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lkpd lemak dalam makanan untuk memenuhi mata kuliah kimia bahan makananFull description
Sekolah : SMA Mata Mata Pela Pelaja jara ran n : Bah Bahas asaa Ing Inggr gris is Kelas Kelas// Semes Semester ter : X / Genap Genap Mate Materi ri Pok Pokok ok
: 3.9 3.9 Fng Fngsi si Sos Sosia ial! l! "ns "nsr r Ke# Ke#ah ahas asaa aan n $.9 Makna %irik %irik %ag %ag
Pert Pertem ema an n ke
: Pert Pertem ema an n Pert Pertam amaa
T!" !"# # P$%& P$%&$' $'"! "!" ""# "#
Setelah mengikti proses pem#elajaran! peserta &i&ik &iharapkan &apat:
Mengi&enti'ikasi 'ngsi sosial lirik lag terkait kehi&pan remaja SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Menentkan nsr ke#ahasaan lirik lag terkait kehi&pan remaja SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Men(implkan pesan moral &ari lag (ang &i&enga Menganalisis makna terkait 'ngsi sosial &an nsr ke#ahasaan se)ara kontekstal lirik lag terkait kehi&pan remaja SMA/MA/SMK/MAK
P$#!* K$!" *e+rite an& anal(,e the song #elo+ -
P$#"""# M"$
I#d/-# an (o sing an nglish song0 Is it &i''i)lt 'or (o or not0 Singing an nglish song )an help s to learn nglish. It is a 'n +a(. 1o (o ha2e a 'a2orite singer0 ho is he/he0 h( &o (o like him/her0 1o (o like his/her songs! too0 4ne o' the #est tools to learn 'oreign langage is sing songs. 5he real songs )an #e 2er( e'e)ti2e to help s n&erstan& nglish. 5here are some reasons +h( man( people se songs to learn nglish. First! song are athenti) materials. I' +e +ant to learn nglish! +e shol& listen to nglish songs. Se)on&! nglish songs also )ontain )ltre an& histor(. 5he reason is that song )ontain repetitions an& repetitions enhan)e learning. 5he ne6t reason is it7s a goo& +a( to learn 2o))a#lar( an& pronn)iation. An last! nglish songs are 'n an& the( )an easil( energi,e the listeners.
S/-"' #/-# 5he so)ial 'n)tion o' song are:
8 8
5o entertain the listeners. 5o tea)h moral 2ale throgh the l(ri)s o' the songs.
5o pro2i&e a +a( o' managing the realitionship #et+een or p#li) an& pri2ate emotional li'e.
5o e6press personal 'eeling an& )ltral 2ales.
5o gi2e someone to not onl( shares their emotions +ith others! #t also to ha2e an emotional )onne)tion that jst )an7t #e e6perien)e& in an( other +a(.
G$#$"' S/$ S# 5he general str)tre o' a song )onsists o' 2erse8)hors82erse8#ri&ge8)hors. It is #etter 'or s to learn more a#ot the )omplete str)tre o' songs.
". I# 5he intro&)tion esta#lishes melo&i)! harmoni)! an&/or rh(thmi) relate& to the main #o&( o' song.
&. 3$4$ It is the se)tion o' the song str)tre that tells the stor(. 5his is the e6position! &es)ri#ing the s)ene or the person! or an emotion. 5here are sall( t+o or three 2erses in a ro+ that ha2e the same msi)al str)tre! the same rh(me an& poeti) meter! #t &i''erent +or&s. 5he se)on& 2erse #il&s on the pi)tre painte& in the 'irst 2erse! et).
/. +54 R$"-# A )hors is the most repeate& se)tion! so it7s the easiest remem#ere&. A )hors is the smmar( o' the song7s stor(. All the 2erses ha2e #een lea&ing p to the )hors! an& is sall( the part o' the song people sing along +ith. A )hors )an )ome at the #eginning o' the song str)tre it )an also start in the mi&&le! or )ome at the en&. In 'a)t! some songs &on7t ha2e )horses at all. Some people are sall( )on'se& to &i''erentiate #et+een )horses an& re'rain. A re'rain is an( line that repeats in the song l(ri)! +hile a )hors is an( grop o' lines that repeat.
d. B$"* A #reak is a)tall( a #rie' rest; or pase; 'or the )ore melo&( +ithin a song se& to a&& 'rther &imension an& e6)itement. It ma( in)l&e a <i)k instrmental solo or &rm interl&e or it ma( #e a #rie' moment o' silen)e! or a)om#ination o' ea)h o' these elements.
$. B-d$ 5his is the part o' the song that shi'ts. It )an s&&enl( )hange tempo! or 2olme! or instrmentation. 5he #ri&ge is the se)tion that gi2es the a&ien)e time to re'le)t on the stor(! or gi2es them the )lima6; or )on)lsion o' the stor( throgh 2erses an& )hors. Bri&ges )an #e se& to gi2e the singer a #reak.
. 6 +d" 5his is the en& o' the roa& 'or the song. It )an repeat the intro! )hors or a re'rain as an otro! or a #ri&ge +ith an instrmental solo.
L"#"$ $"$ 5he %angage Featre o' song namel( : ". -"-7$ Wd4 (d4, 95"4$ 4$#$#/$4 &$"- 5$ %$"#-#)
is the se o' +or&s! phrase! or senten)e to #eati'( or sometimes t o hi&e the meaning. For e6ample: &.
I -$d &$ /5-'' & :$ 4 5 5" I %$'$d D$#"-#
is the real or the literal =&i)tionar( &e'inition>. onnotation is the hi&&en meaning. /.
+#"-# I4 5$ 5-dd$# %$"#-# - ")apan! tekanan kata! intonasi! ejaan! tan&a #a)a! &an tlisan tangan! seperti d. R5%$ (R-%$)
is a repetition o' similar son&s =not letters> For e6ample:
ell! (o &one &one me an& (o #et I 'elt -
I trie& to #e )hill #t (o7re so hot that I mel $d
I 'ell right throgh the )r "/*
- ?o+ I7m tr(ing to get #"/*
5ranslate it into In&onesian- %earn the song an& 'in& ot the so)ial 'n)tion! moral 2ale an& langage 'eatre o' the song6ample : +# # M$ B B# M"4
I' (o e2er 'in& (orsel' st)k in the mi&&le o' the sea! I@ll sail the +orl& to 'in& (o I' (o e2er 'in& (orsel' lost in the &ark an& (o )an@t see! I@ll #e the light to gi&e (o Fin& ot +hat +e@re ma&e o' hen +e are )alle& to help or 'rien&s in nee& o )an )ont on me like one t+o three I@ll #e there An& I kno+ +hen I nee& it I )an )ont on (o like 'or three t+o o@ll #e there @ase that@s +hat 'rien&s are sppose& to &o! oh (eah hoa! +hoa 4h! oh eah! (eah I' (o tossin@ an& (o@re trnin@ an& (o jst )an@t 'all asleep I@ll sing a song Besi&e (o An& i' (o e2er 'orget ho+ m)h (o reall( mean to me 2er(&a( I +ill *emin& (o 4oh Fin& ot +hat +e@re ma&e o' hen +e are )alle& to help or 'rien&s in nee& o )an )ont on me like one t+o three I@ll #e there An& I kno+ +hen I nee& it I )an )ont on (o like 'or three t+o o@ll #e there @ase that@s +hat 'rien&s are sppose& to &o! oh (eah 4h! oh eah! (eah o@ll al+a(s ha2e m( shol&er +hen (o )r( I@ll ne2er let go ?e2er sa( goo(e o kno+ (o )an ont on me like one t+o three I@ll #e there An& I kno+ +hen I nee& it I )an )ont on (o like 'or three t+o An& (o@ll #e there @ase that@s +hat 'rien&s are sppose& to &o! oh (eah 4h! oh o )an )ont on me @)ase I )an )ont on (o
. C. 3. $.
5ranslate the song into In&onesian0 1o (o 'in& 'igrati2e +or&s in the song0 Please +rite 1o (o 'in& )onnotation an& &enotation 'rom the song0 Please +rite rite the moral 2ale )an (o 'in& 'rom the song0
Sm#er Belajar 8
Bk Pennjang Kriklm CD3 Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas X! Kemen&ik#&! *e2isi 5ahn CDE