Acute Limb Ischemia Definisi, Definisi, Etiologi & Pa P atofis tofisiologi iologi Evalua Evaluasi si K linisDwihasti, & Kelas Kelas Ns. Rambu Inanda SKep
Perawat Pelaksana ICVCU Managemen
Definisi Acute Definisi Acute Limb Ischemia Ischemia
Penurunan perfusi tiba-tiba pd arteri ekstremitas yg menyebabkan ancaman viabilitas ekstremitas
Definisi Acute Definisi Acute Limb Ischemia Ischemia
Penurunan perfusi tiba-tiba pd arteri ekstremitas yg menyebabkan ancaman viabilitas ekstremitas
Etiologi acute limb ischemia
Acute arterial embolism: embolism:
Scr relatif pd cabang arteri sehat tree (arrhythmia, cardiomyopathy, sheath, oklusi Percutaneous Percut aneous Transluminal ranslumina l Artery )
Acute arterial thrombosis: thrombosis:
Seblmnya ada penyakit pd p’cabangan p’cabangan arteri (atherosclerosis)
Acute traumatic ischemia:
Insiden • •Laki-laki > Wanita pd trombosis • Laki-laki = Wanita pd emboli • Ekstremitas atas < Ekstremitas bawah • Mortalitas = 7 - 29%
Iskemik Emboli Akut
Iskemik Trombosis Akut
Emboli dpt berasal dr jtg (MS dgn atrial fibrillation, MI dgn mural thrombus) atau dilated diseased arteries (aneurisma aorta)
Emboli tiba2 menyumbat percabangan arteri yg sehat
Biasanya menetap pd bifurkasi arteri Aortic bifurcation Iliac bifurcation Femoral bifurcation Popliteal trifurcation
Atherosklerosis menyebabkan penyempitan cabang arteri scr progresif M’stimulus p’bentukan kolateral Aliran melambat & permukaan kasar dpt m’sebabkan trombosis akut
Penting untuk membedakan antara iskemik emboli & trombosis : berbeda management Oklusi embolik harus dicurigai pada pasien dengan corak sebagai berikut: Onset simptom tiba-tiba
Diketahui sumber emboli
Tidak terdpt riwayat utama dari klaudikasio intermitten
Denyut nadi normal pada anggota gerak yang tidak terkena.
Severitas iskemik akut tgantung pd: a) Kemampuan dr kolateral yg ada u/ m’bawa drh di sekitar area obstruksi akut (kolateral tumbuh pd psn dgn b) Lokasi obstruksi b.d jmlh p’cabangan arteri preexisting chronic ischemia) Oleh krn itu, emboli arteri cenderung m’sebabkan gejala yg c) Luas obstruksi tiba-tiba & iskemik severe One axial a. with limited collateral pathways Aorta & common iliac Semakin besar obstruksi yg tjd, semakin bykarteri dibanding dgn trombosis d) Lama kolateral yg hilang Internal & external iliac
Superficial & deep femoral
Popliteal artery
Tibial arteries
Two axial aa. With better collateral potentials
Aliran distal pd obstruksi melambat. Jika kolateral tdk dpt me↑ For Example: aliran drh pd area tsb, hambatan aliran drh akan menetap pd Popliteal a occlusion (a area distal p’cabangan arteri. Heparin hrs diberikan sedini Two axial aa. With better collateral potentials single axial a.) results in mungkin severe ischemia, while One axial a. with limited collateral pathways
Three axial aa. with better collateral potentials
posterior tibial occlusion may be asymptomatic if other leg arteries are patent
Definition: Sudden decrease of arterial limb perfusion causing threat to limb viability Etiology: 1-Embolic (Rh.heart w mitral stenosis & AF or Ischemic heart w acute myocardial infarction & mural thrombus or extra-cardiac embolism from aneurismal arteries) 2-Thrombotic
acute ischemia on top of atherosclerotic arterial stenosis
Pathology: onset of symptoms is more acute in embolic ischemia (absent collaterals) Other factors determine the severity of acute ischemia Clinical Picture
Evaluasi Klinik Iskemik Akut (Gambaran Klinik) Gejala iskemik akut: Nyeri: Nyeri hebat pd ekstremitas pd fase akut (more acute in embolic ischemia) Intensitas nyeri dpt me↓ seiring dgn wkt bila ada kolateral yg m’p’baiki s irkulasi, atau jika p’kembangan iskemik m’sebabkan hilangnya sensori iskemik
Dingin adalah gejala awal Baal diikuti oleh hilangnya sensori (late) Kelemahan otot (heavy limb) diikuti oleh paralisis
Evaluasi Klinis Acute Ischemia (Gambaran Klinis) Riwayat Tujuan pertanyaan 1- U/ mengetahui apakah gejala2 yg muncul sifatnya akut iskemik atau bkn (DD of acute ischemia : acute DVT [phlegmasia] , hypo-perfusion states [e.g. heart failure specially if associated with chronic ischemia]
2- U/ mengetahui tingkat keparahan acut iskemik (ask about symptoms of different classes of acute ischemia –see later )
3- U/ mencari penyebab (ask about Rh. Heart Ds, claudication, recent arterial intervention e.g. cardiac cath ., risk factors for atherosclerosis: hypertension, diabetes, smoking, hyperlipedemia, family history of cardio-vascular disease )
Evaluasi Klinik Iskemik Akut (Gambaran Klinik) Tanda iskemik akut
5Ps Pain: gejala
+ Pale Pulseless Parathesia Paralysis
warna: Fixed mottling & sianosis
Awal : pale Lanjut : sianosis mottling mottling & sianosis
An area of Pallor fixed cyanosis surrounded by reversible Reversible mottling mottling Empty veins: bandingkan dgn kanan (iskemik) & kiri (normal)
Evaluasi Klinik Iskemik Akut (Gambaran Klinik) Tanda iskemik akut
5Ps Pain: gejala
Posterior tibial
Dorsalis pedis
Pale Pulseless Parathesia Paralysis
Palpasi pulsasi perifer, bandingkan dgn ekstremitas yg lain & beri tanda Temperatur : ekstremitas teraba dingin dgn (bandingkan diantara ekstremitas kiri & kanan)
Slow capillary refilling setelah tekanan jari
Evaluasi Klinik Iskemik Akut (Gambaran Klinik) Tanda iskemik akut
5Ps Pain: gejala
+ Pale Pulseless Parathesia Paralysis
Palpasi Hilangnya fungsi sensori Dr mulai baal s/d anestesia Progress dr kehilangan sensori Sentuhan halus Sensasi Vibrasi proprioreseptor Nyeri dalam
Sensasi tekan
Evaluasi Klinik Iskemik Akut (Gambaran Klinik) Tanda iskemik akut
5Ps Pain: gejala
Hilangnya fungsi motorik: M’Indicates advanced limb threatening ischemia Late irreversible ischemia: Bengkak otot
Pale Pulseless
Otot telapak adlh yg pertama kali terkena, di ikuti o/ otot tungkai
M’deteksi kelemahan otot scr dini adlh sukar krn p’gerakan jari2 dihasilkan yg utama o/ otot tungkai
Classes of Acute Ischemia Clinical Findings
Sensory loss
Arterial Venous weakness signals Signals
Not immediately threatened
II.a Marginal threat
Minimal sensory loss
No muscle weakness
Often not audible
Salvageable if prompt ttt (there is time for
II.b Immediate threat
Rest pain w sensory loss
Severe anesthesia
I. Viable
Mild to moderate
more than toes
Usually not audible
Paralysis w Inaudible Inaudible muscle rigor
Salvageable with immediate ttt (no time for angiography)
Not salvageable, permanent N. & muscle damage , needs amputation
Definition: Sudden decrease of arterial limb perfusion causing threat to limb viability Etiology: 1-Embolic (Rh.heart w mitral stenosis & AF or Ischemic heart w acute myocardial infarction & mural thrombus or extra-cardiac embolism from aneurismal arteries) 2-Thrombotic
acute ischemia on top of atherosclerotic arterial stenosis
Pathology: onset of symptoms is more acute in embolic ischemia (absent collaterals) Other factors determine the severity of acute ischemia Clinical Picture
The limb is described as having 5 Ps : Pain, Pale, Pulseless, Parathesia, Paralysis
Investigasi acute limb ischemia Severitas dan durasi iskemik m’berikan batasan waktu yg sempit pemeriksaan
Doppler Ultra Sound Penting u/ melihat arteri, m’kaji tingkat obstruksi & itngkat keparahan iskemik
Investigasi acute limb ischemia Arteriografi Patients with high clinical probability of embolic ischemia do NOT need angiography If the differentiation between embolic & thrombotic ischemia is not clear clinically, and if the limb condition permits,
DO ANGIOGRAPHY Value of angiography Localizes the obstruction
Visualize the arterial tree & distal run-off
Can diagnose an embolus:
Sharp cutoff, reversed meniscus or clot silhouette
Popliteal embolism
Lt. iliac embolism
Reversed meniscus sign
Clot silhouette
Treatment of acute limb ischemia A Once diagnosed Immediate anticoagulation with heparin to avoid clot propagation
Appropriate analgesia
Simple measures to improve existing perfusion:
• Keep the foot dependant • Avoid pressure over the heal • Avoid extremes of temperature (cold induces vasospasm, heal raises the metabolic rate)
• Maximum tissue oxygenation (oxygen inhalation) • Correct hypotension Start treatment of other associated cardiac conditions (CHF, AF)
Treatment of acute limb ischemia B Catheter directed thrombolysis Indications:
Agents used: Streptokinase, Urokinase, tissue plasminogen activator
1. Viable or marginally threatened limb (class I, IIa) 2. Recent acute thrombosis (not suitable for embolism or old thrombi) 3. Avoid patients with contraindications
Contraindications: Absolute: 1. Cerebro-vascular stroke within previous 2 months 2. Active bleeding or recent GI bleeding within previous 10 days 3. Intracranial trauma or neurosurgery within previous 3 months Relative: 1. Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation within previous 10 days 2. Major surgery or trauma within previous 10 days 3. Uncontrolled hypertension
Treatment of acute limb ischemia C Surgery 1- Acute embolism: Catheter embolectomy under local anesthesia
2- Immediate surgical revascularization is indicated in class IIb, or class I, IIa when thrombolysis is not possible or contraindicated
A combination of different procedures can be done: Arterial exploration at different sites
Arterial thrombectomy
Bypass surgery based on pre-operative angiography if available or intra-operative angiography
Following revascularization: The sudden return of oxygenated blood to the acutely ischemic muscles generates & releases oxygen free radicals that causes cellular injury and severe edema
Compartment syndrome & muscle necrosis
ttt Fasciotomy Longitudinal incision of the skin & deep fascia to release pressure over swollen muscles
Amputation: Done for irreversible ischemia with permanent tissue damage (turgid muscles, fixed cyanosis) The level of amputation is decided according to the level of palpable pulse. Palpable popliteal pulse -------------- Below knee amputation Absent popliteal pulse ---------------- Above knee amputation
Definition: Sudden decrease of arterial limb perfusion causing threat to limb viability Etiology: 1-Embolic (Rh.heart w mitral stenosis & AF or Ischemic heart w acute myocardial infarction & mural thrombus or extra-cardiac embolism from aneurismal arteries) 2-Thrombotic
acute ischemia on top of atherosclerotic arterial stenosis
Pathology: onset of symptoms is more acute in embolic ischemia (absent collaterals) Other factors determine the severity of acute ischemia Clinical Picture
The limb is described as having 5 Ps : Pain, Pale, Pulseless, Parathesia, Paralysis Investigations
Doppler to evaluate level & degree of ischemia Conventional angiography in class I & IIa Intraoperative angiography in class IIb
Heparin Catheter directed thrombolysis Operative revascularization Amputation in irreversible ischemia
Pengkajian Riwayat Penyakit Tujuan dr pertanyaan 1- U/ mengetahui apakah gejala yg timbul adlh akut iskemik atau bkn 2- U/ mengetahui severitas iskemik akut
3- U mencari etiologi
Pengkajian • Kemunculan penyakit (5P) – Keluhan pain/nyeri: Onset, durasi, intensitas, lokasi – Pallor – Paresthesia – Paralysis – pulselessness
Pengkajian • Riwayat dahulu – Apakah pasien mempunyai nyeri pada kaki sebelumnya (seperti, riwayat klaudikasio) – Apakah telah diintervensi untuk “sirkulasi yang buruk” pada masa lampau – Apakah didiagnosis memiliki penyakit jantung (seperti, atrial fibrilasi) maupun aneurisma (seperti, kemungkinan sumber emboli) – Apakah memiliki penyakit serius yang berbarengan atau faktor resiko aterosklerotik (hipertensi, diabetes, penggunaan tembakau, hiperlipidemia, riwayat keluarga terhadap serangan jantung, stroke, jendalan darah, atau amputasi.)
Pengkajian • Pemeriksaan Fisik – Pulsasi – Warna dan temperatur – Kehilangan fungsi sensoris – Kehilangan fungsi motorik
Diagnosa Keperawatan • Ggn perfusi jaringan b.d tidak adanya suplai darah pd jaringan ekstremitas • Ggn rasa nyaman nyeri b.d penurunan suplai oksigen • Ggn pemenuhan kebutuhan sehari-hari b.d kelemahan anggota gerak
Intervensi Keperawatan • Observasi keluhan nyeri • Observasi TTV • Observasi pulsasi • Hindari penekanan pd area yg sehat • Hindari temperatur yg berlebihan • Kolaborasi: analgesik, atasi penyebab,pemeriksaan dopler-angiografi, terapi trombolitik, tindakan bedah