is a set p ay scale level amoun t from th e pa y scale table.
A constant am ount based on a pa y scale group The time wage typ e is configur ed w ith a valuation basis of TG , where the Rate for the time w age type is a set pay scale group amou nt from the pay scale table.
A constant am ount according to a pay scale type and area The time wage typ e is configur ed w ith a valuation basis of T , wh ere the Rate for the time wage typ e is a set amoun t stored for a par ticular pa y scale type and area.
Once the system has the N um ber of hour s (from the time wage type) and the Rate (from th e time wage typ e’s valua tion basis), it mu ltiplies N x R to get the A mount to be paid.
Valuation Using Rules Wage type v aluation is processed by the system u sing several different rules that work together to form a valuation flow. The next section provid es a high-level sum mary explaining h ow this valuation flow fits together. The following section provides rule-by-rule details of the valuation flow, with charts and screenshot s. The final section in this cha pter explains how the valu ation flow is configu red in the IMG.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Wage Type Valuation Wage Type Valuation Flow: A High-Level Summary
Wage Type Valuation Flow: A High-Level Summary The delivered R/ 3 system contains a set of Payr oll Calculation ru les and technical wage types that are pr econfigured to enable wage type valuation to w ork in different wa ys. The following list sum ma rizes the main valuation flow in the following ru les: •
Rule X010 This ru le places amou nts in technical wage typ es / 00n, to calculate the hourly Rate. This rule looks for basic pay w age types with processing class 01 values 1–4, and places these wage typ e am oun ts into certain technical wage types, such as / 001, / 002, / 003, and / 004, dep ending on th e PC01 value.
Rule X013 This rule calculates an hou rly rate. It looks for w age typ es with a p rocessing class 01 valu e of 5. You will usually find on ly technical wage types / 001, 2, 3, and 4 w ith this value. The ru le takes the amoun ts from these wage typ es and calculates an hou rly Rate to be u sed in fu rther p rocessing. The exception to this rule is the X013 varian t for ESG for PCR 1, which pr ocesses hou rly emp loyees. Wage typ es for these employees alread y contain the h ourly rate, so the types are passed on u np rocessed by X013. The flowchart, Filling th e In put t able wit h H ourly Rate in this chap ter illustrates how r ules X010 an d X013 work together.
Rule X015 This rule first checks if the w age typ e already h as an A mou nt. If it does, the w age type is passed on withou t add itional processing. If the wage typ e does not have an A mou nt, the ru le checks if the wage type has a N um ber of hour s. If hour s have been entered by a user or generated in Time Managem ent, the r ule checks if a Rate has been entered. If the u ser enter s a Rate in infotype 2010, the ru le mu ltiplies the N um ber of hour s by the hou rly Rate to get an A mou nt for the payroll outpu t table. If the user has not entered a Rate, the r ule checks if the wag e type ha s a valuation basis. If the w age type d oes not have a va luation basis, it branches to ru le X016, to see if this rule is configured for averages p rocessing. If the w age typ e has a valuation basis, this basis is app lied a pp ropr iately to one or m ore of the following:
Base wage typ e First-derived wage typ e Second -derived wage type
If the va luation b asis is nn , th e Rate w ill come from X013. If there is nothing in the A mount and N um ber fields, the wa ge type is passed on w ithout further p rocessing. •
Rules X016, X017, an d X018 These rules do averages p rocessing. Rule X016 checks if the w age type has a value in p rocessing class 15:
If the wag e type does not, the wage typ e is passed on withou t further p rocessing. If it has a PC15 value, the wa ge type is processed by the ap prop riate averages rule in T511, which first processes X017 for the per iod’s relevancy test, then p rocesses X018 to calculate the average hourly Rate. The w age type is passed back to X016, wh ich m ultiplies the N um ber of hours and the Rate to get the A mount.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Wage Type Valuation Wage Type Valuation Flow
Wage Type Valuation Flow This section u ses screenshots and charts to describe the w age type valu ation flow. To und erstand how this valuation flow moves from rule to ru le, review the following flowchart:
Filling the Payroll Input Table with an Hourly Rate Using Rules X010 and X013 Wage types with value 0 are not includ ed in the valuation.
Rule X010 (in schema UT00) looks for wage typ es with p rocessing class 01 valu es 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4.
Valu e 1
Creates valuation basis in wag e type / 001
Valu e 2
Creates valuation basis in wage typ e / 002
Valu e 3
Valu e 4
Creates valuation basis in wa ge types / 001 and / 002
Creates valuation basis in wa ge type / 004
Rule X013 looks for wage types w ith processing class 01 value 5 (usua lly / 001, / 002, / 003, or / 004).
Value 5
Rule X013 performs the following operations on the selected w age type.
2nd Operation: DIVID AR R
Operation: RTE=TSDIVP This operation decides wh ich set of hou rs should be used for the hourly calculation. RTE is the rate. TSDIVP is what the rate shou ld be. In this case TSDIVP means “total working time in working hours.”
This calculation decides the hourly rate.
Use DIVID to divide. ARR is to divide the A mount of the wage type by the Rate of the first operation, and store the result in the Rate field of the outpu t table.
Operation: ZERO = A
Operation: ADDWT *
This operation ensures that the original amou nt (before th e calculations) is not sent to the output table.
This operation add s the result of DIVID AR R to the output table.
ZERO is to initialize (make zero) in the output table. A is the total amount that should be initialized.
ADDWT means add to the wage type.
* means ad d to this wage type, (the result could have been add ed to a different w age type). © 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Wage Type Valuation Wage Type Valuation Flow
Rule X010 All of the d elivered variants for rule X010 (for ESG for PCR values 1–9) mu st be configured as you see in the following screen:
Although the coding looks comp lex, you can see wh at the ru le is doing by p lacing the cursor on each operation an d clicking Help. The following ta ble explains th e lines in the screenshot abov e: Line
Operation D escriptions
This line contain s the d ecision ( D ) operation VWTCL. This operation ma kes decisions based on the processing class 01 value assigned to the selected w age typ e(s).
This line states that if the w age typ e has one of the following values [ (*) 4,5,6,7,8, or 9] aga inst pr ocessing class 01, the system shou ld pr odu ce an error m essage. Processing would th en terminate for this personnel nu mber.
This line states that if the w age typ e has valu e 0 against p rocessing class 01, its amou nt should be transferred to the outp ut table without fur ther pr ocessing by this rule ( ADDW T *).
This line means th at if the wage type h as value 1 against processing class 01, the value of the wage type should be add ed to the output table (ADDW T *). ELIMI mean s that the period indicators should be rem oved from the w age type time unit (Z). This rem oval is required before valu es from d ifferent w age typ es can be combined for valuation calculations. ZERO = N mean s that the num ber field (N ) should be red uced to zero in the outp ut table. ADDWT /001 states that the value of the wag e type should also be copied to wag e type / 001 in the outp ut table.
These lines are similar to line 000040, except tha t the value of the w age type is copied to wage types /002, and w age types /001 an d /002 in the outpu t table.
an d 000060
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Wage Type Valuation Wage Type Valuation Flow
Rule X013 Rule X013 is delivered with tw o different configura tions:
Variant for ESG for PCR 1 This variant is for h ourly em ployees.
Rule X013 calculates the hourly Rate. Since hourly emp loyees already h ave hou rly Rates, this variant is configured to p ass on wage typ es for hou rly employees without further p rocessing. Lines
Operation D escriptions
This line conta ins the d ecision (D) operation VWTCL, wh ich m akes decisions based on the pr ocessing class 01 value assigned to the selected wage type(s).
This line states that, regar dless of the value again st processing class 01, the amount should be passed on to the outp ut table without further p rocessing, ( ADDW T *).
Variant for ESG for PCR 2 This variant is for salaried em ployees, and the d elivered va riants for ESG for PCR 2–9 should be configured as in th e following screenshot:
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Wage Type Valuation Wage Type Valuation Flow
Operation D escriptions
This line aga in contains the d ecision ( D ) operation V W T C L an d m akes a decision based on the p rocessing class 01 value assigned to the selected w age typ e(s).
This line states that if the wage typ e has a value other than 5 (*) against processing class 01, its am ount shou ld be transferred to the ou tpu t table withou t further processing by this rule (ADDW T *).
This line calculates th e hou rly Rate. The flowchart in the beginning of this chap ter, Filling the Payroll Input Table with an Hourly Rate , summ arizes how ru les X010 an d X013 work together to d etermine hou rly rate calculations.
Rule X015 As we hav e seen in the p revious pages, the result of the X010 an d X013 processing is an hour ly Rate for a given wage type. However, the hourly Rate calculation in X013 is only one of severa l differen t way s to calculate the Rate. Rule X015 examines which evaluation basis have been configured for the w age type being processed an d th en ap plies the valuation basis to this type.
Variant for ESG for PCR 1 The next screenshot show s the X015 varian t for ESG for PCR 1 (hour ly em ployees). Varian ts for ESG for PC R 2–9 (salaried em ployees) behav e in almost the sam e wa y. The followin g screenshot w ill help explain how rule X015 works:
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Wage Type Valuation Wage Type Valuation Flow
Operation D escriptions
The rule m akes a d ecision (D) on the am ount field of the wa ge type (AMT?0) by comp aring the amoun t stored in the wage type to zero.
The “*” means if the wage typ e already has an A mount (*), it does not need any further processing for wage typ e valuation. It is passed on to the payroll outpu t table without further processing ( ADDWT ).
The “=” mean s if the wa ge type does not have an A mou nt (for examp le, if AM T = 0), the rule makes a decision (D) on the N um ber field of the w age type (NUM?0). The “=” means that the w age type does not have an amount. The “*” mea ns tha t NU M is not equa l to zero, so a decision (D) is made to comp are RTC to zero (RTE?0).
The “= *” mean s the ru le makes a d ecision (D) on the rate field of the wage typ e RTE?0 if the wage type: •
Does not have an A mou nt (for examp le, if AM T= 0)
Does have the N um ber of hour s entered by a user or generated by the system [NUM is something (*)]
The “= * *” mean s the rule mu ltiplies the N umber and the Rate and ad ds the resulting A mount ( MULTI NR A ) to the outpu t table (ADDW T *) if the wage typ e: •
Does not have an A mou nt (for examp le, if AM T= 0)
Does have the N um ber of hou rs entered by a user or generated by the system [NUM is something (*)]
Has a Rate that wou ld have been entered by a u ser in infotype 2010
The “= * =” mean s the rule mak es a decision (D) on the valu ation basis of the wage typ e (VALBS?) if the: •
Wage type d oes not have an A mou nt (for examp le, if AM T= 0)
Wage type does have the N um ber of hou rs entered by a user or generated by the system [NUM is something (*)]
User has not entered a Rate in infotype 2010
The “= * = *” mean s the rule branches to ru le X016 and checks for averages p rocessing if the: •
Wage type d oes not have an A mou nt (for examp le, if AM T= 0)
Wage type does have the N um ber of hou rs entered by a user or generated by the system [NUM is something (*)]
User has not entered a Rate in infotype 2010 (such a s RTE = 0)
Wage type does not have a valuation basis (such as VALBS is something other tha n X )
The “= * = X” mean s if the: •
Wage type d oes not have an A mou nt (for examp le, if AM T= 0)
Wage type had the N um ber of hou rs entered by a user or generated by the system [NUM is something (*)]
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Wage Type Valuation Wage Type Valuation Flow
Operation D escriptions •
User has not entered a rate in infotype 2010, and th e wage typ e has a valuation basis (such as V A LBS = X)
Then: 1. VALBS0 mean s the base (cur rent) wage typ e is valuated according to its valuation basis. (For examp le, the base w age typ e takes its Rate from basic pay nn — or from a constant amou nt—and m ultiplies it by the N um ber of hour s to get the A mount.) If the valuation basis is nn , th e Rate w ill come from X013. 2. ADDNA adds the N umber and the A mount to the output table. 3. FILLF N restores the original value of the wage typ e num ber. 4. WGTYP=* places the current wage typ e in the outp ut table. 5. NEXTR means continue on to the next line. 000090
This line is the sam e as line 000080, except th at the first-derived wage type is valuated (VALBS1).
This line is the sam e as 000090, except that th e second-d erived w age type is valuated.
The “= = ” mean s if the wa ge type does not have an on withou t furth er processing.
A mou nt
or a num ber, it shou ld be passed
Variant for ESG for PCR 2-9 This variant, for salaried em ployees, follows th e same process as the variant d escribed above. The d ifference for this varian t occur s in line 000080, wh ere it branches to rule X115 to process wage types that have a valuation basis. Rule X115 ma kes a decision on alternative paym ents (VAKEYALZNR), an d pr ocessing class 18 (VW TCL 18), which is used to p rocess wor kcenter-related rem un eration before processing V A LBS0, V ALBS1, an d VALBS2 as described for the previous va riant.
Rule X016 Rule X016 is the first step in averages pr ocessing, but there ar e no va riants for X016. This rule, therefore, pr ocesses all ESG for PCR values the sam e wa y.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Wage Type Valuation Wage Type Valuation Flow
Operation D escriptions
The rule m akes a d ecision (D) on the wage type p rocessing class 15 value ( VW TCL 15)
For all PC15 values other than 1, 2, or A , the wage type is added to the output table without further processing (ADDW T *).
For wa ge typ es with p rocessing class 15 value 1, MEAN V 01 processes the w age type based on calculation rule 01 in table T511A . Calculation rule 01 from T511A in the delivered system then processes rule X017 for the relevancy test and X018 for final p rocessing. Rule X018 takes the cumulated value in the Amount field of the cum ulation tab le for av erages calculation (table MV) and divides it by the cum ulated v alue in the Nu mber field of table M V . The resu lt is a Rat e that gets re-entered in X016 as the Rate in opera tion MULTI N RA . MULTI N RA mu ltiplies the N um ber of hours by the Rate calculated in X018 to get an Amou nt. ADDNA * cumulates the N umber and the A mount (but not the Rate) in the outp ut table for the current w age type.
For wage types w ith processing class value 2, MEA N V 02 processes the wage typ e accord ing to calculation rule 02 in T511A . The p rocessing is the same a s line 000030.
000050 – 000090
These lines relate to the frozen aver ages calculations th at are ou tside of the scope of this document.
Rule X017 Rule X017 contains operation MEANV REL, which checks for relevant periods for averages processing. In the d elivered system, this operation is configured to treat all periods as relevant. For an examp le of an actua l relevancy test, please see ru le X019.
Rule X018 Rule X018 is ready , as d elivered, to pr ocess the final averages calculation (see the section on ru le X016 above for m ore information).
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Wage Type Valuation Wage Type Valuation Flow
A w age type is sent to th is rule by calculation ru les 01 an d 02 in T511A .
Lin e
O pe ration D escri ptions
N UM =M takes the N um ber from the accum ulated valu e in the num ber field of table MV,
(cum ulation table for averages calculation). This is the accum ulated n um ber of hour s from th e technical w age typ es specified in the relevan t cum ulation ru le in T511A. NUM?0.00 comp ares the hour s of the pr evious operation to zero. 000020
If ther e are hou rs in th e nu mb er field of table MV (*): •
AMT=M takes the A mou nt accum ulated in table MV, and pu ts it in the A mou nt field of the
next operation. •
DIVID AN R takes the A mou nt accum ulated in MV and divides it by the N um ber of hours accum ulated in MV to get the Rate used in opera tion MULTI N RA in rule X016 (as described
above). 000030
If there are no hou rs in the nu mber field of M V (= 0,00), there is no averages calculation.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Wage Type Valuation Configuring Wage Type Valuation in the IMG
Configuring Wage Type Valuation in the IMG To access the main valuation options, choose IMG → Personn el A dm inistration an d Payroll A ccoun ting Payroll: USA →Tim e Wage Typ e Valuation → Create Valuation Bases .
Beneath Create Valuation Bases, th e options are: •
Create Constant V aluation Bases
Create person-related valuation bases
Assign valuation bases
The following sections w ill explain each of these options and describe the subsequent screens.
Create Constant Valuation Bases Constant valuation enables you to configure time w age types that, if certain qu alifying times are w orked, have a fixed value. There are tw o wa ys these wa ge types can be configured, through: •
Constants dependent on wage types (U.S.)
Constants dependent on wage types (Canada)
Constants dep end ent on the pay scale
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Wage Type Valuation Configuring Wage Type Valuation in the IMG
Constants Dependant on Wage Types This option und er Create Constant Valuation Bases on the p revious screen allows you to configure fixed paym ents with w age types (for examp le, a $50 bonus for working on Saturd ay, a $100 weekend allowan ce, and an $80 nightshift allowance). On th e previous screen, place your cursor on th e line Constants dependant on w age types and click Execute. Three add itional options appear: •
M odifier for const ant evalu ation
General processing of time data US A
Determin e const ant valuation per wage type
Determine Constant Valuation per Wage Type
First choose th e Determin e constant v aluation per wage ty pe line on the a bove screen. 1. Place your cursor on Determine constant valuation per wage type , and click Choose.
2. Specify the Country grouping (such as 10 for the U .S.) by using possible entries or entering the proper number. 3. Click Continue.
You a re taken to a coun try-specific view of T510J (constan t valuations).
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Wage Type Valuation Configuring Wage Type Valuation in the IMG
4. Earlier in your configuration, by choosing Environm ent for Maintaining W age Typ es , you would h ave analyzed and configured the d ifferent time related fixed paym ent wage types needed in your comp any.
6 5
5. New wage typ es created for this paym ent type can be copied from the delivered w age type MM00 (overtime base). Any wage typ e copied from MM00 should now ap pea r in this view of T510J. Now analyze two ad ditional items. If you created a w age type for working on Saturd ay, will different staff groups receive different am ounts? (For examp le, your h ourly emp loyees receive $40, and your salaried emp loyees receive $50 for w orking on Saturd ay). If so, create copies of this wage type. 6. To create copies, select the w age type a nd click Copy. 7. Do not change the nam e, but give each copy: •
The correct amoun t und er Value
A new P. M od num ber (the next section has m ore inform ation on P. Mods)
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Wage Type Valuation Configuring Wage Type Valuation in the IMG
Modifier for Constant Evaluation
This option is listed u nd er Constants depen dant on wage typ es. 1. Place your cursor on M odifier for constant evaluation, and click 1 Choose. 2. This option takes you to ru le UMOD , explained in det ail in chap ter 2, the section Accessing Rules, and Relating Employee Subgrou ps to Certain Table Settings using Function MOD . Chap ter 2 shows that UMOD contains operation MODIF 2 that relates to the p ayroll modifier P. Mod you created in T510J. MODIF 1 2 = can relate u p to 99 different P. Mod nu m bers in T510J. You can
create up to 99 different am ounts for your Saturday working wage typ e in T510J, and w ith MODIF 2, assign them to different group s of employees. 3. To copy UMOD, click Copy. 4. In To rule, rename it 5. Click Continue.
4 5
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Wage Type Valuation Configuring Wage Type Valuation in the IMG
6. Create variants of this ru le for each of your em ployee subgrou pings for PCR, based on th e Grouping Employees with Different Payment Structures
guidelines in chapter 2. 6
If necessary, using these guidelines, configure operation OUTWP to ma ke add itional decisions on your em ployee groupings. 7. Amend operation MODIF2=nn , for each em ployee group ing, so that nn corresponds to the appropriate P. M od num ber and va lue in T510J. General Processing of Time Data USA
This option also appears u nd er the line Constants depen dant on w age ty pes. 1. Place your cursor on General processing of tim e data USA an d click choose.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Wage Type Valuation Configuring Wage Type Valuation in the IMG
2. This action takes you t o schema UT00 (see cha pter 2 for d etails). This subschema calls rule UMOD with function MOD.
3. Choose Edit → Replace to rep lace the entry UMOD with your renamed /MOD . 4. In Search, enter
5. In Replace usin g, enter
6. Click Continue.
4 5 6
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Wage Type Valuation Configuring Wage Type Valuation in the IMG
7. UMOD has been replaced by / M O D.
Constants Dependant on the Pay Scale This line app ears last und er Creat e Const ant V aluati on Bases. This option en ables you to configure pay scale group s, or group s and levels for fixed p aymen ts. 1. Click Execute next to Constants dep end ent on the pay scale.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Wage Type Valuation Configuring Wage Type Valuation in the IMG
2. Enter the Country grouping. 3. Enter the Pay scale type.
4. Enter the Pay s cale area.
These items shou ld have alread y been configured . (To configure these items, choose Personnel A dm inistration Basic Pay .)
Payroll Data →
5. Click Enter .
6. Create en tries for the p ay scale group s or the levels you w ould like valuated .
Create Person-Related Valuation Bases (linked to Basic pay) The first Create person-related v aluation bases line rep resents one of three options when configuring w age typ e valuat ion in the IMG. This option enables you to choose one or more basic pay w age types, and assign their am ount to a technical wage typ e (for example, /001), wh ich is then used to calculate an hou rly rate for overtime or other calculations.
1. Click Execute next to the first Create person-related valuation bases line .
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Wage Type Valuation Configuring Wage Type Valuation in the IMG
2. This action takes you to a screen w ith a list of four op tions.
Maintain Basic Pay for Valuation Basis 1. In the above screen, place your cursor on Maintain basic pay for v aluation bases, an d click Choose. 2. Select the Country grouping an d click Continue.
4 3
A screen app ears with the wage types configured for basic pay infotype 0008. 3. Select a wage typ e. 4. Click Details. You w ill then see th e processing class 01 value for the wa ge type. Processing class 01 determines the assignm ent of this wage typ e to a valuation base.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Wage Type Valuation Configuring Wage Type Valuation in the IMG
5. Click on possible entries to see the available valuation bases.
6. Choose the technical wage typ e ( /001, /002, etc.) that your w age type w ill valuate. 7. Click Enter .
If you need to select values other than 1–3, rule X010 will need to be changed in the next step.
Form Valuation Bases (Addition) Tw o Form valuation bases lines appear u nder Create person-related valuation bases , one for division and the other for add ition. The ad dition option takes you to rule X010 (see Wage T y pe V aluation Flow earlier this chapter for a full explanation of how this wor ks). Rule X010 processes the /001 and /00 2 technical wa ge types selected in the p revious step w ith processing class 01.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Wage Type Valuation Configuring Wage Type Valuation in the IMG
1. Place your cursor on Form v aluation bases (addition) , and click Choose. 1
2. To copy r ule X010, click Copy. 3. In To rule, renam e it /010. 2
4. Click Continue. 5. If necessary, amend the ru le and its links to the p rocessing class 01 values.
3 4
6. If you are w orking in your Record ing client, you w ill see the screen to the right.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Wage Type Valuation Configuring Wage Type Valuation in the IMG
Form Valuation Bases (Division) The other Form valuation bases line app earing un der Create person-related valuation bases is for d ivision. This option takes you to r ule X013 (see W age Ty pe V aluation Flow earlier this chapter for a detailed description of rules X010 an d X013). You w ill see from th ese descriptions th at ru le X013 has different var iants for hou rly em ployees (varian t ESG for PCR 1) and salaried em ployees (varian t ESG for PCR 2–9). Rule X013 calculates hourly rates, and because h ourly staff alread y have hou rly rates, the variant for hou rly staff is configured to p ass data on withou t further p rocessing (ADDWT *). Your configuration in this view relates only to salaried em ployees. Operation RTE=TSDIVP states that the am ount in technical wage typ e /001 should be d ivided by the total working time in w orking hour s to get an hourly rate. The total working time (TSDIVP) is taken from th e field W orking H ours per Payr oll Period in infotype 0008. To find out th e other w ays that op eration RTE calculates the hou rly rate, please see the op eration Help. Comp lete the following steps: 1. Place your cursor on Form v aluation bases (division) an d click Choose.
2. Select the Country grouping an d click Continue.
3. To copy r ule X013, click Copy. 4. In To rule, enter /013. 5. Click Continue.
4 5
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Wage Type Valuation Configuring Wage Type Valuation in the IMG
You w ill see the screen to th e right.
6. Create variants of this rule for each of your emp loyee sub-group ings for PCR 2–9. 7. If RTE=TSDIVP is the correct hou rly calculation for each EESG for PCR 2–9, no fu rth er action is necessary. 8. If different calculations a re need ed for different EESGs for PCR, chan ge RTE= as app ropr iate for each rule variant.
General Processing of Time Data USA This line is the third option un der Create person-related valuation bases. This choice takes you to subschema UT00. 1. Place your cursor on General processing of tim e data USA an d click Choose.
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Wage Type Valuation Configuring Wage Type Valuation in the IMG
2 2. This action takes you to subschema UT00 (see chap ter 2 for details).
3. This subschema calls rule X013 with function PIT .
4. Choose Edit → Replace to rep lace the entry X013 with your renamed /013 . 5. In Search, enter
6. In Replace usin g, enter
7. Click Continue.
5 6 7
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Wage Type Valuation Configuring Wage Type Valuation in the IMG
9. /013 has rep laced X013.
Assign Valuation Bases The line Assign valuation bases is the last option w hen configur ing wage typ e valuation in the IMG. By this point, you h ave successfully configured your different valuation bases. You mu st now assign th ose valuation bases to the appr opriate overtime (time) wage typ es. Some time w age types m ight need: •
Constant valuation based on wage types
Constant valuation based on basic pay
Person-related valuation basis
1. Click Execute next to Assign v aluation bases.
2. Select the Country grouping, an d click Continue.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Wage Type Valuation Configuring Wage Type Valuation in the IMG
3. Select a wa ge typ e. 4. Click Details.
The Change Vi ew “Valuation Bases”: Details window appears. The configu ration for th e fields on this screen is described below.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Wage Type Valuation Configuring Wage Type Valuation in the IMG
Current Wage Type The Current w age ty pe box shows the valuation for the currently selected time w age type, displayed at the top o f the screen. In th is box are the Valuation basis, StatemntWT, an d %rate fields: •
Valuation Basis
The selected v aluation basis is used by the d isplayed w age type. In this basis, the following options are available:
A nu meric entry relates to the second ary w age type from w hich this wage typ e takes its value. For example, 01 is technical wage typ e /001, an d 02 is technical wage type /002. If an entry a pp ears, the current w age type will mu ltiply the N um ber of hours and the Rate calculated in rule X013 (the result of opera tion DIVID A RR) to get the A mount.
This option signifies that the w age typ e will take its valua tion from th e app rop riate line in T510J, as described in the entries und er the Constants Dependant on W age Ty pes line earlier th is section.
This valuation basis means th at the w age type tak es its valuation from the a pp ropr iate line in Constants Dep end ant on the Pay Scale and takes into account th e pay scale group an d level.
This option mean s that the w age type takes its valuation from the ap prop riate line in Constants Depen dant on t he Pay Scale and takes into account the pa y scale group , but not the level.
This option signifies that the w age type takes its valuation from the ap pr opriate line in Constants Depen dant on t he Pay Scale and takes into account the p ay type, area, and w age type, but not the pay scale group or level. •
This is the wag e type w here the r esult of the chosen valuation is placed in the p ayroll outpu t table. A blank space in this field m eans that the valuation is placed in the d isplayed wage typ e in the payroll outpu t table. •
Once the curr ent wage typ e has been valuated , a percentage can be app lied to the valuated amou nt. If the valuated a mou nt should be p aid in full, enter 100; if the current w age type shou ld only pay half of the valuated am ount, enter 50, etc. You m ay, for examp le, pay an d record overtime at time-and-a-half in one of the following two w ays:
Configure on e wag e type, for examp le Ov ertim e 150% , which m ultiplies the valuated am oun t by 150 per cent. or
Configure tw o wage typ es, for examp le Ov ertim e 100% an d Overtime 50% , which m ultiplies the valuated amou nts by the app ropr iate percentages for the same total result. This second option gives you m ore flexibility to record p aym ent splits and valuate derived wage typ es.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Wage Type Valuation Valuating Time Wage Types with Average Amounts over a Given Period
1st Derived Wage Type In the 1st deriv ed w age ty pe box, the displayed wage type can have up to two d erived w age types that are valuated by the hours ( N um ber) of the current w age type. If the current w age type already h as an A mount or a Rate, nothing will be triggered in its derived w age types or its statement w age type. Usually, wag e types that have derived w age types have hours generated in Time Managem ent or hours entered in infotype 2010. These hou rs ( N um ber) are applied to the valuation basis ( Rate) of their d erived wa ge type to get an A mount. A der ived wa ge type can be configur ed d ifferently from the curr ent wa ge type, with different pr ocessing and evalu ation classes so that d ifferen t combinations of tax settings, valua tion settings, etc., can be configured for the same original hou rs. A derived w age type can in tu rn hav e its own d erived wage typ es. The 1st derived w age ty pe box contains th e following fields: •
Valuation basis
The Rate for a derived w age type is obtained from its valuation basis, using the options nn , K , TS , TG , T , as described above. •
Enter the name of the first-derived wag e type here. •
Enter the percentage of the valuated a mou nt to be app lied to the first-derived w age type.
2nd-Derived Wage Type The entries for the second-derived w age type hav e the same m eaning as the first-derived wag e type.
Valuating Time Wage Types with Average Amounts over a Given Period Averages configuration helps you accum ulate A mounts, Rates, and the N um ber of working hou rs from prim ary w age types into seconda ry w age types, and avera ge the totals over different periods of time. The resulting average rates are u sed to valuate time w age types. Averages are used to calculate vacation, short and long term d isability entitlements, etc., wh ere the entitlement dep end s on the earn ings or percentage of days w orked in the previous payr oll period or several previous pa yroll periods. Overtime p aymen ts may also be calculated in th is way. The 3.0F delivered system for the U.S. and Canad a d oes not contain complete averages configura tion. The screenshots and descriptions explain h ow to configure basic averages p rocessing from scratch. In general, to configure basic averages processing you need p rimary wage typ es to be included in evaluation bases and evaluated by averages pr ocessing (see the steps below).
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Wage Type Valuation Valuating Time Wage Types with Average Amounts over a Given Period
Primary Wage Types to be Included in Evaluation Bases 1. In the IMG, choose Time W age Ty pe V aluation → Averages Form bases for calculating averages .
2. Click Execute next to Form bases for calculatin g av erages. 3. Select the Country code, and click Continue. 2
4. Select each p rimary w age type whose Rate, N um ber, or A mount should be used to calculate average Rates.
5. Click Details. 4
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Wage Type Valuation Valuating Time Wage Types with Average Amounts over a Given Period
5. In the next screen, select wheth er its Rate, N um ber of hours, and A moun t should be cum ulated in / 201 A v erage bases and the percentage for each. /201 is the only / 2nn wage type
available for selection in th e delivered U.S. version. 6
Primary (Time) Wage Types to be Evaluated by Averages Processing 1. Choose Payroll: US A
Basic Settings → Environ m ent for Maintaining W age Typ es → Logical Views → Check assignm ent to wage ty pe grou p . →
Before time w age typ es can be evaluated by averages pr ocessing, make su re that they are assigned to the delivered w age type group 0510, wage type generation. 2. Click Execute next to Check
assignm ent to wage ty pe grou p .
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Wage Type Valuation Valuating Time Wage Types with Average Amounts over a Given Period
3. Choose Time Wage Ty pe Valuation → Averages → Assign v aluation aluation of av av erages erages to prim ary w age ty pe.
4. Click Execute Execute next to Assign v aluation aluation of av av erages erages to prim ary w age ty pe.
5. Select the Country grouping, an d click Continue.
6. On th is screen, screen, choose the time wa ge types that shou shou ld have their hourly Rate calculated calculated as an average over a p eriod of time. time.
7. Click Details. Details.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Wage Type Valuation Valuating Time Wage Types with Average Amounts over a Given Period
8. Choose the app ropriate processing processing class class 15 value for your time w age type.
9. The three delivered delivered va lues are 1, 2, an d A . These PC15 values a re p rocessed by rule X016, wh ich ich makes the followin followin g d ecision ecision ( VW TCL 15 15): •
For PC15 value 1, rule X016 goes to T511A T511A and pr ocesses calculation calculation ru le 01 01 (MEANV 01).
For PC15 value 2, rule X016 goes to T511A T511A and pr ocesses calculation calculation ru le 02 02 (MEANV 02).
PC15 value A relates to frozen averages that are ou tside of the scope scope of this docum ent.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Wage Type Valuation Valuating Time Wage Types with Average Amounts over a Given Period
10. Choose Time Wage Ty pe Valuation → Averages → Bases for valuation of averages.
11. Click Execute Execute next to Bases for v aluation aluation of averages. averages.
12. This IMG IMG screen screen shou ld show the averages calculations calculations ru les that are set up in T511 T511A. A. How ever, the U.S. U.S. d elivered version (3.0F) (3.0F) does not yet have a standard entry in in this view.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Wage Type Valuation Valuating Time Wage Types with Average Amounts over a Given Period
13. To see wh at is set up for country version 01 (Germ any), in the IMG, choose Tim e Wage Typ e Valuation Averages → Creat e cum ul ation rules f or bases for calculating averages . →
14. Click Execute next to Create cum ulation rules for bases for calculating averages . 13
15. Place your cursor on HR: A v erages, Start on second lev el.
16. Click Choose.
17. For Country grouping, select 01. 18. Click Continue.
17 18
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Wage Type Valuation Valuating Time Wage Types with Average Amounts over a Given Period
19. For Country grouping, reselect 01. 20. Click Enter .
21. Click Average type. You w ill then see the screen to the right, which is the starting p oint to describe averages processing. 21
T511A: Averages Calculation Rules
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Wage Type Valuation Valuating Time Wage Types with Average Amounts over a Given Period
The screen above show s the d ifferent a verage calculation ru les configured for country 01 in T511A. The followin g is a description of the field s and their fun ctionalities: •
Calc. rul e
This field gives the number of the averages calculation rule. Calc. Rule 01 is called by op eration MEAN V 01 in rule X016 . Therefore, time wa ge types that sh ould be v aluated by this calculation ru le are given pr ocessing class 15 valu e 1. •
Rel. test Cal. rule 01 goes to rule X017 to process a relevancy test, wh ich d etermines w hich previous p ayroll per iods are relevan t for averages calculations. Rule X017 is configured to mak e all previous p eriods relevan t. See ru le X019 for an examp le of how a relevancy tests are set up in a ru le.
Generally, payroll period s w hich imm ediately precede the current pay roll period are u sed to accum ulate the N umbers, Rates, or A mou nts used in averages calculations. How ever, if an emp loyee is absent for pa rt or all of a previous period, their earnings or hour s of wor k may n ot be relevant to the averages calculation. •
This colum n refers to a cum ulation t yp e called by the calculation rule. Calc. rule 01 calls cumulation type 01. Cum ulation types are described in the next section. •
F. process
This column contains the rule u sded in final averages p rocessing. In this examp le, Calc. rule 01 goes to rule X018 for final pro cessing. Rule X018 calculates the average Rate, using the values accum ulated in the table MV (cumu lation table for averages p rocessing). These values come from the / 2nn wag e types selected by the cum ulation type. •
Max.N o.Per
This column stands for the ma ximu m n um ber of previous payroll periods that can be used to calculate the average N umber, Rate, or A mount. Calc. rule 01 is configured to return to a m aximu m of three payroll periods. •
N o.rel. per
This column stands for the minimu m n um ber of previous payroll periods that can be used to calculate the average N umber, Rate, or A mount. Calc. rule 01 is configured to return to a m inimum of three payroll periods. •
Wage type
A wa ge type entered in this column can be configured with a p redefined average valu e, which can be chosen by u sers when they enter d ata in infotype 2010. This value is usefu l for em ployees w ho, for example, are new and have not w orked long enough for average processing to calculate an average value.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Wage Type Valuation Valuating Time Wage Types with Average Amounts over a Given Period
T511B: Cumulation Types Select Calc. R ule 01 an d click Cumulation Type for Average, which is found n ear the men u bar to see the following screen:
This screen show s Cum ulation typ e 01, wh ich is called by Calc. Ru le 01. In this examp le, Cum ulation Typ e 01 is accumu lating v alues collected in wage types /204 an d /207 . For /204 , the wage type A mount accum ulates in table MV and is ready to be included in the average rate calculations in ru le X018. For /207 , the wage type number and Rate accum ulates in table MV, ready to be includ ed in th e average Rat e calculation s in X018. The Adjustment field d etermines how retroactive pa y increases are han dled by averages p rocessing. This entry relates to an adjustment ru le. Cumulation Type 01 calls Adjustment rule 01 for /20 4 and /207 . N otice that each /2nn wag e typ e is related to a d ifferent a djustment rule. To see the adjustment rules screen, click M odification Featu re for A V and you will see the following screen:
T511C: Adjustment Rules for Averages Bases
Average calculation rule 01 is configured to return to three payr oll periods an d accumu late combinations of N umbers, Rates, and A mounts from /204 an d /207 to be included in averages calculations. If a p ay increase is activated in th e system, and that increase is effective from the curren t pa y p eriod, the average calculation s will take into account th e new N umbers, Rates, and A mounts, without further adjustment. How ever, if the pay increase is retroactive, and it is effective from two p ay p eriods pr ior, adjust you r averages pr ocessing to consider th e increased am ounts, not the am oun ts that have accum ulated so far for those periods.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Wage Type Valuation Valuating Time Wage Types with Average Amounts over a Given Period
Different ad justm ent ru les can be configur ed an d attached to /2nn w age types in cum ulation types, so that individual /2nn wag e types can be ad justed in different wa ys to consider retroactive pay increases. The fields in th e A djustm ent Ru les for Bases for Calculating A v erage Values screen hav e the following functionality: •
Adjustment ru le nu mber related to /2nn w age types in cum ulation types. •
These thr ee fields reflect the N umbers, Rates, and A mou nts of the /2nn w age types related to this adjustment rule. The following op tions ar e available for using each of these fields w hen increasing you r /2nn wage typ es du ring a retroactive pay increase: •
To store the increase factor as per centage in table T510C, wh ich is explained on th e following p age.
To divide the basic pay on d ay of the increase (using EE pay scale group / Level assignm ent) for current pay p eriod by the basic pay of previous period to increase. App ly this formu la to the N umber, Rate, or A mou nt that wa s stored for the retroactive period.
To divide basic pay on day of the increase (using EE pay scale group / level assignm ent) on da y of increase by the basic pay of previous p eriod to increase. App ly this formu la to the N umber, Rate, or A mou nt that wa s stored for the retroactive period.
To divide th e selected /0nn rate on th e da y of the pay increase by the selected /0n n rate on the previous p eriod to increase. App ly this formu la to the N umber, Rate, or A mou nt that wa s stored for the retroactive period.
In the Ind:NUM field, you can only select option 1, and in Ind:RTE an d Ind:AMT you can select any of the following options: •
ID: V basis
If you chose option 4 above, enter the /0nn wa ge type you w ant your retroactive increase to your /2nn N umber, Rate, or A mou nt to be based u pon. If you enter 01 , this w ill look at the Rate for wage typ e /001 , entering 02 will look at /002 , etc. •
WTy for Percentage
If you need to enter ind ividu al retroactive average increases for specific emp loyees, enter the w age type to be selected as a once-only paym ent in infotype 2010 to ap ply a percentage increase. These emp loyee-specific increases take p receden ce over n on-specific percentage increases. •
N o.periods
If you d o not w ant to increase the average bases for all the retroactive pay increase pay p eriods, in this field, enter the nu mber of periods you w ant to return to (adjustment ru le 01 will return three p eriods).
T510C: Adjust Average Bases according to Pay Scale In the d escription of adjustment ru les above, option 1 stated th at increase factor is stored as a p ercentage in table T510C. To see h ow this fun ctionality wor ks, click Features of standard pay increase to see the follow ing screen.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Wage Type Valuation Valuating Time Wage Types with Average Amounts over a Given Period
The settings w ill be app lied to the Rates or N um bers of the /2nn w age types that have option 1 chosen in the ad justm ent ru les. The increases app lied to th ese wage typ es can var y according to th e pay scale type, the area, and the EE subgrou p gr oup ing for the collective agreement p rovision that ap plies to the emp loyees being processed. The sam e /2nn wa ge type can h ave its average bases increased by d ifferent factors, according to the different percentage increases configured for different groups of employees in T510C. •
Percent 1
Enter the percentage increase to be app lied to th e valuation bases for emp loyees wh o receive a p ay increase and continue to work the sam e num ber of hou rs. •
Percent 2
This field should only be used if emp loyees are to have their working hou rs redu ced, but continue to receive the sam e pay. In this case, enter th e red uction factor to be app lied.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Calculating Daily and Weekly Overtime Overview
Chapter 4: Calculating Daily and Weekly Overtime Contents Overview .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4–1 The Time Evaluation Program ...........................................................................................................................................................................4–2 Schema TM04 (Negative Time Processing) ......................................................................................................................................................4–2 The USA Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).......................................................................................................................................................4–2 Federal Law verses State Law ...................................................................................................................................................................... 4–3 Exempt and Nonexempt Employees .............................................................................................................................................................4–3 Exempt Employees................................................................................................................................................................................4–3 Nonexempt Employees .........................................................................................................................................................................4–3 Regular Rate of Pay ......................................................................................................................................................................................4–3 Daily Balance Table TES and Monthly Balance Table SALDO........................................................................................................................ 4–4 Calculating Weekly Overtime (TW30 or TW20).................................................................................................................................................4–5 Subschema TW30—Weekly Overtime for Different Workweeks ..................................................................................................................4–6 Employees with Workweeks that Have Start Times......................................................................................................................................4–6 Rule TW31.............................................................................................................................................................................................4–6 Rule TW32.............................................................................................................................................................................................4–8 Rule TW06.............................................................................................................................................................................................4–8 Rule TW04.............................................................................................................................................................................................4–9 Rule TW33...........................................................................................................................................................................................4–10 Employees with Workweeks that Do Not Have Start Times........................................................................................................................4–11 Rule TW34...........................................................................................................................................................................................4–11 Rule TW35...........................................................................................................................................................................................4–11 Rule TW04...........................................................................................................................................................................................4–12 Rule TW36...........................................................................................................................................................................................4–12 Subschema TW20: Weekly Overtime for One Workweek...........................................................................................................................4–12 Rule TW01...........................................................................................................................................................................................4–13 Rule TW02...........................................................................................................................................................................................4–13 Rule TW04...........................................................................................................................................................................................4–14 Rule TW03...........................................................................................................................................................................................4–14 Calculating Daily Overtime (Subschema TW15) ............................................................................................................................................ 4–14 Rule TO01 ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4–15 Rule TO02...................................................................................................................................................................................................4–16 Calculating Overtime Based on Consecutive Attendance Days (TW10) ..................................................................................................... 4–17 Rule TW00 .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4–17 Rule TO00...................................................................................................................................................................................................4–18
Overview Chap ter 3 described how wage typ e valuation is performed w ith schemas and rules in Pay roll Calculati on . W age ty pe v aluation is applied to time wage types, wh ich can be configured to generate paym ents when, for example, additional hours classified as overtime are w orked. This chap ter looks at the Time Evaluation progr am a nd the schemas and rules specifically designed to generate overtime hou rs for app lication to time wage types.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Calculating Daily and Weekly Overtime The Time Evaluation Program
The Time Evaluation Program The delivered Time Evaluation program is RPTIME00, which evaluates basic employee time d ata, like the Payroll Calculation progra m d oes. This program can also be used to: •
Form an d store time da ily balances in time typ es (for examp le, flextime hou rs, overtime hou rs, etc.), wh ich can then be converted into p ayments or vacation comp ensation, if app ropr iate
Upd ate infotype records, such as 0005 (Leave Entitlement )
Generate messages
Implement clock-in and clock-out time recording systems
The program is generally run each night and is started by scheduling a batch job. The results of RPTIME00 are then stored in cluster B in th e payroll input file (PCL2), ready for pickup in th e next RPCALCX0 run. RPTIME00 is an international pr ogram , so there ar e no country-specific versions. The following are the main top-level schema s app ropriate for the U.S.: •
TM00 to evaluate PDC time recording, where start an d end times are directly entered into the system or are entered with a time recording system (for example, positive time processing)
TM04 to evaluate attend ances and absences recorded withou t clock times (for examp le, elapsed h ours), wh ere only the exceptions to planned work time are entered (for examp le, negative time processing )
This chap ter d escribes the overtime configuration op tions available in schema TM04 for emp loyees evaluated with negative time processing.
Schema TM04 (Negative Time Processing) Chap ter 7 highlights the m ain p rocessing steps that affect overtime configuration in TM04. The follow ing screenshot an d the rem ainder of this chap ter d escribe in d etail step 4, which involves calculating overtime hou rs and flagging overtime tim e pairs.
TM04-lines 000410–000430 Excess hou rs can be flagged as overtime based on the num ber of da ys worked p er week, or the number of hours worked p er day or per week.
The USA Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) The delivered schema TM04 contains subschemas and rules that have been designed to comply with U.S. federal and state laws th at stipulate wh en overtime shou ld be p aid for certain em ployees. This section prov ides an overview of the FLSA legislation.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Calculating Daily and Weekly Overtime The USA Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
Federal Law verses State Law The Federa l wage-hour law (FLSA) requires most employers to pay at least the federal minimu m wage a nd an overtime prem ium to certain emp loyees. Many states also imp ose their own m inimum wage an d overtime requ irements. If the state law is more ben eficial to the emp loyee, then the em ployer m ust comp ly with the state law.
Exempt and Nonexempt Employees Employees may be exempt (or nonexemp t) from FLSA legislation. The category they belong to d epend s on the d uties they p erform, n ot their job title.
Exempt Employees Exemp t emp loyees do n ot have to be paid the m inimu m w age or overtime rates, because they are u sually paid a set salary. The most common types of exemp t emp loyees includ e: •
White collar em ployees, such as:
Executives Administrators Professionals (including highly skilled computer professionals) Outside salespersons
Retail and service ind ustry commission salespersons
Pu blicly elected officials and th eir app ointees
Local or state governm ent emp loyees, other th an a library or school board
Nonexempt Employees Non exempt emp loyees are protected by FLSA legislation and mu st be paid at least the minimum wa ge for hou rs worked , and extra overtime pay for hours worked over a 40-hou r week.
Federal law d oes not stipu late that overtime rates should be paid for w orking on Saturday, Sun day , or a pu blic holiday, un less the hou rs exceed 40 hours a w eek. Federal law also does not stipu late that overtime rates should be paid w hen someone works m ore than eight hour s a d ay. How ever, some state laws, and u nion contracts require that overtime is paid wh en these conditions are met. Schema TM04 contains subschemas and rules that d eal with these variables.
Regular Rate of Pay Non exempt em ployees must be p aid at least one-and-a-half times their regular r ate of pay for ph ysically working over 40 hou rs du ring a workweek . The d efinition for “ph ysically w orked” does n ot includ e sick pa y, vacation pay , jur y du ty pa y, etc., unless it is the emp loyer’s policy to do so. As an exception, state or local governmen t emp loyees can be given comp ensatory time off instead of overtime p ay.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Calculating Daily and Weekly Overtime Daily Balance Table TES and Monthly Balance Table SALDO
The regular rate of pay determ ines the rate at which excess hours should be paid a nd is defined as follows: •
For hourly paid emp loyees, usu ally the hou rly rate at which they are paid
For salaried emp loyees, usually the salary divided by the nu mber of hour s for wh ich that salary compensates
For employees paid on a piecework or commission basis, usually the total earnings for the w eek divided by the hours w orked
The following are examp les of payments that shou ld be includ ed in the regu lar rate of pay: •
N on-discretionary bonuses Any agreed up on or p reviously announ ced bonus or incentive plan related to p rodu ction, efficiency, attendan ce, quality, or some other performan ce measure mu st be included in the regular rate of pay for the workw eek in wh ich it was earned .
Shift premiums An am oun t add ed to the hour ly rate for wor king an evening, late night, or other un desirable shift.
N on-cash payments The reasonable cost to the emp loyer or the fair m arket value of paym ents mad e in the form of goods or services, such as m eals and lodging.
Retroactive pay or back pay awards
On-call pay
Cost of livin g adjustments
In chapter 9, USA FLSA Regu lar Rate of Pay V aluation describes how th e Payroll Calculation p rogram can be configured to calculate an hou rly rate according to th e FLSA regular rat e of pa y legislation.
Daily Balance Table TES and Monthly Balance Table SALDO RPTIME00 run s daily and keep s both daily and run ning (monthly) hour totals. Different typ es of hou rs are stored in time typ es, and the ru les described in this chap ter use the following u tility time typ es to temp orarily store hour s or times: •
Hou rs (that can count tow ard s overtime) stored for this week
Hou rs (that can count tow ard s overtime) stored for next week
Sequence of attendan ce days
Start time of the workw eek
Daily overtime after X hours (threshold)
Overtime hours
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Calculating Daily and Weekly Overtime Calculating Weekly Overtime (TW30 or TW20)
The following operations involve TES and the month ly balance table SALDO: •
The operation that takes the hou rs from TES (used to p rocess in a ru le) is Dnnnn, where nnnn is the time type nu mber. For example, D0903 takes the d aily balance of hou rs for time typ e 0903 from TES .
The operation that takes the hou rs from SALDO is Mnnn. For example, M0903 takes the monthly balance of hou rs for time type 0903 from table SALDO .
The operation to upd ate the daily balance table TES in a ru le is ADDDB (for example, ADDDB0903 up dates the d aily balance of time typ e 0903). In the above examp le, if the new daily balance overrides the p revious entry in TES , the operation w ill have a Z add ed to it ( ADDDB0903Z ).
SALDO is not directly upd ated by these ru les.
Rather, it is upd ated each d ay ongoing d aily totals are accum ulated. Configuring in TM04 1. If your comp any n eeds to implement overtime for employees with negative time processing, be awar e of the subschemas an d rules in this chap ter. 2. Make a customer copy of all of the schemas and rules you n eed to u se. 3. Depend ing on your company requ irements, you might need to only make minor chan ges to the d elivered rules. (For example, if your emp loyees are p aid overtime after wor king nine hou rs, instead of eight, you w ould on ly need to change the overtime threshold valu e. Everything else could rem ain the sam e.) 4. Most of the delivered ru les discussed in this chapter hav e no var iants, wh ich m eans they are configu red for ESG for PCR*. If you h ave less than nine sets of overtim e regu lations in your compan y, you m ay u se the same r ule, with d ifferent va riants for ESG for PCR (linked to emp loyee subgrou p in m aster data), to process various sets of emp loyees in different ways.
Calculating Weekly Overtime (TW30 or TW20) Schema TM04 has two su bschem as that can be used to set the weekly hours threshold: •
Subschema TW30 should be used w here a comp any has two or more w orkweek definitions, with different start d ays or start times. In this case, different w orkw eeks can be d efined in T559A and defaulted to different group s of emp loyees in infotype 0007 with the feature WWEEK .
Subschema TW20 should be u sed w here there is only one workw eek definition for the entire company. TW20 is not called in the d elivered TM04. To includ e TW20 instead of TW30, replace TW30 with TW20 in the Copy fun ction line in TM04.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Calculating Daily and Weekly Overtime Calculating Weekly Overtime (TW30 or TW20)
To configur e overtim e calculations, choose IMG → Personn el A dm inistration an d Payroll A ccoun ting → Time M anagem ent → Time Evaluation → Time Accounting Without Clock Times → Tim e Data Processing → Ov ertim e Calculation → Calculate Ov ertim e A ccording to the W orking W eek.
Subschema TW30 —Weekly Overtime for Different Workweeks The screenshot below shows su bschem a TW30. TW30 uses IF an d ELSE functions to select d ifferent ru les for d ifferent group s of employees as follows:
1. IF an d W W if the emp loyee has a workw eek selected in infotype 0007.
2. IF an d W W T I if the emp loyee’s workw eek has a start time. 3. Rules TW 31, TW 32, an d TW33 ar e processed.
2 3 4
4. ELSE if the em ployee has a 5 workw eek selected in infotype 0007 , but their wor kweek d oes not have a start time. 5. Rules TW 34, TW 35, an d TW36 ar e processed. The main reason for these two different types of p rocessing is the need to create splits in the time p airs wh ere an emp loyee begins a shift du ring one workw eek and end s it du ring another. At the beginning of the d ay, the system autom atically splits the time p airs when an em ployee’s new w orkw eek begins (for example, at midn ight). However, if the new w orkw eek begins d uring th e da y (for examp le, Monda y at 2:00 p.m.), additional processing is required to create new time pairs for the h ours w orked before and after 2:00 p.m. If an em ployee’s workw eek does not have a start time, the system assumes that the n ew w orkweek begins at midnight on the first day.
Employees with Workweeks that Have Start Times The following sequ ence of subschem as and ru les is called by TW30 to process weekly overtime for emp loyees who have wor kweeks with a start time.
Rule TW31 The IF statements in TW30 state that if the em ployee has a w orkweek selected in infotype 0007 and if their wor kweek ha s a start time, their hours w ill be processed by ru les TW31, TW32, and TW33.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Calculating Daily and Weekly Overtime Calculating Weekly Overtime (TW30 or TW20)
Function ACTIO in TW30 calls ru le TW31, as shown below:
Operation D escriptions
This line takes the month ly balance of the num ber of hours for the curren t week (HRS=M0903) and add s it to the da ily balance of hours for the cur rent w eek, wh ich overrides the p revious daily balance (ADDDB0903Z). The month ly balance of the nu mber of hou rs for the following week (HRS=M0904) is added to the d aily balance of hours for the following w eek, which overrides the p revious d aily balance (ADDDB0904Z).
A d ecision (D) is made w hether this is the first day of the wor kweek (VARSTFDYWW).
If this is not the first day of the w orkweek (N), a d ecision (D) is made w hether this is the last day of the workweek (VARSTLDYWW).
If this is not the first day of the w orkweek (N ) and not the last day of the workw eek (N), 48 hou rs are add ed to the start time of the workw eek time type (HRS =48,00 A DDD B0906Z) . Now , the system ensures that all hou rs worked on the current d ay will be included in the current w eek and temp orarily moves the start time of the next week forward by 48 hou rs. This process might be n ecessary for shift w orkers, whose start an d end times cross over the start and end of workweeks.
If this is not the first day of the w orkweek (N ) but the last day of the workw eek (Y), 24 hou rs are add ed to the start time of the workweek recorded in infotype 0007 (HRS=IWWEEKHRS+24). This amoun t also add ed to the start of the workw eek time typ e (ADDDB0906Z). Now , the system ensur es that all hour s worked d uring the current da y will be includ ed in th e current w eek; it temporarily moves the start time of the next week forward by 24 hours.
If this is the first d ay of the w orkweek (Y), the start time of the workw eek recorded in infotype 0007 is loaded into the start of the workw eek time typ e (IWWEEKADDDB0906Z). This step ensures that time typ e 0906 always has th e correct start time at th e beginning of each new workweek.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Calculating Daily and Weekly Overtime Calculating Weekly Overtime (TW30 or TW20)
Rule TW32 After TW31 has been processed, function PTIP in TW30 calls ru le TW32, as show n below:
The main p urpose of TW32 is to see if the tim e pa irs assigned in T555Y (described in step 3 of chap ter 7) have both start and end times (D OUTTPEXTIM). If they d o not, the da ta is transferred back to internal table TIP withou t furth er processing (COLOP*). If start and end times exist, the d ata passes to ru le TW06 for further processing (GCY TW06).
Rule TW06
Operation D escriptions
TW 06 f irst m akes a d ecision on the p rocessing type of the time pair (OUTTPVTYPE).
If the p rocessing typ e is anything other than S (Planned Work Time), the data is transferred back to internal table TIP withou t furth er processing (COLOP*).
If the p rocessing typ e is S, for planned w ork time, it then m akes a decision on th e pair type of the time pair (OUTTPPTYPE).
(S *) If the p rocessing typ e is S (Planned Work Time) and the pair typ e is not 0 or 2, the start time of tod ay’s shift (HRS=PBEG) is comp ared to the start time of the work week (HRS?D0906). Time typ e 0906 was initialized in ru le TW31.
(S * *) If the p rocessing type is S (Planned Work Time), toda y’s hou rs (HRS=PNUM) ar e add ed to the d aily balance for time typ e 0904 [hours for the following w eek (ADDDB0904) ] , then tran sferred back to TIP (COLOP).
(S * < ) If the star t time of toda y’s shift is before the start tim e of the wor kw eek (S * <), the end
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Calculating Daily and Weekly Overtime Calculating Weekly Overtime (TW30 or TW20)
Operation D escriptions time of tod ay’s shift (HRS=PEND) is compared to the start time of the curr ent workw eek (HRS?D0906).
(S * < *) If the start tim e of today’s shift is before th e start time of the w orkw eek, and the en d time of today’s shift is before the start of the w orkweek, the d ata p asses to rule TW04 for further processing (Z GCY T W 04).
(S * < > ) If the start time of today’s shift is before the start time of the work week an d the end time of toda y’s shift is after the star t of the w orkw eek, the difference betw een the star t of this wor kweek and the end of today’s shift (HRS=R , the result of the p reviou s decision in line 000060) is add ed to the d aily balance for time typ e 0904 [hours for the following w eek (ADDDB0904)]. A partial time pair is created for these hour s (GEN TPE *) and p assed to TW04 for further processing (GCY TW04).
000090 an d 000100
If the pa ir type is 0 or 2 (non-recorded tim e or record ed absence), the data is transferred back to internal table TIP withou t furth er processing (COLOP*). How ever, the comment on th e last line states that if recorded absences can be counted toward overtime, they should hav e the hours add ed to time type 0903.
Rule TW04
TW04 now receives data for time pairs with p rocessing typ e S (Planned Work), for all hou rs except nonrecorded time and recorded absence. Separate time p airs have also been created by TW06 for hours that cross the start time of the workw eek.
Operation D escriptions
TW 04 now compares the hou rs in the daily balance table for time typ e 0903 [Hours in the Current Week (HRS=D0903 )] with th e weekly overtime threshold stored in table entry OVERT in T511K un der coun try group ing 10 [USA (HRS?COVERT)].
Any excess hours from th e previous op eration are transferred to internal table TIP as time type 0040 [Overtime Hours (COLOP 0040)]. Their time p air pr ocessing typ e is chan ged from S (Planned Work) to M [Overtime (FILLPVM)].
If the hou rs in the curren t week are less than the th reshold stored in T511K (<), today’s hour s are ad ded to the daily balance in 0903 (HRS+PNUM), and the result is again comp ared to the weekly overtime threshold stored in T511K (HRS?COVERT).
The new h ours total after line 000030 is add ed to the d aily balance table for 0903 (overwriting the p revious balance) and transferred to internal table TIP (ADDDB0903ZCOLOP).
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Calculating Daily and Weekly Overtime Calculating Weekly Overtime (TW30 or TW20)
Operation D escriptions
If the T511K threshold is exceeded as a resu lt of today’s plann ed hours , a par tial time p air is generated for the hou rs in excess of this threshold in T511K (HRS=COVERTHRS-D0903 GENT PB S). Its processing typ e is changed from S (Planned Work) to M [Overtime (FILLPVM)] , and the excess hours are tran sferred to internal table TIP as time type 0040 [overtime hou rs (COLOP 0040)].
At the end of the TW04 processing, excess hours that should count as overtime are stored in time type 0040 (overtime hou rs). They have also had th eir time p air processing typ e changed from S (Planned Work) to M (Overtim e), read y for selection by T510S , as described in chapter 7, Step 5: Generat e Tim e W age Ty pes from T im e Pairs.
Rule TW33 After TW04 has been p rocessed, subschema TW30 calls ru le TW33 with th e function ACTIO.
TW33 now u pd ates time types 0903 an d 0904 in the d aily balance table TES . These up da tes continue the rollover of the upd ates performed in TW31, wh ich began the overtime p rocessing for subschema TW30.
In TW31, the month ly balance in the h ours for the current w eek (0903) and hour s in the following week (0904) was ad ded to the daily balance for 0903 an d 0904, overriding the p revious entries. In TW33, these rolling up dates are p erformed d ifferently, according to w hether this is the first day of the w orkweek (D VARSTFDYWW). •
If this is not the first d ay of the w orkweek (N ) The month ly balance of hours for the current w eek (HRS-M0903) is subtracted from the daily balance of hou rs for the curr ent week (HRS=D0903), and the monthly balance of hours for the following w eek (HRS-M0904) is subtracted from th e da ily balance of hours for the following w eek (HRS=D0904). The new totals become today’s daily balance for the curr ent and the following w eek. These balances are then ad ded to the daily balance table TES , overriding the pr evious entries for the curr ent (ADDDB0903Z) and the following week (ADDDB0904Z).
If this is the first d ay of the w orkweek (Y ) The monthly balance for the hou rs for the current w eek (M0903) is dedu cted from the d aily balance for the hou rs for the following week (D0904), and the total is add ed to the d aily balance for the hours for the current week (ADDDB0903Z). This p rocess takes today ’s d aily balance of hours and states that these are now th e cur rent, or new, w eeks hours, not the following w eek’s hours.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Calculating Daily and Weekly Overtime Calculating Weekly Overtime (TW30 or TW20)
The da ily balance of hours for the following week is then set to zero by: HRS=0,00
HRS-M 0904
Employees with Workweeks that Do Not Have Start Times The following sequ ence of subschem as and ru les is called by TW30 to p rocess overtime on a w eekly basis for employees wh o have workw eeks that d o not have a start time.
Rule TW34 In TW30, th e ELSE statement m eans if the em ployee has a w orkweek selected in infotype 0007 and their wor kweek d oes not have a start time, then their hou rs will be processed by rules TW 34, TW 35, an d TW36 . Function ACTIO in TW30 calls ru le TW34, shown below:
TW34 first decides wh ether this is the first day of the w orkweek (D V ARSTFDYW W) . If this is not the first day of the workw eek (N), the d aily balance of the hou rs for the current w eek in table TES is updated (ADDB0903Z) by the mon thly balance of the hour s for the curren t week (HRS=M0903) from SALDO. If this is the first day of the w orkweek, the d aily balance of the hou rs for the current w eek is set to zero (HRS =0,00 A DDD B0903Z).
Rule TW35 After TW34 has been processed, function PTIP in subschema TW30 calls ru le TW35, shown below:
TW35 first ma kes a d ecision on the p rocessing type of the time pair (OUTTPVTYPE) . If the pr ocessing typ e is anything other than S (Planned Work), the d ata is transferred back to internal table TIP without further processing (COLOP*). If the p rocessing typ e is S, for planned work time, it then makes a d ecision on the pair typ e of the time pair (OUTTPPTYPE).
If the pa ir type is 0 or 2 (Non-Record ed Time or Record ed Absence), the d ata is transferred back to internal table TIP withou t furth er processing (COLOP*). H owever, the comm ent on th e last line states that if
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Calculating Daily and Weekly Overtime Calculating Weekly Overtime (TW30 or TW20)
recorded absences can be counted toward overtime, they should have the hou rs add ed to time type 0903. If the p rocessing type is S ( Planned Work), and the pair types are not 0 or 2 (*), the da ta is transferred to ru le TW04 for further processing (Z GCY T W 04).
Rule TW04 TW04 has now been passed d ata for time p airs with processing class S (Planned Work), for all hours except non-recorded time and record ed a bsence. Please see the screenshot and description of TW04 on p age 10 for d etails before the next stage in p rocessing.
Rule TW36 After TW04 has been p rocessed, subschema TW30 calls ru le TW36 with th e function ACTIO.
TW36 takes the daily balance for this w eek’s hou rs (HRS=D0903), and subtracts from it the mon thly balan ce for this week’s hou rs (HRS-M0903). The n ew t otal is tod ay’s balance for this week’s hour s, which is ad ded to the daily balance table TES (ADDDB0903Z), overriding the previous entry.
Subschema TW20: Weekly Overtime for One Workweek. The screenshot below shows su bschem a TW20, which is used as an alternative to subschem a TW30 to calculate weekly overtime wh en a compan y only has one work week d efinition for all emp loyees.
TW20 behaves similarly to TW30 because: •
Rule TW01 initializes TES
Rule TW02 compares the hou rs worked weekly to the threshold in T511K and flags overtime time pairs with p rocessing type M
Rule TW03 resets the daily balance table TES after pr ocessing is comp lete
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Calculating Daily and Weekly Overtime Calculating Weekly Overtime (TW30 or TW20)
Rule TW01
TW01 decides wh ether this is the first d ay of the workw eek (D V ARSTW DY 7). In the above screenshot, VARSTWDY is set to 7, indicating that a n ew w eek begins on a Sund ay. If, for examp le, your comp any wor kweek begins on a Monday, change the 7 to a 1.
If today is not the first d ay of the w orkweek (for example, it is not da y 7 ) , the d aily balance for this w eek’s hours is upd ated in table TES (ADDDB0903Z) with th e month ly balance for this week’s hour s (HRS=M0903). If this is the first day of the w orkw eek, the d aily balance for th is week’s hou rs is set to 0,00 hours (HRS =0,00 A DDD B0903Z).
Rule TW02
Rule TW02 behaves id entically to ru le TW35 in subschema TW30 because: •
It first makes a d ecision on the p rocessing type of the time pair (OUTTPVTYPE).
If the p rocessing typ e is anything other than S (Planned Work), the d ata is transferred back to internal table TIP withou t furth er processing (COLOP*).
If the p rocessing typ e is S, for planned w ork time, it then ma kes a decision on th e pair type of the time pair (OUTTPPTYPE).
If the p air typ e is 0 or 2, (Non-Record ed Time or Recorded Absence), the d ata is transferred back to internal table TIP withou t further processing (COLOP*). How ever, the comm ent on th e last line states that if recorded absences can be counted tow ard ov ertime, they should h ave the hours ad ded to time type 0903.
If the p rocessing typ e is S (Planned Work), and the pair typ e is not 0 or 2 (*), the da ta is transferred to rule TW04 for further processing (Z GCY T W 04).
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Calculating Daily and Weekly Overtime Calculating Daily Overtime (Subschema TW15)
Rule TW04 TW04 has now been passed d ata for time p airs with processing class S (Planned Work), for all hours except non-recorded time and record ed a bsence. Please see the screenshot and description of TW04 on p age 9 for d etails before the next stage in p rocessing.
Rule TW03 After TW04 has been p rocessed, subschema TW20 calls ru le TW03, with th e function ACTIO.
Rule TW03 behaves identically to rule TW36 in subschem a TW30. In this case, TW03 takes the d aily balan ce for this week’s hou rs (HRS=D0903), and subtracts from it the m onthly balance for this week’s hours (HRS-M0903). The new total is today’s balance for this w eek’s hou rs, which is add ed to the d aily balance table TES (ADDDB0903Z), overriding the previous entry.
Calculating Daily Overtime (Subschema TW15) Schema TM04 uses subschema TW15 to calculate ov ertime on a d aily basis. To configur e overtim e calculations, choose IMG → Personn el A dm inistration an d Payroll A ccoun ting → Time M anagem ent → Time Evaluation → Time Accounting Without Clock Times → Tim e Data Processing → Overtime Calculation → Calculate Overtime on a Daily Basis.
Subschema TW15 first calls ru le TO01, shown on the following page.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Calculating Daily and Weekly Overtime Calculating Daily Overtime (Subschema TW15)
Rule TO01 TO01 sets the limits after which overtime becomes payable.
Li n e
O p e rati o n D es es cri p ti o n s
A d ecision ecision (D) is mad e on the day type being being worked by the employee (VARSTDAYTY).
For all da y typ es except except 0 (work, paid), 1 (off, (off, paid), an d 2 (off, (off, not p aid), the time typ e 0900 (Daily Overtime After X H our s), is set at greater th an 8,00 hour s in the d aily aily balance table TES for for planned hours w orked (HRS =S HRS >8,00 8,00 A DDD B0900) B0900)..
For For d ay type 0 (work, paid), the rule d ecides ecides wheth er this is a free free day in the emp loyee’ loyee’s work schedule (D V A RSTFREE) RSTFREE)..
000040 an d 000050
If this is is not a free d ay (N), the system ha s two settings: •
Line 000040 adds 99,00 hour s to time type 0900 (Daily (Daily Over time After X Hou rs) in TES . This setting, setting, means for tha t d ay, the emp loyee will not w ork su ffic fficient ient hou rs to qu alify alify for overtime.
Line 000050 adds 8,00 hours to time type 0900 (Daily (Daily Ov ertime After X Hou rs) in TES for plann ed h ours w orked. This line line is deactivated deactivated by th e * in colum colum n T.
Essentially, Essentially, in in d elivered ru le TO01, overtime is not au tomaticall tomatically y p aid after after eight h ours. To make overtime p ayable after after eight hours, delete the * in colum colum n T to activate line 000050 an d add an * in colum colum n T to deactivate line 000040. 000060
If this is is a free d ay (Y), (Y), the system ad d s 8,00 hou rs to time time type 0900, but d oes not attach attach this limit limit to planned hou rs (HRS =8,00 ADD DB0900Z). This setting setting means that th e hours w orked DB0900Z). This over eight hour s on a free day qualify qualify for overtime.
For For d ay type 1 (off, (off, pa id), 0,00 hours are add ed to time time type 0900 (HRS=0,00 (HRS=0,00 AD DDB0900Z DDB0900Z ). This setting setting m eans that overtime w ill ill be paid for the hour s worked on a p aid d ay off. off.
For For d ay type 2 (off, unpaid), 99,00 hours are add ed to time time type 0900 (HRS=99,00 This means that overtime will not be paid for the hours wor ked on an u np aid ADDDB0900Z). This day off. off.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Calculating Daily and Weekly Overtime Calculating Daily Overtime (Subschema TW15)
Rule TO02 After the processing of TO01, subschema TW15 calls rule TO02.
Li n e
O p e rati o n D e s cri p ti o n s
A d ecision ecision (D) is made on the pr ocessing ocessing type of the time pair being pr ocessed ocessed (OUTTPVTYPE).
Time p airs with pr ocessi ocessing ng typ es other than S (Planned Hours) are passed on without (*) Time further processing processing (COLOP*).
time p airs with pr ocessi ocessing ng typ e S, a d ecisi ecision on is ma de (D) on the time pair type (S ) For time (OUTTPPTYPE).
processing typ e S, and w ith time time pair types other than 0 (Non(S *) For all time types w ith processing Recorded Time), and 2 (Reco (Record rd ed Absence), Absence), the ru le comp comp ares the da ily ily balance for hou rs for the following following week (HRS=D0904) with th e da ily ily balance stored in th e da ily ily overtime after-xafter-xhours time type (HRS?D0900).
Excesss hour s in the p revious line line are transferred to internal table TIP as time time typ e 0040 (S * *) Exces [Overtime Hours (COLOP 0040)]. Their time p air pr ocessi ocessing ng typ e is chan chan ged from S (Planned Work) to M [Overtime (FILLPVM)].
today’s hour s are add ed to the (S * <) If the hou rs in D0904 are less than th e hour s in D0900 , today’s hou rs in in D0904 and a gain comp comp ared to the hour s in in D0900 (D HRS+PNUM HRS?D0900).
line 000060 is added to the daily balance balance of 0904 in the daily inp inp ut table (S * < *) The resu lt of line (overriding (overriding th e pr evious balance), balance), and transferred to intern al table TIP (ADDDB0904Z COLOP).
time p air is (S * < >) If the hou rs in D0904 are now greater than the hours in D0900 , a par tial time generated for the excess excess hours (HRS =D0900 HRS-D0904 GEN processing ng typ e GEN TPB S), and its processi is chan chan ged from S (Planned (Planned Work) to M [Overtime (FILLPVM)]. The excess excess hou rs are also transferred to internal table TIP as time type 0040 [Overtime Hours (COLOP 0040)].
For time time typ es with p rocessi rocessing ng typ e S, and w ith ith time pair type 0 (Non-Recorded Time), the data p asses on withou t furth furth er processing processing (COLOP*).
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Calculating Daily and Weekly Overtime Calculating Overtime Based on Consecutive Attendance Days (TW10)
Li n e
O p e rati o n D e s cri p ti o n s
For time time typ es with p rocessi rocessing ng typ e S, and w ith ith time pair type 2 (Recorded Absence), the data passes on withou t further p rocessi rocessing ng (COLOP*). How ever, the comm comm ent on th e last line line states that if recorded absences can can be coun coun ted towar d overtime, they should have the hou rs add ed to time type 0904.
Calculating Overtime Based on Consecutive Attendance Days (TW10) Schema TM04 uses subschema TW10 to calculate calculate overtime overtime based on the nu mber of consec consecutive utive attend ance days. TW10 is delivered d eactivated. To configur configur e overtime calculations, choose choose IMG → Personnel A dm inistration inistration and Payrol Payrolll A ccounting ccounting → Time Management → Time Evaluation → Time Accounting Without Clock Times → Tim e Data Process Processing ing → Ov ertim ertim e Calcula Calculation tion → Calculate Overtime According to Days W orked.
In subschema TW10, function IF calls calls ru le TW00.
Rule TW00
Li n e
O p e rati o n D e s cri p ti o n s
A d ecision ecision ( D is mad e on wh ether the employee is present toda y (VARSTPRSNT). D ) is
If the employee is absent (N), th e IF statem ent is called called false (SCOND=F), and the daily daily balance in in time typ e 0905 (Sequ (Sequ ence of Attend ance Days) is set to zero (HRS=0,00 rocessing ng in subschema TW10. ADDDB0905Z), with n o further p rocessi
If the employee is present (Y), a d ecision ecision (D) is made on w hether this is the the start of the
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Calculating Daily and Weekly Overtime Calculating Overtime Based on Consecutive Attendance Days (TW10)
Operation D escriptions workweek (VA RSTWDY 7). The first day of the w eek is set for day n um ber 7 (Sunday).
If the emp loyee is present, and th is is not the first day of the w orkweek, the p revious d ay’s balance in 0905 is ma d e available, and 1,00 day is added to it (HR S=L0905 HR S+1,00), and the d aily balance in 0905 is updated by the new total (ADDDB0905Z). The new balance is then compared to 6,00 [the consecutive days threshold, after wh ich ov ertime becomes payable (HRS?6,00)].
If the resu lt of the previous line is not greater than 6,00, th e IF statem ent is false (SCOND=F IF) and no further p rocessing is carried ou t in TW10.
If the resu lt of the p reviou s line is greater th an 6,00 (Y N >), th e IF statement is true (SCOND=T IF) and further p rocessing will be carried out by TW10 in rule TO00.
If the emp loyee is present, and th is is the first da y of the workw eek (Y Y), then the IF statem ent is false (SCOND=F IF) and the d aily balance for 0905 is set to 1,00, for the first da y of the week (HRS =1,00 A DDD B0905Z) . No fur ther p rocessing is carried ou t in TW10.
Rule TO00 If the emp loyee is present, this is not the first day of the wor kweek, and he or she h as exceeded six consecutive working d ays, TW10 processes ru le TO00 to convert the p lanned h ours for the seventh, eighth, etc., consecutive working d ays to overtime hou rs.
TO00 makes a d ecision on the p rocessing an d p air type of the time p airs passed on from TW00. All time pairs with p rocessing type P (Planned Hours) and other than 0 (Non-Recorded Time) and 2 (Recorded Absence) have their p rocessing typ e changed to M [Overtime (FILLPVM)] and are r eady to be selected by T510S , as described in chapter 7, Step 5: Generat e Tim e W age Ty pes from T im e Pairs. The excess hour s are also transferred to interna l table TIP as time type 0040 [Over time Hou rs (COLO P 0040)].
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Compensating Overtime with Remuneration or Vacation Overview
Chapter 5: Compensating Overtime with Remuneration or Vacation Contents Overview .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5–1 Choosing a Compensation Type .......................................................................................................................................................................5–2 Configuring Processing Class 17 for Overtime Wage Types..........................................................................................................................5–2 Data Flow: Rules TC20, TC21, TC22............................................................................................................................................................ 5–3 Data Flow: TC10, TC11, TC12......................................................................................................................................................................5–3
Configuring Overtime Compensation in Rules TC20, TC21, and TC22.......................................................................................................... 5–3 Rule TC20 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5–4 Rule TC21 .....................................................................................................................................................................................................5–5 Rule TC22 .....................................................................................................................................................................................................5–6
Configuring Overtime Compensation in Rules TC10, TC11, TC12 ................................................................................................................. 5–7 Rule TC10 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5–7 Rule TC11 .....................................................................................................................................................................................................5–8 Rule TC12 .....................................................................................................................................................................................................5–9
Overview Examine the screen shot of lines 000440–000610 in schema TM04 below. This screenshot highlights the one of main processing steps that affects overtime configuration in TM04.
This chap ter d escribes rule TC20, wh ich is pr ocessed in step 6 (the further processing of overtime w age types), as discussed in chap ter 7. In th is step, remuneration or vacation combinations can be generated for wage types that contain hours generated as overtime. This chap ter also describes rule TC10, which works like TC20 and , if required, can also be processed by schema TM04.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Compensating Overtime with Remuneration or Vacation Choosing a Compensation Type
Choosing a Compensation Type Chap ter 1 described the w ays that overtime is entered in th e system. Overtime hou rs are entered u sing infotypes 2005 (Overtime) an d 2007 ( Att en dance Qu otas ). The u ser can choose one of the following compensation types: Comp ensation type left blank
The comp ensation type w ill depend on the wag e type chosen.
Compensation typ e 1
Compensate with remu neration only.
Compensation typ e 2
Compensate with remu neration and vacation.
Compensation typ e 3
Comp ensate with vacation only.
Configuring Processing Class 17 for Overtime Wage Types Some comp anies comp ensate overtime by pr oviding ad ditional vacation hour s, or a combination of vacation an d extra paym ents. Each of these options can be configured into an overtime w age type, so that this wage typ e autom atically behaves as expected wh en ad ditional hours are w orked. This configur ation is set up by assigning an app ropr iate value to w age type processing class 17 (PC17) in T512W . PC17 mu st be set up for all overtime wage typ es. To configure PC17, choose IMG → Personnel A dm inistration and Payr oll Account ing → Time Management → Time Evaluation → Time Accounting Without Clock Times → Tim e W age Ty pe Selection an d Ov ertim e Com pensation → Compensate Overtime. Depend ing on the PC17 value, the w age type is pr ocessed by ru les TC20, TC21, and TC22, or by ru les TC10, TC11, and TC12. The main differences between ru les TC20–22 an d TC10–12 are: •
Rules TC20–22
These rules process wage typ es with PC17 values A–E , wh ich allow you to configure ad ditional remun eration and / or add itional leave comp ensation for add itional hours w orked. The amou nt of vacation comp ensation is either on a one-to-one basis, or is determ ined by the p ercentages of the derived wage typ es, based on the chosen PC17 value. •
Rules TC10–12
These rules process wage typ es with PC17 values 0–9, and V , which allow y ou to configure add itional remun eration and / or ad ditional leave compensation for add itional hours w orked. However, the am ou nt of ad ditional leave comp ensation is determ ined by fixed factors (1:1.25, 1:1.5, etc), based on the chosen PC17 valu e.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Compensating Overtime with Remuneration or Vacation Configuring Overtime Compensation in Rules TC20, TC21, and TC22
Data Flow: Rules TC20, TC21, TC22 •
This rule looks for wage types w ith PC17 values A–F .
If the wage typ e being p rocessed h as PC17 values A , B, and C it w ill be processed by ru le TC20 . If the wage typ e being p rocessed h as PC17 values D , E , and F , the wage type is passed to TC21 for processing.
This rule looks at w age typ es with PC17 values D , E , and F , and checks to see if the user has inp ut an overtime compensation type against them in infotypes 2005 or 2007 .
If the user has selected a com pen sation typ e, (1, 2, or 3), TC21 processes the wage typ e based on the entered compensation type.
If a comp ensation type w as not selected, TC21 passes on the wage type to TC22 .
This rule processes the wage typ es according to defaults for PC17 values D , E , and F .
Data Flow: TC10, TC11, TC12 •
This rule looks for wage types w ith PC17 values 1–9 an d V .
If the wa ge type has values 1–5 an d V , TC10 w ill pr ocess it. If the w age type h as PC17 values 6–9, TC10 pa sses it to TC11 for processing.
This rule looks at w age typ es with PC17 values 6–9 and checks if the user ha s input an overtime compensation type against them in infotypes 2005 or 2007 .
If the u ser has selected comp ensation typ e 1–2, TC11 processes the w age type according to the compensation typ e selected.
If comp ensation type 3 was selected, TC11 passes the wage type to TC12.
This rule pr ocesses the wa ge types according to d efaults for PC17 values 6–9.
Configuring Overtime Compensation in Rules TC20, TC21, and TC22 Rules TC20, TC21, an d TC22 are configured to process wage types by using processing class 17, values A – F . Once the system has the N u mber of hours (from the time w age type) and a R ate (from the time wage typ e’s valua tion basis), it mu ltiplies N x R to get the A mount to be paid.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Compensating Overtime with Remuneration or Vacation Configuring Overtime Compensation in Rules TC20, TC21, and TC22
Rule TC20
As seen in the above screenshot, TC20 makes a decision (D) on the wage type p rocessing class 17 value (VWTCL 17). •
For values other than A, B, C, D , E, an d F, the wage type number and tim e specifications are passed on to the time w age types internal table Z L withou t furth er processing (ADDZLM*).
For PC17 valu e A (comp ensate overtime w ith remun eration only):
ADDZLM* adds the N um ber and time specifications to the time w age type being p rocessed in Z L. The num ber is the N um ber of hou rs to be applied to the overtime Rate in wag e ty pe v aluation to get the A moun t to be paid.
For PC17 valu e B (comp ensate overtime with r emu neration an d vacation on a 1:1 basis):
ADDDB0043 an d ADDDB0410 add the number of hours to time types 0043 (Overtime Basic/ Time Off) an d 0410 (Time Off from Overtim e) in TES .
UPDTQA02 also add s the num ber of hour s to time qu ota 02 (Time Off Entitlement). ADDZML1 an d ADDZML2 then add the N um ber and time specifications to the first and second derived w age types in Z L, withou t taking into account their percentages in T512W . The nu mber w ill be the N um ber of hour s to be app lied to the overtime Rate in wage typ e valuation, to get the A mou nt to be paid. Remu neration will be paid by one, or both, of the d erived wage typ es, and not by the original wage typ e.
For PC17 valu e C (comp ensate overtime with vacation, with a factor from the d erived w age type percentages):
ADDDB0042 add s the num ber of hours to time type 0042 (Overtime to Remunerate) in the d aily balance table TES .
ADDDB0041 add s the num ber of hours to time type 0041 (Overtime to Comp ensate) in TES . HRS*%012 then takes the num ber of hou rs and m ultiplies it (*) by the sum of the p ercentages in the base, first, and second derived w age types (%012).
The result of HRS*%012 is then ad ded to time type 0410 (Time Off from Overt ime) in TES (ADDDB0410), and time qu ota 02 [Time Off Entitlemen t (UPDTQA02)].
For PC17 value s D , E, F:
The num ber and time specifications are p assed to ru le TC21 for further p rocessing (GCY TC21).
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Compensating Overtime with Remuneration or Vacation Configuring Overtime Compensation in Rules TC20, TC21, and TC22
Rule TC21
Rule TC21 makes a decision (D) on the overtime comp ensation type (OUTOTCLTYP) selected by the u ser for the wage typ e in infotype 2005 (Overtime) or 2007 (Attend ance Qu otas). •
Where the u ser did n ot select an overtime compensation type (*), the nu mber an d time specifications are passed to rule TC22 to pr ocess the defau lt values for PC17 values D, E, an d F (GCY TC22).
For w age types where overtime compe nsation type 1 was selected (compen sate overtime with remuneration only):
ADDZLM* adds the N um ber and time specifications to the time w age type being p rocessed in Z L. The num ber will be the N um ber of hour s to be app lied to the overtime Rate in wage typ e valuation to get the A mount to be paid.
For w age types where overtime compe nsation type 2 was selected (compen sate overtime with remuneration and vacation):
ADDDB0042 add s the number of hours to time type 0042 (Overtime to Remun erate) in TES .
ADDDB0043 an d ADDDB0410 add the num ber of hours to time types 0043 (Overtime Basic/ Time Off) and 0410 (Time Off from Overtim e) in TES . UPDTQA02 also adds the nu mber of hours to time quota 02 (Time Off Entitlement). ADDZML1 an d ADDZML2 then add the N um ber an d time specifications to the first and second derived w age types in Z L, w ithout taking into account their p ercentages in T512W . The nu mber will be the N um ber of hour s to be app lied to the overtime Rate in wage typ e valuation to get the A mou nt to be paid. Remu neration will be paid by one, or both, of the d erived wage typ es, and not by the original wage type.
For w age types where overtime compe nsation type 3 was selected (compen sate overtime with vacation only):
ADDDB0041 add s the number of hours to time type 0041 (Overtime to Comp ensate) in TES . HRS*%012 then takes the num ber of hou rs and m ultiplies it (*) by the sum of the p ercentages in the base, first, and second d erived w age types (%012).
The result of HRS*%012 is then ad ded to time type 0410 (Time Off from O vertim e) in TES (ADDDB0410), and time qu ota 02 [Time Off Entitlemen t (UPDTQA02)].
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Compensating Overtime with Remuneration or Vacation Configuring Overtime Compensation in Rules TC20, TC21, and TC22
Rule TC22
Rule TC22 processes the d efaults for w age typ e p rocessing class 17 values D, E, an d F. •
For PC17 valu e D (comp ensate overtime w ith remu neration only):
ADDDB0043 an d ADDDB0410 add the number of hours to time types 0043 (Overtime Basic/ Time Off) an d 0410 (Time Off from Overtim e) in TES . UPDTQA02 also add s the n um ber of hour s to time qu ota 02 (Time Off Entitlement). ADDZML1 an d ADDZML2 then add the N um ber and time specifications to the first and second derived w age types in Z L, withou t taking into account their percentages in T512W . The nu mber w ill be the N um ber of hours for app lication to the overtime Rate in wage typ e valuation, to get the A mou nt to be paid. Remu neration will be paid by one, or both, of the d erived wage typ es, and not by the original wage typ e.
For PC17 valu e F (comp ensate overtime w ith vacation, with a factor from the d erived w age type percentages):
ADDZLM* adds the N um ber and time specifications to the time w age type being p rocessed in Z L. The num ber will be the N um ber of hou rs to be app lied to the overtime Rate in wage typ e valuation to get the A mount to be paid.
For PC17 valu e E (comp ensate overtime with remu neration and vacation, on a 1:1 basis):
ADDDB0042 add s the num ber of hours to time type 0042 (Overtime to Remun erate) in TES .
ADDDB0041 add s the num ber of hours to time type 0041 (Overtime to Comp ensate) in TES . HRS*%012 then takes the num ber of hou rs and m ultiplies it (*) by the sum of the p ercentages in the base, first, and second derived w age types (%012).
The result of HRS*%012 is then ad ded to time type 0410 (Time Off from Overt ime) in TES (ADDDB0410), and time qu ota 02 [Time Off Entitlemen t (UPDTQA02)].
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Compensating Overtime with Remuneration or Vacation Configuring Overtime Compensation in Rules TC10, TC11, TC12
Configuring Overtime Compensation in Rules TC10, TC11, TC12 Rules TC20, T C21, an d TC22 are configured to p rocess w age typ es with processing class 17 values 1–9, an d V , as follow s:
Rule TC10
Rule TC10 processes wage typ es with processing class 17 values 0–9, an d V , as follows: It first m akes a d ecision on W T processing class 17 value (VW TCL 17). •
For values other than
The wage typ e nu mber an d time specifications are p assed back to Z L without further processing (ADDZLM*). •
For value 1 (comp ensate overtime with remu neration, and vacation on a 1:1 basis):
ADDDB0043 an d ADDDB0410 add the num ber of hours to time types 0043 (Overtime Basic/ Time Off) and 0410 (Time Off From Overtim e) in TES . UPDTQA02 add s the num ber of hours to time quota 02 (Time Off Entitlement). ADDZML1 an d ADDZML2 then add the N um ber an d time specifications to the first and second derived w age types in Z L, w ithout taking into account their p ercentages in T512W . The num ber will be the N um ber of hou rs to be applied to the overtime Rate in wage typ e valuation to get the A mou nt to be paid. Remu neration will be paid by one, or both, of the d erived wage typ es, and not by the original wage type.
For value 2 (compen sate overtim e with vacation on ly, on a 1:1 ratio):
ADDDB0041 add s the number of hours to time type 0041 (Overtime to Comp ensate). HRS*1,00 then mu ltiplies the hou rs by a factor of 1:1.
The result of HRS*1,00 is then ad ded to time type 0410 (Time Off from Overt ime) in TES (ADDDB0410), and time quota 02 [Time Off Entitlemen t (UPDTQA02)].
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Compensating Overtime with Remuneration or Vacation Configuring Overtime Compensation in Rules TC10, TC11, TC12 •
For value s 3, 4, 5:
The operations are the same as value 2, except that the vacation com pens ation ratios ar e 1,25; 1,50; an d 2,00, respectively. •
For value s 6 – 9:
The num ber and time specifications are p assed to ru le TC11 for further p rocessing (GCY T C11). •
For value V (Remuneration):
ADDDB0042 add s the num ber of hours to time type 0042 (Overtime to Remun erate) in TES . ADDZLM* adds the N um ber and time specifications to the time w age type being p rocessed in Z L. The num ber will be the N um ber of hou rs to be app lied to the overtime Rate in wage typ e valuation to get an A moun t to be paid.
Rule TC11
Rule TC11 makes a d ecision on th e overtime comp ensation type (OUTOTCLTYP) selected b y the u ser for the wa ge type in infotype 2005 (Overtime) or 2007 (Attenda nce Quotas). •
For w age types where overtime compensation type 1 (comp ensate overtime w ith remun eration only) wa s selected, or a comp ensation typ e was not selected:
ADDZLM* adds the N um ber and time specifications to the time wage type being p rocessed, in table ZL. The n um ber w ill be the N um ber of hour s to be app lied to the overtime Rate in w age type valuation to get the A moun t to be paid.
For w age types where overtime comp ensation type 2 was selected (compensate overtime w ith remuneration and vacation):
ADDDB0042 add s the num ber of hours to time type 0042 (Overtime to Remun erate) in TES .
ADDDB0043 an d ADDDB0410 add the num ber of hours to time types 0043 (OvertimeBasic/ Time Off) an d 0410 (Time Off from Overtim e) in TES . UPDTQA02 also add s the num ber of hour s to time qu ota 02 (Time Off Entitlement). ADDZML1 an d ADDZML2 then add the N um ber and time specifications to the first and second derived w age types in Z L, withou t taking into accoun t their percentages in T512W . The nu mber w ill be the N um ber of hour s to be app lied to the overtime Rate in wage typ e valuation to get the A mou nt to be paid. Remu neration will be paid by one or both of the derived wa ge types, and not by the original wage typ e.
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Compensating Overtime with Remuneration or Vacation Configuring Overtime Compensation in Rules TC10, TC11, TC12 •
For w age types where overtime compe nsation type 3 was selected (comp ensate overtime w ith vacation only): The num ber and time specifications pa ss to rule TC12 for further processing (GCY TC12).
Rule TC12
Rule TC12 pr ocesses the defau lts for WT pr ocessing class 17 values 6, 7, 8, an d 9. For PC17 valu e 6 (comp ensate over time w ith vacation, with a factor 1:1):
ADDDB0041 add s the number of hours to time type 0041 (Overtime to Comp ensate) in TES . HRS*1,00 then takes the num ber of hou rs and mu ltiplies it (*) by t he factor 1:1.
The result of HRS*1,00 is then ad ded to time type 0410 (Time Off from Overt ime) in TES (ADDDB0410), and time qu ota 02 [Time Off Entitlemen t (UPDTQA02)].
For value s 7, 8, and 9:
The operations are th e same as v alue 6, except that th e vacation comp ensation r atios are 1,25; 1,50; an d 2,00 respectively.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Overtime in Schema TM00 (Positive Time Processing) Overview
Chapter 6: Overtime in Schema TM00 (Positive Time Processing) Contents Overview .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6–1 Schema TM00—Positive Time Recording.........................................................................................................................................................6–1 Subschema TO00 ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 6–2 Subschema TC20 ..........................................................................................................................................................................................6–2
Overview The pur pose of this chapter is to provide a high-level sum mar y of some of the subschemas and ru les that can be used to process overtime in schema TM00. A complete sum mar y of all of the available overtime configuration op tions is outside th e scope of this document.
Schema TM00—Positive Time Recording TM00 calls the following r ules: Ru le
Pu rpose
Determines table modifiers using MODIF W (T510S), MODIF T (T555Z), and MODIF A (T554C).
Determ ines overtime from emp loyee’s absence and attendance times on a quota basis. Forms overtime pairs for hou rs in excess of plann ed w ork time for the day. Overtime app roval must exist, and ma ximum d aily work time as p er constant TGMAX in T511K cannot be exceeded . Param eter 2 in schema function GOT determines w hich overtime qu ota is checked.
Checks OVPOS field in T550A for general overtime approval for each daily work schedule. If overtim e is app roved for EEs da ily work sched ule, it calls TO16.
Selects all time pairs outside of planned work time, to calculate overtime. Can either be used with TO15 above, so that only ap proved overtime is paid, or can be used withou t TO15, so that overtime is p aid withou t ap proval. Calls TO11 for final calculation of ov ertime.
TM00 calls subschema TO00 (Round ing Overtime Hou rs), wh ich is used w here app roved overtime hours should not be paid in full but should be round ed u p or d own to a p redetermined am ount.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Overtime in Schema TM00 (Positive Time Processing) Schema TM00—Positive Time Recording
Subschema TO00 This subschema calls the following ru les: Rules
Fu nctions
Th is ru le is an altern ative to ru le TO20. Time pairs that fu lfill the cond itions for overtim e are not converted to ov ertime at this point, but are assigned p rocessing type U.
Time pairs w ith processing typ e U are roun ded off with the roun ding factor ZMRN D from T511K , using operation RNDOT , to a set nu mber of hours.
Th is ru le is called u sin g fun ction GOT , which checks for overtime app roval in th e app ropriate quota ty pe, (specified in par ameter 2). If overtime is app roved, it is generated from time pairs with p rocessing type U.
Subschema TC20 This subschema calls the following ru le: Rules
Fu nctions
Looks at WT processing class 17 valu es A, B, C, D, E, and F, to d ecide if an em ployee sh ould be paid , or given time off for overtime hou rs. Updates time typ es, and time off quota, using T556A . Calls rule TC21 for further processing if applicable.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Main Steps in Overtime Processing, Steps 1–8 Overview
Chapter 7: Main Steps in Overtime Processing, Steps 1–8 Contents Overview .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7–1 Steps 1–8: The Time Evaluation Program ........................................................................................................................................................7–1 Schema TM04 ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 7–2 Step 1: Function MOD sets Table Modifiers..................................................................................................................................................7–4 Step 2: Hours Collection................................................................................................................................................................................7–5 Step 3: Assign Hours to Time Pairs in T555Y...............................................................................................................................................7–5 Assigning Collected Hours to Time Pairs in T555Y ...............................................................................................................................7–8 Step 4: Calculate Overtime Hours and Flag Overtime Pairs .........................................................................................................................7–9 Step 5: Generate Time Wage Types from Time Pairs ................................................................................................................................7–10 Time Wage Type Selection Rule Table (T510S).................................................................................................................................7–13 Function GWT .....................................................................................................................................................................................7–15 Step 6: Further Processing of Overtime Wage Types.................................................................................................................................7–15 Step 7: Check Overtime Compensation Account ........................................................................................................................................7–16 Step 8: Export Results to Payroll Input File PCL2. ......................................................................................................................................7–17
Overview Chap ter 7 p rovides a high-level, chronological overview, of the m ain p rocessing steps in the Time Evaluation program RPTIME00, schema TM04, and the Payroll Calculation program RPCA LCU0, which affect overtime payments. Chap ter 3 described how wa ge type valuation calculates an hou rly R ate , and a pp lies it to a N u mber of hours in time wage types , to get the A mount to be paid. Chap ter 4 show ed you how d ifferent rules in Time Management schema TM04 configure d ifferent overtime calculations, which then formulate th e N um ber of overtime hou rs for generation in time w age types. Chap ters 7 and 8 describe how these p rocesses are brough t together in RPTIME00 an d RPCALCU0. This chap ter focuses on step s 1–8, wh ich ar e pr ocessed in RPTIME00, and chapter 8 p rovides details on steps 9–16, which are p rocessed in RPCALCU0.
Steps 1–8: The Time Evaluation Program The delivered Time Evaluation program is RPTIME00. In add ition to evaluating basic emp loyee time da ta, like the Payroll Calculation p rogram , RPTIME00 also: •
Forms and stores time balances in time types (for examp le, flextime h ours a nd overtime hour s), wh ich can be converted into p aymen ts, or vacation compensation.
Upd ates infotype records such as 0005 (Leave Entitlemen t)
Generates messages
Implements clock-in and clock-out time recording systems.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Main Steps in Overtime Processing, Steps 1–8 Steps 1–8: The Time Evaluation Program
The program generally runs overn ight, and is started by schedu ling a batch job. The results of RPTIME00 are stored in the pa yroll inpu t files PREL, PCL1, an d PCL2 and are ready for pickup du ring the next run of RPCALCX0. RPTIME00 is an international pr ogram , so there ar e no country-specific versions. The following are the main top-level schema s app ropr iate to the U.S.: •
TM00 to evaluate PDC time recording, where start an d end times are directly entered into the system or w ith a time recording system.
TM04 to evaluate attend ances and absences recorded withou t clock times (for examp le, elapsed hou rs), includ ing negative time p rocessing, wh ere only exceptions to p lanned work time are entered .
For the purp oses of this documentation we w ill make two assum ptions: •
The customer ru ns RPTIM00 on a d aily basis.
The custom er’s top-level schem a is a copy of TM04.
This chap ter sets out the m ain da ily p rocessing performed by RPTIME00, schema TM04.
Schema TM04 The screenshots on the following p ages show h ow schema TM04 performs eight of the main steps in overtime p rocessing.
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Main Steps in Overtime Processing, Steps 1–8 Steps 1–8: The Time Evaluation Program
Schema TM04
1. Function MOD sets table modifers (line 000080).
2. The next step is hour s collection (line 000180–000250).
3. Function TYPES assigns hou rs to time pairs in T555Y (line 000320).
4. Overtime hour s and flag overtime time p airs are calculated (line 000410–000430). 5. Time w age types from time pairs are generated (lines 000440–000490). 6. Overtime wage typ es are furth er processed (line 000500–000520).
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Main Steps in Overtime Processing, Steps 1–8 Steps 1–8: The Time Evaluation Program
7. Overtime comp ensation account is checked (line 000610).
8. Function EXPRT exports results to p ayroll inp ut files PREL, PCL1, an d PCL2 (line 000760).
The above steps are described in d etail in the following pa ges.
Step 1: Function MOD sets Table Modifiers 1. In line 000080, function MOD calls the ESG for PCR var iants for ru le TMON , which set the m odifiers for the follow ing tables: •
Selects the time w age typ e selection group in T510S. •
Selects the time typ e 1 determination group in T555Y an d T555Z . •
Selects the emp loyee group ing for absence valuation in T554C . You w ill see th e effects of these table mod ifiers in steps 3 and step 5 later in this chap ter.
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Main Steps in Overtime Processing, Steps 1–8 Steps 1–8: The Time Evaluation Program
Step 2: Hours Collection In lines 000180–000250 the p rocessing is divided into two stages: •
First stage:
Function IF parameter POS states that if actual times are being recorded, function P2000 should load the p lanned hours in the daily work schedule, without the start and end times.
Function ELSE states tha t if actual times are not being recorded, function P2000 should load the p lanned hours in the daily work schedule with the start and end times.
Second stage:
Function ENDIF ends the IF function.
Functions P2002, P2003, an d P2001 load the attendan ces, the substitutions, and the absences for the d ay.
Step 3: Assign Hours to Time Pairs in T555Y 1. In this step , line 000320, function TYPES collects the ho ur s from step 2 and assigns them processing types and time pair types in T555Y. 1
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Main Steps in Overtime Processing, Steps 1–8 Steps 1–8: The Time Evaluation Program
2. To access the configura tion for T555Y (schema TM04), in the IMG, choose: Time Management → Time Evaluation → Time Accounting With out Clock Tim es → Tim e Data Processing → Assign tim e typ es an d processing types . 3. Click Execute next to Assign tim e ty pes and processing ty pes.
4. This path d ivides into four add itional options. The four choices are described below.
Define tim e typ es
This option contains the time types used to record start and end times on the system. Each time typ e is assigned to a personn el su barea grou ping for time recording, wh ich is used as par t of the selection criteria in T555Y. •
Define class processing type/time type for absence
This option assigns classes for Time Evalua tion to absence typ es. This configu ration is ou tside th e scope of this d ocum ent. The view also assigns each absence type a p rocessing type and time type class, w hich is used as pa rt of the selection criteria in T555Y.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Main Steps in Overtime Processing, Steps 1–8 Steps 1–8: The Time Evaluation Program
The delivered p rocessing type an d time type class definitions are:
Le av e ty p es or g en er al w or kin g h ou r s
P er io d s o f illn ess
Tim e o ff fo r ov er tim e
Other absences
Overtim e
Define class processing typ e /t im e ty pe for attendance
The configu ration h ere is the same as for absence above. •
Assign processing ty pe an d tim e ty pe
This view takes you to T555Y, wh ich takes th e hou rs collected in step 2 of TM04 and assigns them to the ap prop riate time p airs. Each time pair in T555Y contains a time type, w hich h as been configur ed and assigned in the views above, and a p rocessing type. The time typ e accum ulates the collected h ours into time balances. The pro cessing typ e for each time typ e is configu rable in T555Y, and the following pr ocessing typ es are used in the delivered table T555Y: Plann ed workin g h ou rs
Processin g typ e S
Overtim e hou rs
Processing type M
Absence hou rs
Processing typ e A
Attend ance hou rs
Processing typ e P
In the d elivered system, step 4 (overtime calculation su bschema s), and step 5 (generate time wage types from time p airs in T510S ), process the following time pair processing types: Plann ed workin g h ou rs
Processin g typ e S
Overtim e hou rs
Processing type M
Remember that steps 4 and step 5 can be configur ed to p rocess any processing typ e configured in T555Y .
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Main Steps in Overtime Processing, Steps 1–8 Steps 1–8: The Time Evaluation Program
Assigning Collected Hours to Time Pairs in T555Y See the screensh ot below of T555Y and the d escription of how it assigns the collected h ours to th e appropriate time pairs:
T555Y assigns the collected h ours to the ap prop riate time pairs in the following sequ ence:
1. In colum n 1 (PSgrpg), T555Y restricts the available time pairs based on the p ersonnel subarea grou ping for Time Managem ent that w ere assigned to the time type in the time pair (column s Pair Ty pe 1, 2, an d 3). In the screenshot above, only employees with p ers subarea grou p 01 will have their hou rs processed. 2. Then, in column 2 (Group), T555Y restricts the available time p airs based on the time typ e determ ination grou p value that is assigned to emp loyee group s in opera tion MO DIF T in rule TMON (step 1 of schem a TM04). In the screen above, we can see tha t emp loyees with a MODIF T value of 01 will have their hour s processed d ifferently from emp loyees with a MO DIF T value of 02. 3. In colum n 3 ( P /T ), T555Y restricts the time p airs based on the p rocessing a nd time type class assigned to the absence or attend ance type used to enter the hour s. If the hours have d efaulted from the wor k schedule with P2000 (for negative tim e), it assigns class 00. 4. At this point, the available time p airs should h ave been red uced to one line. The final assignm ent is mad e to time pair 1, time p air 2, or time p air 3, based on the following criteria: •
Pair Type 1 This type relates to one of the following op tions:
If there is a p ositive time r ecord ing, attendance hou rs entered into the system w ith infotype 2011 (Time Recordin g Termin als), (fun ction IF P2000)
If there is a negative time recording, attend ance hou rs taken from the specifications in th e d aily work schedu le in infotype 0007 (Planned Work Time), (function ELSE P2000)
Pair Type 2 This type r elates to absence hours that h ave been entered into the system in infotype 2001 (function P2001).
Pair Type 3 This type relates to attend ance hours that h ave been entered into the system in infotype 2002 (function P2002).
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Main Steps in Overtime Processing, Steps 1–8 Steps 1–8: The Time Evaluation Program
By the en d of the p rocessing in T555Y, the collected h ours w ill have been assigned to the ap prop riate time pair, wh ich w ill contain a time typ e and a p rocessing typ e. The time typ e accum ulates the collected h ours into time balances. The p rocessing type, in step 4 (overtim e calculation sub schema s), and step 5 (generate time wage typ es from time p airs based on the conditions in T510S ) identify which hour s should be generated in time w age types. In release 3.0F, the d elivered system generates only th ose time w age types that h ave the following p rocessing typ es:
Planned w orking hou rs
Processing type S
Overtim e hou rs
Processing typ e M
The time types in each line, and the p rocessing typ es assigned to them , can be configured in T555Y based on customer requirements. In the examp le above, PSG 01 an d MODIF T grouping 01 relates to p ositive paid emp loyees. The processing typ e assigned to the time p airs in these lines is P for attendances and A for absences. PSG 01 an d MODIF T grouping 02 relate to negative paid emp loyees. The processing classes assigned to the time pairs are S for attend ances (from p lanned w ork hou rs), an d S for absences (the assump tion h ere is that all absences are p aid). Time p air processing typ es are used in TM04 step 5 as pa rt of the ru les in T510S to select wh ether a time wage type shou ld be gen erated. This field, therefore, plays a m ajor role in deciding w hether certain hour s should , or should not be paid for different staff. The time p air processing typ e is also u sed for d ecision m aking in the r ules in TM04 step 4.
Step 4: Calculate Overtime Hours and Flag Overtime Pairs In step 3, we saw that T555Y assigns time pairs and processing typ es to collected h our s. In th e final line of T555Y, notice that p air typ es 1 and 3 (Attend ances) generate p rocessing type M for overtime , if the attend ance type used to enter the hours had processing an d time type class 05 (Overtime). Step 4 (lines 000410– 000430) occurs if the user d ecid es that an em ployee was entitled to overtime, and th en directly entered the hours using an overtime attendan ce type.
If we w ant the system to check to see if an emp loyee has exceeded overtime hours th resholds, we need to configure the app ropr iate subschema.
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Main Steps in Overtime Processing, Steps 1–8 Steps 1–8: The Time Evaluation Program
The subschemas are: TW10
Overtime after 6 consec consecutive utive w orking d ays
Overtime after 8 hours per d ay
TW30 an d TW20
Overtime after 40 40 hours p er week
Please see see chapter 4 for a full description description of how these subschemas w ork. One of the resu lts of the the processing processing in th ese schema schema s is that hou rs that q ualify ualify for overtime are a ssigned ssigned processing processing typ e M for overtime. The The system then moves to step 5 for for the n ext ext overtime p rocessi rocessing ng stage.
Step 5: Generate Time Wage Types from Time Pairs In the delivered system, when TM04 reaches step 5 (lines (lines 000440–000490), all of the atten da nce hou rs collect collected ed in step 2 for emp loyees loyees not u sing sing positive time time recording (PDC) have been assigned assigned time p airs that have processing processing typ e S for for planned hours or pr ocessi ocessing ng typ e M for overtime hou rs. Emp Emp loyees loyees using PDC are processed by TM00, which is outside the scope of this this docum ent. In step 5, the system generates time wa ge types from these time time p airs, based on the ru les confi configured gured in T510S (Time Wage Type Selection Rule table). Time Time w age typ es generated from time pa irs with processing processing typ e S are entered into internal table DZL, with p rocessing rocessing type S. Time Time w age types generated from time pairs with p rocessing rocessing type M will be entered into internal table rocessing type M . ZML with p rocessing
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Main Steps in Overtime Processing, Steps 1–8 Steps 1–8: The Time Evaluation Program
1. To access access this step , in the IMG, choose Time Evaluation → Time Accounting W ithout Clock Clock Times Times Selection n and → Tim e W age Ty pe Selectio Overtime Compensation . 2. This menu path su bdivides into into eight op tions. Several Several of these lines lines are described below. 1
Define valuation classes classes for period period w ork schedu les
With this option you can assign valuation classes classes to p eriod w ork schedu les. les. Different Different valuation classes classes can then be attached to the time wa ge type generation ru les in in T510S, so that a time time w age type can have different different settings settings based on th e period w ork schedule being worked . Define groupings
This option option takes you to schema TM04, where you should scroll dow n to the function DAYMO. The Th e settings in DAYMO enab le you attach d ifferent ifferent settings to the time w age typ e ru les in T510 T510S S, based on wh ich ich d ay of the week is being processed. •
Param eter 01 01 This para meter states that if the d ay being processed processed is between Mond ay and Saturd ay, but is not a pu blic holida y, (for (for exam ple, it is Holiday Class 0), 0), in T510S, use DayMo grouping 01.
Param eter 02 02 This parameter states that if the day being p rocessed rocessed is a Sun Sun day, bu t is not class classed ed as a pu blic blic holida y, in in T510S, use DayMo grouping 02.
Param eter 03 03 This para meter states that if the d ay being processed processed is between Mond ay and Saturd ay, and it is a public holiday, in T510S, use DayMo grouping 02.
Param eter 04 04 This parameter states that if the day being p rocessed rocessed is a Sun Sun day, and it is is a p ublic holid holid ay, in T510 T510S, S, use Da yMo gro up ing 02.
You can also configu configu re MO DIF D in TMON in TM04 step 1 to set the the DayMo grou ping in T510S. Now, you can relate different different group s of employees directly directly to the T510S DayMo group ing, so that that d iffe ifferent rent group s of employees can can ha ve different different T510S rules based on the d ay of the week being p rocessed. rocessed. The
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Main Steps in Overtime Processing, Steps 1–8 Steps 1–8: The Time Evaluation Program
best way to u se function function DAYMO an d MODIF D together, is is to have the DAYMO settings settings as set ou t above, or all as 01, then control the final settings from MO DIF D . Define processing types
This option allows you to define additional processing types, if necessary. Creat Creat e wage ty pe catalogue catalogue
This option is wh ere your customer time w age types are created. Set rules for for w age ty pe generation.
This line line takes you to a list of the time w age types tha t have been d efined efined in the system. To To see how th e wag e type g eneration rules are configur configur ed for th is wage typ e in T510 T510S S: Execute next to Set rules 1. Click Execute for wage type generation.
2. Select a Country grouping an d click Continue .
4 3
3. Choose a wage type. Details to see the screen 4. Click Details that begins the next section.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Main Steps in Overtime Processing, Steps 1–8 Steps 1–8: The Time Evaluation Program
Time Wage Type Selection Rule Table (T510S)
The main task of T510S is to take a given w age typ e and check all of the different conditions that hav e been set for it for group s of emp loyees, sets of hou rs, and da ys of the w eek. If all of the cond itions have been met, the wage typ e is generated. The different wa ge type generation ru les for a given w age type can be quickly looked at by clicking and at the top of the screen and scrolling from one rule to another. The fun ctiona lity of the fields is as follows: •
Tm W T Sel. Rule Grou p
This setting ind icates the time w age typ e selection grou p assigned to MODIF W in function MOD in TM04 step 1. The sam e w age typ e can therefore have d ifferent cond itions ap plied to it for d ifferent group s of emp loyees. •
Day grou ping
This setting ind icates the value set in fun ction DAYMO an d MODIF D in fun ction MOD . The sam e wag e type can therefore have d ifferent cond itions attached to it for d ifferent gr oup s of employees on different d ays of the week. •
Subsequent nu m ber
This is used if you hav e different conditions w ithin the same time w age type selection group , and the same da y group ing. You then assign a sequential nu mber to the same grou pings. This number w ould be used w here, for example, the same wage typ e should be generated for more than one set of hours in the same day. •
Valid processing types
Time p airs with the p rocessing types listed here w ill have this time wage typ e generated.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Main Steps in Overtime Processing, Steps 1–8 Steps 1–8: The Time Evaluation Program •
Fixed V al.
In this field you can enter a fixed nu mber of hou rs to be paid if an em ployee’s time pair m eets all other conditions, and overlaps with th e cond itions Start an d End times at the bottom of the screen. In this way you can, for example, pay a fixed nu mber of hour s overtime regard less of the actual hou rs worked, provided the employee worked at some point du ring the start and end conditions. •
Cond.exit an d Uncon.exit
Please read the system Help if you wou ld like to use conditional and un cond itional exits. •
Conditions Day
The following fields ap pear in the Conditions Day box: Weekdays (the day of the week this wag e type is valid for, where 1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesd ay, etc.), PH Pre. Day, PH Cur. Day, PH n. day, Val. Class, an d DW S class.
The top line of th ese fields (b1234 etc) is the p ublic holiday class.
b stand s for “holiday class blank” or 0, meaning the d ay is not a holiday.
Holiday class 1 is “Off, Paid” Holiday class 2 is “Off, Unpaid” An X un der th e app ropr iate holiday class means that the w age type is valid for these holiday classes if the previous d ay, current d ay, or next day is a p ublic holiday.
The examp le in th e above screen ind icates that the w age type w ill be generated regard less of the previous and subsequent days, (hence b123456789 all have X ), and as long as the curr ent d ay has a holida y class of b or 0, (meaning the d ay is not a holiday). •
Conditions Time
The wage typ e will be generated for the hou rs that fall between the Start an d End times. •
Min. (Minimum)
By entering a n um ber of hours h ere (X) you can specify that the w age type can only be generated if the processing typ e (such as M for overtime) already contains X nu mber of hours for the d ay being processed. •
This field behav es in a similar w ay to Min., except tha t X becomes a minim um of either:
Planned hou rs for the day from the work schedule.
Planned h ours for the d ay if the em ployment p ercentage is 100%.
Average hour s per d ay according to the wor k sched ule rule.
Max. (Maximum)
By entering X num ber of hou rs in this field, you can specify that the w age type can only be generated for the first X hou rs for a p articular p rocessing typ e for each d ay. •
This field behav es in a similar w ay to Max., except tha t X becomes a ma ximum of either :
Planned hou rs for the day from the work sched ule.
Planned h ours for the d ay if the em ployment p ercentage is 100%.
Average hour s per d ay according to the wor k sched ule rule.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Main Steps in Overtime Processing, Steps 1–8 Steps 1–8: The Time Evaluation Program •
Relevant processing types
In this field, specify wh ich p rocessing types are to be taken into accoun t in the r equirement of a minimu m or a ma ximu m n um ber of hour s, in other word s, wh ich time pairs are to be counted for those hours. •
If this field is selected, the minimu m or m aximu m n um ber of hours entered m ust have been reached before the start an d end times cond itions.
Function GWT In the final stage of step 5, function GW T generates time wage typ es from time p airs, according to th e rules configured in T510S, (Time Wag e Type Selection Rule Table). Time w age typ es genera ted from time pairs with p rocessing typ e S (Planned Hou rs) are entered in the internal table DZL with processing typ e S. Time w age types generated from time p airs with processing type M (Overtime Hou rs) are entered into internal table ZML, with p rocessing type M .
Step 6: Further Processing of Overtime Wage Types At the end of step 5, time wage typ es are generated, with a nu mber of planned or overtime hours assigned to them . In step 6 (lines 000500–000520), the ad dition processing is applied to the generated overtime wage types. Add ition p rocessing proceeds as follows: 1. Subschema TW00 is comm ented out in the delivered system, but it can be reactivated , if necessary. This subschema is configured to generate a h igher bonus if an emp loyee works m ore than 10 hour s of overtime in a given w eek. It checks the over time hou rs generated in MM10, and if 1 they exceed 10 hou rs, it genera tes 2 MM20 for the additional hours. 2. Rule TC20 checks to see if the generated wage types have an entr y in p rocessing class 17, wh ich determ ines if the overtime hou rs should be paid , compensated w ith vacation, or both . Rule TC20 is explained in deta il in chapter 5, Compensating Ov ertim e with Renu m eration or Vacation .
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Main Steps in Overtime Processing, Steps 1–8 Steps 1–8: The Time Evaluation Program
Step 7: Check Overtime Compensation Account In step 7 (line 000610), the overtime compensation account is checked. 1. Function ACTIO calls ru le TR91. At the end of the curr ent payroll period, TR91 checks to see if all of the hours accum ulated in time type 0410 (Time Off for Over time) have been used up . The ru le takes 1 the accum ulated hou rs for the present p ayroll period in time type 0410 (Time Off from Ov ertime), (HRS=X0410), and ad ds the hours from the daily balance table TES for 0410 (HRS+D0410) an d compares the result to 0 (HRS?0,00).
If the resu lt is greater tha n 0 (for examp le, if all the hou rs in 0410 have not been u sed up ), COLER40 generates an error message 40 in T555E and transfers the excess hours to internal table FEHLER . ADDZLMMM00 then ad ds the curren t num ber and time specifications to wage typ e MM00 in table Z L. ADDDB0410 ded ucts the excess hours from time type 0410 in the daily balance table TES. MM00 then remunerates the unused hours.
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Main Steps in Overtime Processing, Steps 1–8 Steps 1–8: The Time Evaluation Program
Step 8: Export Results to Payroll Input File PCL2. Step 8 (line 000760) represents the final major step in the Time Evaluation p rogram. 1. The function EXPRT stores the Time Evaluation results in the following payroll input files: •
PCL2, cluster B2.
The data is now read y for pickup and further p rocessing in the next payroll run.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Main Steps in Overtime Processing, Steps 9–16 Overview
Chapter 8: Main Steps in Overtime Processing, Steps 9–16 Contents Overview .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8–1 Steps 9–16: The Payroll Calculation Program ..................................................................................................................................................8–1 Step 9: Schema U000—Subschema UODP Imports Data From PCL2 Cluster B2 ......................................................................................8–2 Subschema UT00..................................................................................................................................................................................8–3 Step 10: Rules X010 and X013 Commence Wage Type Valuation ..............................................................................................................8–4 Step 11: Function MOD Sets Table Modifiers ...............................................................................................................................................8–4 Step 12: Import Cluster B2 Data for PDC Employees and Process TC00 ....................................................................................................8–5 Subschema TC00..................................................................................................................................................................................8–5 Overtime Functionality Comparison: TM04 (RPTIME00) Compared to TC00 (RPCALCU0) ................................................................8–7 Step 13: Weekly Overtime Analysis ..............................................................................................................................................................8–7 Step 14: Process Infotype 2010 Data in X930. .............................................................................................................................................8–9 Step 15: U.S. FLSA Regular Rate of Pay Valuation....................................................................................................................................8–10 Function IF UTRR................................................................................................................................................................................8–11 Subschema UTR0 ...............................................................................................................................................................................8–12 Rule UTR0...........................................................................................................................................................................................8–13 Determining the Relevant Amounts and Number of Hours with Processing Class 85 ........................................................................8–14 Step 16: The Final Step in Wage Type Valuation, Rule X015.....................................................................................................................8–14
Overview Cha pter 7 explained steps 1–8 of overtim e processing—the steps that occur in th e Time Evalua tion program RPTIME00, schema TM04. This chapt er continu es with step s 9–16, w hich take p lace in the Payr oll Calculation program .
Steps 9–16: The Payroll Calculation Program At the end of step 8 in the p revious chapter, the results of RPTIME00 were stored in files PREL, PCL1, an d PCL2. The plann ed an d overtime hou rs generated for time wage typ es were stored in cluster B2 of PCL2, wa iting for pickup in the n ext payroll run . Steps 9–16 show you h ow the Payroll Calculation progra m continu es the p rocessing of the overtime hou rs. The delivered Payr oll Calculation pr ogram for the U.S. is RPCALCU0, wh ich can be run for as many different p ayroll periods as the customer requires. If RPTIME00 is run every d ay, the payroll program h as several days w orth of data w aiting for p ickup in cluster B2.
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Main Steps in Overtime Processing, Steps 9–16 Steps 9–16: The Payroll Calculation Program
Step 9: Schema U000 —Subschema UODP Imports Data From PCL2 Cluster B2 The following screenshot show s schema U000 for RPCALCU0: Schema U000 imp orts and processes the RPTIME da ta in the following fashion: 1. Subschema UODP (line 000030 ) imports th e following da ta from PCL2 with function IMPRT: •
The previous p ayroll results from cluster RU (for th e U.S.).
The results of RPTIME00 from cluster B.
2. Double-click on UODP to see the fun ctions it contains, such as IMPRT .
3. Subschema UT00 (line 000090 ) processes time data for RPCALC00, includ ing the imported RPTIME00 data.
The following screenshot of subschema UT00 highlights p rocessing steps 10–16 for time w age typ es.
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Main Steps in Overtime Processing, Steps 9–16 Steps 9–16: The Payroll Calculation Program
Subschema UT00 Subschema UT00 completes the following steps: 10. Rules X010 an d X013 begin wage type valuation (lines 000100– 000110). 11. Function MOD sets table mod ifiers (line 000120). 12. Import cluster B2 data for PDC emp loyees and p rocess TC00 (lines 000150–000210). 13. Weekly overt ime ana lysis (line 000220). 14. Process infotyp e 2010 da ta in X930 line 000280). 10 15. FLSA, regu lar rate of pa y valuation (line 000320–000350).
16. Rule X015, the final step in w age type v aluation (line 000370). 12
Steps 10–16 above comp lete the processing of time w age typ es, such as over time pa ym ents. These steps are described in detail in the r emaind er of this chap ter.
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Main Steps in Overtime Processing, Steps 9–16 Steps 9–16: The Payroll Calculation Program
Step 10: Rules X010 and X013 Commence Wage Type Valuation In step 10 (lines 000100–000110), the Payroll Calculation p rogram calls rules X010 an d X013, which calculate an hourly Rate for wag e types that have va luation basis nn . See chap ter 3, W age Ty pe V aluation for a full description of how these rules work.
Step 11: Function MOD Sets Table Modifiers In step 11 (line 000120), function MOD calls the ESG for PCR variants for ru le UMOD, wh ich sets the modifiers for the following tables: •
Selects the employee grouping for absence valuation in T554C . •
Selects the p ayroll mod ifier for constant valuations in T510J. •
Selects the p ayroll mod ifier for limits in d edu ctions in T51D1. This is net pa yroll and is outside the scope of this docum ent. You will see th e effects of MODIF 2 in step 16 (rule X015, final wa ge type valuation).
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Main Steps in Overtime Processing, Steps 9–16 Steps 9–16: The Payroll Calculation Program
Step 12: Import Cluster B2 Data for PDC Employees and Process TC00 In step 12 (lines 000150–000210), UT00 uses an IF an d ELSE statement to call subschema TC00 in the following fashion: 1. The IF statement means that IF PDC is active for an emp loyee, (for example, if an em ployee has a Time Mana gement status of 2 in infotype 0007 ), cluster B2 of table PCL2 should be m ade ava ilable for processing in subschema TC00. 1 2. PRINT means that the time wage 2 types in table Z L should be 3 printed on a new page (NP) in the 4 program log. 3. The series DA YPR TC00 PDC initiates the daily pr ocessing of time data in subschema TC00, taking into account the d ata from cluster B2. 4. ELSE states that if PDC is no t active for an em ployee, (for examp le, if an em ployee d oes not have a Time Mana gement status of 2 in infotype 0007 ) , the daily processing of time data (DAYPR) in subschema TC00 will be und ertaken w ithout accessing cluster B2.
Subschema TC00 In the IF an d ELSE statements in step 10, the Payroll Calculation program calls subschema TC00, which processes daily time d ata within the Payroll program . At this point, it is not essential for a customer to im plement RPTIME00 in their system . If they only have basic requiremen ts for time recording and time evaluation, then th e Payroll Calculation program alone may have sufficient functionality for their needs. Please see chapter 4 for a su mm ary of the ad ditional fun ctionality sup plied w ith RPTIME00. 1. Double-click on TC00 in line 000180 of subschem a UT00.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Main Steps in Overtime Processing, Steps 9–16 Steps 9–16: The Payroll Calculation Program
Notice that subschema TC00 du plicates much of the fun ctionality of schem a TM04, w hich comp leted step s 1–8 of the overtime processing. Subschema TC00 functions as follows:
2. Function MOD calls ru le TMOD , w hich sets table mod ifiers in T510S an d T555Z . 3. Function TIMTP assigns a processing type an d a time type to time pairs with T555Z . T555Z processes hours in a similar way to T555Y (discussed in step 3), and assigns processing types and time types to time pa irs. Processing typ es S an d M flag planned an d overtime hours for further p rocessing by T510S . Tim e pairs formed in RPTIME00 will retain the same p rocessing types and time types.
3 4 5 6
4. Function DAYMO sets the day group ings for T510S. 5. Function GW T takes the hours from the time pairs that meet the cond itions set in T510S an d generates time w age types. 6. Function POVT calls ru le TC00 to check if the u ser has selected an overtime compensation type for the generated time wage types. Chap ter 5 discusses the options that ar e available to comp ensate overtime by vacation and by remu neration. In TM04, this vacation and remu neration is processed in r ules TC20, TC21, an d TC22, an d TC10, TC11, an d TC12. How ever, because it is part of RPCALU0, and not RPTIME00, rule TC00 cannot up date overtime time types and time qu otas like TM04 w ould. Rule TC00 is therefore configured to u pd ate wage type MM70 (Claim t o Time Off for Overtim e). MM70 is not one of the U.S.-delivered wage types.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Main Steps in Overtime Processing, Steps 9–16 Steps 9–16: The Payroll Calculation Program
Subschema TC00 processes daily time d ata for: •
All emp loyees for wh om Time Evaluation is not carried out.
All days in a p ayroll period for which Time Evaluation has not been carried ou t up to the time the payroll was ru n. •
Subschema TC00 evaluates time data w here only the exceptions to the work schedu le have been recorded in infotypes 2002 (Attendances), 2001 (Absences), and 2005 (Overtime). Planned time p airs are formed in T555Z based on the sp ecifications in the w ork schedu le. Add itional time pairs are formed w here hou rs differ from the work schedu le. Subschema TC00 only processes RPTIME00 results for PDC emp loyees, (wh o wou ld be p rocessed by schema TM00 in RPTIME00).
Overtime Functionality Comparison: TM04 (RPTIME00) Compared to TC00 (RPCALCU0) The following sections comp are the over time fun ctionality of rules TMO4 an d TC00. Schema TM04 in RPTIME00
Chap ter 4 describes the d ifferent ways in w hich overtime can be calculated. These m ethods involve various rules in schema TM04, which can be used for all emp loyees except those w hose clock-in and clock-out times are d irectly entered into th e system, or entered with a time recording system (positive emp loyees). Mod ification of the ru les in TM04 allows the custom er great er flexibility to au toma tically configure th e system to: •
Generate overtime on a d aily basis, a weekly basis, and so on, w ith d ifferent cond itions for d ifferent groups of staff.
Generate overtime according to FLSA regulations.
Generate ad ditional vacation for overtime h ours, if required.
Accum ulate da ily time balances, which can then be rep orted.
Schema TC00 in RPCALCU0
TC00 autom atically generates overtime for all attend ances recorded in infotypes 2002 an d 2005 that are outside of the plann ed hou rs in the work schedule. A comp arison is mad e attendance-by-attendan ce, rather than on a weekly basis. The overtime w age type generation dep ends on the p rocessing type assigned to the time p air, which is assigned to the attend ance in T555Z .
Step 13: Weekly Overtime Analysis At the en d o f step 12, the resu lts of RPTIME00 are imported to RPCALCU0, and su bschema UT00 has performed daily time d ata pr ocessing in TC00 for all emp loyees not included in RPTIME00 and clock-in and clock-out em ployees who h ave been p rocessed by schema TM00 in RPTIME00.
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Main Steps in Overtime Processing, Steps 9–16 Steps 9–16: The Payroll Calculation Program
1. In Step 13 (line 000220), subschema XT01 analyzes the overtime wage types by period. 2. Double-click on XT01.
Subschema XT01 has been d eactivated in th e d elivered system by the * in the execute fun ction colum n ( E).
A screen show ing subschema XT01 appears.
Schema XT01 goes through the following processes: Func.
Time w age types (ZL) are imported from the p revious payr oll period an d p laced into table Z H (the curren t period)
The overtime wage typ es are extracted from th e Z H table (processing type M ).
Operation D escriptions
The Z L table is sorted alphabetically.
A new page (NP) is created in the log for all of the cur ren t period an d last period time wag e types. N OAB
The Z L table is processed in rule X940 for the overtime w age types (processing type M ). Rule X940 only processes wage type MM01 and converts wage type MM01 to MM02 if more than 10 overtime hour s have been worked in a w eek. The wage types are deleted from the previous period th at was added to Z L by function INSZL.
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Main Steps in Overtime Processing, Steps 9–16 Steps 9–16: The Payroll Calculation Program
Operation D escriptions
A new page is created in the log for all of the current p eriod overtime wage types. The curr ent period overtime wage types are exported back to table Z L.
Step 14: Process Infotype 2010 Data in X930. By the tim e we get to th is step, data from all infotypes (except 2010) will have been includ ed in th e time wa ge type processing. In step 14 (line 000280), the pr ogram looks at any d ata entered into an emp loyee record in infotype 2010 an d processes the data in r ule X930.
The screenshot to the right show s an example of infotype 2010.
Valuation Basis *
Valuation Basis X
In infotype 2010, the user can: •
Enter a nu mber of hours for a wage type, an amou nt, or a number and unit.
Valuate the w age type based on:
An extra pay valuation A pa y scale group or level A p ay scale grou p or level from a selected p osition or w ork center
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Main Steps in Overtime Processing, Steps 9–16 Steps 9–16: The Payroll Calculation Program
An overtime compensation type
A premium An external docum ent, such as an invoice
The screenshot to the right show s rule X930. Notice that th e ru le first makes a decision on the valua tion basis entered by th e user in infotype 2010.
Operation D escriptions
A d ecision ( D ) is mad e on the valuation basis entered for the wage type in infotype 2010 (V A LBS?0).
000020 to 000060
If the va luation b asis is * (for examp le, data h as been entered in the first par t of infotype 2010, as highlighted on the p revious pa ge), the wage typ e is processed in the following fashion:
If the w age type has an A mount entered (D AMT = BETRGAMT?0), pass it on w ithout further processing (OPIND A DDW T *).
If there is not an A mou nt but there is a N um ber (of hour s), (D NU M?0).
If there is something in the N um ber field, pass it on withou t further p rocessing (ADDWT *).
If there is no A mount, and there is no N um ber (of hours), fill the wage typ e N umber w ith the value from the nu mber/ units fields in 2010 (NUM= ANZ HLADDW T *).
If the va luation b asis is X (for example, the data has been entered in the second part of 2010, as highlighted on the previous p age), the wage typ e passes to rule X935 for further processing (Z GCY X 935). Rule X935 then leads to a series of rules that p rocess the w age type based on the entries in the second par t of infotype 2010. This area of p rocessing is out side the scope of this documen t, but please read the d ocum entation for these rules for a d escription of how they work.
Step 15: U.S. FLSA Regular Rate of Pay Valuation Cha pter 4 sum ma rizes the U.S. Fair Labor Stand ard s Act (FLSA), w hich stipu lates that certain emp loyees should be paid overtime for excess hours w orked p er week. In add ition, some state laws legislate that overtime is paid for excess hours w orked p er da y. Chapter 4 described the ru les in schema TM04 in RPTIME00, wh ich are used to calculate the excess hours p er day or p er week and should coun t toward s overtim e. The FLSA legislation also lend s the second p art to the ov ertime equ ation, called the Regu lar Rate of Pay which helps determine the Rate at wh ich excess hours should be paid. ,
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Main Steps in Overtime Processing, Steps 9–16 Steps 9–16: The Payroll Calculation Program
Chap ter 3 described the d ifferent w ays in which an hou rly Rate can be calculated, using wage typ e valu ation. Step 15 (lines 000320–000350) contains a different typ e of wage typ e valuation that is designed to work according to the regu lar rate of pay set out in th e FLSA laws. In short, the FLSA regu lar rate of pay can be defined a s follows : •
For hourly paid emp loyees, their rate of pay is the hourly rate at w hich they are u sually paid.
For salaried em ployees, their rate of pay is the salary divided by the nu mber of hou rs for wh ich the salary is intended to compensate.
For employees paid on a piecework or commission basis, their rate of pay is the total earnings for the week, divided by the hou rs worked.
The following list of paymen t examples should be includ ed in th e regular ra te of pay: •
Non -discretionary bonu ses Any agreed up on or p reviously announ ced bonus or incentive plan related to p rod uction, efficiency, attendan ce, quality, or some other measure of performance, must be includ ed in the regu lar rate of pay for the workw eek in w hich it was earned .
Shift premium s An amou nt ad ded to the hourly rate for working an evening, late night, or other un desirable shift.
Non-cash p ayments The reasonable cost to the emp loyer or the fair m arket value of paym ents mad e in the form of goods or services, (for example, meals and lodging).
Retroactive pay or back pay aw ard s
On-call pay
Cost of living adjustments
Function IF UTRR Step 15 (lines 000320–000350) comp rises the following fu nctions: 1. IF calls ru le UTRR . 2. Double-click on UTRR .
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Main Steps in Overtime Processing, Steps 9–16 Steps 9–16: The Payroll Calculation Program
Rule UTRR app ears. The lines of this rule are d escribed below.
Operation D escriptions
A d ecision ( D ) is mad e on the emp loyee subgrou ping for the PCR value (OUTWPABART) .
A second IF cond ition is set. SCON D=F IF mea ns th at if the ESG for PCR value is not 1, the cond ition is false.
A d ecision ( D ) is mad e on the setting in the W orking W eek field in infotype 0007 (OUTWPWWEEK).
If the ESG for PCR va lue is 1, but the W orking Week field in infotype 0007 is less than tw o chara cters, the cond ition is not fulfilled (1 *).
If the ESG for PCR va lue is 1, and both fields in the Working W eek field are filled (for exam ple, with 01), the cond ition is fulfilled (1 **). If the cond ition is fulfilled , subschem a UTR0 is processed in the next function.
Subschema UTR0 1. In subschema UT00 (step 15) in line 000330, the copy function calls subschema UTR0, wh ich processes hou rly pa id em ployees (ESG for PCR value 1) who have a workw eek entered in infotype 0007. 1
2. Dou ble-click on schema UTR0.
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Main Steps in Overtime Processing, Steps 9–16 Steps 9–16: The Payroll Calculation Program
3. In schema UTR0, the line ZLIT UTRO GEN N OA B * pu ts the wage typ es from the Z L table into the p ayroll inp ut table according to rule UTR0, wh ich processes these wage typ es as described in the following section.
4 3
4. Dou ble-click on r ule UTR0.
Rule UTR0 1. Rule UTR0 makes a decision ( D ) on the v alue of processing class 85 for the wage typ e being p rocessed (VW TCL 85). 2. If the w age type h as a PC85 value of anyth ing other than 1–5, it is passed on w ithout further processing in r ule UTR0 (ADDWT *).
1 2 3
3. For wage typ es with PC85 values 1–5, SETIN X= WW ADDW T * sets variable splits based on the workw eek selected in infotype 0007 , and attaches that split to the wage type. Processing continu es in su bschema UTR0 in the follow ing fashion: 4. PRINT N P V0 creates a new p age in the log for the var iable splits. 5. X015 then valuates every wage type (GEN, N OA B) selected by the decision rule UTRR , so th e FLSA qualifying w age types w ill now have a N um ber of hours (from Time Managem ent) and an A mou nt (calculated in X015). How ever, the A moun t will not necessarily have been calculated by X015 using the correct Rate for the FLSA qualifying wage types.
4 5 6 7
6. RGRT calculates regular Rate of pa y for FLSA qualifying w age typ es. To follow FLSA regu lations, wage types that are considered to be regular rates of pay shou ld be configured w ith a value in
© 1998 SAP Labs, Inc.
Main Steps in Overtime Processing, Steps 9–16 Steps 9–16: The Payroll Calculation Program
pr ocessing class 85. RGRT looks for w age typ es that hav e pr ocessing class 85 values and processes these values again in th e inpu t table. This pr ocess takes the relevant A mounts and N umber of hours (according to the PC85 value), and d etermines the Rate for the relevant workw eek by dividing the relevant A mou nt by the relevant N um ber of hours. 7. UTR1 GEN N OA B deletes any special wa ge types and is deactivated in th e delivered system. Processing now return s to subschem a UT00 for step 16.
Determining the Relevant Amounts and Number of Hours with Processing Class 85 The pr ocessing class 85 values w ork in th e following fashion : •
Value 1 contributes th e N umber of hours and the A moun t to the regular rate.
This value should be u sed for wage typ es that are no t valuated against basic pay (for example, their valuation basis is not nn ). •
Value 2 contributes th e N um ber of hou rs only to the regular rate.
This value should be u sed for wage typ es that are no t valuated against basic pay (for example, their valuation basis is not nn ). •
Value 3 contributes th e N umber of hours and the A moun t to the regular rate.
This value should be u sed for wage types that are valuated against basic pay, (for examp le, their valuation ba sis is nn ). •
Value 4 contributes th e N um ber of hou rs only to the regular rate.
This value should be u sed for wage types that are valuated against basic pay, (for examp le, their valuation ba sis is nn ). •
Value 5 does not contribute to the regular rate.
Step 16: The Final Step in Wage Type Valuation, Rule X015 In step 16 (line 000370), rule X015 perform s the final step in the processing an d calculates the overtime A mou nt to be paid for all wage types, except the FLSA qu alifying w age types that w ere valuated in step 14. Rule X015 is described in d etail in chapter 3, W age Ty pe V aluation .
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Glossary Modifiers
Used in ru le UMOD to set value ranges for tables. The following ta bles use mod ifers: •
MODIF1 = T510S Wage Type Genera tion
MODIF2 = T510J Constant Valuation
MOD IF3 = T030 Fixed A ccoun ts
MODIFA = T554C Absen ce Valuation
MODIFB = T51D1 Limits for Deductions
MODIFC = Valuation Basis for Month -end Accrual
MODIFD = Wage Typ e Processing w ith Regard to Month-end Accru als
MODIFW = T510S Wage Type Gen eration
The mod ifiers allow you to set a specific range of table entries for d ifferent group s of emp loyees. Operation
Building block for rules that is u sed to p rocess wage types.
Processing Inp ut Table Based on designated rules, PIT accesses a personnel calculation r ule that processes contents of input table IT.
Transfers da ta from the p revious payroll; based on specified ru les, PORT initiates a cycle wh ich processes the wage typ es of the old results table.
Processi ng Class
Stored in T512W, this item is used in ru les to determ ine which version of the rule should be selected for a particular wage type.
Process time w age typ e table ZL.
The time evaluation dr ive, it is used to evaluate emp loyee time data wh ich has been record ed u sing time infotypes or at time recording systems.
Rte, N um, Amt
The elements of a wa ge type.
Controls how w age types are processed du ring payroll processing (rules consist of operations).
A series of sequen tial processing step s for p ayroll and time evaluation. Main schema
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U000 – U.S. Payroll accountin g schem a for RPCALCUO K000 – Canadian payr oll accounting schem a for RPCALCUO TM00 – Main schema for Time Managem ent TM01 – Time eva luation schem a for exception s to the work schedu le. TM04 – Time evaluation schema without clock times.
Contains processing steps need ed by payroll. Subschemas ar e called from a main schema using function “copy.”
Time types
An allocation of times based on p aymen t aspects.
Time Wage Type
A wage typ e that needs to be valuated because it carries only a un it (i.e., hour s, day s, etc.)
Valuation Basis
Techn ical Wage ty pes 100X (i.e. / 001) and is used to store hourly rates that w ill be used against time wage types that need to be paid.
Valuation Rule Class
Assigned to absences to d etermine how they w ill be processed in pa yroll.
Wage types
Represents d edu ctions, earnings, or tax codes.
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Index A
Absence hours 7–8 processing type A 7–7 Absence types assigning classes 7–6 assigning processing types 7–6 Absence valuation group having different 2–13 MODIF A 2–10, 7–4, 8–4 Absences 7–5, 7–7, 7–9, 8–7 evaluating using TM04 7–2 recorded 4–9, 4–12, 4–13 Absenses recorded 4–17 Accessing different rule variants 2–11 Help to view source text 2–5 rules using IMG or PE02 2–5 rules using MOD 2–8 rules using PIT and PORT 2–7 schemas using IMG or PE01 2–5 ACTIO4–7, 4–10, 4–11, 4–12, 4–14, 7–16 ADDB0903Z 4–11 ADDDB updating daily balance table TES 4–5 ADDDB00415–4, 5–5, 5–6, 5–7, 5– 9 ADDDB0042 5–4, 5–5, 5–6, 5–8 ADDDB00435–4, 5–5, 5–6, 5–7, 5– 8 ADDDB04105–4, 5–5, 5–6, 5–7, 5– 8, 5–9 ADDDB0900 4–15 ADDDB0900Z 4–15 ADDDB0903Z4–5, 4–7, 4–10, 4–11, 4–12, 4–13, 4–14 ADDDB0903ZCOLOP 4–9 ADDDB0904 4–8, 4–9 ADDDB0904Z4–7, 4–10, 4–11, 4– 16 ADDDB0905Z 4–17, 4–18 ADDDB0906Z 4–7 Addition processing 7–15 ADDNA 3–9 ADDNA * 3–10 ADDWT 3–8 ADDWT *3–4, 3–5, 3–6, 3–7, 3–8, 3–10, 3–23, 8–10, 8–13 ADDWT /001 3–5 ADDZLM* 5–4, 5–5, 5–6, 5–7, 5–8
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ADDZLMMM00 7–16 ADDZML1 5–4, 5–5, 5–6, 5–7, 5–8 ADDZML2 5–4, 5–5, 5–6, 5–7, 5–8 Adjust average bases to pay scale3– 39 Adjustment field 3–39 Adjustment rules cumulation types 3–39 fields 3–39 for averages bases 3–38 Amending schemas and rules 2–15 AMT = BETRGAMT?0 8–10 AMT?0 3–8 AMT=M 3–11 Asences recorded 4–2 Assigning collected hours to time pairs 7–8 hours to time pairs 7–5 valuation bases to overtime wage types 3–26 Attendance days, consecutive calculating using TW10 4–17 Attendance hours 7–8, 7–10 Processing type P 7–7 Attendance quotas infotype 2007 1–1 Attendance types configuring to time pairs 1–2 defining classes 7–7 Attendances evaluating using TM04 7–2 infotype 2002 1–2 schema TC00 8–7 Attributes button viewing program class and country grouping 2–5 Automatic overtime generation 1–1 Average rates valuating time wage types 3–29 Averages calculation adjustment rules 3–38 fields and funcitionalities 3–36 no hours in number field of MV3– 11 rule X018 processes final 3–10 rules 3–34 table MV 3–10, 3–11 Averages configuration valuating time wage types 3–29 Averages processing configuring from scratch 3–29 configuring wage types for 3–3
evaluating primary wage types3– 31 first step, rule X016 3–9 including primary wage types3– 29 rule X015 branches to X016 3–8 rules X016, X017, and X018 3–3 B
B2 8–1, 8–3, 8–5 importing data for PDC employees and process TC008– 5 Back pay 4–4, 8–11 Basic pay infotype 0008 2–14 maintaining for valuation bases3– 20 Basic pay wage types 3–3, 3–19 C
Calc. rule 3–37 Calculating overtime according to consecutive attendance days 4–17 daily 4–14 hours 7–9 on daily or weekly basis 4–1 Clock-in, clock-out1–1, 4–2, 7–1, 8– 7 Cluster B 4–2 COLER40 7–16 Collected hours assigning to time pairs 7–8 COLOP 4–8, 4–10, 4–16, 4–18 COLOP*4–8, 4–9, 4–11, 4–13, 4– 16, 4–17 Compensating overtime choosing compensation types 5–2 vacation with derived wage type percentages 5–4, 5–6 with remuneration5–4, 5–5, 5–6, 5–8 with remuneration and vacation5– 1, 5–4, 5–5, 5–6, 5–7, 5–8 with vacation 5–5, 5–7, 5–9 Compensation infotypes 2005 and 2007 1–1 Compensation types 5–3 choosing 5–2 overtime 5–5, 5–8 Cond.exit 7–14 Conditions
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Day 7–14 Time 7–14 Configuring customer requirements 2–15 overtime calculations4–6, 4–14, 4–17 overtime compensation 5–3, 5–7 processing class 17 for overtime wage types 5–2 schemas and rules 2–15 wage type valuation 3–12 Configuring wage type valuation3– 19, 3–26 Constant valuation constants dependant on pay scale 3–18 creating bases 3–12 dependant on wage types 3–13 determining per wage type 3–13 general processing of time data3– 16 modifier for 3–15 Constant wage type valuation 2–10 Constants dependant on pay scale3– 18 Constants dependant on wage types 3–13 determine constant valuation per wage type 3–13 general processing of time data3– 16 modifier for constant evaluation3– 15 Contract field configuring in IMG 2–14 Copy function calling subschemas 2–3 Copying schemas and rules 2–15 Cost of living adjustments 4–4, 8–11 Country grouping 3–13 Create constant valuation bases 3–12 constants dependant on pay scale 3–18 constants dependant on wage types 3–13 Create person-related valuation bases 3–19 form valuation bases 3–21, 3–23 general processing of time data3– 24 Create wage type catalogue 7–12 Cumulation field averages calculation 3–37 Cumulation types 3–37 adjustment rules 3–39
for averages 3–38 Customer configuration requirements 2–15 tracking schemas and rules2–16, 2–18 Customer rules 2–13 Customer time wage types 7–12 D
D0904 4–10 Daily balance table TES4–4, 4–5, 4– 15, 5–5 operation ADDDB 4–5 rule TC10 5–7, 5–8 rule TC11 5–8 rule TC12 5–9 rule TC20 5–4 rule TC21 5–5 rule TC22 5–6 rule TO01 4–15 rule TW01 4–13 rule TW03 4–14 rule TW33 4–10 rule TW34 4–11 rule TW36 4–12 subschema TW20 4–12 time type 0410 7–16 Daily overtime after X hours time type 0900 4–4, 4–15 Data flow rules TC10, TC11, TC12 5–3 rules TC20, TC21, TC22 5–3 Day grouping 7–13 Day types 4–15 DAYMO 7–11, 7–13, 8–6 DAYPR 8–5 Define groupings 7–11 Define processing types 7–12 DELZ 8–8 Derived wage types3–29, 5–2, 5–4, 5–5, 5–6, 5–7, 5–8 Descriptions, schemas and rules changing or ammending 2–18 Determine constant valuation per wage type 3–13 Disability entitlements using averages configuration 3–29 Display data 2–6 DIVID ANR 3–11 DIVID ARR 3–4, 3–28 Documentation button explaining schemas or rules 2–5 Documentation, schemas and rules changing or ammending 2–18 new 2–18 RPDSYS00 program 2–5
EE pay scale group 3–39 remuneration 1–1 subgroup grouping 3–40 ELIMI 3–5 ELSE function 4–6, 4–11 schema TM04 7–5 schema UT00 8–5 subschema TC00 8–5 Employee groupings using rule variants 2–12 Employee groupings 2–12 Employee Subgroup Grouping for Personnel Calculation Rules (ESG for PCR) 2–8 Employee Subgroups relating to table settings 2–8 Employees groupings operation OUTWP 2–13 Employees with workweeks having start times 4–6 without start times 4–11 EMPLR 2–14 ENDIF 7–5 Entering overtime automatic generation 1–1 manual data entry 1–1 ESG for PCR value 1 2–9, 8–12 employee table links 2–10 exception to rule X013 3–3 hourly paid staff 2–12 rule X013 3–6 ESG for PCR value 2 2–9 employee table links 2–11 rule X013 3–6 ESG for PCR value 3 2–10 employee table links 2–11 ESG for PCR variants configuring 2–15 Evaluation bases See Valuation bases Exempt employees 4–3 Exporting results to PCL2 7–17 EXPRT 7–4, 7–17, 8–9 F
F. process 3–37 Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)4– 2, 8–7 exempt and nonexempt employees 4–3 federal law verses state law 4–3 qualifying wage types 8–13, 8–14 regular rate of pay 4–3, 8–3, 8–10 FILLF N 3–9
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FILLPVM 4–9, 4–10, 4–16, 4–18 First-derived wage type 3–9 fields for valuation 3–29 rule TC10 5–7 rule TC11 5–8 rule TC20 5–4 rule TC21 5–5 rule TC22 5–6 Fixed Val. 7–14 Flextime 4–2 timetypes 7–1 FLSA See Fair Labor Standards Act Form valuation bases addition 3–21 division 3–23 Functions of schemas 2–6 G
GCY4–8, 4–9, 4–12, 4–13, 5–4, 5–5, 5–8, 5–9, 8–10 GEN 2–7, 2–8, 8–8, 8–13, 8–14 General processing of time data USA 3–16, 3–24 GENTPB 4–10, 4–16 GENTPE 4–9 Grouping employees using operation OUTWP2–12, 2– 13 using rule variants 2–12 with different payment structures 2–12 GWT 7–15, 8–6 H
Help clicking for operation descriptions 3–5 consulting on MODIF 2–11 using to view source text 2–5 Hourly paid staff ESG for PCR value 1 2–12 regular rate of pay 8–11 subdividing 2–13 subschema UTR0 8–12 Hourly rate processing with configured rule variant 2–12 using rules X010 and X013 to fill PIT 3–4 Hours assigning to time pairs 7–5, 7–8 Hours collection schema TM04 7–3, 7–5 Hours reduced 3–40 Hours stored for next week time type 0904 4–4
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Hours stored for this week time type 0903 4–4 HRS*%012 5–4, 5–5, 5–6 HRS*1,00 5–7, 5–9 HRS?0,00 7–16 HRS?6,00 4–18 HRS?COVERT 4–9 HRS?D0900 4–16 HRS?D0906 4–8, 4–9 HRS+1,00 4–18 HRS+D0410 7–16 HRS+PNUM 4–9, 4–16 HRS=0,00 4–11, 4–13, 4–15, 4–17 HRS=1,00 4–18 HRS=48,00 4–7 HRS=8,00 4–15 HRS=99,00 4–15 HRS=COVERTHRS-D0903 4–10 HRS=D0900 4–16 HRS=D0903 4–9, 4–10, 4–12, 4–14 HRS=D0904 4–10, 4–16 HRS=IWWEEKHRS+24 4–7 HRS=L0905 4–18 HRS=M0903 4–7, 4–11, 4–13 HRS=M0904 4–7 HRS=PBEG 4–8 HRS=PEND 4–9 HRS=PNUM 4–8 HRS=R 4–9 HRS=S 4–15 HRS=X0410 7–16 HRS>8,00 4–15 HRS-D0904 4–16 HRS-M0903 4–10, 4–12, 4–14 HRS-M0904 4–10, 4–11 I
ID: Vbasis 3–39 IF function 7–5 rule TW00 4–17, 4–18 rule TW31 4–6 rule UTRR 8–11, 8–12 schema TM04 7–5 schema UT00 8–5 subschema TC00 8–5 subschema TW10 4–17 subschema TW30 4–6 IMPRT 2–6, 8–2, 8–8 Ind:AMT 3–39 Ind:NUM 3–39 Ind:RTE 3–39 Infotype 0001 Organizational Assignment 2–14 using the Contract field 2–14 Infotype 0005 Leave Entitlement 4–2
Time Evaluation 7–1 Infotype 0007 4–6, 4–11 pair type 1 7–8 Planned Work Time 2–14 rule TW31 4–6, 4–7 rule UTR0 8–13 rule UTRR 8–12 schema UT00 8–5 subschema TW30 4–5 subschema UTR0 8–12 Infotype 0008 Basic Pay 2–14 basic pay configurations 3–20 total working time 3–23 Infotype 2001 pair type 2 7–8 subschema TC00 8–7 Infotype 2002 entering overtime manually 1–2 pair type 3 7–8 subschema TC00 8–7 Infotype 2005 choosing compensation types 5–2 choosing remuneration or compensation 1–1 entering overtime manually 1–1 rule TC11 5–3, 5–8 rule TC21 5–3, 5–5 subschema TC00 8–7 Infotype 2007 choosing compensation types 5–2 choosing remuneration or compensation 1–1 entering overtime manually 1–1 rule TC11 5–3, 5–8 rule TC21 5–3, 5–5 Infotype 2010 8–9 as factor in rate 3–9 averages processing 3–37 entering overtime manually 1–1 rule X930 8–9, 8–10 subschema UT00 8–3 Infotype 2011 time recording terminals 7–8 INSZL 8–8 Interval field 7–15 IWWEEKADDDB0906Z 4–7 L
Leave compensation Leave entitlement infotype 0005
5–2 4–2
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Maintain basic pay for valuation basis 3–20 Manual data entry 1–1 infotype 2002 1–2 infotype 2005 1–1 infotype 2007 1–1 infotype 2010 1–1 Master data configuration2–12, 2–15 Max. 7–14 Max.No.Per 3–37 MEANV 01 3–10, 3–33, 3–37 MEANV 02 3–10, 3–33 MEANV REL 3–10 Min. 7–14 Minimum wage 4–3 MM00, wage type 3–14, 7–16 MM01, wage type 8–8 MM02, wage type 8–8 MM10, wage type 7–15 MM20, wage type 7–15 MM70, wage type 8–6 MOD function accessing rules 2–8 calling rule UMOD 2–8 in schema UT00 3–17 relating employee subgroups to table settings 2–8 setting table modifiers7–3, 7–4, 8–4 subschema TC00 8–6 subschema UT00 8–3 MODIF 2 8–4 payroll modifier in T510J 2–10 MODIF A 7–4, 8–4 absence valuation group 2–10 MODIF B 8–4 payroll modifier in T51D1 2–10 MODIF D 7–11, 7–13 MODIF function different uses 2–11 MODIF T 7–4, 7–8, 7–9 MODIF W 7–4, 7–13 Modifier for constant evaluation3–15 Monthly balance table SALDO4–4, 4–5 rule TW34 4–11 MULTI NRA 3–8, 3–10, 3–11 N
Naming conventions customer-configured schemas and rules 2–18 schemas and rules 2–15 Negative time processing4–2, 4–5, 7–2 schema TM04 4–2
Negative time recording pair type 1 7–8 NEXTR 3–9 No.periods 3–39 No.rel. per 3–37 NOAB 2–7, 8–8, 8–13, 8–14 Non-cash payments 4–4, 8–11 Non-discretionary bonuses 4–4, 8–11 Nonexempt employees 4–3 NP 8–5, 8–8, 8–13 NUM?0 3–8, 8–10 NUM?0.00 3–11 NUM= ANZHLADDWT * 8–10 Number of hours determing with PC 85 8–14 O
On-call pay 4–4, 8–11 Operation descriptions rule TO01 4–15 rule TO02 4–16 rule TW00 4–17 rule TW06 4–8 rule TW31 4–7 rule X010 3–5 rule X013 3–6, 3–7 rule X015 3–8 Operation OUTWP getting rules to make decisions2– 14 grouping employees 2–12, 2–13 other field decisions 2–15 OPIND 8–10 Organizational Assignment infotype 0001 2–14 OUTOTCLTYP 5–5, 5–8 OUTTPEXTIM 4–8 OUTTPPTYPE 4–8, 4–13, 4–16 OUTTPVTYPE4–8, 4–11, 4–13, 4– 16 OUTWP See Operation OUTWP OUTWPABART 8–12 OUTWPEMPLR 2–14 OUTWPWWEEK 8–12 OVERT 4–9 Overtime attendance types 7–9 calculating consecutive attendance days 4–17 calculating daily 4–1 calculating daily 4–14 calculating on a weekly basis4–1, 4–5 compensating with remuneration and vacation 5–1
compensation account checked7– 4 compensation account,checking of 7–16 configuring compensation in rules TC10, TC11, TC12 5–7 configuring compensation in rules TC20, TC21, TC22 5–3 generating, modifying rules 8–7 processing, Payroll Calculation program 8–1 requirements, state and federal4–3 weekly analysis 8–3, 8–7 Overtime compensation types5–5, 5– 8 type 1 5–5, 5–8 type 2 5–5, 5–8 type 3 5–5, 5–9 Overtime hours calculating 7–9 processing type M 7–7, 7–9 time type 0040 4–4 Overtime time pairs flagging 7–9 schema TM04 7–3 subschema TW20 4–12 Overtime time types rule TC00 8–6 Overtime wage types 3–2 configuring processing class 175– 2 depending on attendance in T555Z 8–7 further processing of 7–15 schema TM04 7–3 subschema XT01 8–8, 8–9 P
P. Mod 3–14, 3–15, 3–16 P2000 7–5, 7–8 P2001 7–5 P2002 7–5 P2003 7–5 Pay increase 3–40 Pay scale 3–28 Payment structures grouping employees 2–12 Payroll Calculation program2–1, 4– 2, 8–1 RPCALCU0 2–2, 7–1 subschema TC00 8–5 wage type valuation rules 3–3 Payroll input file exporting results to PCL2 7–17 PCL2 4–2 Payroll input table
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subschema UTR0 8–13 Payroll Input Table filling with hourly rate using rules X010 and X013 3–4 Payroll modifier having different in T510J and T51D1 2–13 in T510J, MODIF 2 2–10, 8–4 in T51D1, MODIF B 2–10 table T51D1, MODIF B 8–4 Payroll output table 3–28 Payroll periods adjustment rules 3–38 averages calculation 3–37 averages processing 3–37 PCL1 7–17, 8–1 PCL2 7–17, 8–1, 8–2, 8–5 exporting results to 7–17 PDC 8–5 PDC employees 8–3, 8–7 importing cluster B2 data 8–5 PDC time recording 4–2 evaluating with TM00 7–2 PE01 See Transaction PE01 PE02 See Transaction PE02 Percent 1 3–40 Percent 2 3–40 Percentage applied to valuated amount 3–28 increases, adjusting average bases 3–40 Period work schedules assigning valuation classes 7–11 PIT See Process Input Table Planned work time infotype 0007 2–14 processing type S 4–8, 7–7, 7–9 PORT See Process Old Results Table PORT function set up charts 2–8 POS 7–5 Positive time 1–1 Positive time recording (PDC) 7–10 POVT 8–6 PREL 7–17, 8–1 PRINT 2–6, 8–5, 8–8, 8–9, 8–13 Process data 2–6 Process Input Table (PIT) 2–4 accessing rules 2–7 processing data 2–6 set up charts 2–8 Process Old Results Table (PORT)2– 7 accessing rules 2–7 Processing class 171–1, 5–2, 5–3, 5– 4, 5–7
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configuring for overtime wage types 5–2 rule TC20 7–15 rules TC10–12 5–2, 5–3 rules TC20–22 5–2, 5–3 value 1 5–7 value 2 5–7 value A 5–4 value B 5–4 value C 5–4 value V 5–8 values 1–9 and V 5–7 values 3, 4, 5 5–8 values 6–9 5–8, 5–9 values D, E, and F 5–4, 5–5, 5–6 Processing class 85 8–13, 8–14 determining number of hours 8–14 determining relevant amounts8– 14 regular rate of pay 8–14 Processing type M 7–10 Processing type A table T555Y 7–7 Processing type M1–2, 7–7, 7–9, 7– 10 changed from S 4–9, 4–10, 4–16 rule TO00 4–18 rule TO02 4–16 subschema TC00 8–6 subschema TW20 4–12 subschema XT01 8–8 table T555Y 7–7, 7–9 table ZML 7–15 Processing type P rule TO00 4–18 table T555Y 7–7 Processing type S 7–10 planned work time 4–8 rule TO02 4–16, 4–17 rule TW02 4–13 rule TW04 4–9 rule TW06 4–8 rule TW35 4–11 subschema TC00 8–6 table DZL 7–15 table T555Y 7–7, 7–9 Processing types 7–9, 8–6 assigned by absences types 7–6 assigned by attendance types 7–7 assigned to time pairs 8–6 assigning to time pairs 7–7 defining additional 7–12 relevant 7–15 table T555Y 7–7 valid 7–13
4–8, 4–11 8–8
Quota type 01
Rate of pay See Regular rate of pay Read data 2–6 Reduction in hours same pay 3–40 Regular rate of pay 4–3, 8–10 configuring in processing class 85 8–13 definition 8–11 payment examples 8–11 processing class 85 values 8–14 Rel. test 3–37 Relating employee subgroups to table settings 2–8 Relevancy tests averages calculation 3–37 Relevant amounts determining with PC 85 8–14 Relevant cumulation rule in T511A 3–11 Relevant processing types 7–15 Remuneration1–1, 3–9, 5–1, 5–2, 5– 4, 5–7, 5–8, 8–6 infotypes 2005 and 2007 1–1 overtime compensation5–1, 5–4, 5–5 Retroactive pay 3–38, 4–4, 8–11 increases, four options 3–39 or back pay awards 4–4 RGRT 8–13 RPCALCK0 Payroll Calculation program, Canada 2–2 RPCALCU0 7–1, 8–1, 8–2, 8–7 in schema TC00 8–7 Payroll Calculation program, U.S. 2–2 RPCALCX0 7–2 RPCALU0 8–6 RPDSYS00 program 2–14 fields OUTWP makes decisions on 2–15 schemas and rules documentation 2–5 RPTIME004–2, 4–4, 7–1, 8–1, 8–2, 8–5, 8–6, 8–7 schema TM04 in 8–7 subschema TC00 8–7 Time Evaluation program 4–2 RTE 3–23
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RTE?0 3–8 RTE=TSDIVP 3–4, 3–23, 3–24 RU 8–2 Rule TC00 8–6, 8–7 Rule TC10 5–1, 5–3, 5–7 configuring compensation 5–2 PC17 values 1-9 and V 5–3 Rule TC11 5–3, 5–8 configuring compensation 5–2 PC17 values 6-9 5–3 Rule TC12 5–3, 5–9 configuring compensation 5–2 PC17 values 6-9 5–3 Rule TC20 5–1, 5–4 configuring compensation 5–2 configuring overtime compensation 5–3 PC17 values A-F 5–3 processing class 17 7–15 Rule TC21 5–3, 5–4, 5–5, 6–2 configuring compensation 5–2 configuring overtime compensation 5–3 PC17 values D, E, and F 5–3 Rule TC22 5–5, 5–6 configuring compensation 5–2 configuring overtime compensation 5–3 PC17 values D, E, and F 5–3 Rule TMOD 8–6 Rule TO00 4–18 Rule TO01 4–14, 4–15, 4–16 operation descriptions 4–15 Rule TO02 4–16 operation descriptions 4–16 Rule TR91 7–16 Rule TW00 4–17, 4–18 called by subschema TW10 4–17 operation descriptions 4–17 Rule TW01 4–13 subschema TW20 4–12 Rule TW02 4–13 behaves like rule TW35 4–13 subschema TW20 4–12 Rule TW03 4–14 behaves like rule TW36 4–14 subschema TW20 4–12 Rule TW044–9, 4–10, 4–12, 4–13, 4–14 Rule TW06 4–8, 4–9 operation descriptions 4–8 Rule TW31 4–6, 4–7, 4–8, 4–10 operation descriptions 4–7 Rule TW32 4–6, 4–8 Rule TW33 4–6, 4–10 Rule TW34 4–6, 4–11
Rule TW35 4–6, 4–11 behaves like rule TW02 4–13 Rule TW36 4–6, 4–11, 4–12 behaves like rule TW03 4–14 Rule UMOD 3–15, 3–17, 3–18, 8–4 called by function MOD 2–8 variant $MOD 2–8 Rule UTR0 8–13 Rule UTRR 8–11, 8–12, 8–13 Rule variants accessing 2–11 configuring 2–8 grouping employees 2–12 maintaining 2–8 processing an amount 2–12 processing an hourly rate 2–12 rule X013 3–6 rule X015 3–7, 3–9 Rule X010 3–5, 3–7 commence wage type valuation8– 4 filling PIT with hourly rate 3–4 form valuation bases, addition3– 21 operation descriptions 3–5 subschema UT00 8–3 summary, valuation flow 3–3 Rule X013 3–6, 3–7 commence wage type valuation8– 4 filling PIT with hourly rate 3–4 form valuation bases, division3– 23 operation descriptions 3–6, 3–7 subschema UT00 8–3 summary, valuation flow 3–3 variant for ESG for PCR 1 3–6 variant for ESG for PCR 2 3–6 Rule X015 3–7, 8–4, 8–13, 8–14 operation descriptions 3–8 summary, valuation flow 3–3 variant for ESG for PCR 1 3–7 variant for ESG for PCR 2-9 3–9 wage type valuation, final step8– 3, 8–14 Rule X016 3–8, 3–9, 3–33 averages calculation 3–37 averages processing 3–3 Rule X017 3–10 averages calculation 3–37 averages processing 3–3 processed by calculation rule 3–10 Rule X018 3–10 averages processing 3–3, 3–37 cumulation types 3–38
processing final averages calculation 3–10 Rule X115 3–9 Rule X930 8–9, 8–10 processing infotype 2010 8–9 Rule X935 8–10 Rule X940 8–8 Rules accessing using IMG or PE02 2–5 changing descriptions 2–18 configuring 2–15 configuring variants 2–8 copying and ammending 2–15 documentation, RPDSYS00 2–5 documenting new or ammended2– 18 maintaining variants 2–8 naming conventions 2–16 tracking customer rules 2–16 upgrading 2–15 wage type valuation 3–2 S
Salaried employees assigning rule variant values 2–12 regular rate of pay 8–11 semi-monthly paid 2–12 weekly paid 2–12 SALDOSee Monthly balance table SALDO Schema TM04 7–1 Schema TC00 See Subschema TC00 Schema TM00 7–10 evaluating PDC time recording4– 2 in RPTIME00 8–7 Time Evaluation program 7–2 Schema TM04 5–1, 7–11, 8–1, 8–6 compared to rule TC00 8–6, 8–7 configuring tips 4–5 evaluating attendances and absences 4–2 in RPTIME00 8–7 negative time processing 4–2 screenshot 7–3 subschema TW10 4–17 subschemas TW30 and TW20 4–5 Time Evaluation program 7–2 using subschema TW15 4–14 Schema U000 2–2 UODP importing data from B28– 2 Schema UT00 3–17 general processing of time data3– 24
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screenshot 2–8 Schema XT01 See Subschema XT01 Schemas 2–2 accessing using IMG or PE01 2–5 changing descriptions 2–18 configuring 2–15 copying and amending 2–15 documentation, RPDSYS00 2–5 documenting new or ammended2– 18 functions 2–6 naming conventions 2–16 tracking customer schemas 2–16 upgrading 2–15 SCOND=F 4–17, 4–18 SCOND=T 4–18 Second-derived wage type 3–9 rule TC10 5–7 rule TC11 5–8 rule TC20 5–4 rule TC21 5–5 rule TC22 5–6 valuation fields 3–29 Sequence of attendance days time type 0905 4–4 Set valid entries in tables 2–6 SETIN 8–13 Shift premiums 4–4, 8–11 SORT 8–8 Source Text button viewing schema or rule 2–5 Start time of the workweek time type 0906 4–4 Start times workweeks having 4–6 Subdividing hourly paid staff 2–13 Subschema TC00 8–5, 8–6, 8–7 called by Payroll Calculation program 8–5 called by schema UT00 8–5 compared to TM04 8–7 in RPCALCU0 8–7 RPTIME00 8–7 Subschema TW00 7–15 Subschema TW10 4–17 calling rule TW00 4–17 configuring overtime hours 7–10 consecutive attendance days 4–17 processing rule TO00 4–18 rule TW00 4–17, 4–18 Subschema TW15 calculating daily overtime 4–14 calling rule TO02 4–16 configuring overtime hours 7–10 Subschema TW20
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configuring overtime hours 7–10 rule TW01 4–12 rule TW02 4–12 rule TW03 4–12, 4–14 weekly overtime for one workweek 4–5, 4–12 Subschema TW30 calling rule TW34 4–11 calling rule TW35 4–11 calling rule TW36 4–12 configuring overtime hours 7–10 different workweek definitions4– 5, 4–6 IF and ELSE functions 4–6 PTIP calls rule TW32 4–8 rule TW33 4–10 workweeks without start times4– 11 Subschema UODP importing data from B2 8–2 Subschema UT008–3, 8–5, 8–14. See also Schema UT00 processing time date for RPCALC00 8–2 time data processing in TC00 8–7 Subschema UTR0 8–12, 8–13 Subschema XT01 8–8 Subschemas 2–2 Subsequent number 7–13 Symb. 7–14 T
Table DZL 7–10, 7–15 Table FEHLER 7–16 Table modifers setting, MOD 7–3 Table modifiers T510S and T555Z 8–6 Table MV3–10, 3–11, 3–38. See also Averages calculation averages processing 3–37 cumulation types 3–38 Table settings relating to employee subgroups2– 8 Table T510C 3–39 adjust average bases to pay scale 3–39 Table T510J 2–10, 3–2, 3–28 country-specific view of 3–13 having different payroll modifier 2–13 Table T510S 7–9, 7–10 attaching time wage type rules7– 11 MODIF W 7–4
rule TO00 4–18 rule TW04 4–10 subschema TC00 8–6 time wage type selection rules7– 13 Table T511A 3–33 averages calculation rules 3–37 processing calculation rules from 3–10 Table T511B cumulation types 3–38 Table T511C adjustment rules for averages bases 3–38 Table T511K 4–9 rule TW04 4–9, 4–10 subschema TW20 4–12 Table T512W rule TC10 5–7 rule TC11 5–8 rule TC20 5–4 rule TC21 5–5 rule TC22 5–6 Table T51D1 2–10 having different payroll modifier 2–13 Table T554C 2–10 having different absence valuation group 2–13 MODIF A 7–4 Table T555E 7–16 Table T555Y 1–2 assigning hours to time pairs in7– 5 MODIF T 7–4 processing types 7–7 rule TW32 4–8 schema TM04 7–3 Table T555Z MODIF T 7–4 subschema TC00 8–6, 8–7 time pairs, TC00 8–7 Table T559A different workweeks 4–5 Table TIP 4–9 rule TO00 4–18 rule TO02 4–16 rule TW02 4–13 rule TW04 4–9, 4–10 rule TW06 4–8, 4–9 rule TW32 4–8 rule TW35 4–11 Table ZH 8–8 Table ZL 7–16, 8–8, 8–9 rule TC10 5–7, 5–8 rule TC11 5–8
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rule TC20 5–4 rule TC21 5–5 rule TC22 5–6 schema UT00 8–5 subschema UTR0 8–13 Table ZML 7–10, 7–15 Technical wage types3–11, 3–19, 3– 23, 3–28 choosing to valuate 3–21 wage type valuation 3–3 TES See Daily balance table TES Time balances 7–9 Time daily balances 4–2 Time data 4–2 Time Evaluation program 4–1 final major step 7–17 RPTIME00 4–2, 7–1, 8–1 steps 1-8 7–1 Time Management derived wage types 3–29 Time pairs1–2, 4–2, 4–6, 6–1, 6–2, 7–7, 7–8, 7–9, 7–10, 7–13, 7–15, 8–6, 8–7 assigning processing type 7–7 creating splits 4–6 formed in RPTIME00 8–6 generating time wage types7–10, 8–6 in table T555Y 7–5, 7–8 overtime, subschema TW20 4–12 pair type 1 7–8 pair type 2 7–8 pair type 3 7–8 partial 4–9 planned 8–7 processing type and time type assigned to 8–6 rule TO00 4–18 rule TO02 4–16, 4–17 rule TW02 4–13 rule TW04 4–9, 4–12, 4–14 rule TW06 4–8 rule TW35 4–11 table T555Z 8–7 Time Pairs 4–10 Time quota 02 5–4 rule TC10 5–7 rule TC11 5–8 rule TC12 5–9 rule TC20 5–4 rule TC21 5–5 rule TC22 5–6 Time quotas rule TC00 8–6 Time recording 7–6 Time specifications 5–4, 5–7, 5–9
Time type 0040 4–4 rule TO00 4–18 rule TO02 4–16 rule TW04 4–9, 4–10 Time type 0041 rule TC10 5–7 rule TC12 5–9 rule TC20 5–4 rule TC21 5–5 rule TC22 5–6 Time type 0042 rule TC10 5–8 rule TC11 5–8 rule TC20 5–4 rule TC21 5–5 rule TC22 5–6 Time type 0043 rule TC10 5–7 rule TC11 5–8 rule TC20 5–4 rule TC21 5–5 rule TC22 5–6 Time type 0410 7–16 rule TC10 5–7 rule TC11 5–8 rule TC12 5–9 rule TC20 5–4 rule TC21 5–5 rule TC22 5–6 rule TR91 7–16 Time type 0900 4–4, 4–15 rule TO01 4–15 Time type 0903 4–4, 4–5 rule TW04 4–9 rule TW06 4–9 rule TW33 4–10 rule TW35 4–12 Time type 0904 4–4 rule TO02 4–17 rule TW06 4–8, 4–9 rule TW33 4–10 Time type 0905 4–4 rule TW00 4–17 Time type 0906 4–4 rule TW06 4–8 rule TW31 4–7 Time types 7–9, 8–6 assigned to time pairs 8–6 defining 7–6 hours stored in 4–4 in Time Evaluation program 7–1 list of 4–4 rule TO02 4–16, 4–17 storing daily balances 4–2 with processing type S 4–16
Time wage types3–12, 3–26, 3–31, 3–32, 3–37, 4–1, 7–1, 7–7, 7–10, 7–15, 8–1, 8–2, 8–6 assigning valuation bases 3–26 calculating Amount to be paid 7–1 choosing processing class 3–33 creating customer 7–12 displaying valuation 3–28 evaluated by averages processing 3–31 function GWT 7–15 generated by time pairs 8–6 generating from time pairs 7–9, 7– 10 generation rules 7–12 processing of in UT00 8–3 rule TC10 5–8 rule TC11 5–8 rule TC20 5–4 rule TC21 5–5 rule TC22 5–6 schema TM04 7–3 selection rule table, T510S 7–13 subschema XT01 8–8 table T555Y 7–9 valuating average amounts 3–29 valuation bases 3–2 viewing generation rules 7–13 Time Wage Types 4–18 TIMTP 8–6 Tm WT Sel. Rule Group 7–13 TMON 7–4, 7–8, 7–11 Transaction PE01 accessing schemas 2–5, 2–16 Transaction PE02 accessing rules 2–5, 2–16 TSDIVP 3–23 TW30 7–10 TYPES 7–3, 7–5 U
Uncon.exit 7–14 UPDTQA0 5–6 UPDTQA02 5–4, 5–5, 5–6, 5–7, 5–8 Upgrading schemas and rules 2–15 UTR1 8–14 UTRO 8–13 V
V0 8–13 Vacation 1–1, 4–3, 5–2, 8–6, 8–7 compensation 4–2, 5–1, 5–2 compensation ratios 5–8, 5–9 compensation, time types 7–1 using averages configuration 3–29 VAKEYALZNR 3–9
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