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Detailed Lesson Plan Grade 7 English
Mr. Jill M. Hilarion Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of: difference between literal and figurative language.
transfers learning by: distinguishing distinguishing between and Performance Standard: The learner transfers using literal and figurative language and verbal and non-verbal cues. Competency: EN&-!!-a-"#.": $iscriminate between literal and figurative language. I. Obecti!es
%iven an ecer't of a literary tet( the students should be able to: a) use idiomatic idiomatic e'ressions e'ressions in different different communicat communication ion situations situations a''ro'riately* a''ro'riately* b) discriminate discriminate between between literal and and figurative figurative language language +idiomatic +idiomatic e'ressions)* e'ressions)* and c) analy,e analy,e the connectio connections ns between between the selecte selected d idiomati idiomatic c e'ress e'ressions ions and their 'ersonal e'eriences. II. S"bect #atter To'ic: !dioms!diomatic !dioms!dioma tic E'ressions Materials: isual aids( ord /0uarium( or1sheets
III. Proced"re $E %C&E' %. Preparatory %cti!ities
2%ood morning class34
2%ood morning( 6ir34
The teacher will 'ic1 one student to lead the o'ening 'rayer.
The student will go in front of the class and starts to lead the 'rayer.
25indly lead the 'rayer( +6tudent7s name).4
28et us bow down our heads and 'ray94 2!n Holy 6on7s name( amen.4
/fter the 'rayer( 'rayer( the teacher will as1 the students to 'ic1 u' 'ieces of 'a'er and arrange their chairs.
The students will 'ic1 u' 'ieces of 'a'er and arrange their chairs.
2ou may now ta1e your seats.4
2Than1 you( 6ir.4
*. #oti!ation
2;efore we start our lesson for this
2>1ay( 6ir.4
morning( ! want you to listen and sing this song that !7ve 're'ared.4 The teacher will give the instructions of the activity. The teacher will 'lay a 'o'ular song and the students will try to find words( 'hrases or sentences from the lyrics that they thin1 it shows a figurative meaning. /fter listening and singing( each student will draw from the teacher7s bo which contains various idioms ta1en from the song lyrics that was 'layed. They will need to use it in a sentence. 2$id you understand< !f you have 0uestions clarifications( don7t hesitate to as1.4 2$id you en=oy our activity<4
The students will as1 0uestions about the instructions they have not understood.
2es 6ir( we en=oyed.4 C. 'e!ie+
The teacher will conduct a review on the lesson they discussed from the 'revious meeting which was about the figures of s'eech. 6tudents will 6imile 0uestionsclarifications Meta'hor figures of s'eech. ?ersonification Hy'erbole He will 'rovide eam'le sentences for • • • •
as1 regarding
any the
each and conduct an oral activity. 2?lease read the following sentences written on the board@artolina and identify what figures of s'eech being used.4 6tudents will 'artici'ate in the oral activity. They will read the following sentences altogether.
D. Lesson Proper
The teacher will elaborate about idiomsidiomatic e'ressions as a form of figurative language. ?rovide more eam'les of idioms and discuss its origins( and how its origins relate to the meta'horical meaning of the 'hrase. %pplication
The teacher will distribute wor1sheets to the class. The students will need to answer it.
The teacher will give another activity. The students will have to form a grou' consists of at least five +A) members. They have to do a role-'lay using idiomatic e'ressions for a certain situation or occasion.
The teacher will 'rovide rubrics for the said activity.
2hat do you thin1 is the ma=or difference between literal and figurative language<4 2How does figurative language +idioms) ma1e a certain literary tet( songs( etc. more artistic<4 %ssignment
6elect your favourite idiom and draw a literal re'resentation of the 'hrase. $raw it on one side of a sheet of 'a'er and write the idiom on the bac1. 2