Tayag vs. Tayag-Gallor Case DigestFull description
Philippine Constitution 1, UP DILIMAN, Lacson vs. Perez Digest
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protocolo de ejecución, para los subtest: Búsqueda de símbolos y Claves de WISC VDescripción completa
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Descripción: Economía
Desarrollo de los Componentes Didácticos 5.1- Los planes de clase. 5.2- Integración de las Áreas del conocimiento. 5.3- Aprovechamiento de las inteligencias múltiples. 5.4- Los cierres Pedagógi...Full description
Tayag v. Lacson Parties involved: Petitioner - Tayag (the person who wants to buy the property) Respondent - Lacson (owner of the land) Farers - the persons who were faring the land of the Lacsons. F!"T#:
The Lacsons own lands in Papanga. The properties were tenanted agricultural land which were tenanted by the farers. The farers e$ecuted a %eed of !ssignent in favor favor of Petitioner. Petitioner. The %eed of !ssignent states the ff: Farers will assign their rights to the lands to Petitioner in consideration of P&'s. eter* o The P&' will will be paid paid when when the +lega +legall iped ipedie ients nts to the sale of the propert property y to the o petitioner no longer e$isted., The petitioner was granted the e$clusive right to buy the property if the farers and the o Respondents agree to sell the p roperty Petitioner then started giving various aounts of oney to the farers as partial payents. The farers issued receipts. Petitioner then ased to eet up with the farers to inali/e their deal. 0owever1 the farers did not show up. 2nstead1 they sent a letter to petitioners. 2n the letter1 they said that they will not sell the land to 3r. Tayag. 2nstead1 they will sell the land to the Lacsons. Petitioner iled a coplaint: 0e ased the court to i$ a period win which to pay the P&'s. eter o 0e ased the court to issue a writ of preliinary in4unction to en4oin: o The farers fro rescinding the %eed of !ssignent The respondents fro alienatingencubering their land 0e also ased for daages because he clais that the respondents induced the farers to o violate their contracts. contracts. %efense of the Respondent: They never induced the farers to violate their contracts with petitioner* o The farers had no right to enter into the %eed of !ssignents because: o They are not the owners of the land1 they are ere land tillers The deed of assignent is contrary to the "!RP Law and other agrarian laws. %efense of the Farers: o They did not e$ecute any %eed of !ssignent 5hat actually happened was that they got loans fro petitioner and that 3r. 3r. Tayag Tayag deceived o the into signing the deed of assignent. Farers thought that what they were signing were the receipts1 but instead1 what they signed were %eeds of !ssignent. Petitioner presented his evidence: the %eed of assignent1 the letter1 and the receipts. Respondent iled a 3otion to %isiss RT" - denied the 3T%1 issued the preliinary in4unction o Respondents appealed the orders "! - reversed the RT" o "! en4oined the RT" fro proceeding with the civil case. "! said that the issuance of the preliinary in4unction was wrong. Petitioner appealed. 0ence this case.
2##67: 5hether the issuance of the preliinary in4unction was proper.
07L%: 8o. R!T29:
For the court to issue a writ of preliinary in4unction1 the ff. re. ust be satisied: There ust be a clear and unistaable right* o ! violation of such right* o o There is an urgent necessity for the writ in order to prevent serious daage. 2n4unction is a preservative reedy aied at protecting substantial rights and interests. 2n the absence of a clear legal right1 there can be no writ of preliinary in4unction. 2n the case at bar1 petitioners have no clear legal right: The respondents are the owners of the land. Thus1 they cannot be en4oined fro o encuberingalienating their own property. !s registered owners of the lands1 they can do whatever they want with it e$cept in cases stated in the law. The deed of assignent will not bind the respondents because: o The farers are not the owners* The respondents were not privy to the deed of assignent* Petitioner testiied1 that he did not eetnow any of the respondents prior to the iling of the coplaint. The respondents did not consent to the deed of assignent 2n fact1 they said that the deed of assignent is void because it violated the "!RP law. The principal relief of asing the court to i$ a period wherein the petitioner will pay the P&' is also not proper. 2n fact1 based on the face of the coplaint1 petitioner has no cause of action. o ased on the deed of assignent1 the lands will be sold only when +there are no legal ipedients e$isting., !ccording to the petitioner the ff. are the legal ipedients: Respondents have not given their consent to the sale The %!R have not approved the sale 2t is only upon the concurrence of the two events will the petitioner be obliged to pay the P&'. There is no showing that respondents agreed to the sale or the approval of the %!R have been obtained. Lastly1 the respondents were only impleaded because it was alleged that they induced o the farmers to violate the contract. In violation of Art. 1314 of the NCC The elements of tortious interference are as follows There is a valid contract A 3rd party !nows the e"istence of such a contract The 3rd party interfered with such contract w#o any legal $usti%ication. The 3rd party must be impelled by malice The interference must not be due to o &roper business interest' or (ecause the 3rd party is %inancially interested )hen such motives impelled the 3rd party* he cannot be considered a malicious interferer. +ssentially* the mere fact that a 3rd party interfered in a contractual relation would not automatically ma!e him a malicious interferer. In the case* the only evidence presented by the petitioner is the letter. ,owever* the letter only said that the farmers -decided to sell the land to the respondents because they were harassed by petitioner and they would not want to cause any problems for the respondents who could cause their eviction because they e"ecuted the deed of assignments in violation of agrarian laws./
In fact* petitioner himself admitted that he -$ust heard/ that the respondents induced the farmers. +ven if the respondents received an offer from the farmers* they cannot be en$oined from entertaining#negotiating with the farmers. The respondents were not even e"pected to warn the farmers that if they e"ecute the deed of assignments* they would violate the agrarian laws.